Vincent Chang - 2306155836 - TUGAS PE - CHAPTER 1-3

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ei yy www We aan ah Wd wei Bw ee Chopter 1 Halaman (a —lugas PE. \. Describe some of the trade ofs Saced by eath oF the Soliowing Da Samity deciding whether to buy a car G NG a Gomily iS going to buy & cat they would have bo con- sider whether they have enough Saving to buy a car or Mot, and whether this purchase will afsece cheit family sunds. bya member oS congress deciding how much to spend on Maktona| packs, LyThe congress needs to concidee whether- the amount of money chey invese will be beneficial Sor the people and che country, And what's the dealocck on spending the amount oF money ther'ce going Go sgend. Da company president cleciding whether to ofen @ new Scctory, & The operational Cost of Cunning the Sactory and che tisk oS loss S0c & more eSSigient company that gives mwamum Prodte d) a presessor cleddiing how much be Prepare Gor class. The professor leisure Eline Gr how well the Seudene is going to understand bhe class © a Cecent collage graduate cleciding whether C2 go Eo graduate School , & To stort singing & Jeb and working OF Continue £0 & higher education Ja siege orent with small children deciding whether to tare a 4 Job by leowing te kid to other $00 & while oF Provide Sor ¢ he Sail, daiichi @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner chor 1 Halaman 14 y I we D) conten about equality, So the low Inome people Cen afsord Food eee ete __ Doreen about ekGiciency, because smoking im pub\LE place UN lead to other people Herb hare the smowe QeEEIN Sick ok can drape the productivity oF wore, = —— = _8. + Equaliéy + Secause everyone should be able goenlor and is enguced 500m “the ¢e Cesources, Gnd FACUELES OF Lhe naxion, (pomt az &) + ESsiciency + Poing a ~> It will be BERELEE UDB Dot be ess ; Gert becuse some sund Will Go to wate because sae Ghe highee class oF Soueer can agsord Beir healthcare . pank b > Nok esgivient | becowSe we, cannot ensucen how long WAL te fae Sor Someone te Set a new Job, 1 WW Je be & company burden, t Bruber sgt Se ke tee phe Ree: Ul. The lower cluss of socieey becouse they wilt Seei the esseee —— —— § asfording Lhe need’, ber because “che ee ces OS thingy » will EE daiichi @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner d) Concern Gbouk efsicienty hecouse there TS a WE TK OF Markee Sailuce caused by monopbty, @) Concern Gbouc equattéy because it will No be Sac sor those With lover income - 53) Conuen about 25Siciency because lower the tisk oF accident’. 7 @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner toh pb totfr Best Baa. |S =.= Ze -_ Tugas PE ete : Fi chapter 2 __ Haloman 3% vecuice T Markee Sor Ferwce \ | | 3. 7 Goods & Secvices +} Lao = L [Fico] _ Households - a\_tés E \ eens [_Hewiat 5 $f \ Fattor os Kroduceion ) <7 Pax Ceo ay: 3. tleon-envicomente fs the development o& Woy bo Groduce electeictey | Crake emies Sewer oltucart TSE Will cause @ cleaner enviroment . NDUSETIAL OU~UE @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner chogtec 2 Halaman 23, Tugs CE u wos Ce 9%) Scene) awn | Can _A 4o ° a __ 3 (2) Go ee Cc zo zo 0 2s Zs 7 — oft ‘ it \e ‘ lqwn O The production possibilities is liked fut, becavie Moe iS mere Productive at vashing Cars, Curly if Mece produceives ae mowing (atens,and lorry ‘is Prove at bokh tosh equaley, YD Point © hecowse ther are Nt Using tree time to maramize the output ther can do hak i$ Kher allocace eleir time begter. daiich @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner Chogtes $ Halaman 53 Tugas_te 2: 9 | Nexon fer yeas [100 abcep miuiion ges year S Grains —-Cors Gcotn Arertcan| (A 10 G00 mien | billion Jeganese | 4 S oo million | Cor enllion by fmericon Core iG these 1S no trade, American wil chooses maiden too p= = >> Bris Producto and consyumPtion mien y a - > Groin! S00° iw Jaganese+ Cosy 15 there i no trade Japanese Gaees will oe he this PrOdUCEION and consumption pullion . we «S00 Pad —earllion patio ont Cars - Groins Dwervean|25 tory oS | OK Coss ; : — Tetonese] 1.25 0rs oy | 0.8 CD Gruny - daiic @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner TJuges PE _D) Cons: hone, because they Produce the Some amount oF car io ver yeor Grass Amencen becuse ther Ploduce pose qreins thea the Japenese 2B cass’, Jagon has a move Cempatauve aduentage becuse they have aq lever Cpporeuity cose teem eS grainy gen Ue, Wee Oe eee Gus: Amenca becavsSe the ¥ hare a (Cueer opporeumiey cost if Germs OS Cos Given UP, 5) Americen +» 2¢0 milhon cats Gad Soo mull grains Japanese : Zoo millien Cars and 2Se Million Grains 9) Amevicon chai Preduce METE Grains and impor Che cor Seem Sogon Japenese Should Produce More eats and (more gsaind Stor Arveriee - 4. Q) Cor: 3° _ ic hushels oy whene . i Zz wheat: 2 = 20 0.6 COEs oa __ UW By producing @ Car the canadian werkrer give ue 1S bushel oS wheat. Prel 15 ther produce a bushels a5 reat they are gwing UP 0.6 CoS —- ee daiichi @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner iD to goo” wheat (malttory DAG the United Skates Purchase [0 milion cars FOO™ Canada while Canada mainkains ibs ANNUal ConsuMPEton 05 Jo million cers Corade. will need & Predute a Sel O85 Zo million cars in one fear. Bue, i$ Concda receives 20 bushelS 05 Wheet pes car in exchenge Sor.10 mulliong cars they rll recieves 2, bushes 5 wheot ( in ecchange Sor lo mallton cars ther wil) have the capacity 49 consume 200 Million bushes os Whest, Thes scenoric Is sePreSenced From wine BW Canada Should accepe this oS5ers because i€ allows chem te acquite the same amount o§ curs while geining an additrona | So million bushes oF Wheqe @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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