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12/10/23, 3:17 PM Narrative Story Time with Kenny the Klondiker

Narrative Story Time with Kenny the

Hear from an ACTUAL (well..kind of) Klondiker from 1897! Kenny the Klondiker is
here to tell you youngin's the best stories from his time traversing the Klondike Gold

*Hint* Kenny is a fantastic storyteller. Pay attention to how he goes about telling his
tales and keep these things in mind when writing your Unit 3 Narrative!

* Indicates required question

1. Which story would you like Kenny the Klondiker to tell you? *

Mark only one oval.

When I had to fight a bear. The first time I met my sled

Skip to question 2 dogs. Skip to question 7

When I had to fight a bear. 1/13
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The Exposition is the part of my story where I will give you background information on the
characters and setting to explain the beginning of the story. This is me with my sled dogs
back in 1897...I trusted these hounds with my life!

2. Exposition: *

In the heart of the frozen Yukon, during the frigid winter of 1898, I found myself in
the midst of a daring adventure. Like many others, I had come in search of the
glittering treasures hidden beneath the icy surface. The Klondike Gold Rush had
brought fortune seekers from all corners of the world to this unforgiving land, and I
was determined to find my own piece of the dream.

The days grew colder as we pushed deeper into the wilderness. Our group of
miners faced countless hardships – the biting cold, dwindling supplies, and
treacherous terrain. The air was thick with anticipation, and I often dreamt of the
riches we hoped to unearth.

Mark only one oval.

What happened next, Kenny? Skip to question 3

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The Rising Action is the part of my story where I will explain the events that lead up to the
moment just before the bear fight happened. 'Twas a night I won't e'er forget!

3. Rising Action: *

One bitter evening, as I sat by the campfire, I heard a rustling in the nearby bushes.
My heart pounded as a massive grizzly bear emerged from the shadows. Its fur
was a deep, glistening brown, and its piercing eyes locked onto ours. Fear coursed
through my veins as I realized there was no escape.

The bear charged, and my fellow miners scattered in panic. In a desperate bid for
survival, I grabbed a nearby log and swung it at the beast, striking it squarely on the
nose. The bear roared and it only seemed to enrage the creature further. We circled
each other, and I knew I had to stand my ground. The world around me narrowed to
that terrifying moment.

Mark only one oval.

Oh no! How did you survive? Skip to question 4

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The Climax is the part of my story where I will give you all the details about the bear fight
and how it ended! Now youngin's, I didn't actually get a picture of what happened, but I like
to think this photograph is what I must have looked like...

4. Climax: *

The bear charged toward me, and I toward it. A split second went by, and I felt my
shoulder crash into the bear's chest and we both crumpled to the ground.
Miraculously, my comrade, Tex, was right behind me to pull me up and we ran until
we could not any longer. We dared not turn to see if the bear was chasing after us
for fear of tripping and falling. We ran, and ran, and ran, until we saw the sunrise.

Mark only one oval.

Wow! What happened after that, Kenny? Skip to question 5

When I had to fight a bear. 4/13
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The Falling Action is the part of my story where I will explain what happened and how I
felt after the bear fight. Here are my comrades Tex, George, and Frankie! They're 'bout the
best friends I could ever ask for. 5/13
12/10/23, 3:17 PM Narrative Story Time with Kenny the Klondiker

5. Falling Action: *

In the aftermath of the encounter, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of
gratitude for my comrades. The Klondike had taught us the importance of unity
and resilience in the face of nature's fiercest challenges. We pressed on, knowing
that the real treasure was the friendships forged in the crucible of the Yukon

Mark only one oval.

This experience must have changed you, right Kenny? Skip to question 6

When I had to fight a bear.

The Resolution is the end of my story where I explain what I learned from this experience
and why it was so meaningful to me. Here is a photograph of our crew getting ready to
continue our journey with our trusty dogs! 6/13
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6. Resolution: *

As the seasons changed, and the snow gave way to spring, we continued our quest
for gold. Our days were still filled with hardship, but I knew that the bear encounter
had made me stronger. It was a defining moment in my life, a testament to the
indomitable spirit of the Klondiker, and a story I would pass down to the next
generation of gold hunters who dared to tread these lands.

Mark only one oval.

The End! Take me to the "Submit" page!

The first time I met my sled dogs.

The Exposition is the part of my story where I will give you background information on the
characters and setting to explain the beginning of the story. There I was, youngin's...all
alone in the wilderness... 7/13
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7. Exposition: *
In the winter of 1897, I found myself in the heart of the Klondike Gold Rush, deep
in the unforgiving wilderness of Yukon, Canada. At the time, I was a lone Klondiker
chasing the dream of striking it rich in the snowy wilderness. Each day was a
relentless battle against the biting cold, but nothing could prepare me for the
fateful day when I stumbled upon an abandoned sled buried in the snow.

As the days passed, the harsh winter tightened its icy grip, yet I dared to venture
deeper into the wilderness in search of gold. On one particularly harsh morning,
the snowfall was so heavy that I could barely see beyond my own outstretched
hand. I trudged through the blizzard, my hope dwindling with every step.

Mark only one oval.

Oh no! What happened next, Kenny? Skip to question 8

The first time I met my sled dogs.

The Rising Action is the part of my story where I will explain the events that lead up to the
moment I saved my dogs. I was so nervous they would not let me get close enough to
help them... 8/13
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8. Rising Action *
Then, through the blinding snow, I saw a faint shape in the distance. It was the
outline of an abandoned sled, half-buried in the snow. As I neared, I noticed a
group of sled dogs, still harnessed to the sled, shivering and whimpering in the
cold. From what I could tell, their own had been gone for at least 2 days.

Without hesitation, I set to work freeing the dogs from their icy prison. They were
an adorable crew of Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies, loyal and strong.
Yet, I could tell they did not completely trust me, and I understood that, given they
were betrayed by their former master. I hoped I could gain their trust eventually...

Mark only one oval.

Wow! What did you do to help them? Skip to question 9

The first time I met my sled dogs.

The Climax is the part of my story where I will give you all the details about how I won my
dogs' trust and became their new owner! See how cute they were? I sure do miss 'dem
dogs... 9/13
12/10/23, 3:17 PM Narrative Story Time with Kenny the Klondiker

9. Climax *
One by one, I untangled their leads and guided them to my side with scraps of
dried meat and warm blankets I had packed in my bag. Their eyes held a mix of
distrust and gratitude as they accepted my help. One of the dogs, who seemed to
be their leader, licked my face and barked with enjoyment! I breathed a sigh of a
relief that they seemed to accept me as their new owner.

These dogs became my loyal companions, my new family in the unforgiving

wilderness. Together, we faced the harsh realities of life in the Klondike. We braved
freezing temperatures, treacherous ice, and blinding snowstorms. As the weeks
turned into months, they proved themselves not only as a means of survival but as
cherished friends.

Mark only one oval.

How amazing they trusted you! What happened after that, Kenny?
Skip to question 10

The first time I met my sled dogs.

The Falling Action is the part of my story where I will explain what happened and how I
felt after saving my sled dogs. Here they are with the new harnesses I made for 'em so
they could be comfortable during our travels. 10/13
12/10/23, 3:17 PM Narrative Story Time with Kenny the Klondiker

10. Falling Action *

With time, we grew closer, and the sled dogs became more than just my
transportation; they were my best friends who protected me during the cold and
brutal nights. Their companionship gave me the strength to endure the solitude
and hardships of the Gold Rush, reminding me that sometimes, riches come in the
form of unwavering friendship.

Mark only one oval.

How sweet, Kenny! How does your story end? Skip to question 11

The first time I met my sled dogs.

The Resolution is the end of my story where I explain what I learned from this experience
and why it was so meaningful to me. Here I am with my sled dogs just before I retired as a
Klondiker... 11/13
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11. Resolution *
Years later, when the Klondike Gold Rush had long faded into history, I looked
back on those snowy days with a heart full of gratitude. Those abandoned sled
dogs had been my lifeline, rescuing me from the dangers of the wilderness and
giving me the love and friendship I needed to survive. In their loyalty, I found the
true treasure of the Klondike, a bond created in the harshest of times and
cherished for a lifetime!

Mark only one oval.

The End! Take me to the "Submit" page!

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