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FHS 2500 Activity/ Lesson Plan Evaluation


Activity Title: Group + 4 Activities

Student Name: Kitzya Camacho

Date Activity was implemented: November 28, 2023

Assessing and Reflecting on Children’s Learning:

1. Describe and analyze how the children met/did not meet each of your learning objectives for this
lesson plan (include reflection of each activity):

I believe children did a great job on participating on each of the activities that were planned. The science activity
was the one that children were most excited about, which made me proud since I created them myself out of
cardboard. I was able to teach them the order and the different names of the planets as children would look for the
next planet as I was describing it. The activity that got less participants was the art activity which involved in
drawing and creating your own galaxy, but the ones that participated did meet all the learning goals and spend a
great amount of time and dedication towards their drawing. Even Romie spent all the center time on perfecting her
galaxy, she was very happy about it and would only take a picture with her art until it was finished.

2.Describe and analyze how the documentation that you collected supports your analysis in #1 above (attach
all documentation to this form):

I took pictures of all the children that participated in each of the activities, a lot of them finished them correctly.
Louisa, Khang, Yusuf, Anna and Noah got it correctly the first time but also Julien Adelaide and Adilene
participated solely for fun. Even Noah was able to name all the planets out of memory and without having the need
to look at them. For the art galaxy Anna, Romie and Adilene participated, taking inspiration from the pictures that
were provided. Thanks to the help from Mrs. Marie we could also get a written documentation from who
participated in the literacy activity, and what letters each child was able to match. The gross motor activity was
also a success even though it was outside, which that wasn’t my plan children were excited to participate in that
activity and they even helped arranging the path.
3. After considering the information above, discuss possible next steps for future activities:

For the future I would maybe ask for permission to get the outside materials weeks before somewhere easier to
reach. Since that was the thing that I had trouble with.

Teaching Effectiveness:
1. Were the activities carried out as planned in your Activity Description (be specific)? What changes
to your plan were made and why?
All of the activities were as planned, except for the gross motor activity that had to be outside. We had to change it
to be outside because when I got there to the building the only teacher that was there was Mrs. Marie. She handed
me the keys to get the materials but I couldn’t get to open the door I tried so hard. So we decided to wait until
another teacher came, but I couldn’t stop my implementation to go ask. When all activities were being
implemented at the same time was when I decided to ask again, and the option of at least doing it outside was
given to me. Even though that was not in the plans and it was one of the reasons that I came so much early was
because of that activity and I knew it was going to be hard to get the materials from outside. I am still glad I came
early because I could arrange all the other activities how I wanted them to look like.

2. Describe and explain the strengths of your Lesson Plan and implementation:

One of my strengths from my implementation was how I was visiting all the activities, I was inviting children to
join different activities, and I was teaching children giving them facts and asking questions all while they were
playing and participating in the activities. I liked how everything was arranged I had all my materials in the art
table such as different colored paper, crayons, glitter pens, markers and examples of real galaxies. It was very
important that everything was set up so children could meet the learning goal of each activity. Children also helped
me set up the gross motor activity making their own rules about how to play and who were the winners.

3. Describe and explain the areas for improvements in your Lesson Plan and implementation:

I would definitely read the book before reading it in class to make sure how long it will take and know when is a
good time to stop. Since I only looked up the book I didn’t read it in person and it was too long when I presented it
to kids. It was definitely a more informative book than a fun book to read, but children were still involving
themselves in the discussions and were so intrigued about the pictures which I was still surprised that they liked.

4. Reflect on your teaching experience and the lab teacher feedback. What did YOU learn from these

From this activities I was able to practice and follow all the feedback I have received all semester, I am happy I
was able to do it like teachers have expected me to do it. I learned to visit each activity pay attention to the children
that were involving themselves on each of the activity by asking questions encouraging them to create, and think
more. I also took the courage to invite more children to the activities by showing them pictures of the galaxies,
telling them what we are doing on the other table for them to get excited and want to join. I also learned that it is
okay if they don’t want to come and participate in the activities at least I am inviting them and maybe in the future
will get curious and want to join the same or future activities that will be implemented.

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