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Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc.

Placer, Masbate
3 Summative Test in TLE 7/8

Name: Section:
I. Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which corresponds to the correct
answer. Encircle to the letter.
1. It is any wooden material sawed or split into boards timber.
a. Lumber b. Nail c. Screw d. Hammer
2. It is a metal that has one end pointed and one end flattened for hammering.
a. nail b. lumber c. screw d. saw
3. It is a steel bar used to strengthen concrete under tension.
a. GI sheet b. steel reinforcement c. screw d. nail
4. It is a tool used for marking lines on wood or metal for cutting.
a. ruler b. marking gauge c. tape measures
5. It is a retractable tape measure.
a. pull0-push rule b. ruler c. gauge
6. Marking tools just like a standard pencil but has rectangular and elliptical body which prevents it from
rolling away.
a. carpenter pencil b. ballpen c. marking tools
7. It is a heavy pointed tip suspended by a string which is used as a vertical reference line.
a. plumb bob b. carpenter pencil c. GI wire
8. It is a metal that has a thread and is made of metal.
a. marking tools b. ruler c. screw
9. It is used to drive nails deeper on the woods surfaces that connects into several sizes.
a. nail set b. bar clamp c. saw set
10. It is stone used to sharpen edges of steel tools.
a. Oil stone b. saw set c. nail set

II. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is false.
_______1. Level hose- it is a tool that uses water and liquid to determine the levelness of a surface.
_______2. Try square- it is a tool primarily used to test the flatness, squareness and accuracy of a right
_______3. Chisel- it is a tool used for carving woods and cleaning joints and saw cuts.
_______4. Hand Saw- it is a tool used for cutting woods manually.
_______5. Steel Rule- a carpenter square and steel square and framing square used to construct and test right
_______6. Chalk Line- it is a tool used to mark long, straight and flat surface.
_______7. Plane- it is a tool used for smoothing and taking out sharpness out of woods, joints and stocks.
_______8. Mortise Chisel- is used for heavy chopping of wood joints.
_______9. Paring Chisel- it is a delicate chisel used for careful trimming of woods.
_______10. Brace- it is a hand tool used with drill bit to bore holes usually on woods.

III. Categorize the following items whether they are tools or materials in carpentry.
1. Mallet ----- 6. Nail ------
2. GI Wire ---- 7. Hammer -----
3. Cumber ---- 8. GI Sheet -----
4. Router ---- 9. Try Square -----
5. Saw ------- 10. Plane -----

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