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School: ____________________________________

Interviewee: ____________________________________

Interviewer: ____________________________________

Survey Section Used:

_____ A: New Roles and Areas of Responsibilities
_____ B: Pandemic Response Strategies
_____ C: Challenges and Significant Experiences

Other Topics Discussed: _____________________________________________

Documents Obtained: _____________________________________________

Post Interview Comments: _____________________________________________

Introductory Protocol

To facilitate our notetaking, I would like to audio tape our conversation today.
Please sign the release form. For your information, only I will be privy to the recording
which will be eventually destroyed after they are transcribed. In addition, you must sign
a form devised to meet our human subject requirements. Essentially, this document
states that: (1) All information will be held confidential; (2) Your participation is
voluntary, and you may stop at any time if you feel uncomfortable; and (3) I do not
intend to inflict any harm. Thank you for your agreeing to participate.

I have planned this interview to last no longer than one hour. During this time, I
have several questions that I would like to cover. If time begins to run short, it may be
necessary to interrupt you in order to push ahead and complete this line of questioning.


You have been selected to speak with me today because you have been
identified as someone who has a great deal to share about crisis leadership and
pandemic response strategies. My research project as a whole focus on the possibility
of crafting a crisis management proposal, with particular interest in understanding how
school leaders are engaged in the delivery of education services amid the COVID-19
pandemic. My study does not aim to evaluate your techniques or experiences. Rather, I
am trying to learn more about crisis leadership skills and hopefully learn about school
leader practices that may help design a crisis management plan.
A. Interviewee Background
1. What is your existing item position in DepEd? _____

2. What is your current designation/appointment as School Head? (Check one.)

_____ Principal _____ Officer-in-Charge
_____ Head Teacher _____ Teacher-in-Charge
_____ Master Teacher

3. How long have you been a School Head? _____

4. As a school leader, what new roles were given to you during the pandemic?

Probe: How would you describe your performance regarding these roles?

5. As a school head, what new areas of responsibilities were given to you during
the pandemic?

Probe: How would you describe your performance regarding these new areas of
responsibilities? Explain.

B. Pandemic Response Strategies

1. What response strategies did your Schools Division Office (SDO) initiate to
communicate with parents/guardians as partners of learning?


Probe: Did such response strategies work in your school context?

If yes, how did you implement them?


If no, what activities/projects/interventions did you initiate as a response


2. What response strategies did your SDO initiate to ensure the delivery of learning
services to the students?


Probe: Did such response strategies work in your school context?

If yes, how did you implement them?


If no, what activities/projects/interventions did you initiate as a response



3. What response strategies did your SDO initiate to prepare teachers in the various
learning delivery modalities?


Probe: Did such response strategies work in your school context?

If yes, how did you implement them?


If no, what activities/projects/interventions did you initiate as a response


4. What response strategies did your SDO initiate to ensure the safety and well-
being of the faculty and staff?


Probe: Did such response strategies work in your school context?

If yes, how did you implement them?


If no, what activities/projects/interventions did you initiate as a response



5. What response strategies did your SDO initiate to prepare the teachers and
students in the resumption of F2F or in-person classes?


Probe: Did such response strategies work in your school context?

If yes, how did you implement them?


If no, what activities/projects/interventions did you initiate as a response



C. Challenges and Significant Experiences

1. What were your challenges in communicating with parents/guardians as partners
of learning?



a. How did you address these challenges?


b. Write down your most significant experience regarding this specific pandemic
response strategy.

2. What were your challenges in ensuring the delivery of learning services to the



a. How did you address these challenges?


b. Write down your most significant experience regarding this specific pandemic
response strategy.

3. What were your challenges in preparing teachers in the various learning delivery


a. How did you address these challenges?


b. Write down your most significant experience regarding this specific pandemic
response strategy.

4. What were your challenges in ensuring the safety and well-being of the faculty
and staff?



a. How did you address these challenges?


b. Write down your most significant experience regarding this specific pandemic
response strategy.

5. What were your challenges in preparing the teachers and students in the
resumption of F2F or in-person classes?



a. How did you address these challenges?


b. Write down your most significant experience regarding this specific pandemic
response strategy.

Post Interview Comments and/or Observations:


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