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(Pg 49-60)

There is a lot of dialogue between Summer and August in this chapter. These
videos will show you how to use punctuation correctly when writing dialogue.

a) When did August realize that he ate differently than other children?
b) Why do you think Summer came to sit with August? What are her character
c) Why doesn’t August want his Mom to carry his bag?

Punctuating Dialogue
Vocabulary Tortoise Eating
Stampeding Quotation Activity
(Pg 61-72)
a) Why do you think August is able to joke with Jack about his facial anomaly?

b) What might the figurative speech “The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree”
mean? What did Auggie’s mean by saying this about Julian and his mother?

c) Why do you think the other kids are afraid of touching Auggie even though he
doesn’t have a contagious disease?

Politically Correct
(Pg 73-80)
a) What did August originally want to dress up as? What did he actually wear to

b) If August is used to people treating him differently and calling him names, why
did this event upset him so much? Was this event unforgivable?

Shrunken Heads
Comprehension Questions:

Answer in complete sentences.

1. Why do you think Jack made those comments?

I think Jack made those comments because…

2. Do you think what Jack did was unforgivable or forgivable?


What Jack did was unforgivable/forgivable because…

Part 1: Summary and Reflection

Choose one of the following questions to answer. Write 4-5 complete


1. August expressed his interest in going to school AND not going to

school. What are the reasons he wanted to go to school? What are the
reasons he doesn’t want to go to school?

2. Predict what will happen in Part Two, which is told from the perspective
of Via (August’s sister).

3. Imagine you were treated the same way August has been treated in Part
1, how would you react to the events that happened? List the event(s)
and why?
Part 1: Summary and Reflection

What should our written voice sound like?

What does formal mean?

How could this be reflected in our writing?

Today’s Agenda
- Looking at the Rubric for this writing

- Looking at Examples

- Peer Evaluation

- Self Evaluation
Part 1: Summary and Reflection

Level 1 2 3 4

Content No examples Few examples, but Good connection to Excellent connection

not well connected to text and multiple to the text and
text examples several examples

Punctuation No punctuation Limited but Lots of mistakes but Few mistakes to

incomplete signs of proper correct punctuation
punctuation punctuation

Neatness All over the page and Somewhat readable Good example of Excellent example of
unreadable staying within the staying within the
margins/lines and margins/ lines and
readable very readable

Sentence Structure Sentences are 1-2 sentences are 3 sentences are All sentences are
incomplete complete complete complete
Part 1: Summary and Reflection

Example of Written Work at Level 2

I would be hurt when Jack thought that August was not listening when he

was. and he was saying mean things i think I could never forgive jack cause

of the way he treeted him and I know that Jack didn’t mean to treet august

that way but it still make be up set. Like bro like how could someone treet

there frend that way.

Part 1: Summary and Reflection

Example of Written Work at Level 4

If I was treated the same way August was treated in Part 1, I would have

reacted in the same way as August. If people stared at me and whispered

with their hands-cupped, I would feel anxious all the time and not want to

go to school anymore too. I would also feel like I got kicked in the gut if I

overheard a friend talking bad about me. If Summer came to talk to me at

lunchtime, I would be so happy and not hate school so much.

Part 1: Summary and Reflection

Choose one of the following questions to answer. Write 4-5 complete sentences.

1. August expressed his interest in going to school AND not going to school. What are the
reasons he wanted to go to school? What are the reasons he doesn’t want to go to

The reason August wanted to go to school was…

The reason August didn’t want to go to school was…

2. Predict what will happen in Part Two, which is told from the perspective of Via (August’s

I predict that … will happen in Part Two.

3. Imagine you were treated the same way August has been treated in Part 1, how would
you react to the events that happened? List the event(s) and why?

If I was treated the same way August was treated when… I would…
(Pg 82-87)

Similes vs. Metaphors

“Menina Querida”
“Tu es meu tudo”

a) What does Via mean when she says that her parents
“orbit” August?
b) What does Via mean when she says: “I held on to that
secret and let it cover me like a blanket.”
Similes like/as Metaphors is/are/was/has

Jack was as busy as a bee. Jack was a busy bee.

Life is like a box of chocolates. Summer was an angel.

Julian was as cold as ice. She lights up my world.

Summer and Jack are like two peas Miss. Bangit is a night owl, but Miss.
in a pod. Nibogie is an early bird.

Miss Campbell is as ______ as


Metaphor and Simile Worksheet

(Pg 88-90)

Guided Drawing

What we know so far about August’s face…

- eyes are too far down
- cheeks look punched in
- tortoise mouth
- scar on his lip
- long bangs
Slanted - doesn’t really have ears
Undersized What do we know now?
Portrait of August Instructions:

1. Draw a portrait of August in your visual journal.

August’s Physical Traits:

Eyes are too far down Cheeks look punched Tortoise mouth Cauliflower ears

Scar from his upper Long bangs Doesn’t really have Left ear is lower
lip to his nose ears

Eyes are bulging Left eye is lower than No cheekbones Lower eyelid sags
right eye

Nose is too big Eyelids are halfway No Melted appearance

closed eyebrows/eyelashes

Scars on his lip Upper teeth are Overbite Undersized jawbone

splayed out
(Pg 91-99)

High School

a) Why do you think Via goes by Olivia at school?

Major Tom

b) What happened between Via and her friends Ella and Miranda? How does
Via feel?

Vocabulary c) What was Via’s reaction to August cutting his braid off? Why?
(Pg 100-113)
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis (pg 104)

a) What are genes? Why might Via be concerned about them?

b) What do you think Via means when she says that her babies will never be

c) What happened to Via’s friendship with Miranda and Ella?

(Pg 100-113)
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis (pg 104)

a) What are genes? Why might Via be concerned about them?

b) What do you think Via means when she says that her babies will never be

c) What happened to Via’s friendship with Miranda and Ella?

(Pg 114-117)

a) Is August going to go to school?

b) Do you agree with any of Via’s advice on how August

might handle his current situation with Jack?

c) What do you think is going to happen in Part 3?


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