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Lesson Class #: Integers Part V Cours Grade 6

Title/Focus Week 2 - Lesson 2 e


Knowledge: The sum of two positive numbers is a positive number.

The sum of two negative numbers is a negative number.
Understanding: Magnitude with direction distinguishes between positive and negative
Skills & Procedures: Model the sum of two positive integers.
Model the sum of two negative integers.


 Students will be able to distinguish between magnitude and value of a number

 Students will be able to use a variety of algorithms to solve problems involving the
addition of integers


 Whiteboard
 Booklet
 Projector


 Create word puzzle; send to TA so we can project the legend in front of the class
 Have extra material for students who have already done the integer pages
 Ask EA to help JL and others to copy the booklet material

Introduction Time

 5 min: Getting students organized, taking attendance 10-15

 Booklets out, lined piece of paper min
 Have their integer notes handy for pop questions about terms and
 Do a brief review of previous lesson’s material
 Magnitude, value
 Go over the methods of solving equations we have previously used:
number lines, bubbles

Body Time

Topic: Solve  I will have a list of equations ready to go on the left-hand 15

Equations to Fill whiteboard, hidden under the drop-down map in front of min
in the Blanks the whiteboard
 On the right-hand whiteboard, I will have a sequence of
blank spaces wherein letters of a mystery sentence is
going to go
 On the projector screen will be a document showing the
 The legend will have a list of possible letters that
might go into the mystery sentence
 Each lettered box will have a corresponding
integer (ex. -5, 4, -13, 12, etc.)
 Each lettered box will also have a corresponding
number (1, 2, 3, …)
 These numbers will go underneath their
corresponding blank space on the right-hand
 Once we, as a class, solve an equation on the
left-hand whiteboard, we will find the answer on
the legend and then
 I will go through the equations one-at-a-time (they will be
increasingly complex), until we have filled in the phrase
in question
 If this goes by really quickly, I have some backup
phrases prepared

Topic: Booklets  We will do page 36 as a class (hopefully this will take 15

about 5 minutes), and then I will give the class 5-10 min
minutes to do page 37
 I will be available to guide students who are
struggling with the problems, or to answer any
 After students have finished the page (or after the
allotted time has elapsed), we will go over them
as a class, and students will make corrections in
their pages if necessary

 Students who have already finished these pages can

work on some more complicated problems (from the
grade 7 integers booklet that my TA hs lent to me)

Topic: Solve  If we have enough time to do another one of these after 5 min
Equations to Fill working through the booklet pages, we can continue with
in the Blanks another cypher

Conclusion Time

 Wrap up with a recap of our algorithms for adding integers 10

 Last 3 min: get groups to put away their booklets and notes in their binders, min
 Ask 6A and 6C to put away their binders and sit back at their desks
 Ask 6B to leave their binders at their desks since they will need them
for science
 then dismiss bear groups slowly based on whether all members are seated
and how quietly they are seated

 As students are doing the questions in their booklets, I will circulate around the class
to see where students are with their work, and help them when necessary
 I will also quiz bear groups on vocabulary terms throughout the lesson, so that they
have incentive to pay attention
 I will also incorporate as many students as possible in the discussions, particularly in
the solving of equations
 What worked well and what didn't?

Lesson II (6C)
 I was really happy with the amount of participation and enthusiasm that students
demonstrated during this lesson
 I had the sequence of equations on one of the boards, and a math joke with a fill-in-
the-blank punchline on the right whiteboard
o Each letter in the word had an integer below it
o When the class solved an equation on the left, we would fill in the blank letter
space with the corresponding integer on the right
o 6C was super enthusiastic and participated a lot
o One of the students who usually struggles was excited to follow along and I
was very proud
 Usually, we don’t allow students to use their calculators for these kinds
of problems, but since this student has different needs, but this student
was interested in the lesson

 My TA told me to make sure that all students are focused on what is happening on the
o Some students were getting ahead in their math booklets
o One students was reading when I began the lesson
 My TA noticed and asked them to put their book away
 I need to be more aware
 I made a couple mistakes with the math problems when I had set this up, even though
I thought I had made it error-free
o The students pointed them out, and a couple were slightly irritated when I had
to quickly correct the mistake so that we could successfully finish the puzzle

Lesson II (6A)
 I had a lot of participation from a student who usually struggles in the class, so I was
really proud of them
o They contributed a lot to the class discussion, and I really appreciated their

 The overall group was not quite as enthusiastic about solving the problem on the
board, but some students were really into it
 I am working on being more engaging with the lessons so that students will pay more

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