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Position Paper for the United Nations Security Council

Country: United Arab Emirates

Delegate: Hibat-Allah Benyassine

Committee: United Nations Security Council

Topic: Revisiting MINUSMA

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali

(MINUSMA) is a peacekeeping mission established in 2013 to address the complex security and
political challenges in Mali. The mission emerged against the backdrop of a longstanding conflict that
traces its roots to the Tuareg rebellion in the early 1960s, subsequent coups, and the rise of jihadist
groups in the northern region. The historical context of the conflict involves ethnic tensions, political
instability, and the proliferation of armed groups, creating a volatile environment that necessitated
international intervention through MINUSMA.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country that holds a steadfast commitment to promoting
global peace and stability. It fully acknowledges the importance of addressing the Mali conflict - a
matter that may seem geographically distant, but is one that bears significant implications on global
security. The UAE recognizes the interconnectedness of nations and the potential repercussions that
instability in the Sahel region can have on the world at large. As a nation that values international
cooperation, the UAE has contributed significantly to various peacekeeping efforts over the years. It
has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to resolving conflicts and promoting long-term stability
in the regions that need it the most. The Mali conflict, in particular, holds significant importance to the
UAE as a nation with a vested interest in regional stability. The repercussions of the conflict are not
limited to the immediate region but can have far-reaching effects on the stability of neighboring
countries and the overall security of the international community. It is for this reason that the UAE
recognizes the importance of addressing the Mali conflict and stands in solidarity with the global
community in seeking a peaceful resolution to this complex issue. The United Arab Emirates has
consistently emphasized the need for all-encompassing, inclusive, and sustainable solutions to conflicts,
including the ongoing situation in Mali. The policies put forth by the UAE are rooted in a firm
commitment to addressing the underlying causes of conflicts, advancing development, and promoting
dialogue among rival parties. These policies have resulted in numerous benefits, including regional
stability, increased economic opportunities, and a more secure global environment. However, the UAE
is aware that the current MINUSMA mandate may not be sufficient to tackle the evolving nature of the
conflict in Mali.

The UAE has put forward a proposal to revise the MINUSMA mandate with the aim of providing the
mission with more comprehensive resources and a broader scope. The proposed changes include a focus
on conflict prevention, addressing the underlying causes of the conflict, and ensuring that all relevant
stakeholders are included in the peace process. The UAE considers preventing the spillover of instability
to neighboring regions and mitigating potential threats to global peace as a crucial aspect of this
proposal. The UAE emphasizes the need for a more adaptable and responsive approach to the Mali
conflict, taking into account the evolving dynamics on the ground.

In summary, the United Arab Emirates firmly supports the revision of the MINUSMA mandate
as a necessary measure to effectively address the conflict in Mali. UAE's ultimate aim is to achieve a
comprehensive and inclusive resolution that emphasizes conflict prevention, addresses the underlying
causes, and ensures the participation of all stakeholders. By advocating for a more adaptive and
responsive approach, the UAE envisions a more secure and stable Mali, consequently contributing to
the broader objective of global peace and security.


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