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ATR72-600 Quick Reference Card EWD Procedure - Read Alert Mes Control Indication (MED ‘Supply CIB Light Reset Failure (confirm) es list name and duties id control) ad perform chklist when COMPLETE ->status Technic >system) Cockpit Cont Cabin Customers {Company ~ Communicate ommited to land check MIT ITT tends to excoed 300 °C, oF no IT, cL (affected ENG) PENG START selector “REF TO OR A702 FEL SO, OFF & START ABORT Memory Items Abnormal Limitations Maintenance cre Crank State wan 1. min 308 maximum combined starter ning ne fbwed by 4 min O POWERPLANT vertemperature Lit for Starting Engine Operating a0: 00-840 °C >a40°C No Limit No unr 20 eae REPORT TO MAINTENANCE Fuel Accopele fuels «Jet Ket 1, PS and RY, TS Total qu of fel usable each an inurl urolance Nowmum fel unten Nosmum rtuting presure 2500 Kg 730 «3 200g 50 Pst oerage Fuel Font te > 10 Kgimin Ged > 4 Hai iow aang Fust 120 , imergoncy Fast 210% econ Fast 1G PARCRAET DRAKE HANDLE Paras move FIR THEN FUEL So. DPFRE HANDLE (stectes ENG) Pu Wi fre posits AGENT 1 (fected ENG) Wir tue persists after 30 5 AGENT 2 (affected ENG) sto? TEPER TO GRH EOS NG 1(2) FLAMEC DP AUTOFEATHER >urraw iF no UPTRIM pate? (evi Anson IF No BLEEDS 1 + 2 FAULT Paeeos 1.2 oF (@ a7 ACCELERATION ALTITUDE ALT MODE sr ear vio ake THE NoToH las mooe se 1 F normal conditions sp Ter OnE vero rca, o 1 cng conations seo ToT ‘CHEOK Vito ING FLAPS 15° PL affected ENG) A Pct attected ENG) FTR THEN FUEL SO. ADVANCE TO THE RAMP REFER TO (RH ETO ENGINE 1(2) FIRE AT fener aRcoRne UDG GEAR (@sr ACCELERATION ALTITUDE pun cr ear vero 1 IF normal conditions bras IF eng eanations Praes Manan 15° PL atfected ENG) A ct (attected ENG) FIR THEN FUEL 5.0. PRE HANDLE (ent on) Pu, if fro persists after 10 5 AGENT 1 (fected ING) ir tee periss after 30 5 osc AGENT 2(afocted ENG) osc REFER TO QRH ETOT ENG 102) FL Det catfected ENG) IF NH drops bolow 30 ¥ (no immeciate relight) FIR THEN EL 5.0, ct (affected ENG) REFER TO GRH A7OO7 DP (atestes ENG) cL (attested ENG) DFPRE HANDLE (afoctes ENG) Wi fire persists after 10 = AGENT 1 (affected ENG) Wir tee posits after 30 5 DP AGENT 2 (affected ENG) TEPER TO Ge E702 FIR THEN FUEL 8.0, Pu osc osc arse vor It NH drops below 30% mez >orrmams sree FIR THEN FUEL 50, REFER TO QRH E705 Sead ver oc Gen 2 1 if one generator recov POC GEN 1(2) FAULT procedue(A24.13).APPLY if no generator recovered Devo GREEN PUMP of > ov IF no TRU arom light Max MC FLIGHT TIME 30 min prey oF PLAND ASAP REFER TO QRH EDGY SINGLE DC GEN OPERATION In fight # OAT exceeds ISA28 Fight Level must be ented to F200 1 IF smoke/tures in the cocket DPCREW OXY MASKS oo ennnnene BON / 100 Paoacies ser CREW COMMUNICATIONS ESTABLISH DRECRE: FANS 1462 or ba on RRR TO GH EGOT WEIGHT LIMITS Maximum Taxi Weight Maximum Takeoff Weight Maximum Landing Weight Maximum zero fuel Weight MEC Take of wih more than ONE Faled MFC MODULE is PROHIBITED, 23170 Kg 23000 kg 22350 Kg 21000 kg, Do NOT Reset cou cee Pec ‘GAB PRESS MODE SEL BAT CHG (EMER & MAIN) ica of BLEED LEAK or BUG FAULT los, oo NOT rast ha easocate ystems SLEED VALVE por GEN ATR72-600 Quick Reference Card cnew oxy Masks > crew ConUNICATIONS Pooastes escent pate meu 2 REFER TO ORW £99.08 AS ROO AS FORO iar 100% OvRO preity © erore vs TaKcorr @ arte v (© IF FLAPS UNLK during approach c0-AROUND aot > vive SPEED BUGS AUTOMATICALLY INCREASED carom NOT LESS THAN Von coe REFER TO QRH AZT OT Drnee cowTROL COLLINS) mor PMAx AS : 160 kt REFER TO QRH AZTOT SPEED LIMITS Maximum Operating Speed: THEE CONTROL COLAN S| vane cs DMUASINCREASE/MANTAN ABOVE CNG 8UG~10 kt | m iti shore al approach (bow 400 ft BA) [_0:ARO0ND sass nnsses ARFORY | FER TO WH ATO.08 1 (oteced ENG) (affected ENG) REFER TO aw ATO. T " | © burns sooroech | pco-aeowo REFER TO eH E9907 CONTROL COLUMN eng PAR mir FLAPS 0 FLAPS REFER TO aH £00.09 FIR THEN FLEL 8.0, PERFOR Puss INCREASE exTEND TO 15 WINGS LEVEL REFER TO RH £99.08, Pus: NOREASE ABOVE KING BUG +10 Ke REFER TO Cf AGO etc casero Pao >ro DeTTOA : MAINTAN rq: Manta if at takeott oF GA below 1500 ft Perci 1 RMEDIATELY Dane conorrens. ESCAPE PYOLCANE ASHES CONDITIONS no-nnn ESCAPE REFER TO Gt £99.10, eye) or ray CONTROL cOLUPAS DRE COLUMN bee Daas + 180 REFER TO GBH AZT. 06 oewrey FREE CONTROL COLUMN SIE Maximum Operating Attitude 25000 ft ‘Vo 250 KIAS / Mus 0.55 M Maximum Design Manewering Speed: Va 175 KIAS AIR /RESSURIZATION AFCS Maximum Flaps Extended Speeds: revs 185 KIAS / View 150 KIAS, Maximum Landing Gear Extended Operation speeds: Vir 185 KIAS/ Vioext 170 IAS / Vi Maximum Rough Air Speed Maximum Wipers Operating Speec: Maximum Tire speec: “Take Off and Landing Tewind Limit 40 KT ‘Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind (Take Off and Lading Flaps 30) 35 KT Minimum Landing Control Speed (faps 15.30) Vues 98 KIAS Do not operate cargo door with a xcwind component of more than 48 KT 1160 KIAS. Vea 180 KIAS Vio 160 KIAS. 165 KTGS, MaxOiereniaiPresture 6 95S! Max Neg D# Press “O5P81 Maxi Press{or Landing 0.38 PSI Max Of Pressure for OVO VALVE FULL OPEN Selection MaxAttcde for ONE BLEED OFF Operation Minimum height for Autopiot engagement afer ake of inamum naight for use of ether ‘Atoplot or FD (Except dutng tkeot or executing an approach) Veer 1AS mode during approach (OAT lApproach Mod soo 181 so008 seo 200008 4608 Holding with any Naps extended is PROHIBITED in icing conlitons (except for single engine ops) lead ofr abutow valve ATPCS arming conditions ‘automaticaly closes EMER AUDIO CANCEL Cancels ava except landing soar ‘mo, We, Vie sal waring pon tim whooler “AP dscomecten Aviate - Navigate - Communicate - Evacuate Electric Fuel Pump RUNS ‘Automatically if: aang BERETS PETS ecco BS Psi dung engnesian Pw WGT salon TO ATPCS pb 0 Sain PL aa $eatn TO>4eNs ATR) Zierm green {T shaminatec) FEED nine feito ive eed 12049 “eed fro > 100g BAe ‘rng Met avy st # ‘TO CONFIG TEST fails i: Ponte sts gear range itexoom poston ENGINE FIRE HANDLE \Whon pulled on respecive enone “PROP. Feathar “AIR. BLEED AND HP valves closed FUEL LP vale closes “ELEC: DC BAGH gon disconnected "DEICING dace & shut vate closed “SGUIES: ames, ts sumination $yoraue 0 PROP BRAKE closed on ENG NO AUTOMATIC RELIGHT IF. H drops beta 30% or “EEC i eselectes or “CL sett FTR oF FUEL SO postion or “On the taied engne i case of ATPCS, sequence Disegramenton ern ck (AILLOCK) Flag re at thee contin PWR MGT elect erotn TO. Manual disconnection of AP: AP Ose aasinnae Peon PPD on GCE PROPELLER BRAKE ENGAGEMENT LOGIC conte SW ssiected ON and ‘Arran ground and ‘Gust Look engaged and ‘CLon FTR postion (or us 5 ‘Sle Hyarauli proscurecvaleblo HYDRAULIC AUXILIARY PUMP AUTOMATIC RUNNING ‘CONDITIONS: AUX Punip Po depressed “ar least one engine runing and ‘Bue system press «1800 pal and "propel Brake OFF and ‘Beaver down

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