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Austin Wilson the brilliant agent

Chapter 1
Death in Paris
The icy wind cut through Enzo Crews’ jacket as he gazed down at
Avenue Anatole from the top of Eifel tower. He shivered and wrapped
his jacket tightly around him. He was alone at the top and wanted some
fresh air after his thrilling day. Buzzing with excitement at the new
information that he discovered, Crews yearned to call his boss but his
phone had an unsecured line and it’s too risky. He pulled out a cigarette
and lit it just as he spotted a dark figure from the corner of his eye.
Enzo spun around to see nobody behind him, I need to get out of this
country, he thought. He started walking towards the elevators only to
get struck in the stomach by an elbow. Winded, he turned to run in the
opposite direction but got yanked back. Enzo’s mouth was gagged and
he was dragged to the edge. Before he could make out what was
happening he was suddenly falling with his back to the ground. He
looked up at the stranger trying to catch a glimpse of his face but it was
dark and all he saw was the reflection of the city lights reflecting off of
his glasses. That was the last thing he saw before he hit the ground with
a sickening thud and the darkness came pouring in.

The next day

Chapter 2

The investigation begins

Timeo was walking along the road as he was shocked as he saw the
dead body of Enzo Crews and quickly called the Paris police
department. Few minutes later the Paris PD arrives at the scene. As
they think it’s a common suicide. Back in America CIA agent Austin
Wilson is doing his job, until CIA agents got the news of Enzo Crews
death. Austin gets the job to investigate and goes to France. He came
to the dead body to investigate and found nothing and also thought it
was a common suicide, he went to the sight “Bonjour” said Austin to
the officer at the sight “Bonjour” the officer said. As he was
investigating he saw a shocking sight he saw a piece of cloth with saliva
on it. The shocking discovery that he was murdered changed the whole
case. He called his friend’s smith brown and John miller. They came to
the sight and also realized that he was murdered. Now to find the killer
they go to the last moments spent by him, they ask questions from his
wife Amy. “Did he have any enemies?” asked Austin. “No” Amy
replied. Was he sounding disappointed when he was calling you, “no”
Amy replied. Brrrr brrrrrr a call comes from an eye witness named
margaux aela. Austin, Smith and John go back to France.
Sometime later……….. “So Margaux you say you saw a man with a
hoodie and had glasses on?” “Yes on the time that timeo saw the dead
body” “how do you know timeo?” Asked Austin “he is my brother”
replied Margaux. “We went there on vacation” They left the house…
“She seemed a little suspicious” said John “yes for me as well” said
Smith “looks like we have to do some research on her and her family”
said Austin,

The next day

“I did some research on her family, her brother’s name is Timeo” said
Austin “so does that make her innocent?” asked Smith “yes of course”
replied Austin “then who is the killer?” asked John. “That is what we
are going to find out”

Chapter 3
Caught red handed

Austin checks about Russians with glasses and with a moustache like
Margaux said, he found a guy which looks exactly like Margaux said
who lives in 56, trudovoy road, Bryansk, Austin wrote the address
down in a small note book. He quickly called his friends and got visa
and got a ticket to Russia, he went to the murderer’s house. But no
one was at home and soon after that they saw a black Benz racing
along john said that he saw a glimpse of the driver he said he had
glasses and a moustache just like the murderer they got into their cars
as soon as possible and they chased him for a long time john had the
maps on and saw a short cut to the place where the murderer was
heading. He went to the short cut and blocked the murderer’s way.
The murderer stopped. Austin had a loud speaker in the car he said
“you’re surrounded step out of your car with your hands where I can
see them”. The murderer stepped out of the car with his hands in the
air. He got arrested. Enzo Crews was avenged

The end

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