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Embog, Gerard Dean M.

THC-MD MW 9:00-10:30

Mini Case Analysis: Cultural Integrity in Hospitality Partnerships

In a cultural tourist hub, Oasis Retreat, a boutique hotel, strives to immerse guests in local traditions.
However, engaging local artisans proved challenging due to concerns about fair compensation and cultural
misrepresentation. Balancing authenticity while respecting artisans' concerns became crucial. The hotel
aimed to forge respectful partnerships, ensuring fair remuneration and authentic representation, highlighting
the delicate balance between promoting culture and respecting community wishes.
The core problem in this case lies in the challenge of engaging local artisans and performers while ensuring
their fair compensation and addressing concerns about potential cultural misrepresentation within the
hospitality industry. Balancing the desire to authentically represent local culture for guests with the artisans'
concerns and preserving cultural integrity becomes the central issue for Oasis Retreat.


• Cultural Enrichment: Oasis Retreat seeks to provide guests with an authentic immersion in local
culture, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the region's heritage.
• Community Empowerment: The hotel's efforts to engage local artisans and performers can
empower the community economically by providing them with opportunities to showcase their
crafts and talents.


• Artisan Hesitancy: Local artisans and performers are hesitant due to concerns about fair
compensation and the potential misrepresentation of their cultural heritage, hindering
• Balancing Act: Striking a balance between guest expectations for authentic experiences and the
artisans' concerns while ensuring fair compensation poses a significant challenge for the hotel.

Alternative Action/Solution #1
Oasis Retreat could establish a Cultural Advisory Board comprising local artisans, cultural experts, and hotel
representatives. This board would facilitate open dialogues, fostering mutual understanding and trust. They
would jointly develop guidelines for fair compensation, respectful representation, and authentic experiences.
Regular meetings would ensure ongoing collaboration and a platform for artisans to voice concerns or
suggestions, fostering a sustainable and respectful partnership.
Alternative Action/Solution #2
The hotel could institute an Artisan Showcase Program, providing dedicated spaces within the premises for
local artisans to exhibit and sell their crafts. Oasis Retreat could offer these spaces rent-free, actively
promoting the artisans' work to guests. Additionally, the hotel could host periodic cultural showcases, allowing
artisans to demonstrate their crafts and cultural performances. A portion of the proceeds from sales or
performances could be directed back to support community initiatives, incentivizing local participation.
Oasis Retreat grapples with aligning authentic cultural experiences for guests with concerns of fair
compensation and representation from local artisans. Balancing this delicate interplay is crucial for sustaining
genuine cultural immersion and supporting the community. Collaborative advisory boards or dedicated
artisan showcases are proposed solutions, emphasizing the need for respectful partnerships to preserve
local heritage in tourism.
The best recommendation for Oasis Retreat is to establish a Collaborative Cultural Advisory Board. This
initiative would bring together local artisans, cultural experts, and hotel representatives to foster open
dialogue, mutual understanding, and develop guidelines for fair compensation and authentic cultural
representation. This approach ensures ongoing collaboration, addresses concerns, and fosters a sustainable
partnership, crucial for preserving cultural heritage and delivering genuine experiences to guests.

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