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Nouns and PrePositions

Groups of related nouns sharing prepositions

related meanings share the same
sometimes groups of nouns with
nouns preposition(s)
the historY of emigration'
book article, essay' about, on
She wrote a dissertation on2
tuen"g" slang in NewYork'
lecture, disserotion'
prolect, assignment into the origins of
into Kelly (1969) conducted at
r"t.*.h (see'also B),
international terrorism'
investigation, inquirY po*rrtial impact of the H5N I

of The article offers an tntty'iiof tft"

analysis, examination,
Avian Flu virus.
exploration (see also
B), study warming'
problem, difficulry of,with H;g.* " I"..r*-tt 'h" problem of globalset of results may
OnJ aim.ufty with this approach is that a
allow different interPretationr
questioned the rationale for
reason, motivation' for T.* l** .*ently
government sPendinS.'
rationale (see also B)
subiects; oz is frequently used
for more specific'
I and about tetdsto be used for more general
in both uses
aJirl.a *orks, although both may be found
See also the notes on prepositions
after nouns in Unit 44'
particurar prepositions
Nouns commonry associated with
wrrrL, trrvrl
t'oot" which- rtvYsv----t - -
s You can also learn tne nourls
'ht examples are all ti'tles of academic
*lf:: 5:':::'::t:t;H:i:::'
Some of these are i" A;;;;;'
The following
preposition exomPle
at A" .t i"t"Sotio:no-f"tonomic and psychological
look, attemPt, Point' age "tt.-Pt
theories of consumPtion
in financial decision-
changes, differences' tn ffiking
increase, decrease
;" t.*.ttig"t'-r', into fr$ thuracteristics of children with
i *6-n-Cn q u i.Y, resea rch, into
investigation twins
on Genetic rnlluence orl sllteKrrrB
work, research, influence'
emphasis, effect means
of A computerrseo cllnlcal treclsrerr )uPyvr L

basis, idea, Parc, lack'

of implementing d"Ptgttion 8ffi
exploration, mganr for multiPle
need, reason, basis, case' for @lture:the
preference kural
relation, aPProach, to
response, aftention
Pt-g..t. t"*"tds sustainable regional development
attitude, tendency, move' to/towards
behind O*ta."',rg at e assumptions behind art crit'icism
principle, rationale,
assumptions, logic and
between TE.l"tl"rthtp between educational technology
relationshiP, difference,
student achievement in %

38 AcodemicVocobulorY in Use

I 5.1 Fill in the missing prepositions. In questions 4 and 5, more than one answer is possible.
1 One difficulty the class questionnaire was that some students had already
left the course and could not be contacted.
2 She wrote a dissertation . . . . wild flower conservation in Finland in the 1990s.
J The book is an exploration the origins of the economic crisis of L997.

4 The rationale ........ the present research is the need to better understand the
process of agreement in international law.

the availability of computerised databases or 'corpora'.

6 Prippen's (1984) book was an inquiry the foundations of nationalism.
'Y/hat is Kazuo Matsui's book ? Have"you read it?
8 He did a study the problem side-impact automobile collisions.

15.2 Correct the mistakes in the use of prepositions in these sentences. There may be more than
one mistake Per sentence.
1 Her dissertation produced some interesting insights to how young children develop a
visual sense of the world and the age in which development is most noticeable.
2 The reason of the unwillingness of the people involved in the demonstration to be
interviewed was fear of being arrested later.
3 Hierstat's approach at the analysis of solar phenomena is different from that of
Donewski. i{e questioned the assumptions under much of the previous research.
4 Changes of the rate of growth of the cells were observed over time.
5 A lacf in funding led to the cancellation of the project, and social scientists blamed the
negative attitude of the government on social science research'
6 ;airil's article pot, gr.ri.mphasis into the need of more research and argues the case of
greatil attention on the causes of poverty rather than the symptoms.
5.3 Using a dictionary if necessary, match each noun with the preposition that usually follows it.

fl Nouns: attitude difference effect emphasis insight

principle rationale reason relationship tendency

Prepositions: behind between for into on to/towards

15.4 Underline typical academic noun + preposition combinations like those on the opposite page.

of climate change are often in the news, as is the matter of whether

predicted. New work on a migratoryr bird, the pied flycatcher, takes
population decline w€s actually caused'
1wing,loW a c1imatg1elgted
ii viiiriiC*;rr;rs iieitiirec.iiionity in aieas wner:e caterpillar2
tlgsli [eiqy. nut in argas with a late food peakthere wa: n9
ive too iatq'in:.places wher:e caterpillars have already responded to
.thiq,is probably. a common consequence of climate change,
and may
of many long-distance rnigratory bird species'

I which travels to a different place, usually when the season changes small, long animal with
many legs which develops into a butterfly young birds

AcademicVocabulory in lJse 39

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