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Safiur Rahman

Name ________________________________________ Date ______________________

Check for Understanding

Analyze Geometric Sequences and Exponential Functions: Investigation 1

The following pattern was created by repeating divisions of a triangle by the same factor at
each stage. The first few stages are shown below.

1. Enter the number of shaded triangles at Stages 0-3 into the table and graph the values.

Stage Number of Shaded

(n) Triangles T(n)

0 1

1 3
2 9
3 27

2. Fill in the blanks. The common ratio of the sequence is _____. The value for Stage 4
will be _____.

3. Choose the equations that model the sequence. Select all that apply.

A. T  n  1  T  n 
B. T  n   3n ✔ C. NEXT  NOW • 3

D. T  n   3n E. NEXT  NOW • n3 F. T  n  1  T  n   3

4. Circle the correct words in the sentence. The sequence is (arithmetic/geometric),

modeled by a(n) (linear/quadratic/exponential) function.

 
5. Jerome claims that the set A  2,2,2,2,... is an arithmetic sequence, and Sonia
claims that it is a geometric one. Is either or both of them correct, and why or why not?
Both of them are correct. This is an arithmetic equation because the constant being added is
0, while it is also a geometric equation because you would be multiplying the number by 1.

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