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Question 1

List the following:

1.head of femur
2.fovea capitis
3.gluteal tuberosity
4.neck of femur
5.pectineal line
6.lateral condyle
7.medial epicondyle
8.adductor tubercle
9.medial condyle
10.linea aspera
11.intertrochentric line
12.greater trochanter

(12 marks)

b) Compare FOUR (4) differences of pelvic bone between women and men.
(8 marks)

Women Men
False pelvis is shallow False pelvis is deep
Gynaecoid pelvis Android pelvis
larger and border Narrow and compact
Shorter sacrum Longer sacrum
c) List the following:

1. gluteal surface
2. posterior superior iliac spine
3. posterior inferior iliac spine
4. greater sciatic notch
5. ischial spine
6. lesser sciatic notch
7. ischial tuberosity
8. obturator foramen
9. body of pubis
10.acetabular fossa
11.anterior inferior iliac spine
12.anterior superior iliac spine
13.anterior gluteal line
14.iliac crest

(14 marks)

d) List FOUR (4) muscles in quadriceps femoris.

1)ractus femuris
2)vastus intermedius
3)vastus lateralis
4)vastus medialis
(4 marks)

e) List all 1st – 4th muscles layer of the foot

1 muscles layer foot

-abductor hallucis
-flexor digitorum brevis
-abductor digiti minimi

2 muscles layer foot

-quadratus plantae

3 muscles layer foot

-flexor hallucis brevis
-adductor hallucis
-flexor digiti minimi brevis
4 muscles layer foot
-plantar interossei (3 muscle)
-dorsal interossei (4 muscle)
-extensor digitorum brevis
-extensor hallucis brevis
(12 marks)

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