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Michael Tropp

Dr. McCutcheon
17 October, 2023

Social Media Plan

Part 1: Major Social Media Sites

● Instagram
○ Instagram is a photo and video sharing based app, where users can tag others, use
hashtags, and write captions with a limit of 2,200 characters. It is useful for
advertising events, sharing photos, and engaging with an audience through the
easy to use comment section.
● Facebook
○ Facebook is like Instagram’s older sibling in that it has many, if not all of the
same features, but is laid out a bit differently. In Facebook, a user builds their
page and can choose who can see certain things or create public/private groups
where multiple people can post things making it a good way to connect with a
classroom, for example, where parents can share pictures and announcements as
well as the teacher.
● Twitter (X)
○ Twitter is not the best for educators- It is mainly text-based, and has a 280
character limit, so it would be difficult to share good information as an educator.
● TikTok
○ TikTok is video-based, and could be a fun way to integrate certain songs and
dances into the classroom, and could also be a good way to get lessons and ideas
out there through short videos, as it spreads content through an algorithm that
shows videos to users.
● Linkedin
○ Linkedin is a resume and work-based site, where users can provide professional
updates on themselves and put themselves out there for potential employers.
Personally, this would be good, but as a teacher for the classroom, it is obsolete.
● YouTube
○ YouTube is a video-sharing platform, and would be a great choice to share longer
lessons and songs/dances. It is also much easier to then share those videos through
a direct link.
Part 2: Personal Social Media Plan
- Instagram
1. Posts on this app as a music educator would likely be fun snapshots from the
classroom, pictures of activities being done in class, or even performance photos
(of course, being careful with the age and consent of students to be photographed
and posted). TikToks could be cross-posted to Instagram as Reels.
2. I would post on Instagram at least twice a week, as the algorithms do much better
for an account if it is regularly posting.
3. Target audience would be the students and parents in the class/ensemble, but also
students not in the group and younger students (middle schoolers if it’s a high
school band) to try and get them interested in joining.
- TikTok
1. Most music educators use TikTok as a way to communicate ideas to and from
other educators. Those that become large influencers spend most of their time on
the app making fun videos about content they teach or “relatable” things they do.
For this project, TikTok is going to be the site that takes up the most of the
planning and preparation, as keeping up with trends is hard to do in a 6-month
2. In order to keep the TikTok algorithm promoting content at its peak, many sites
recommend posting upwards of 3 times a day, but I think even daily might be a
bit much, so I will plan to post three times a week.
3. The target audience on TikTok is other music educators, and potentially pre-
service teachers(college students), but it has to be kid-friendly, as students have
the potential to find these accounts very easily.
- YouTube
1. YouTube is another place that could have cross-listed posts, this time TikToks
turned into YouTube shorts. YouTube also has the longer video functionality, so I
think this would be used for videos that need more content, like day-in-the-life,
classroom tours, etc. where something that takes longer than a minute or two can
be displayed effectively.
2. Target audience for this one is again, other music teachers, in order to share tips
and ideas with them through longer-form videos.
3. One video a week, posted at the same time and day would be my content for
YouTube, in addition to the posting of TikToks as Shorts.

Social Media Rollout:

6 Month Plan: August 2025 - January 2026

Week Start Theme YouTube TikTok Instagram

1 8/1/25 New Teacher Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
2 8/8/25 Band Camp Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
3 8/15/25 Classroom Setup Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
4 8/22/25 First Week of School Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
5 8/29/25 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
6 9/5/25 Competition Season Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
7 9/12/25 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
8 9/19/25 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
9 9/26/25 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
10 10/3/25 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
11 5 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
12 5 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
13 5 Halloweek Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
14 5 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
15 11/7/25 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
16 5 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
17 5 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
18 5 Thanksgiving Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
19 12/5/25 Winter Concert Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
20 5 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
21 5 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
22 5 Winter Break Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
23 1/2/26 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
24 1/9/26 Undecided Friday Video M, W, F Posts T, R Posts and TikToks as Reels
4-Week Plan 8/1/25-8/28/25

1. 8/1/25: Welcome to my Channel Vlog: First-Year Band Director Edition!
a. Video introduction of myself, only set is my background, and camera will be a
straight shot of me talking the whole time. Focus is on introducing myself and
establishing myself on social media, so the video won’t be very long.
b. Script: Hey everybody, welcome to my channel! My name is Michael Tropp, and
I just graduated from college, and I am so excited to be starting my journey into
the world of band directing! This fall, I’ll be working as a high school band
director in my home state of Illinois, returning to the state after living in Texas
and New Jersey for 13 years. I am starting this channel to document my life as a
first-year band director because I always wished there was something like this for
me when I was in college training to become a teacher!


So, to start off this vlog, I wanted to kind of get into who I am and why I wanted
to be a band director in the first place… MONOLOGUE ABOUT HS BAND,
COLLEGE, ETC. … It was so important to me to become like my teachers of the
past, and I am super excited to start my career and start working with students of
my own!


I can’t wait to get this channel and this school year off the ground, and I hope you
all decide to stick around for the ride! Click that follow button, turn on post
notifications, and I’ll see you next Friday!

2. 8/8/25: My First Band Camp– as the Director!

a. This video will be more vlog-style and include clips throughout from camp. It will
be mostly unscripted, as most of the dialogue will be from clips throughout the
day and me discussing the happenings of band camp.
everyone! As you can tell from the sky, it is currently 5:00 AM, and the first of
many of these early wake–up days because it is the first day of band camp! I am
so excited to take you all along on my day of my first band camp as a director!
IN CAR So, as a true band director, I have to make a Dunkin’ stop and get my go-
to, a cold foam cold brew with caramel and a strawberry donut. I can’t wait to get
to the school and start camp. Disclaimer– I have done almost zero set-up in my
classroom, and I’m going to be keeping it as what the old director had until after
camp– stay tuned for that video!

AT SCHOOL Alright everyone, I have to go get ready to meet all my students–

my leadership team is getting here shortly– don’t worry, I’ll introduce them soon.

IN CAR Alright everyone, this has been quite the day. I am absolutely exhausted,
but I can’t wait for another great day tomorrow. Until next week!

3. 8/15/25: Classroom Set-up Vlog: Band Director Edition

a. This video will be voice-over, and not much of that. It will be mostly time-lapses
and clips of me decorating and setting up my classroom.
b. Script: Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel! I am here with my mom
decorating and setting up my classroom! This video will be a bit different from
my past ones, because I am swamped with work getting this all put together, but I
really wanted to make sure you guys got some content this week so here goes!

4. 8/22/25: First Day of School as a Teacher!!

a. This video won’t go too in-depth, but it will be kind of an overview of day 1. This
whole week of class will be featuring a different day on different social media
another super early morning for me. I’m hoping this won’t be the norm, but I was
a little too anxious today to sleep any later! It’s the first day of school!!

IN CAR Well, you all already know what time it is– Dunkin’ time! Honestly guys,
I’m feeling all the emotions right now. I know we already had band camp and all
that, but this is real school. I’m finally doing what I’ve wanted to do for so long!!

AT SCHOOL Alright everyone, I’m here. Here’s a last look at my classroom setup
before I definitely have to change it immediately once kids get in here– haha! I
can’t wait to start the day!

AT LUNCH It’s lunch time, and this day is going so great! We have mostly just
been going over expectations and listening to some music for our concert band so
far, but I’m loving it. Now time for a speedy lunch and then back to classes
IN CAR Alright everyone, this has been quite the day. I am absolutely exhausted,
but I can’t wait for another great day tomorrow. Until next week!

1. Week 1
a. Tuesday: Empty classroom picture
i. That feeling when you walk into your first classroom… nothing can beat
it! #firsttimeteacher #banddirector
b. Thursday: Baton picture
i. Can’t wait to put this bad boy to use on the podium this semester! Thanks
to @garlingerbatons for such a beautiful instrument! #banddirector
2. Week 2
a. Tuesday: Football Field at Sunrise
i. My view yesterday morning as I pulled up to the school to start band
camp… yep, I think it’s going to be a pretty good year. #newteacher
b. Thursday: Picture with Band Staff
i. My team for the season. So lucky to have all these incredible co-workers
out on the field to help me through my first season! Thanks so much
@jsquared272 @greer.e.h and @rebeccagruggles for your help!
3. Week 3
a. Tuesday: Classroom full of stuff
i. Well, this should be fun. #firsttimeteacher #helpme
b. Thursday: Set-up classroom picture with me and mom
i. We finally got it all done! So glad to have this part of the year through,
and my mom stepping in to help definitely gave me that extra boost!
Check out my youtube video tomorrow!
4. Week 4
a. Tuesday: First day selfie
i. My first day of school… kind of? So grateful to have this job and I can’t
wait for the year to come! #firstday #musicteacher #banddirector
b. Thursday: Classroom after a week (messy)
i. Well it was nice while it lasted *facepalm emoji* #firstyearteacher

1. Week 1
a. Monday- Welcome to my TikTok!
i. Talking video: Hey everyone! My name is Michael, and I am a new
teacher starting my first year as a band director this fall! I can’t wait to
interact with you all and show you what I’m up to!
ii. Caption: #banddirector #newteacher #welcometotiktok
b. Wednesday- Clip from first YouTube video
i. Check out my first YouTube video at the link in my bio!
c. Friday- Packing my Band Camp Bag
i. Text-only video: Include text about the items going in my bag (sunscreen,
sunglasses, hat, iPad, etc.)
ii. Caption: Packing up for band camp on Monday! Getting excited!
#bandcamp #newteacher
2. Week 2
a. Monday- GRWM for band camp- no sound, just “ASMR”
i. “ASMR” Get ready with me for the first day of band camp!
b. Wednesday- Staff interviews with mini microphone
i. Unscripted. Asking questions like “What’s your favorite breakfast food?”
ii. Meet my staff! So lucky to have these awesome people working here!
c. Friday- Band Camp spirit days transitions (whatever transitions are trending)
i. Spirit days aren’t just for the students!
3. Week 3
a. Monday- Classroom setup timelapse with voiceover
i. Classroom set-up pt. 1! Pt. 2 coming soon!
b. Wednesday- Classroom setup timelapse with voiceover
i. Classroom set-up pt. 2! Met my principal today!
c. Friday- Classroom setup timelapse with voiceover
i. Final classroom set-up day! So glad to have it done!
4. Week 4
a. Monday- First day of school mini-vlog- getting ready at home and coffee.
i. The start of a great year! #Dunkin is going to be my best friend this fall!
b. Wednesday- Classes run-down
i. Talking video: Hey everyone! Hope you’re all doing great on this lovely
Wednesday morning. I wanted to hop on here and tell you about this really
cool class I’m teaching this year about music technology! My school is
just starting this course this year, so I am simultaneously teaching and
writing the curriculum which is super hectic, but with the two days I’ve
had so far with students, I’m super looking forward to it. We are going to
do a lot of things– audio editing, recording, making a podcast, and
eventually making a full YouTube video on a topic of the student’s
choice! I’ll be posting updates on this class on TikTok and Instagram
throughout the semester, and I’m super excited to see where this class
c. Friday- Casual Friday dance
i. Whatever trending song/dance at that time.
ii. Happy Friday!! #firstweekdone

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