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Fish Guide

Common Fishes in Albay Gulf

Published by:
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Regional Office V
BUTC Compound, Tayhi, Tabaco City,
Albay, Philippines 4511

ISBN : 978-621-95729-9-6

Philippine Copyright © 2019

by Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
National Stock Assessment Program - V

All rights reserved. Reproduction and

dissemination of this information product for
education or other non-commercial purposes
are authorized without any prior written
permission from the copyright holders provided
that the sources are fully acknowledged.
Reproduction of this information product for
resale or other commercial purposes is

Recommended Entry:

Lanzuela NSB, Dialogo CL, Durante JP. 2019.

Fish Guide: Common Fishes in Albay Gulf. Department
of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources, National Stock Assessment Program V,
Tabaco City, Albay.

Cover Design: Jay-R B. Esmalde and

Dr Noemi SB. Lanzuela
Book Design: Dr Noemi SB. Lanzuela
Artist: Jay-R B. Esmalde
ii National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V
“Your own positive future begins in this moment. All
you have is right now. Every goal is possible from here.”
(Lao Tzu)

It is my goal to bring a legacy for our institution and the

people whom we are truly inspired to work with, the
fisherfolk sector!

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources is a

dynamic institution that cascades opportunities to
many who rely on what the marine bounties have to offer. Through
the National Stock Assessment Program, the Bureau provides information in
understanding the status of our fisheries that could serve as inputs in
policy development and program implementation. The technologies which have
long been introduced need to be evaluated particularly if such development
efforts can lead to the further exploitation of our country’s fisheries resources
without regard for its sustainability which could negatively impact human
nature. Balance governs the universe. It is also a quality of good governance
which requires everyone to learn the art of responsible stewardship of our
resources. Hence, our moment to understand what we have is NOW! This is the
beginning of our positive FUTURE.

The publication of this Fish Guide is our way to communicate to the

public that our country’s fisheries are still rich and diverse. Every citizen can
still enjoy its abundance and productivity. Likewise, this book will serve as a
living testimony of how blessed we are for enjoying the bountiful yield from our
marine resources.

This book features the finfishes found in the fishing ground of Asid Gulf. This is
crafted to guide our stakeholders to engage in various aspects of development,
from research to policy and program directions.

The publication of this book can further bring deeper appreciation to our
resource users on the vital role of our marine fisheries particularly in the trade
and market industry of the country.

Our fisheries are renewable resources that can be enjoyed by everyone and
our future generation. Hence, let us be the best responsible stewards of these


Chief, Regional Fisheries Training and Fisherfolk Coordination Division
Project Leader, NSAP V
National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V viii

The Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources congratulates

the DA-BFAR Regional Office No. 5 and the National Stock Assessment Program 5
personnel for successfully compiling these valuable knowledge products that would be of
great benefit in ensuring the sustainable growth of the fishery sector in the Bicol Region. It
is indeed through your perseverance that we have achieved this milestone.

The Bicol Region’s fishery sector has an immense contribution to food security, economic
stability, and overall national welfare. In addition to being one of the primary sources of
livelihood of its local populace, the region yielded approximately 260 thousand metric
tons to the total fisheries production of the country in 2018 alone. For all this progress,
however, the local fishery industry faces myriad of challenges such as excessive and
destructive fishing practices including inadequate knowledge on the current situation of
the resources that if properly disseminated would raise public awareness and increase
community participation on resource conservation and protection.

A complex network of issues calls for innovative solutions, as detailed in the compilation
and identification of fishes in the Bicol Region.

I am optimistic that through these publications the Bureau can effectively cascade
necessary information to the grounds thereby aiding stakeholders in policy development
towards sustainable fisheries management.

Again, my most ardent congratulations to the people behind these works. May you continue
to serve the fishery industry in the country for the benefit of the current generation, and

Mabuhay ang industriya ng pangisdaan!


Undersecretary for Fisheries and BFAR National Director

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

We would like to congratulate the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources Regional Office No. V and its National Stock Assessment
Program (NSAP) staff for the publication of “Fish Guide”.

This IEC material comprises pictures and description of top fish

species monitored by NSAP V in various landing centers in the Bicol

May the publication of this Fish Guide bring more awareness on the
diversity and abundance of our fishes in the country. Having a good
documentation of these bony fishes in Bicol Region will not only
provide relevant information but will guide our fisheries managers
and stakeholders to work together in safeguarding our fisheries.

Mabuhay at maraming salamat!


Interim Executive Director - National Fisheries
Research and Development Institute

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V vv


Bicol Region is among the country’s treasure in terms of fisheries

resources. It is blessed with rich fishing grounds which are home to
different species of finfishes varying from small and large pelagics
to demersal ones. These species play an essential role in the region’s
fisheries industry.

To give us information on these species, the BFAR-NSAP V has come

up with this publication “Fish Guide in Albay Gulf”. This guidebook is
a compilation of the finfishes present in Albay Gulf which provides
information on their characteristics and descriptions. This is
therefore a reliable source for fish identification.

I am glad for this achievement. This is a significant way of sharing

knowledge that will be beneficial to many.

Let me congratulate Dr. Noemi SB. Lanzuela and the entire NSAP V
team for pursuing this publication and for developing such useful
reference material. Their commitment to serve the fisheries sector
may inspire others to be fearless in doing interventions for the sector
like this Fish Guide.

It was a job well done!


Regional Director

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

Fish identification is a crucial skill for everyone interested in fish.

Scientific identification is based mainly on external characteristics such
as body shape, length, depth, color, mouth and nature of fish spines,
scales and other fish characteristics. Fish has different ecological
preferences too where they inhabit to waters best suited to them.

The effort of Dr. Noemi SB. Lanzuela and her team is always
commendable for this noble undertaking that ensures BFAR V to be
true to its mission in overseeing the sustainable actions of various
stakeholders in utilizing and managing our country’s resources.

This book will further aid in the decision makers in the review and
crafting of policies.

This book brings pride to our institution. Our sincerest appreciation to

to the NSAP V family.

Assistant Regional Director

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V vii

We offer this Fish Guide book to our various stakeholders who have been with us
in pursuing fisheries management in the Bicol Region. The genuine efforts and
cooperation of individuals who provided assistance for the completion of this
book have finally merited their recognition.

We acknowledge the leadership of Department of Agriculture Secretary William

D. Dar, Undersecretary of Fisheries and concurrent BFAR Director, Commodore
Eduardo B. Gongona, PCG (Ret.) and his Assistant Director, Drusila Esther E.
Bayate who is also the concurrent Interim Executive Director of the National
Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) for continuously
encouraging all NSAP Project Leaders to produce technical papers and
information materials.

Our sincerest gratitude to our Regional Director, Lilian C. Garcia, CESE and the
entire family of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Regional Office No.
V, for giving us the opportunity to publish this book.

We also acknowledge the support of our colleagues from the National Fisheries
Research and Development Institute for their technical assistance.

Our deepest appreciation for the usefulness of the FishBase as our primary
source in making this book credible for publication and other references like the
Encyclopedia of Life and Discover Life which supported our documentation.
Special thanks to Ms. Marjurie B. Grutas and Ms. Virginia Olano, the previous NSAP
Project Leader, for their encouragement to continue publishing information
materials generated from the NSAP works. Likewise, we are grateful to Prof.
Skorzeny C. De Jesus of Bicol University Tabaco Campus for his insights during the
preparation of this book. Our sincere thanks and salute for the hard work, patience
and dedication of our fisherfolk partners, enumerators and data analysts for
providing us the credible data and information.

Special mention is accorded to all BFAR V-NSAP coordinators in various fishing

grounds for their technical assistance during the review of this document.

Likewise, this book would have not been made possible without the full support
extended by the Bids and Awards Committee, Technical Working Group and
Secretariat headed by Mr. Melchor B. Deramas and his members; Joelle Benavidez,
Shirley Bea, Nonie Enolva, Jean Lasola and Ruben Peyra.

This book is thankfully offered to God Almighty for inspiring us to pursue our
mission in providing reliable information to the people whom we serve. We
continue to walk extra mile in the name of public service.

Noemi SB. Lanzuela

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V



Acanthuridae 4
Balistidae 10
Belonidae 13
Caesionidae 15
Carangidae 18
Chirocentridae 40
Clupeidae 41
Coryphaenidae 44
Engraulidae 46
Ephippidae 48
Fistulariidae 49
Gerreidae 50
Haemulidae 53
Hemiramphidae 56
Holocentridae 57
Istiophoridae 58
Kyphosidae 60
Labridae 61
Lampridae 66
Leiognathidae 67
Lethrinidae 71
Lobotidae 81
Lutjanidae 82
Menidae 94

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V vix

Mugilidae 95
Mullidae 96
Muraenesocidae 103
Nemipteridae 105
Pempheridae 111
Plotosidae 112
Priacanthidae 113
Psettodidae 116
Rachycentridae 117
Scaridae 118
Scatophagidae 122
Scombridae 123
Serranidae 138
Siganidae 152
Sillaginidae 160
Sphyraenidae 162
Terapontidae 163
Trichiuridae 164

NSAP V Technical Staff 173
About NSAP 175
NSAP V Organizational Structure 2019 176
BFAR V Organizational Structure 177

xiv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

Albay Gulf is situated at 13.181oN latitude and 123.926oE longitude in Southern
Luzon. It is considered a major fishing ground for large and small pelagics,
demersal and invertebrate species. It is famous for tuna and tuna-like species
and has a rich marine biodiversity. The enclosed gulf is surrounded by 6 coastal
municipalities and one city: Bacon District of Sorsogon City and Prieto Diaz in the
province of Sorsogon in the south; and by Rapu-Rapu, Bacacay, Sto. Domingo,
Manito, and Legazpi City, in Albay in the north and west.

The dominant pelagic species caught in the area were Encrasicholina punctifer,
Katsuwonus pelamis, Decapterus russelli, Atule mate and D. macarellus. For the
demersal species, the top species are Priacanthus sp.2, P. macracanthus and
Lethrinus ornatus. The dominant invertebrates caught in the area are Sepioteuthis
lessoniana, Portunus pelagicus, Sepia pharaonis, Octopus macropus and Scylla

In 2007, the National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) was implemented in

the said gulf. The original landing centers are located in Rapu-Rapu, Legazpi
City, and Bacon District (Pigsabunan and Caricaran), while the expansion areas
established in 2014 are located in Sto. Domingo and another in Bacon District
(Buenavista and Sawanga). The objective of this program was to respond to the
prevailing problem on resource depletion. Thus, the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources through its National Stock Assessment Program established
a regional team to undertake the research activity in assessing the status of the
fisheries stock in Albay Gulf. The aim of this program is to provide the stakeholders
the right information that would guide the policy makers, academe, fisherfolk, and
other development partners in undertaking fisheries management measures.

The accurate identification of harvested species will improve reporting on catches,

improving the monitoring of coastal fisheries in the region and ultimately lead
to more effective management. This was produced and has been developed by
NSAP V to assist with the identification of the fish species in the said fishing ground.
While this Guidebook has primarily been designed for Bicol Region fisheries and
NSAP V Enumerators tasked in undertaking surveys of fish catches, it will be
likely useful for the academe, other scientific communities, fishing sectors, and
the general public with an interest in fish. This guide is intended to help NSAP
V Enumerators to more accurately identify the individual species they encounter
in their respective fishing ground, thereby resulting in more highly skilled
enumerators, improved fisheries data collection, and improved management of
the region’s coastal fisheries resources.

In addition to a high-resolution photos, information included for each species

consists of the scientific names, common English names, and local names.
Information and description of each species were taken from FishBase (https://, and if not present, other sources were used and were cited.

The management measures that could be derived from this information can either
be through catch quota, size range and gear restriction, closed season, and other
feasible regulatory measures appropriate for each fishing ground.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V v1


Bony fishes, technically termed as teleosts (Class

Osteichthyes), are documented in this Fish Guide handbook.
Fishes belonging to this group have a skeleton made up of
bones, in contrast to sharks and rays (Class Chondrichthyes)
which consist of cartilaginous skeleton.

This guide is conceived to assist in the identification of bony

fishes found in the fisheries catches in Albay Gulf.

Fishes in this handbook are listed according to family and

species in aphabetical order. Color photographs taken by
the NSAP V team are included as the primary means of
identification. In addition, information included for each
species consists of the scientific name, common English
name and the local name(s) of the species in the area.
Meristic data are provided such as the dorsal spines, dorsal
soft rays, anal spines, and anal soft rays to further aid in the
more accurate identification of the species of fish. Lastly,
brief description of each species was also included and was
extracted from FishBase (, and if not
present, other sources were used and were cited. Commonly
used terminologies and measurement based on the structural
features of bony fishes are illustrated and defined to provide a
better understanding of descriptons provided in the text.

2iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


Outermost principal
bones of the head

Figure 1: External features of bony fish and methods

of measuring and counting.
(Image from Robert F. Myers; scanned and enhanced)

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V v3


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthurus dussumieri

ENGLISH NAME : Eyestripe surgeonfish
LOCAL NAME: Labahita, Salingkupaw


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 25 - 27
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 24 - 26

Pale brown body; broader, irregular lines on head; orange band between
eyes, continued behind each eye to gill cover. Each side of caudal peduncle
with single, sharp, forward-pointing erectile spine; spine largely covered by
cream sheath; groove surrounded by a black area. Dorsal fin with soft part
having longer base than spinous part. Minute scales. Gill rakers 22-26 in
anterior row, 23-27 in posterior row. Caudal fin lunate in adults.

4iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthurus gahhm

ENGLISH NAME : Black surgeonfish
LOCAL NAME: Surahan, Labahita


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 24 - 28
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 23 - 26

Characterized by having 2 longitudinal bands on the side, one from the hind
margin of the eye posteriorly, another from the groove around the caudal
peduncle spine anteriorly. Juveniles of less than 5 cm SL lack the anterior
band; less than 10 cm SL lack the posterior band. Reaches 24 cm SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V v5


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthurus lineatus

ENGLISH NAME : Lined surgeonfish
LOCAL NAME: Labahita, Salingkupaw


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 25 - 27
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 24 - 26

Upper 3/4 of the body with alternating black-edged blue and yellow bands;
lower 1/4 of body gray. Erectile spine on each side of caudal peduncle is
sharp, strong, forward-pointing, and venomous. Upper part of head with
yellow, oblique stripes. Pectoral fins pale with dusky rays; pelvic fins light
yellowish brown with black outer margin; vertical markings in caudal fin. Gill
rakers 14-16 anterior row, 13-15 posterior row. Minute scales. Philippine
specimens demonstrate different color patterns.

6iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthurus mata

ENGLISH NAME : Elongate surgeonfish
LOCAL NAME: Labahita, Salingkupaw


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 24 - 26
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 23 - 24

Body brown; head banded; fins brown. Capable of changing color to pale
bluish overall. Behind eye a yellow area and 2 yellow bands extending
anterior from eye. A single, sharp, forward-pointing erectile spine which
folds down into a horizontal groove on each side of the caudal peduncle;
spine in white sheath. Gill rakers 13-15 in both anterior and posterior rows.
Scales minute.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V v7


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Naso lituratus

ENGLISH NAME : Orangespine unicornfish
LOCAL NAME: Surahan, Tapasan


Dorsal spines (total): 6

Dorsal soft rays (total): 28 - 31
Anal spines: 2
Anal soft rays: 29 - 31

Dorsal fin black, the black continuing as a pointed projection onto nape, with
a pale blue line at base and a broad outer white zone on soft portion; anal
fin mainly orange; dorsal and anal fins with a narrow blue margin and black
submarginal line; caudal fin with a yellow submarginal band posteriorly.
Caudal fin emarginate with adult males having trailing filaments from each

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Naso unicornis

ENGLISH NAME : Bluespine unicornfish


Dorsal spines (total): 6

Dorsal soft rays (total): 27 - 30
Anal spines: 2
Anal soft rays: 27 - 30

This species is characterized by the following: body depth 1.8 (in subadults)
- 2.6 (adults) in SL; presence of a tapering body horn in adults projecting
anteriorly at level of eye but not extending in front of mouth (horn first as a
bump on forehead at a length of about 12 cm); dorsal profile from snout to
horn straight, angle of about 45°; 2 peduncular plates with well-developed
forward-curving knife-like spines; emarginate caudal fin when young,
truncate with filamentous lobes in adult; olivaceous with blue peduncular
plates and spines; dorsal and anal fins yellowish with narrow blue stripes.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V v9


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Abalistes stellaris

ENGLISH NAME : Starry triggerfish


Dorsal spines (total): 3

Dorsal soft rays (total): 26 - 27
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 24 - 26

Scales enlarged above the pectoral fin base and just behind the gill slit to form
a flexible tympanum; scales of posterior body with prominent keels, forming
longitudinal ridges. A prominent groove in the skin extending anteriorly from
front of eye for a distance of about 1 eye diameter. Caudal peduncle
depressed. Caudal fin rays of adults prolonged above and below.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Balistoides viridescens

ENGLISH NAME : Titan triggerfish


Dorsal spines (total): 3

Dorsal soft rays (total): 24 - 26
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 22 - 24

Fish has a deep groove before eye; scaleless area around lips, continuing
and narrowing posterior to corner of mouth; small forward-curving spines in
about five rows on side of and a short distance anterior to caudal peduncle.
Caudal peduncle compressed.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 11


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Rhinecanthus aculeatus

ENGLISH NAME : White-banded triggerfish


Dorsal spines (total): 3

Dorsal soft rays (total): 23 - 26
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 21 - 23

Characterized by generally whitish body color with yellow band from snout
intersecting with dark bar through eye; dark brown area on middle of body
connected to diagonal dark bands above anal fin; caudal fin base with rows
of black dots; front of eye with deep groove; nearly straight dorsal and ventral
head profiles; small, anterior projecting spines on caudal peduncle and adjacent
posterior body in three horizontal rows; rounded caudal fin.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ablennes hians

ENGLISH NAME : Flat needlefish


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 23 - 26
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 24 - 28
Vertebrae: 86 - 93

Dark bluish dorsally, silvery white ventrally with black blotches on middle of
body. Body greatly compressed laterally; anterior parts of dorsal and anal
fins with high falcate lobes. Pectoral fins falcate; about 12-14 prominent
dark vertical bars on body; juveniles and adults have an elevated black lobe
in the posterior part of the dorsal fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 13


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tylosurus gavialoides

ENGLISH NAME : Stout longtom


Dorsal soft rays (total): 20 - 22

Anal soft rays: 18 - 23

Body and caudal peduncle are sub-cylindrical and covered with minute,
somewhat deciduous scales lateral-line low on the body; both jaws greatly
produced with an inner row of short strong teeth, reduced in the outer row;
dorsal and anal fins posterior on body with dorsal origin slightly anterior to
anal fin origin, and both fins are elevated anteriorly ventral fins abdominal,
placed posteriorly, with distance from anal fin less than the fin base length;
truncated caudal fin, with center slightly emarginated in adults; silvery on
the sides and greenish above in adults, with snout and fins dusky.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Caesio caerulaurea

ENGLISH NAME : Blue and gold fusilier


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 12 - 13

With 3-5 scales on cheek, 22-25 predorsal scales, dorsal and anal fins
scaled. Supra-temporal band of scales often interrupted by a V-shaped
scaleless zone anteriorly at midline. Upper peduncular scale rows usually
11 (10-12), lower peduncular scale rows usually 15 (14-15). A small process
on each ventrolateral surface of basioccipital for attachment of Baudelot’s
ligament, a prominent concavity on ventral surface of basioccipital
separating it from condyle. Post maxillary process single; posterior end of
maxilla blunt. Color: Upper body bluish, lower body white to pale bluish.
Golden band from above the eye, running straight along the body to upper
caudal peduncle and continuing on the caudal fin to the tip of the upper
lobe, becoming near black on the fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 15


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Caesio cuning

ENGLISH NAME : Redbelly yellowtail fusilier
LOCAL NAME: Dalagang bukid, Sulid


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 10 - 12

Deep-bodied. Scales center lighter than margins; lower 1/3 white,

sometimes suffused by pink; prominent black markings on caudal fin
absent. 4-5 scales on cheek; predorsal scales 20-26; scaled dorsal and
anal fins. Upper peduncular scale rows 9-11; lower peduncular scale rows
usually 12-14. Distinguished from C. teres in having a continuous supra-
temporal band of scales across the dorsal midline. Basioccipital process for
attachment of Baudelot’s ligament absent. Post maxillary process single;
posterior end of maxilla blunt. Color: Upper body if not yellow, grayish blue;
lower sides and belly white or pinkish. Pectoral, pelvic and anal fins white
to pink. Large yellow tail.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pterocaesio digramma

ENGLISH NAME : Double-lined fusilier
LOCAL NAME: Dalagang bukid, Sulid


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 11 - 12

Body blue to greenish dorsally, white ventrally. With two thin yellow to
orange lines; lower line mostly just below lateral line. Black tips on caudal
fin (Ref. 48636). 4-5 scales on cheek; 24-31 predorsal scales; scaled
dorsal and anal fins. Upper peduncular scale rows usually 12 or 13 (11-14);
lower peduncular scale rows usually 16 or 17 (16-18). A broad process on
ventrolateral surface of basioccipital for attachment of Baudelot’s ligament,
extending ventrally beyond a horizontal with condyle’s rim, adjacent to
condyle. Post maxillary with 2 processes; posterior end of maxilla tapered.
Head length 3.0-3.5 in SL; body depth 3.5-4.1 in SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 17


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Alectis indica

ENGLISH NAME : Indian threadfish
LOCAL NAME: Bangkungan


Dorsal spines (total): 7

Dorsal soft rays (total): 18 - 20
Anal spines 3
Anal soft rays: 15 - 20
Vertebrae: 24

Mainly silvery with dusky green tinge dorsally on body and head. Juveniles
with dark bars on body; with 5 or 6 dull blue stripes running from the back
to mid-flank. Body is superficially naked; scales minute and embedded,
scutes 6-11. Body very deep in juvenile becoming more elongate with
growth. Profile of head and nape somewhat angular. Anal fins extremely
long and filamentous in young.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Alepes djedaba

ENGLISH NAME : Shrimp scad
LOCAL NAME: Salay-salay


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 22 - 25
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 18 - 20

Greyish green above, silvery to white below; distinct black blotch on upper
margin of opercle, bordered above by a smaller white spot; caudal fin
yellowish, upper lobe dusky to black distally. Body with dorsal and ventral
profiles almost evenly convex. Adipose eyelid well-developed on posterior
half of the eye. LL with 0-3 scales on straight part and 31-36 scales on
curved part and 39-51 scutes.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 19



ENGLISH NAME : Yellowtail scad
LOCAL NAME: Salay-salay


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 22 - 25
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 18 - 21

Body olive green dorsally, shading to white or silvery ventrally; prominent

black spot posteriorly on opercle at level of upper eye; often with 10 dark
bars on side of body; dorsal and caudal fins dusky greenish yellow. Body
oblong, moderately compressed, with dorsal and ventral profiles almost
evenly convex. The adipose eyelid completely covering the eye except for a
vertical slit centered on pupil.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Carangoides fulvoguttatus

ENGLISH NAME : Yellowspotted trevally


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 25 - 30
Anal spines 3
Anal soft rays: 21 - 26

Blue green above, silvery below; with numerous small gold or brassy spots
mainly on dorsal half; large adult with 3-5 black blotches in a row on flanks.
Body subovate and compressed, becoming more elongate with growth.
Dorsal profile of head and nape slightly angular, becoming steeper with
age. Breast scaleless ventrally to behind origin of pelvic fins. LL scutes
small 15-21.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 21


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Caranx ignobilis

ENGLISH NAME : Giant trevally
LOCAL NAME: Talakitok, Baulo, Mamsa


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 17 - 22
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 15 - 17

Dusky golden or blackish to silvery grey dorsally, shading to silvery grey

ventrally; often with scattered small dark spots, fins usually pigmented grey
to black. Body oblong and compressed, dorsal profile strongly convex
anteriorly, ventral profile slightly convex. Breast scaleless ventrally, typically
with small to large patch of pelvic or prepelvic scales; LL scutes 26-38,
strong. Pectoral fins falcate; anal fin with 2 detached spines. Adipose eyelid
moderately developed, small anteriorly and extending forward to rear edge
of pupil on posterior part of eye.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Caranx sexfasciatus

ENGLISH NAME : Bigeye trevally
LOCAL NAME: Talakitok, Baulo, Malagimango


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 19 - 22
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 14 - 17

Silvery olive to iridescent blue-green dorsally, shading to silvery olive to

whitish on side; small black spot on uppermost rear edge of opercle; olive
to blackish second dorsal fin with white tip on anterior lobe; caudal yellowish
to black. Body oblong and compressed; dorsal profile moderately convex
anteriorly, ventral profile slightly convex. Breast fully scaled. LL scutes 27-
36, strong and dark. Pectoral fins falcate; anal fin with 2 detached spines.
Adipose eyelid well-developed.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 23


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Decapterus kurroides

ENGLISH NAME : Redtail scad
LOCAL NAME: Lourdesti ,Sibubog, Pulang-buntot


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 28 - 29
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 22 - 25

Deep-bodied compared to similar species. Body color bluish green above,

silvery below; caudal fin bright red. Sometimes a yellow mid-lateral stripe.
Opercle with a small black spot; margin of opercular membrane smooth.
31-38 scutes.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Decapterus macrosoma

ENGLISH NAME : Shortfin scad


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 33-38
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 27 - 30

Body slender, elongate, and somewhat circular in cross-section; posterior

end of upper jaw concave dorsally and with a rounded protrusion ventrally;
edge of shoulder girdle (cleithrum) with two small papillae, the lower one
larger; dorsal and anal fin each followed by a separate finlet. Color metallic
blue dorsally, silvery ventrally; fins hyaline; opercle with a small black spot.
24-40 scutes. Very slender compared to similar species.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 25


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Decapterus maruadsi

ENGLISH NAME : Japanese scad
LOCAL NAME: Sibubog, Galunggong


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 30 - 36
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 25 - 30

Maxilla extends to below anterior margin of eye. Minute teeth in a series on

both jaws, on arrow-shaped patch on vomer, in a narrow band on palatines
and tongue. Opercular membrane smooth. Predorsal scales extend to
beyond anterior margin of pupil. Pectoral fin long, its tip extends to behind
origin of second dorsal fin; bluish green above, silvery below small black
blotch on margin of opercle near upper edge; caudal fin yellowish when
fresh; dorsal-fin lobe usually dark distally. (

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Decapterus russelli

ENGLISH NAME : Indian scad


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 28 - 31
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 25 - 28
Vertebrae: 24

Lateral line curved below soft dorsal and with 30-44 strong scutes; color
bluish green above, silvery below; caudal fin hyaline to yellowish; dorsal fins
hyaline basally, light dusky distally. Opercle with small, black spot; opercular
membrane with smooth margin. Snout longer than eye diameter; squarish
lower posterior edge of maxilla; upper jaw with small teeth anteriorly; soft
dorsal and anal fins relatively low, not falcate; pectoral fin sub-falcate.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 27


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Decapterus tabl

ENGLISH NAME : Roughear scad
LOCAL NAME: Pulang-buntot


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 30 - 31
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 24 - 25

This species is characterized by the following: D VIII+I,30-31+1; A II+I, 24-

25+1; lateral line scales, curved 61-71 and without scutes, straight 4-10
with 30-40 scutes, total 103-113; gill rakers 10-12 + 30-33; a single series
of minute teeth on upper jaw; margin of opercular membrane minutely
serrated; color blue to greenish above and slivery below; caudal fin red and
tips of dorsal fin rays reddish; presence of a small, black opercular spot.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Elagatis bipinnulata

ENGLISH NAME : Rainbow runner
LOCAL NAME: Bulangawan


Dorsal spines (total): 7

Dorsal soft rays (total): 25 - 30
Anal spines: 2
Anal soft rays: 18 - 22

Dark olive green or olive blue dorsally and on side, shading to white
ventrally; with pair of narrow light blue or bluish white stripes along middle
of side with a yellowish band between them; fins olive or yellowish. Upper
jaw ending before the eye. Anal fin base is shorter than that of dorsal fin
base. It has a 2-rayed finlet; 2 anal fin spines are detached. Dorsal and
anal fins are relatively short; with small two-rayed pinnulae just behind the
dorsal and anal fins. Lateral line without scutes.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 29


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Gnathanodon speciosus

ENGLISH NAME : Golden trevally
LOCAL NAME: Talakitok, Bronsehan


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 18 - 20
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 15 - 17

Juveniles and subadult bright yellow to silvery with broad and narrow black
bars alternating; fins yellowish. Adults generally silvery grey with few black
blotches or spots on sides and very faint bars, if present. Lips thick and
fleshy; upper jaw strongly protractile. Breast completely scaled. LL scutes
17-26. Pectorals falcate; anal fin with 2 detached spines.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Megalaspis cordyla

ENGLISH NAME : Torpedo scad


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 18 - 20
Anal spines 3
Anal soft rays: 16 - 17

Bluish grey to green dorsally; shading to silvery on side and belly; dark
fins. Opercle with large black spot on upper rear edge. Body elongate and
subcylindrical, slightly compressed; caudal peduncle strongly compressed
with distinct median keel; breast scaleless ventrally. LL scutes 51-59,
strong and very large. Anal fin with 2 detached spines Numerous dorsal
and anal finlets are distinct. Adipose eyelid completely covering eye except
for vertical slit at middle of pupil.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 31


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scomberoides lysan

ENGLISH NAME : Doublespotted queenfish


Dorsal spines (total): 7 - 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 19 - 21
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 17 - 19

Dorsal bluish, ventral silver or white; spots oval, dusky, 5-8 in double
series above and below LL, first 4-5 intersects LL; dorsal lobe distal half
abruptly and heavily pigmented grey to black. Body oblong and elliptical,
compressed strongly; profiles dorsal and ventral about equally convex.
Upper jaw extends to or slightly beyond eye posterior edge in adult. Scales
needle-like and imbedded in tough skin; breast scales sharply lanceolate
and embedded on middle of body below lateral line. Fins dorsal and anal
posterior soft rays consist of several semi-detached finlets.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scomberoides tala

ENGLISH NAME : Barred queenfish


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 29 - 35
Anal spines 3
Anal soft rays: 18 - 22

Spots on sides elongate vertically, forming short bars in adults.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 33


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scomberoides tol

ENGLISH NAME : Needlescaled queenfish


Dorsal spines (total): 7 - 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 19 - 21
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 18 - 20

Dorsally bluish, ventrally silver or white, with 5-8 vertically oblong or oval
black spots, the first 4-5 intersect the lateral line; dorsal fin lobe black outer
half. Body strongly compressed, oblong and elliptical, dorsal and ventral
profiles equally convex. In adults, upper jaw extends to posterior edge of
pupil. Soft rays of posterior dorsal and anal fins consist of semi-detached

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


ENGLISH NAME : Oxeye scad
LOCAL NAME: Matangbaka, Atuloy, Bakagan


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 23 - 25
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 19 - 21

Dorsal side blue-green to green, ventral side silvery to silver-gold; stripe,

yellow from gill opening upper end to caudal peduncle upper part; spot,
black on opercle edge. Eyes very large, shorter than snout length; adipose
eyelid well-developed. Body elongate and compressed moderately; profile,
dorsal less convex than ventral. Cleithrum (lower margin of gill opening)
with furrow, deep; large papilla immediately above and small papilla on
upper edge. Breast fully scaled. LL curved part longer than straight part; LL
scales only on curved part, none on straight part; LL scutes 43-46, large,
strong. Pectoral fins falcate; anal fins first two spines detached.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 35


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Selar crumenophthalmus

ENGLISH NAME : Bigeye scad
LOCAL NAME: Atuloy, Matangbaka, Malughaw


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 24 - 27
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 21 - 23

Dorsal very blue-green or metallic blue, ventral silver or white; stripe (may be
absent) yellow from gill opening upper end to caudal peduncle; upper part
opercle edge with black spot. Body elongate and compressed moderately;
profile, dorsal less convex than ventral. Eyes very large, shorter than snout
length; adipose eyelid very well-developed, covers the eye almost entirely.
Cleithrum with furrow, deep, ventral; large papilla immediately about furrow,
small papilla near dorsal edge. Pectoral fins falcate; anal fins first two spines

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Selaroides leptolepis

ENGLISH NAME : Yellowstripe scad
LOCAL NAME: Salay-salay ginto, Salay-ginto


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 24 - 26
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 21 - 23

Dorsal metallic blue, ventral silvery white; stripe yellow, broad from eye
upper margin to caudal peduncle; opercle edge with spot black, large. Body
elongate, oblong, compressed; profile dorsal less convex than ventral.
Eyes very large, shorter than snout length; adipose eyelid well-developed,
covering eye posterior part. Upper jaw strongly protractile. Breast scaled.
LL curved part shorter than straight part, 0.6-0.8 times LL; scales are on
straight part; LL scutes 24-29, small. Cleithrum smooth without papillae.
Pectoral fins falcate; anal fins first two spines detached.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 37


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Seriola dumerili

ENGLISH NAME : Greater amberjack


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 29 - 35
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 18 - 22

Bluish grey or olivaceous above, silvery white below; amber stripe along
midside of body; fins dusky. Second dorsal and anal fins with low anterior
lobe. Species of Seriola lack scutes.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Seriolina nigrofasciata

ENGLISH NAME : Blackbanded trevally
LOCAL NAME: Bagaong sa lawod


Dorsal spines (total): 8 - 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 30 - 37
Anal spines: 2
Anal soft rays: 15 - 18

Color bluish grey to black dorsally, white to dusky below; 5-7 dark oblique
bands or blotches on young disappear with age. Posterior spines of dorsal
fin minute or embedded in large adults; first anal spine usually embedded.
Gill rakers are mostly rudiments. Grooves of caudal peduncle present
dorsally and ventrally. Maxilla reaching below rear margin of the eyes.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 39


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chirocentrus dorab

ENGLISH NAME : Dorab wolf-herring


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Anal spines: 0

Scales numerous, small, usually lost. Silvery; back bright blue (fading to
grey); flanks bright silver. The slightly shorter pectoral fin and the black
marking of the upper part of the dorsal fin are the only satisfactory
characters separating this species from C. nudus. Fins spineless; with
numerous dagger-like teeth.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Amblygaster sirm

ENGLISH NAME : Spotted sardinella


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 21
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12 - 13

Scutes not prominent. Distinguished from A. clupeoides and A. leiogaster

by the presence of a series of 10 to 20 gold (in life) or black (on preservation)
spots down the flank (but sometimes missing) and more lower gill rakers;
from Sardinops species by the absence of a bony radiating striae on its
operculum; from Sardinella species by its fewer pelvic fin rays and lower
gill rakers.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 41


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sardinella fimbriata

ENGLISH NAME : Fringescale sadinella
LOCAL NAME: Lawlaw, Turay


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 21
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12 - 23

Body somewhat compressed but variable; total number of scutes 29 to

33. Vertical striae on scales not meeting at center, hind part of scales with
a few perforations and (in Indian Ocean specimens) somewhat produced
posteriorly. A dark spot at dorsal fin origin.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sardinella lemuru

ENGLISH NAME : Bali sardinella


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 21
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12 - 23

A faint golden spot behind gill opening, followed by a faint golden mid-lateral
line; a distinct black spot at hind border of gill cover (absence of pigment).
Body elongate, sub-cylindrical. Distinguished from all other clupeids in the
eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific by its pelvic fin ray count of i 8;
from S. longiceps by its shorter head length and fewer lower gill rakers.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 43


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Coryphaena equiselis

ENGLISH NAME : Pompano dolphinfish
LOCAL NAME: Lamadang


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 52 - 59
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 24 - 28
Vertebrae: 33

Body elongate and compressed, its depth contained less than 4.0 times in
standard length (adults); tongue with a wide tooth patch covering 50 to 60
percent of its surface; dorsal fin originating on nape, almost reaching caudal
fin, with 48 to 55 rays; anterior distal edge of anal fin convex; pectoral fins
located near middle of head; body shiny blue-green, changing to gray with
green tints after death; flanks with golden highlights and numerous diffused
black stains. Greatest body depth more than 25% of SL; tooth patch on
tongue broad and square; single dorsal fin extending from just behind eye
almost to caudal fin.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Coryphaena hippurus

ENGLISH NAME : Common dolphinfish
LOCAL NAME: Lamadang


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 58 - 66
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 25 - 31
Vertebrae: 31

Greatest body depth in adults less than 25% of standard length; tooth patch
on tongue small and oval; single dorsal fin extending from above eye almost
to caudal fin with 58-66 rays; a concave anal fin extending from anus almost
to caudal fin; pectoral fin more than half of head length. Caudal vertebrae
usually 18. Mature males posses a prominent bony crest in front of the
head. The color is striking with golden hues on the sides, metallic blues
and greens on the back and sides, with white and yellow on the underparts.
Small specimens have pronounced vertical bars on the sides of the body.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 45


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Encrasicholina punctifer

ENGLISH NAME : Buccaneer anchovy


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 -15
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 14 - 17

Belly rounded with 3 to 6 sharp needle-like pre-pelvic scutes. Maxilla tip

blunt, scarcely projecting beyond second supra-maxilla, not reaching to
front border of pre-operculum. Isthmus short, preceded by small fleshy
plate on urohyal between branchial membranes. Anal fin short, its origin
behind base of last dorsal fin ray.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Stolephorus indicus

ENGLISH NAME : Indian anchovy
LOCAL NAME: Lipatang


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 17
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 18 - 21

Belly with 2 to 6 small needle-like pre-pelvic scutes. Maxilla tip pointed,

reaching to or only just beyond front border of pre-operculum; hind border
of pre-operculum convex, rounded. Isthmus muscle tapering evenly forward
to hind border of branchial membrane. Body light transparent fleshy brown,
with silver stripe down flank; no dark pigment lines on back between head
and dorsal fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 47


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Platax pinnatus

ENGLISH NAME : Dusky batfish


Dorsal spines (total): 5 - 6

Dorsal soft rays (total): 34 - 37
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 24 - 28

Juveniles are dark brown to black with a brilliant crimson margin around
the entire fish. Adults dull silver with short fins. Body orbicular and strongly
compressed, its depth more than twice length of head and 0.9 to 1.3 times
in SL. Head length 2.9 to 3.8 times in SL. Large adults (above 35 cm SL)
with protruding snout, the front head profile distinctly concave. Interorbital
width 34 to 42% head length. Jaws with bands of slender, flattened,
tricuspid teeth, the middle cusp about twice length of lateral cusps. Vomer
with teeth, but none on palatines. Three or 4 pores on each side of lower
jaw. Preopercle smooth. Opercle without spines.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Fistularia petimba

ENGLISH NAME : Red cornetfish
LOCAL NAME: Torotot, Sikwan


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 17
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 14 - 16
Vertebrae: 83 - 86

Vertically flattened rather than laterally compressed body. Long whiplike tail
filament. Color is green dorsally, grading to silvery white ventrally, with two
blue stripes or rows of blue spots on the back. Dorsal and anal fin orange
becoming transparent at base. Caudal filament white. Broadly banded at
night. First four vertebrae fused. Branchiostegal rays: 5.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 49


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Gerres erythrourus

ENGLISH NAME : Deep-bodied mojarra
LOCAL NAME: Sakalan, Latab


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Body silvery with indistinct fine dark stripes along scale rows above and 4-6 rows
immediately below lateral line (apparent in newly preserved specimens; larger
fishes). Body deep, depth max 1.9-2.3 in SL. Dorsal fin 2nd spine longer than
3rd; anal fin 2nd spine long and robust; caudal fin short and deeply forked;
pectoral fins reach beyond level of anal fin. No scales on upper preopercular
flange in approximately 10 cm SL specimens; 1-5 scales (usually 2-3) in over
16 cm SL specimens. Scales between 5th dorsal fin spine base and lateral line
3.5-4.5. Supraneural bones 3. Ventral and anal fins yellow with white tips.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


ENGLISH NAME : Common silver-biddy
LOCAL NAME: Sakalan, Latab


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Body silvery with 6-8 irregular, faint dusky oblique and vertical bands
dorsolaterally and ventrolaterally (usually more apparent in young stressed
or preserved specimens). U-shaped premaxilla groove mostly without
scales (tiny scales anteriorly in specimens over 13 cm SL). Posterior margin
of maxillary beyond a vertical through anterior margin of pupil. Supraneural
bones 3. Spinous dorsal fin with an indistinct dusky patch (2nd-6th spines)
and very narrow dusky distal margins on upper membranes between
spines. Scales between 5th dorsal fin spine and lateral line 3-4, usually 3.5.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 51


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pentaprion longimanus

ENGLISH NAME : Longfin mojarra


Dorsal spines (total): 9 - 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 15
Anal spines: 5-6
Anal soft rays: 12 - 13

Body is slender, with weakly attached silvery scales. The spines of the
dorsal and anal fins longer than the rays; the pectoral fins long and pointed,
reaching beyond the anal fin spines; the anal fin is long; the caudal fin lobes

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides

ENGLISH NAME : Harlequin sweetlips


Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 12

Dorsal soft rays (total): 18 - 20
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7-8

Juveniles brown with large white blotches. Becomes more spotted with
age, reversing from white to dark brown spotted in the process. Deeper
bodies compared to most others in the genus. Lips very thick in adults.
Body depth 2.4-2.5 in SL. Caudal fin deeply forked with broadly rounded
lobes in juveniles; only slightly forked to emarginate in adults.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 53


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Plectorhinchus lessonii

ENGLISH NAME : Lesson’s thicklip


Dorsal spines (total): 12 - 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 18 - 22
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7-8

Adult white; lips yellow; head with horizontal stripes and broken lines greenish
black; back with 4-5 stripes brown; abdomen without stripes; pectoral fin
base spot black; dorsal, anal, and caudal fins spots brown, large. Juvenile
with horizontal stripe above eye to soft dorsal fin white, and from head to
tail midlateral broad black. Body depth 2.5-2.8 in SL. Caudal fin rounded
in juveniles becoming truncate in adult. Dorsal 3rd to 5th spines longest.
(Encyclopedia of

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Diagramma pictum

ENGLISH NAME : Painted sweetlips
LOCAL NAME: Alatan, Abuabuhan


Dorsal spines (total): 9 - 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 21 - 25
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Small juveniles dorsal spinous fin black, with stripes, broad black on
median of body to tail, and yellow or white from eye to upper caudal fin.
Large juveniles yellow or white with broad black horizontal stripes on body,
dorsal fins and tail.Subadult greyish silver with brownish orange spots on
head, body, and median fins. Adults become plain grey or spotted. The
Queensland fish are plain grey. Body depth 2.7-3.0 in SL. Dorsal fin 2nd
spine longest. Juveniles caudal fin slightly rounded to truncate with growth.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 55


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hemiramphus far

ENGLISH NAME : Black-barred halfbeak


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 15
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 10 - 12

Greatly prolonged, beak-like lower jaw; upper jaw short, triangular and
without scales; preorbital ridge absent; total number of gill rakers on first
gill arch 25-36; pectoral fins short, not reaching past nasal pit when folded
forward; with 3-9 (usually 4-6) vertical bars on the sides. Color bluish
dorsally, silvery on sides. 36-41 predorsal scales. Lower lobe of caudal fin
longer than upper lobe. Dorsal and anal fins located posteriorly.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sargocentron spiniferum

ENGLISH NAME : Sabre squirrelfish


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 16
Anal spines: 4
Anal soft rays: 9 - 10

Head and body red, scale edges silvery white; spinous dorsal crimson in
color; other fins orange-yellow; vertically oblong crimson spot on preopercle
behind eye. Five oblique scale rows on cheek; body depth 2.4-2.6 in
SL; head length (HL) 2.55-2.85 in SL; lower jaw when closed slightly to
moderately projecting; snout length 3.0-3.8 in HL, larger than orbit diameter
in adults; interorbital width 6.3-8.7 in HL; maxilla extending posteriorly to
a vertical at front edge of the orbit; anterior end of nasal bone often with
2 close-set, short spines; medioposterior margin of nasal bone spineless;
large nasal fossa spineless on margin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 57


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Istiompax indica

ENGLISH NAME : Black marlin
LOCAL NAME: Malasugi


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 39 - 50
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 16 - 21

Body elongate and not very compressed; upper jaw produced into a robust
but not very long beak; two dorsal fins, the height of the first less than the
greatest body depth, becoming shorter posteriorly; pectoral fins falcate and
rigid, with 19 to 20 rays; body densely covered with small, embedded scales
with 1 or 2 sharp points; back dark blue; belly silvery white; membrane of
first dorsal fin blue black, without spots; flanks without spots. Dark blue
above, silvery white below; sometimes with light blue vertical stripes; 1st
dorsal fin blackish to dark blue; other fins dark brown with tinges of dark
blue in some specimens.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Istiophorus platypterus

ENGLISH NAME : Indo-Pacific sailfish
LOCAL NAME: Malasugi


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 47 - 53
Anal spines: 2
Anal soft rays: 12 - 15

Body elongate and compressed; upper jaw prolonged into a very long
beak; two dorsal fins, the first very large and sail-like; pelvic fins narrow
but very long, almost reaching anus, with 1 spine and 2 rays; body covered
with small, embedded scales with 1 or 2 blunt points; back dark with about
20 bluish vertical bars; belly pale silver; membrane of first dorsal fin blue
black with numerous dark spots. A slender billfish with a high, sail-like first
dorsal fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 59


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Kyphosus vaigiensis

ENGLISH NAME : Brassy chub


Dorsal spines (total): 10 - 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 15
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 12 - 14
Vertebrae: 26

This species is distinguished by the following characteristics: elongate and

oval-shaped body; scale rows horizontally along the body appear alternately
golden and bluish; metallic blue dorsally and white ventrally; caudal fin
moderately emarginated; very low dorsal and anal fins D X-XI,13-15; A
III, 12-14; pectoral fin 17-20: teeth incisor-shaped; scales on interorbital
region; external side of first gill arch with high number of gill rakers on lower
limb 16-23, upper limb 5-10; total lateral line scale rows 63-80, 52-63 has
pores; longitudinal scale rows 56-70; vertebrae: precaudal 10, caudal 16;
pterygiophores, anal 13-14, dorsal 22-24.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cheilinus fasciatus

ENGLISH NAME : Redbreasted wrasse
LOCAL NAME: Hipus, Ulapay


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Small juveniles often mistaken for Wetmorella sp. because of the thin
vertical white barring. Large individuals develop bright red areas and males
have extended caudal fin lobes.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 61


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cheilinus trilobatus

ENGLISH NAME : Tripletail wrasse
LOCAL NAME: Ulapay, Hipus


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Olivaceous with a vertical red line on each body scale; small red spots and
irregular lines on head and chest; red lines radiating anteriorly from eye.
Large adults of this species have trilobed caudal fin.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cheilio inermis (Female)

ENGLISH NAME : Cigar wrasse
LOCAL NAME: Molmol, Talad


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 13
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 11 - 12

Young individuals are usually a mottled brown or green, sometimes with a

broad lateral stripe. Rare individuals may be uniformly yellow. Coloration in
this fish is variable: green, brown, orange-brown or yellow, often with narrow,
midlateral, broken black stripes which are absent in large males. Large
males may develop a bright yellow, orange, black, white, or multicolored
patch on their sides behind their pectoral fins.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 63


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cheilio inermis (Male)

ENGLISH NAME : Cigar wrasse
LOCAL NAME: Molmol, Talad


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 13
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 11 - 12

Young individuals are usually a mottled brown or green, sometimes with a

broad lateral stripe. Rare individuals may be uniformly yellow. Coloration in
this fish is variable: green, brown, orange-brown or yellow, often with narrow,
midlateral, broken black stripes which are absent in large males. Large
males may develop a bright yellow, orange, black, white, or multicolored
patch on their sides behind their pectoral fins.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Choerodon anchorago

ENGLISH NAME : Orange-dotted tuskfish


Dorsal spines (total): 12 - 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 7
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7-9

A pair of greatly enlarged canine teeth present in front of jaws. Undergoes

very little change in color with growth. Adults can be recognized by the white
underside of the belly and head. Juveniles are greenish when in seagrass.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 65


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lampris guttatus



Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 48 - 55
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 33 - 41
Vertebrae: 43

Caudal fin broadly lunate; pectorals long and falcate; pelvic fins similar to
pectoral fins in shape and a little longer. Dark steely blue dorsally shading
into green with silver and purple iridescence; belly rosy; body covered with
silvery spots in irregular rows; light mottling on caudal and dorsal fins;
vermillion on fins and jaws; golden around eyes.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Eubleekeria splendens

ENGLISH NAME : Splendidponyfish


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 14
Vertebrae: 24

This species of the Leiognathus splendens complex is distinguished by

the following characteristics: no scales on cheek; anterior dorsolateral
body surface almost completely scaled without a semicircular naked area
on nape; lower margin of inner preopercular ridge is smooth or weakly
serrated (including the neotype); interspace of pelvic keels without scales;
second spines of dorsal and anal fins are robust (width of second spines of
dorsal and anal fins 0.87-1.6% of SL and 0.76-1.7% of SL, respectively); a
jet black blotch on spinous dorsal fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 67


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Gazza achlamys

ENGLISH NAME : Smalltoothed ponyfish


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total):16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 14
Vertebrae: 24

Body oval, moderately deep and somewhat compressed, its depth 1.9
to 2.2 times in SL. Mouth pointing forward when protracted, with distinct
caniform teeth in both jaws. Head scaleless; scales on body absent anterior
to a line from origin of soft dorsal fin to behind pectoral-fin base and thence
on towards tip of depressed pelvic fins. A single dorsal fin with VIII and 16
soft rays; anal fin with III spines and 14 soft rays; caudal fin forked. Body
silvery, back greyish to bluish, with dark yellow, irregular marks extending
to a little below lateral line; black dots all over ventral half of body and head.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


ENGLISH NAME : Toothpony


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 17
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 13 - 14

Body silvery with vermiculations, irregular yellow on dorsal side up to

midlateral; dorsal, pectoral and pelvic fins colorless; dorsal fin spinous,
membrane margin black; anal fin anterior yellow. Nuchal spine on nape.
Mouth pointing forward when protracted. Head and breast scaleless.
Scales minute. Body depth max 2.0-2.5 in SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 69


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Leiognathus equulus

ENGLISH NAME : Common ponyfish


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 14 - 15

Body silvery, dorsal grey with numerous bars, thin and dark; caudal
peduncle with a small brown saddle; dorsal fin transparent, pectoral fins
axil black, anal fins yellowish. Head naked, with nuchal spine; snout short
and rounded; mouth protrusible pointing downward; eyes large. Body
compressed and deep, depth max 1.7-1.9 in SL, back strongly arched;
breast scaleless.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Gymnocranius elongatus

ENGLISH NAME : Forktail large-eye bream
LOCAL NAME: Kamasuhon


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 10

Lower edge of eye is intersected by line from snout tip to the middle of the
caudal fin fork. Eye diameter usually about equal to the length of the snout.
The interorbital space is convex and about equal to eye diameter. The inner
surface of the pectoral fin axil is scaleless. Overall color is silver, sometimes
slightly brown dorsally, with about eight transverse brown bars on the sides,
the first crossing through the eye, the remainder below the dorsal fin and
across the caudal peduncle. Scattered blotches and speckling is sometimes
evident on sides. Fins are clear to yellow-orange with caudal margins and
tips often deep red. Body depth 2.2-2.4 in SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 71


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus atkinsoni

ENGLISH NAME : Pacific yellowtail emperor
LOCAL NAME: Saligan, Bukhawon, Banwiton, Katambak


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Dorsal-fin rays X, 9; anal-fin rays III, 8; pectoral-fin rays 16-17. Color is

bluish-gray, tan or yellowish on the upper sides, and white ventrally. The
head is brown; lips reddish; caudal peduncle yellowish. The fins are pale,
yellowish, orange or reddish. The base of the pectoral fins, the basal
membranes of the anal fins and the edges of the pelvic, dorsal, anal
and caudal fins are often reddish. Sometimes there is a broad yellowish
indistinct band on the sides.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus harak

ENGLISH NAME : Thumbprint emperor
LOCAL NAME: Saligan, Katambak, Banwiton


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Mouth slightly protractile; lips thick and fleshy. Inner base of pectorals
densely covered with scales. Color is olive-green dorsally, paler ventrally;
scales on back sometimes with white center. A large elliptical blotch, often
broadly edged in yellow, on side directly below lateral line and centered
at a vertical near the posterior tip of the pectoral fin. Sometimes light blue
dots border the lower rime of the eye and around the nostrils. The pectoral,
pelvic, dorsal and anal fins are white to pinkish. The caudal fin is orange or
reddish. The vertical fins are sometimes lightly mottled or stripped.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 73


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus lentjan

ENGLISH NAME : Pink ear emperor
LOCAL NAME: Bukhawon, Manuping, Katambak


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Mouth is slightly protractile; lips thick and fleshy. The inner base of the
pectoral fin is either with few scales or naked. Body olive-green above,
becoming paler below; each scale on back sometimes with white center.
The posterior margin of the opercle and sometimes the base of the pectoral
fin is red. The pectoral fin is white, yellow or pinkish; the pelvic and anal
fins are white to orange; the dorsal fin is white and orange mottled with a
reddish margin; the caudal fin is mottled orange or reddish.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus microdon

ENGLISH NAME : Smalltooth emperor


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

The snout is moderately long, its dorsal profile slightly concave. Body color
is bluish gray or brown often with scattered irregular dark blotches on sides;
sometimes three dark streaks radiate forward from the eye. The fins are
pale or orangish.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 75


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus miniatus

ENGLISH NAME : Trumpet emperor


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Snout moderately long. Cheek without scales. Body silvery, tan or yellowish
in color, often with a series of 8 or 9 dark bars. Vertical bars may be absent
in some individuals. Base of pectoral fin red. Occasionally a red streak is
present, originating on the upper operculum, passing beneath the eye and
on to the snout. Reddish lips. Fins pale or reddish, sometimes brilliant red
on membranes near base of pelvic fin and between spinous rays of dorsal
and anal fin. The base of scales often black.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus nebulosus

ENGLISH NAME : Spangled emperor
LOCAL NAME: Bukhawon


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Cheek without scales; 5-9 scales in supra temporal patch; inner surface of
pectoral fin densely covered with scales; posterior angle of opercular fully
scaled. Body color is yellowish or bronze, lighter below. Center of many scales
with a white or light blue spot. Sometimes irregular dark indistinct bars on sides
and a square black blotch above pectoral fin bordering below the lateral line.
Three blue streaks or series of blue spots radiate forward and ventrally from the
eye. The fins are whitish or yellowish, the pelvic dusky, the edge of the dorsal fin
is reddish. Juveniles variable with blotches or stripe and changes with habitat.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 77


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus olivaceus

ENGLISH NAME : Longface emperor
LOCAL NAME: Bukhawon, Dugso


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Probably the largest, longest-snouted lethrinid. Crimson cast on face and

fins may develop in large courting males. Body color is gray, becoming
lighter ventrally, often with scattered irregular dark blotches. The snout has
wavy dark streaks. The upper jaw, especially near the corner of the mouth,
is sometimes edged with red. Very similar to L. microdon, but more scales
above lateral line and caudal fin more forked when young.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus ornatus

ENGLISH NAME : Ornate emperor
LOCAL NAME: Bukhawon, Banwiton, Katambak


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Body color is dusky whitish, becoming lighter below, with four or six orange
stripes. The posterior edges of the operculum and preoperculum are bright
red. The head is brown or tan, sometimes with a red spot on the lower front
edge of the eye. The pectoral fin is orangish; the pelvic, anal and most of
the dorsal fin is whitish. The edge of the dorsal and caudal fin is reddish.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 79


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lethrinus semicinctus

ENGLISH NAME : Black blotch emperor
LOCAL NAME: Dugso, Banwiton, Pututan


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Body is brown or tan, with scattered irregular small black blotches, a large
oblong black blotch below soft-rayed portion of dorsal fin and bordering
below the lateral line. The fins are pale or pinkish.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lobotes surinamensis

ENGLISH NAME : Tripletail
LOCAL NAME: Tilapiang-dagat


Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 12

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 11 - 12

Adults dark brown or greenish yellow above, silvery grey below; pectorals
pale yellow, other fins darker than body; caudal fin with yellow margin.
Rounded caudal fin that appear as single 3-lobed fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 81


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aphareus rutilans

ENGLISH NAME : Rusty jobfish
LOCAL NAME: Sapi, Tagisi


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 11
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Maxilla extending to below middle of eye; interorbital space flattened.

Dorsal and anal fins without scales. Generally blue-gray or mauve to
overall reddish; fins yellowish to reddish except pelvic and anal fins which
are sometimes whitish; margin of maxilla black.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aprion virescens

ENGLISH NAME : Green jobfish
LOCAL NAME: Malaguno


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 11
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Dorsal dark green to bluish or bluish-grey, underside paler. Spinous dorsal

fin with black blotches. Body slender, cylindrical, tail deeply forked. Head
elongate, snout relatively blunt, a distinct horizontal groove in front of eye.
Jaws with large canine teeth. Large diamond-shaped scales on body, those
on back parallel with lateral line. (

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 83


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus argentimaculatus

ENGLISH NAME : Mangrove red snapper
LOCAL NAME: Mangagat


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7-8

Preopercular notch and knob poorly developed. Scale rows on back more
or less parallel to lateral line, or parallel below spinous part of dorsal fin and
sometimes rising obliquely posteriorly, or rarely with entirely oblique rows.
Generally greenish brown on back, grading to reddish on sides and ventral
parts. Trawl specimens from deep water frequently are reddish with dark
scale centers and white scale margins, giving a reticulated appearance.
Juveniles with a series of about eight whitish bars crossing sides, and 1 or
2 blue lines across cheek. Dorsal greenish brown, ventral white or greenish
grey, sides reddish; bars 8 white and streaks 2 blue across cheeks (in

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus decussatus

ENGLISH NAME : Checkered snapper
LOCAL NAME: Banwiton


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8-9

Dorsal profile of head moderately sloped. Preorbital bone usually about

equal to eye diameter or slightly narrower. Preopercular notch and knob
poorly developed. Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line.
Generally pink to whitish, with a silvery sheen on breast and side of head.
Trunk with a ‘checker-board’ pattern on upper half of sides. Horizontal
stripes brown 5-6. Caudal fin base with large black spot. Body depth max
2.6-3.1 in SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 85


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus fulviflamma

ENGLISH NAME : Dory snapper
LOCAL NAME: Arungan, Madarag


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Caudal fin truncate or slightly emarginate; color of body on back and upper
sides brown. Lower sides whitish or light brown; whitish to yellow on belly.
A series of 6 or 7 yellow stripes on sides. A prominent black spot at level of
lateral line below base.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus lutjanus

ENGLISH NAME : Bigeye snapper
LOCAL NAME: Mangagat


Dorsal spines (total): 10 - 12

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Dorsal profile of head gently sloped. Preorbital bone very narrow, much less
than eye diameter. Preopercular notch and knob poorly developed. Scale
rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Generally silvery white,
with a broad yellow stripe running along the side from the eye to the caudal
fin base. A series of faint narrow yellow horizontal lines is on the lower half
of the body. The fins are pale yellow to whitish. Body depth 2.9-3.3 in SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 87


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus malabaricus

ENGLISH NAME : Malabar blood snapper
LOCAL NAME: Maya-maya


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8-9

Dorsal profile of head steeply sloped. Preorbital bone much broader than
eye diameter. Preopercular notch and knob poorly developed. Scale
rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Juveniles with a broad,
oblique band of brown or black, from upper jaw to beginning of dorsal fin a
prominent black band runs across the caudal peducle with a pearly-white
border. Young with horizontal lines on sides.

Note: (TL, cm) = 0.28 + 1.26 (SL, cm); n = 1034. Body depth 2.2-2.8 in SL.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus monostigma

ENGLISH NAME : One-spot snapper
LOCAL NAME: Banwiton


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8-9

Adults grey or yellowish grey to brown with yellow fins. At night it is brown
to red in color. With or without black side spot that can be turned on or
off at will. Dorsal profile of head gently to moderately sloped. Preorbital
width about equal to eye diameter. Preopercular notch and knob poorly
developed. Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Generally
silvery white with yellow fins, and usually a black spot below the middle of
the dorsal fin that is intersected by the lateral line.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 89


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus quinquelineatus

ENGLISH NAME : Five-lined snapper
LOCAL NAME: Banwiton


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 15
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Dorsal profile of head steeply sloped. Preorbital width usually less than
eye diameter. Preopercular notch and knob well-developed. Scale rows on
back rising obliquely above lateral line. Generally bright yellow, including
fins, with a series of blue stripes on the side. A round black spot, about
the size of the eye or larger, is below the anterior most soft dorsal rays,
touching the lateral line but mostly above it.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus russellii

ENGLISH NAME : Russell’s snapper
LOCAL NAME: Banwiton


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Dorsal profile of head steeply to moderately sloped. Preorbital width about

equal to, or slightly less than eye diameter. Preopercular notch and knob
poorly developed. Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line.
Generally whitish or pink with silvery sheen, frequently brownish on the
upper part of the head and back. A black spot which is sometimes faint, is
on the lateral line below the anterior portions of the soft dorsal fin. Juveniles
from the western Pacific whitish with four black stripes on sides and with a
round black spot on upper back. Body depth 2.6-2.8 in SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 91


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus sebae

ENGLISH NAME : Emperor red snapper
LOCAL NAME: Maya-maya


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 10

Dorsal profile of head steeply sloped. Preorbital bone broad. Preopercular

notch and knob moderately developed. Scale rows on back rising obliquely
above lateral line. Generally red or pink, darker on the back; fins are red
except the pectorals which is pink. Juveniles and small adults have a dark
red band from first dorsal spine through eye to tip of snout; a 2nd band from
mid-dorsal fin to pelvic fin; a 3rd from base of last dorsal spine to caudal
peduncle. Large adults become uniformly red. Note: (TL, cm) = 1.00 + 1.24
(SL, cm); n = 828. Body depth 2.6-3.0 in SL.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lutjanus vitta

ENGLISH NAME : Brownstripe red snapper


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8-9

Dorsal profile of head moderately sloped. Preorbital width about equal to

eye diameter. Preopercular notch and knob poorly developed. Scale rows
on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Generally whitish or pink with a
yellowish brown to black stripe on the middle of the side. Juveniles and sub-
adults with an intensely black mid-lateral stripe and an oval black spot, eye-
sized or greater, lying in the middle of the stripe below last dorsal spines.
Adults with yellow median fins. Body depth 2.6-3.0 in SL.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 93


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mene maculata

LOCAL NAME: Timon-timon, Kutaw


Dorsal spines (total): 3-4

Dorsal soft rays (total): 40 - 45
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 30 - 33

Dorsal spines disappear with age; dark blue above, silvery white below; 2-3
rows of dark spots above and below lateral line.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mugil cephalus

ENGLISH NAME : Flathead grey mullet


Dorsal spines (total): 5

Dorsal soft rays (total): 7-9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8-9

Body stout, cylindrical in cross-section, slightly compressed; head broad

and flattened. Well-developed adipose eyelid covering most of pupil. Upper
lip thin and without papillae, armed with 1-6 rows of fine teeth; hind end
of upper jaw reaching a vertical line from anterior eye margin; maxillary
pad not visible below corner of mouth when closed; origin of 1st dorsal fin
nearer to snout tip than to caudal-fin base; anterior parts and bases of 2nd
dorsal and anal fins with a moderately dense coverage of scales; pectoral
axillary process; 14-15 scale rows between origins of dorsal and pelvic fins.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 95


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Parupeneus barberinoides

ENGLISH NAME : Bicolor goatfish
LOCAL NAME: Timbungan


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 7

Pectoral rays 15-16 (usually 15). Gill rakers 6-8 + 20-25 (total 28-32). Body
moderately elongate, depth 3.2-3.5 in SL; head length 2.75-3.15 in SL;
snout length 1.8-2.0 in HL; barbel length 1.3-1.5 in HL; head and anterior
half of body reddish black, posterior half white and yellow with a black spot
nearly as large as eye on upper side below rear base of second dorsal fin,
followed by small blue spots a white band from front of snout passing above
eye along dorsal part of body, and a second nearly parallel one from corner
of mouth to above pectoral fin; caudal fin pale yellow with a broad, dusky
lower margin, and often with a small red spot at midbase barbels red.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Parupeneus barberinus

ENGLISH NAME : Dash-and-dot goatfish
LOCAL NAME: Timbungan


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 7

Pectoral rays 16-18 (usually 17). Gill rakers 6-7 + 20-25 (total 26-31). Body
moderately elongate, depth 3.3-3.7 in SL; head length (HL) 2.6-3.0 in SL;
snout length 1.45-2.1 in HL (snout relatively longer with growth); barbel
length 1.4-1.6 in HL; longest dorsal spine 1.15-1.75 in HL (longer with
growth); penultimate dorsal soft ray about equal to last ray in young, 1.2
in last ray in large adults; pectoral fins 1.5-1.75 in HL; pelvic fins 1.35-1.6
in HL. Body whitish with a dark brown to black stripe (red on fish in deeper
water) from upper lip through eye to below posterior part of second dorsal
fin or anteriorly on upper caudal peduncle; body above stripe yellow or
yellowish gray.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 97


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Parupeneus indicus

ENGLISH NAME : Indian goatfish
LOCAL NAME: Timbungan


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 7

Diagnosis: Pectoral rays 16 (rarely 15 or 17). Gill rakers 5-7 + 18-21 (total
24-27)> Body depth 3.25-3.75 in SL; head length (HL) 2.9-3.25 in SL;
snout length 1.65-1.95 in HL; barbel length 1.3-1.5 in HL. Longest dorsal
spine 1.5-1.8 in HL; penultimate dorsal ray about equal to last dorsal ray in
juveniles, 1.05-1.2 in length of last dorsal ray of adults; pectoral-fin length
1.35-1.55 in HL; pelvic-fin length 1.3-1.5 in HL. Body greenish brown to
reddish brown dorsally, the scale edges narrowly dark, shading to whitish
or pale pink ventrally, with a nearly round black spot as large or larger than
eye on side of caudal peduncle, two-thirds of which lies above the lateral

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Upeneus moluccensis

ENGLISH NAME : Goldband goatfish


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 7

This species is distinguished by the following characteristics: DVIII, 9;

pectoral fins 14-16; gill rakers 7-8 + 18-20 = 26-27; lateral line scales 33-
35; body depth at first dorsal-fin origin 24-26% SL and at anus 21-23%
SL; caudal-peduncle depth 9.0-10% SL; maximum head depth 20-22%
SL; head depth through eye 16-17% SL; head length 27-29% SL; or bit
length 7.3-8.9% SL; upper jaw length 11-12% SL; barbel length 15-17% SL;
caudal-fin length 27-30% SL; anal-fin height 13-15% SL; pelvic-fin length
17-22% SL; pectoral-fin length 25-27% SL; first dorsal-fin height 20-23%
SL; second dorsal-fin height 14-16% SL; 6-8 thin bars on upper caudal fin

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 99


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Upeneus sulphureus

ENGLISH NAME : Sulphur goatfish
LOCAL NAME: Timbungan, Tiaw


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 7

This species is distinguished by the following characteristics: D VIII, 9;

pectoral fins 15-16; gill rakers 7-8 + 19-21 = 27-28; lateral line scales 34-
37; body depth at first dorsal-fin origin 29-33% SL and at anus 25-27% SL;
caudal-peduncle depth 11-12% SL; maximum head depth 23-25% SL; head
depth through eye 18-20% SL; head length 29-30%SL; orbit length 7.4-
8.7% SL; upper jaw length 11-13% SL; barbel length 17-21% SL; caudal-fin
length 27-30% SL; anal-fin height 16-18% SL; pelvic-fin length 20-22% SL;
pectoral-fin length 24-26% SL; first dorsal-fin height 23-26% SL; second
dorsal-fin height 17-18% SL; no bars on caudal-fin lobes.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Upeneus tragula

ENGLISH NAME : Freckled goatfish
LOCAL NAME: Timbungan


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 6

This species is distinguished by the following characteristics: D VIII + 9;

pectoral fins 12-14; gill rakers 4-7 + 15-19 = 20-25; lateral line scales 28-31;
the following measurements are in %SL- body depth at first dorsal fin origin
21-28 and at anus 18-24; caudal-peduncle depth 9.5-12; width 3.1-4.9L;
maximum head depth 18-24; head depth through eye 14-20; head length
26-32; postorbital length 9.9–13; orbit length 5.3-8.9; upper jaw length 9.8-
14; barbel length 13-21; caudal-peduncle length 22-27; caudal-fin length
29-34; anal-fin height 16-20; pelvic-fin length 19-24; pectoral-fin length 17-
22; width 3.5-5.3; first dorsal-fin height 20-25; second dorsal-fin height 17-

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 101


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Upeneus vittatus

ENGLISH NAME : Yellowstriped goatfish


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 7

This species is distinguished by the following characteristics: D VIII,9; pectoral

fins 15-16; gill rakers 7-8 + 19-21 = 27-29; lateral line scales 36-38; body depth
at first dorsal fin origin 25-29% SL and at anal-fin origin 21-24% SL; caudal-
peduncle depth 9.9-12% SL; maximum head depth 21-26% SL; head depth
through eye 18-20% SL; head length 30-31%SL; orbit length 7.0-8.7% SL; upper
jaw length 11-13% SL; barbel length 17-21% SL; caudal-fin length 26-30% SL;
anal-fin height 15-16% SL; pelvic-fin length 18-21% SL; pectoral-fin length 22-
24% SL; first dorsal-fin height 22-25% SL; second dorsal-fin height 14-16% SL;
7-9 total bars on caudal fin.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Congresox talabon

ENGLISH NAME : Yellow pike conger


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Anal spines: 0
Vertebrae: 143 - 149

Mouth very large, upper jaw reaches well behind eye. Length of pectoral
fin about 3.2 in head length; lateral line pores before anus 41-42; dorsal fin
rays before anus 70-75. Dorsal fin inserted before gill-openings.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 103


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Muraenesox bagio

ENGLISH NAME : Common pike conger


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Anal spines: 0
Vertebrae: 128 - 141

Body robust and eel-shaped; snout long eye diameter 3 times in snout
length. Head narrower, interorbital width about 10 times in head length;
lateral-line pores before anus 33-39; dorsal-fin rays before anus 47-49.
Posterior nostrils only slightly nearer to eye than to anterior nostrils mouth
very large; teeth generally large and conspicuous.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Nemipterus bathybius

ENGLISH NAME : Yellowbelly threadfin bream


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Suborbital spine absent. Preopercle with 3 transverse scale rows. Pectoral

fins long, reaching almost to level of origin of anal fin. Pelvic fins moderately
long, reaching beyond anus. A line drawn upwards from the posterior edge
of suborbital reaching the dorsal profile in front of origin of dorsal fin. Upper
lobe of caudal fin falcate and yellow, usually ribbon-like in adults. Axillary
scale present. Color: Upper body pinkish, silvery below.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 105


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Nemipterus furcosus

ENGLISH NAME : Fork-tailed threadfin bream


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Suborbital spine absent. Preopercle with 3 transverse scale rows. Pectoral

fins moderately long, reaching to or just short of level of anus. Pelvic fins
moderately long, reaching to or just short of level anus. A line drawn up from
posterior edge of suborbital reaching the dorsal profile at about the origin
of dorsal fin. Females predominate at small sizes while males dominate
the larger size classes. Maybe a sequential hermaphrodite. Axillary scale
present. Color: Upper body iridescent pink, silvery white below. Lower
margin of caudal fin white.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Nemipterus isacanthus

ENGLISH NAME : Teardrop threadfin bream


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Suborbital spine absent. Preopercle with 3 transverse scale rows. Pectoral

fins long, reaching to beyond level of anus. Pelvic fins moderately long,
reaching to between just short of and just beyond level of anus. A line
drawn up from posterior edge of suborbital reaching the dorsal profile at
about 2 to 7 scale rows before origin of dorsal fin. Upper lobe of caudal fin
falcate, tipped with bright yellow. Axillary scale present. Color: Upper body
pinkish mauve, silvery white below. Yellow teardrop-shaped bar beneath
eye, extending obliquely halfway to suborbital.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 107


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Nemipterus marginatus

ENGLISH NAME : Red filament threadfin bream


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Lower edge of eye lies above a line from tip of snout to upper base of
pectoral fin; suborbital with straight lower margin and rounded posterior
margin. Dorsal fin origin about 2-5 scale rows from imaginary line projected
upwards from posterior edge of suborbital to dorsal profile. Caudal fin with
the upper lobe produced into a short, reddish filament. In life, head with
oblique yellow stripe from beneath eye to middle of upper jaw and another
from anterior of eye to near tip of snout. Axillary scale present. Color: Upper
body rosy, silvery below.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scolopsis bilineata

ENGLISH NAME : Two-lined monocle bream


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7

Some geographical variations, especially different between Indian and

Pacific Oceans; Pacific form with yellow stripes and yellow dorsal fin, while
the Indian ocean form lacks the yellow. Head scales reaching to or just in
front of anterior nostrils. Lower limb of preopercle scaly. Antrorse (forward-
directed) suborbital spine present beneath eye. Pelvic fins long, reaching
to or almost to level of origin of anal fin. Axillary scale present. Upper part
of body olive or greyish-brown, pearly-white below; 2 narrow yellow stripes
on head, another dark red-edged pearly-white stripe from mouth to baseof
soft dorsal fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 109


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scolopsis taenioptera

ENGLISH NAME : Lattice monocle bream


Dorsal spines (total): 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 7

Head scales reaching forward to between level of anterior margin of eyes

and posterior nostrils. Lower limb of preopercle naked. Antrorse (forward-
directed) suborbital spine absent. Pelvic fins long, reaching to or beyond
level of anus. Axillary scale present.Color: Upper body grayish-yellow,
whitish below. A narrow blue stripe joining eyes just behind nostrils. A blue
stripe from middle of upper lip to lower edge of eye. Upper
part of pectorial-fin base with a reddish-orange spot.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pempheris otaitensis



Prepelvic area narrow and keeled. Scales on sides cycloid and deciduous.
Lateral-line scales smaller than (and partly or mostly concealed by)
surrounding scales, sensory tubes longer than wide. Body coppery, dorsal
fin with a dark leading edge without dark tips on the first 5 or 6 soft rays,
pectoral fins usually with a patch on fin base. (

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 111


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Plotosus lineatus

ENGLISH NAME : Striped eel catfish


Dorsal spines (total): 0

Dorsal soft rays (total): 69-115
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 58 - 82

This species has the dorsal and anal fins continuous with caudal fin, with 4
pairs of mouth barbels and a single highly venomous serrate spine at the
beginning of the first dorsal and each of the pectoral fins.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Priacanthus hamrur

ENGLISH NAME : Moontail bullseye


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays 13 - 15
(total): 3
Anal spines: 13 - 16
Anal soft rays:

Red in color with 15 small dark spots along lateral line; median and pelvic fins
dusky red; black spot at base of first 3 pelvic rays. Characterized by the
following: soft portion, angular posteriorly; distinctly emarginate caudal fin;
poorly developed preopercular spine; inconspicuous in adults.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 113


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Priacanthus macracanthus

ENGLISH NAME : Red bigeye


Dorsal spines (total): 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 13 - 14

Medium-sized fish of moderately deep body. The eyes large; the mouthblique,
with the lower jaw projecting upwards. The body tapers very slightly to
beneath the middle of the soft portion of the dorsal fin, and then abruptly to
the peduncle. This species is distinguished from P. fitchi by the presence of
numerous rusty brown to yellowish spots in the membranes of the dorsal and
anal fins, and its less tapered body.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Priacanthus tayenus

ENGLISH NAME : Purple-spotted bigeye


Body moderately deep, moderately elongate, and laterally compressed.

Anterior profile slightly assymetrical, extremity of protruding lower jaw
usually slightly above level of midline of body. Small teeth on dentaries,
vomer, palatines, and premaxillaries. Dorsal fin with X spines and 11 to
13 soft rays; anal fin with III spines and 12 to 14 soft rays; caudal fin more
or less truncate in smaller specimens but becoming very lunate in some
(possibly males) but not all larger specimens. Pored lateral-line scales 51
to 67. Body, head, and iris of eye pink to reddish or silvery white with pink
tinges; fins pinkish; pelvic fins with characteristic small deep purple to inky
black spots in membranes with 1 or 2 larger spots in connective membrane
to belly.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 115


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Psettodes erumei

ENGLISH NAME : Indian halibut


Dorsal spines (total): 9 - 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 38 - 45
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 33 - 43
Vertebrae: 23 - 25

Body oval and flat, but thicker than in most other flatfishes. Mouth large with
strong teeth; maxillary extends well beyond hind edge of lower eye both
eyes on left or right side; upper eye lying immediately below dorsal edge;
gill rakers not developed. Dorsal fin origin well posterior to eyes; anterior
fin rays spinous; lateral line almost straight. Color usually brown or grey,
sometimes with 4 broad, dark crossbars. Dorsal, anal and caudal fin tips
black. Blind side occasionally partially colored.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Rachycentron canadum

LOCAL NAME: Pandawan


Dorsal spines (total): 7 - 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 26 - 33
Anal spines: 2-3
Anal soft rays: 22 - 28

Head broad and depressed. First dorsal fin with short but strong isolated
spines, not connected by a membrane. Caudal fin lunate in adults, upper
lobe longer than lower. Back and sides dark brown, with 2 sharply defined
narrow silvery bands.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 117


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chlorurus bowersi

ENGLISH NAME : Bower’s parrotfish


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 9

Males are easily recognized by the bright orange patch. Females are similar
to males but lack orange.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Leptoscarus vaigiensis

ENGLISH NAME : Marbled parrotfish
LOCAL NAME: Molmol, Bulgan


Dorsal spines (total): 9 - 10

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 25

Color when fresh is greenish with pale and dark brown on scales, the latter almost
covering entire scales. Head with irregular bands and spots, most distinct band on
the chin. Somewhat fleshy lips, covering teeth in both jaws. Fleshy rim of anterior
nostril expands dorsoposteriorly to a flap extending to or beyond posterior nostril.
Yellow-orange iris with outer green ring. Flexible dorsal spines; deeply incised
inter-spinous membrane of dorsal fin. On males have caniniform teeth above the
upper dental plates.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 119


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scarus ghobban

ENGLISH NAME : Blue-barred parrotfish


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 9

Distinctive yellow and blue-barred primary phase; terminal phase resembles

that of S. forsteni.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


ENGLISH NAME : Dusky parrotfish


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 9

It can be recognized by its coloration, which varies as the fish grows.

Juvenile has dark brown body with blue spots. The base of the caudal fin is
white and there is a large black spot on the upper and lower margins of the
caudal peduncle. Terminal phase has a dark purple-blue body. The teeth
are blue-green and the top lip is pink with a green transverse bar above it.
Irregular green bars extend from below the jaw to the eye and from the eye
onto the operculum. There is a yellow-green spot at the upper end of the gill
opening. The dorsal, anal and caudal fins have blue margins. Initial phase
is similar to terminal phase individuals, but has a pinker face and a more
rounded caudal fin. (

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 121


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scatophagus argus

ENGLISH NAME : Spotted scat


Dorsal spines (total): 10 - 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 16 - 18
Anal spines: 4
Anal soft rays: 13 - 15

Ground colour greenish. Juveniles with a few large roundish blotches, about size
of eye, or with about 5 or 6 broad, dark, vertical bars. In large adults, spots may
be faint and restricted to dorsal part of flanks. Body quadrangular, strongly
compressed. Dorsal head profile steep. Eye moderately large, its diameter
somewhat smaller than snout length. Snout rounded. Mouth small, horizontal,
not protractile. Teeth villiform, in several rows on jaws.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthocybium solandri



Dorsal spines (total): 23 - 27

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 16
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12 - 14
Vertebrae: 62 - 64

Mouth large with strong, triangular, compressed and finely serrate teeth.
Snout about as long as the rest of head. Posterior part of maxilla completely
concealed under preorbital bone. Gill rakers absent. Interpelvic process
small and bifid. Swim bladder present. Body covered with small scales. No
anterior corselet developed. The back is iridescent bluish green; the sides
silvery with 24 to 30 cobalt blue vertical bars which extend to below the
lateral line.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 123



ENGLISH NAME : Bullet tuna
LOCAL NAME: Turingan na bilogon


Dorsal spines (total): 9 - 12

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 13
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12 - 14

Back bluish, turning to deep purple or almost black on head. Scaleless

area with pattern of 15 or more fairly broad, nearly vertical dark bars. Belly
white. Pectoral and pelvic fins purple, their inner sides black. Body robust,
elongate and rounded. Teeth small and conical, in a single series. Pectoral
fins short, not reaching vertical line from anterior margin of scaleless area
above corselet. A large, single-pointed flap (interpelvic process) between
pelvic fins. Body naked except for corselet, which is well-developed in its
posterior part; 9 more than 6 scales wide under second dorsal-fin origin.
A strong central, keel on each side of caudal-fin base between 2 smaller

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Auxis thazard

ENGLISH NAME : Frigate tuna
LOCAL NAME: Turingan lapad


Dorsal spines (total): 10 - 12

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 13
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 10 - 14

Back bluish, turning to deep purple or almost black on the head. A pattern of
15 or more narrow, oblique to nearly horizontal, dark wavy lines in scaleless
area above lateral line. Belly white. Pectoral and pelvic fins purple, their
inner sides black. Body robust, elongate and rounded. Teeth small and
conical, in a single series. Pectoral fins short, but reaching past vertical
line from anterior margin of scaleless area above corselet. A large single-
pointed flap (interpelvic process) between pelvic fins. Body naked except
for the corselet, which is well-developed and narrow in its posterior part (no
more than 5 scales wide under second dorsal-fin origin).

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 125


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Euthynnus affinis

ENGLISH NAME : Eastern little tuna
LOCAL NAME: Turingan, Burirawan, Gimata


Dorsal spines (total): 10 - 15

Dorsal soft rays (total): 11 - 15
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 11 - 15
Vertebrae: 39

Swim bladder absent. No trace of vertebral protuberances. Anterior spines

of first dorsal fin much higher than those mid-way. Interpelvic process small
and bifid. Body naked except for corselet and lateral line. Posterior portion
of the back with a pattern of broken oblique stripes.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Grammatorcynus bilineatus

ENGLISH NAME : Double-lined mackerel
LOCAL NAME: Tangirion, Marangsi


Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 14
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 10 - 14

Mouth relatively small, upper jaw reaching about to middle of eye. Pectoral
fins stout. Interpelvic process short and single. No prominent anterior
corselet present. Swim bladder present. Vertebrae: 14 precaudal plus 17
caudal, total 31 as in mackerel (Scomber and Rastrelliger).

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 127


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Gymnosarda unicolor

ENGLISH NAME : Dogtooth tuna
LOCAL NAME: Ngiponan


Dorsal spines (total): 13 - 15

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 14
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12 - 13
Vertebrae: 38

Mouth fairly large, upper jaw reaching to middle of eye. Laminae of olfactory
rosette 48 to 56. Interpelvic process large and single. Lateral line strongly
undulating. Body naked posterior to corselet. Swim bladder large, spleen
visible in ventral view on the right side of the body. The back and upper
sides brilliant blue-black, lower sides and belly silvery; no lines, spots or
other markings on the body.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Katsuwonus pelamis

ENGLISH NAME : Skipjack tuna
LOCAL NAME: Pundahan, Rayado


Dorsal spines (total): 14 - 16

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 15
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 14 - 15
Vertebrae: 41

Interpelvic process small and bifid. Body without scales except for the
corselet and the lateral line. Swim bladder absent. The back is dark pur-
plish blue, lower sides and belly silvery, with 4 to six very conspicuous
longitudinal dark bands which in live specimens may appear as continuous
lines of dark blotches.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 129


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Rastrelliger faughni

ENGLISH NAME : Island mackerel
LOCAL NAME: Kabalyas


Dorsal spines (total): 8 - 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12
Vertebrae: 31

Head longer than body depth. Maxilla covered by lachrymal bone.

Swim bladder present. Interpelvic process small and single. Anal spine
rudimentary. Bristles on longest gill raker, 30 to 55 on one side. Gill rakers
do not extend far into mouth. A black blotch behind pectoral fin base. The
belly is yellowish silver; 2 to 6 large spots are at the base of the first dorsal
fin; two faint stripes are at the level of the lateral line in some specimens.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Rastrelliger kanagurta

ENGLISH NAME : Indian mackerel


Dorsal spines (total): 8 - 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 12

Head longer than body depth. Maxilla partly concealed, covered by

lachrymal bone but extending to about hind margin of eye. Bristles on
longest gill raker 105 on one side in specimens of 12.7 cm, 140 in 16 cm,
and 160 in 19 cm fork length specimens. A black spot on body near lower
margin of pectoral fin. Interpelvic process small and single. Swim bladder
present. Anal spine rudimentary.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 131


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scomberomorus commerson

ENGLISH NAME : Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel


Dorsal spines (total): 15 - 18

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 20
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 16 - 21
Vertebrae: 42 - 46

Interpelvic process small and bifid. Swim bladder absent. Lateral line
abruptly bent downward below end of second dorsal fin. Intestine with 2
folds and 3 limbs. Vertical bars on trunk sometimes break up into spots
ventrally which number 40-50 in adults, and less than 20 in juveniles.
Juveniles with large oval dark spots on body; middle third of first dorsal fin
white, rest of fin black.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Scomberomorus guttatus

ENGLISH NAME : Indo-Pacific king mackerel


Dorsal spines (total): 15 - 18

Dorsal soft rays (total): 18 - 24
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 19 - 23
Vertebrae: 47 - 52

Interpelvic process small and bifid. Swim bladder absent. Body entirely
covered with small scales. Lateral line with many auxiliary branches
extending dorsally and ventrally in anterior third, curving down toward
caudal peduncle. Intestine with 2 folds and 3 limbs. Sides silvery white
with several rows of round dark brownish spots scattered in about three
irregular rows along the lateral line. First dorsal fin membrane black.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 133


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thunnus alalunga



Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 14

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 16
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 11-16

Anterior spines much higher than posterior spines giving the fin a strongly
concave outline. Interpelvic process small and bifid. Body with very small
scales. Pectoral fins remarkably long, about 30% of fork length or longer
in 50 cm or longer fish. Ventral surface of liver striated and the central lobe
is largest.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thunnus albacares

ENGLISH NAME : Yellowfin tuna
LOCAL NAME: Bangkulis, Yellowfin


Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 14

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 16
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 11 - 16
Vertebrae: 39

Fish with very long second dorsal fin and anal fin, which in some may
reach well over 20% of the FL. The pectoral fin is moderately long, usually
reaching beyond the second dorsal fin origin but not beyond the end of its
base. Color is black; metallic dark blue changing through yellow to silver
on the belly. The belly frequently has about 20 broken, nearly vertical lines.
The dorsal and anal fins and finlets are bright yellow.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 135


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thunnus obesus

ENGLISH NAME : Bigeye tuna
LOCAL NAME: Bangkulis


Dorsal spines (total): 13 - 14

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14-15
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 14
Vertebrae: 39

A large species, deepest near the middle of the first dorsal fin base. Lower
sides and belly whitish; a lateral iridescent blue band runs along the sides
in live specimens. The first dorsal fin is deep yellow; the second dorsal and
anal fins are light yellow; the finlets are bright yellow edged with black.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thunnus tonggol

ENGLISH NAME : Longtail tuna
LOCAL NAME: Small jaw, Bangkulis na Itom


Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 14

Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 16
Anal spines: 0
Anal soft rays: 11-16
Vertebrae: 39

A small species, deepest near the middle of the first dorsal fin base. The
second dorsal fin is higher than the first dorsal fin; the pectoral fins are
short to moderately long; swim bladder is absent or rudimentary. Lower
sides and belly silvery white with colorless elongate oval spots arranged in
horizontally oriented rows. The dorsal, pectoral and pelvic fins are blackish;
the tip of the second dorsal and anal fins are washed with yellow; the anal
fin is silvery; the dorsal and anal finlets are yellow with grayish margins; the
caudal fin is blackish, with streaks of yellow green.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 137


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Anyperodon leucogrammicus

ENGLISH NAME : Slender grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8-9

Juveniles with alternating blue and red stripes and 1or 2 black spots at
caudal base; adults with greenish to brownish grey color with reddish spots
overall; 3-4 pale stripes on side of variable intensity; body elongate, greatest
depth 3.1-3.7 in SL; rounded caudal fin; short pelvic fins, not reaching anus;
head pointed, 2.3-2.5 times in SL; interorbital region narrow, dorsal head
profile almost straight; preorbital narrow, depth 14-17 times in HL; snout
distinctly longer than eye; rounded preopercle, finely serrate, lower serrae
only slightly enlarged, lower edge fleshy; ventral edge of interopercle with
a shallow indentation; opercular spines small, upper edge of operculum
distinctly convex; maxilla reaches past eye, exposed part covered with tiny
cycloid scales; rear end of maxilla without bony process; well-developed
supramaxilla; palatines without teeth; canines at front of jaws rudimentary
or absent.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cephalopholis argus

ENGLISH NAME : Peacock hind


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 17
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 9

Dark brown in color, with small black-edged ocelli; 5-6 pale bars on rear
part of body; large pale area over chest; distal part of pectorals sometimes
maroon brown; triangular membranes at tips of dorsal fin spines orange-
gold in color; further characterized by having ctenoid scales, becoming
cycloid ventrally on belly; greatest body depth 2.7-3.3 in SL; rounded caudal
fin; short pelvic fin, 1.9-2.4 in head length; head length 2.4-2.7 times in SL;
small eyes, diameter less than snout length; interorbital area flat to slightly
convex; rounded preopercle, finely serrate in young, virtually smooth in
large adults, lower edge fleshy; smooth subopercle and interopercle; scaly
maxilla, reaching well past eye.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 139


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cephalopholis boenak

ENGLISH NAME : Chocolate hind


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 17
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Brownish to greenish grey with dusky vertical bands over the body. White
margins and black sub-margins on the median fins. Preopercle rounded,
very finely serrate; no enlarged spines at angle, lower edge fleshy;
characterized further by having ctenoid scales on body including abdomen;
greatest depth of body 2.6-3.1 in SL; rounded caudal fin; pelvic fins not
usually reaching anus, 1.6-2.1 in head length.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus coioides

ENGLISH NAME : Orange-spotted grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Small individuals closely resemble E. tauvina and E. malabaricus, but have

orange spots and lack hexagonal spots on the fins; head and body tan
dorsally, shading to whitish ventrally; numerous small brownish orange or
reddish brown spots on head, body and median fins further characterized
by having overall tan color; four irregular H-shaped dark bars; back with
3-4 blackish saddles; head, body and fins with numerous small brownish
orange or reddish brown spots; body scales ctenoid except for nape, back,
thorax, abdomen and above; anal-fin base with cycloid scales; greatest
depth of body 2.9-3.7 in SL; rounded caudal fin; short pelvic fins, 1.9-2.7 in
head length.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 141


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus fasciatus

ENGLISH NAME : Blacktip grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15 - 17
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Distinguished by having color ranging from pale greenish grey to pale

reddish yellow or pinkish with 5-6 dark bars of variable intensity; top of head
reddish brown; ctenoid scales on body except cycloid anterodorsally above
lateral line and on thorax and ventrally on abdomen body with numerous
auxiliary scales; greatest body depth 2.8-3.3 in SL; rounded caudal fin;
pelvic fins 2.0-2.4 in head length; characterized further by having flat
interorbital area, convex dorsal head profile; snout length contained 4.3-5.1
times in HL.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus fuscoguttatus

ENGLISH NAME : Brown-marbled grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 15
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Small juveniles (<8 cm) with small hexagonal spots on head and body
becoming larger posteriorly and on vertical fins; distinguished by pale
yellowish brown color with five vertical series of irregular dark brown
blotches; head, body and fins with numerous close-set, small brown spots;
caudal peduncle with small black saddle dorsally; cycloid scales except
ctenoid in juvenile; body with auxiliary scales; moderately deep bodied,
greatest depth 2.6-2.9 in SL; pelvic fins 2.1-2.4 in head length; further
characterized by having head length 2.3-2.5 times in SL; flat or slightly
concave interorbital area; adults dorsal head profile indented at eyes and
distinctly convex.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 143


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus malabaricus

ENGLISH NAME : Malabar grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14-16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Characterized by light grey to yellowish brown color; five slightly oblique

dark brown bars that bifurcate ventrally; numerous small black spots
and blotches in head and body; ctenoid scales on body except cycloid
anterodorsally on body, thorax and abdomen; body with auxiliary scales;
greatest depth of body 3.0-3.6 in SL; rounded caudal fin; pelvic fins, 2.0-2.6
in head length; head length 2.3-2.6 times in SL; snout length 1.7-2.0 times
in upper jaw length; interorbital width 4.5-6.5 times in HL and 2.1-3.0 times
in upper jaw length; flat or slightly convex interorbital area; subangular
preopercle, with enlarged serrae at the angle; almost straight upper edge of
operculum; subequal posterior and anterior nostrils, except in large adults
which have the posterior nostrils slightly larger; maxilla reaches to or past
vertical at rear edge of orbit, maxilla width 4.5-6.5% of SL; upper jaw length
17-22% of SL, 2-5 rows of teeth on midlateral part of lower jaw.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus merra

ENGLISH NAME : Honeycomb grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 15-17
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

A series of about five darker diagonal bands, each two to five hexagons
wide, superimposed on sides and radiating from eye; hexagons on sides
may coalesce into short rows further characterized by having ctenoid scales
on body except cycloid anteriorly above lateral line, on thorax and lower
abdomen; body with auxiliary scales; greatest depth of body 2.8-3.3 in SL;
rounded caudal fin; pelvic fins, 1.7-2.2 in head length; head length 2.3-
2.6 times in SL; flat interorbital area, dorsal head profile convex; rounded
or subangular preopercle, serrae at angle enlarged; almost straight upper
edge of operculum; subequal anterior and posterior nostrils or posterior
nostrils larger.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 145


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus ongus

ENGLISH NAME : White-streaked grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 16
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Distinguished by the following characteristics: juveniles black with white

polka dots become numerous, smaller, and coalesce to form a pattern of
wavy lines on the sides with growth; ctenoid scales on body except cycloid
anteriorly above lateral line, thorax and abdomen; body with auxiliary scales;
greatest depth of body 2.8-3.2 in SL; rounded caudal fin; short pelvic fins,
1.9-2.4 in head length; head length 2.3-2.5 times in SL; head pointed, flat
interorbital area, dorsal head profile slightly convex.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus polyphekadion

ENGLISH NAME : Camouflage grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14 - 15
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Distinguished by the following characteristics: pale brown color head, body

and fins covered by numerous small dark brown spots; whitish upper half
of body with large irregular dark blotches and dark saddle on upper tail
base; body scales ctenoid in broad zone on side from beneath pectoral fin
to caudal peduncle, cycloid elsewhere; body with auxiliary scales; greatest
depth of body 2.7-3.1 in SL; rounded caudal fin; short pelvic fins, 1.9-2.4 in
head length; head length 2.3-2.5 times in SL; flat interorbital area, evenly
convex dorsal head profile; rounded preopercle, serrae at angle slightly
enlarged; very convex upper edge of operculum; posterior nostril diameter
about twice diameter of anterior nostrils.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 147


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus quoyanus

ENGLISH NAME : Longfin grouper


Dorsal spines (total): 11

Dorsal soft rays (total): 16 - 18
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Distinguished by the following characteristics: whitish color; head, body

and fins with numerous large close-set hexagonal to roundish dark brown
to blackish spots; ctenoid body scales except cycloid dorsoanteriorly above
lateral line, on thorax and abdomen; body with auxiliary scales; greatest
depth of body 2.7-3.2 in SL; rounded caudal fin; pelvic fins, 1.7-2.1 in head
length; head length 2.3-2.6 times in SL; evenly curved dorsal head profile;
snout subequal to eye diameter, snout length 4.6-5.3 times in HL; rounded
preopercle or subangular upper edge of operculum almost straight; posterior
nostril diameter about twice that of anterior nostrils.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Plectropomus leopardus

ENGLISH NAME : Leopard coralgrouper
LOCAL NAME: Baraka, Rana


Dorsal spines (total): 7 - 8

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 12
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

This species is distinguished by the following characteristics: D VIII,11;

A III,8; pectoral rays 14-17 (modally 16); lateral line scales 89-99, in
longitudinal series 112-127 scales; interorbital space no embedded scales;
gill rakers on first gill arch developed, 1-3 + 6-10; front of jaws with a pair
of large canine teeth and side of lower jaw with 1-4 large canines; body
elongate, its greatest depth 2.9-3.6 in SL; truncate to slightly emarginate
caudal fin; pectoral fins 2.0-2.3 in HL; pelvic fins 2.0-2.4 in HL. Head, body
and fins with numerous blue spots on red, pale grey or olive to dark brown
background; caudal fin with a narrow white posterior margin except near
the corners.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 149


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Variola albimarginata

ENGLISH NAME : White-edged lyretail


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Can be distinguished from V. louti by the thin white margin on its tail.
Characterized by generally reddish color; head, body and fins with blue
spots; caudal fin with broad pale upper and lower margins, white posterior
margin; 3-4 diffused pale saddle on back; juvenile usually red with blue
spots; front of jaw with pair of large canine teeth; 1-2 large curved canines
on side of lower jaw; elongate body, greatest depth 2.8-3.5 in SL; lunate
caudal fin.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Variola louti

ENGLISH NAME : Yellow-edged lyretail


Dorsal spines (total): 9

Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 14
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 8

Juveniles conspicuous by the white line over the snout. Further

characterized by yellowish brown to orange red color with numerous red,
pink and lavander small spots and short dashes; pectoral, dorsal, anal and
caudal fins with yellow posterior margin; front of jaws with pair of large
canines; 1-2 large curved canines on side of lower jaw; elongate body,
greatest depth 2.8-3.2 in SL; lunate caudal fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 151


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus argenteus

ENGLISH NAME : Streamlined spinefoot


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

Body blue above, silvery below; variations in markings (spots, curved lines)
occur. Silvery-yellow iris. When frightened or asleep, entire fish becomes
mottled with very light and dark browns, with dark ones predominating in
7 diagonal zones across the sides; fins become mottled. Spines slender,
pungent, venomous. Preopercle angle 85°-95°. Fine scales on cheek.
Midline of thorax without scales. Superficially resembles S. canaliculatus
and S. fuscescens, particularly when young, but differs by having a much
more deeply forked tail.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus canaliculatus

ENGLISH NAME : White-spotted spinefoot


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

Body silvery gray above, silvery below a touch of olive green con nape
and upper surface of head; fright pattern mottled with pale cream and dark
brown; usually fish display a dark patch just below origin of lateral line.
Preopercular angle 89°-96°; cheeks appear to be scaleless but sometimes
with few to many, fine, embedded scales on lower 2/3; midline of thorax
scaleless between pelvic ridges. Margin of anterior nostril encircled by a
low flange with the flap extending towards posterior flap; flap shortens with
increasing size. Closely resembles S. fuscescens but differs by its slightly
more pointed snout.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 153


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus fuscescens

ENGLISH NAME : Mottled spinefoot


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

Body olive green or brown above, silvery below; fish frequently with a dark
patch below origin of lateral line. Adults become mottled when frightened.
Slender, pungent, venomous spines. Preopercular angle 89°-95°. Lower
half to 2/3 of cheeks commonly covered with weak, scattered scales.
Midline of thorax between pelvic ridges. Differs from S. argenteus in details
of coloration and less deeply forked tail.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus guttatus

ENGLISH NAME : Orange-spotted spinefoot


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

Dusky blue dorsally, silvery below; a bright yellow spot adjacent to last few
rays of dorsal fin; head with lines and spots. Preopercular angle 91°-102°;
strong scales fully cover the cheeks; midline of thorax scaled, not the pelvic
ridges. Anterior nostril with extremely low rim, slightly expanded posteriorly.
Spines stout, pungent, venomous.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 155


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus punctatus

ENGLISH NAME : Goldspotted spinefoot


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

Color pattern changes with age; iris silver with 8-10 orange spots. Juveniles
with a deep brown patch straddling the lateral line, the spot becoming
obscured with increase in size. Stout, venomous spines not so pungent.
Preopercular angle 87°-105°. Strong scales fully cover the cheeks. Midline
of thorax scaled but not pelvic ridges.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus spinus

ENGLISH NAME : Little spinefoot


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

The species can adopt a number of camouflage patterns involving off-

white, pale gray to blackish, and various shades of brown. The basic pattern
consists of a labyrinth of narrow bands with upper half vermiculate, the
lower ones tend to meander horizontally. This pattern extends to the fins.
Iris golden dissected by a chocolate cross. 4-5 irregular off-white bars on
caudal peduncle. Scales fine on cheeks, densely packed over lower 2/3 of
preopercular region. Midline of thorax without scales between pelvic ridges.
Fin spines stout, pungent, venomous. Preopercular angle 87-100 degrees.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 157


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus vermiculatus

ENGLISH NAME : Vermiculated spinefoot


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

Body bluish white; head brown to brownish or golden yellow with irregular
blue lines. Preopercular angle 91°-102°; strong overlapping scales cover
cheeks; midline of thorax scaled, not pelvic ridges. Anterior nostril with low
flange, broadened slightly posteriorly. Spines stout, blunt or pungent, and

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Siganus virgatus

ENGLISH NAME : Barhead spinefoot
LOCAL NAME: Taragbago


Dorsal spines (total): 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 10
Anal spines: 7
Anal soft rays: 9
Vertebrae: 13

A brown band running diagonally from nape to chin; another from 4th-5th
dorsal spine base to pectoral fin base; ocular and shoulder bands spotted
with blue; a zone of silvery yellow posterior and adjacent to the shoulder
band. Preopercular angle 100°-111°; cheek scalation variable from few to
almost fully scaled; midline of thorax fully scaled, sometimes with a row
missing from pelvic ridges. A prominent rim or short tube encircle the
anterior nostril, with a little peak on it posteriorly. Spines stout, fairly pungent
and venomous.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 159


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sillago sihama

ENGLISH NAME : Silver sillago
LOCAL NAME: Osoos, Asoos


Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 13

Dorsal soft rays (total): 20 - 23
Anal spines: 2
Anal soft rays: 18 - 23

Swim bladder with two anterior and two posterior extensions. The anterior
extensions extend forward and diverge to terminate on each side of the
basioccipital above the auditory capsule. Two lateral extensions commence
anteriorly, each sending a blind tubule anterolaterally and then extending
along the abdominal wall below the investing peritoneum to just posterior
of the duct-like process. Two posterior tapering extensions of the swim
bladder project into the caudal region, one usually longer than the other.
The species has a low lateral line with about 70 scales.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sphyraena barracuda

ENGLISH NAME : Great barracuda
LOCAL NAME: Manabang


Dorsal spines (total): 6

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 1
Anal soft rays: 10

Distinguished by the double emarginate tail fin with pale tips on each lobe,
and (usually) the presence of a few scattered black blotches on the lower
sides. Top of head between eyes flat or concave; mouth large. Body with
dark vertical bars crossing the lateral line.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 161


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sphyraena jello

ENGLISH NAME : Pickhandle barracuda
LOCAL NAME: Titso, Manabang


Dorsal spines (total): 6

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9
Anal spines: 2
Anal soft rays: 7-9

Body with dark bars crossing lateral line, each bar oblique in upper half, but
nearly vertical in lower half; caudal fin largely yellowish. Characterized
further by rounded corner of preopercle, without projecting flap; erect teeth;
maxilla reaching below anterior edge of eye; moderate size of eye; origin
of first dorsal fin, slightly behind origin of pelvic fins; deeply forked caudal
fin without inner lobes; lateral line scales 139-140; absence of gill rakers
(rough platelets on lower limb of first arch, no spinules); depth of body 4.9
- 5.9 in SL.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Terapon jarbua

ENGLISH NAME : Jarbua terapon


Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 12

Dorsal soft rays (total): 9 - 11
Anal spines: 3
Anal soft rays: 7 - 10

Lower opercular spine extending well beyond the opercular flap. Post
temporal bone exposed posteriorly and serrate. Body color is fawn above,
cream below, nape dark ;head, body and fins with an iridescent sheen.
Three or four curved dark brown bands run from the nape to the hind part
of the body, the lowermost continuing across the middle of the caudal fin.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 163


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Trichiurus lepturus

ENGLISH NAME : Largehead hairtail
LOCAL NAME: Espada, Langkoy


Dorsal spines (total): 3

Dorsal soft rays (total): 130 - 135
Anal soft rays: 100 - 105

Body extremely elongate, compressed and tapering to a point. Mouth large

with a dermal process at the tip of each jaw. Dorsal fin relatively high; anal
fin reduced to minute spinules usually embedded in the skin or slightly
breaking through; anterior margin of pectoral fin spine not serrated. Pelvic
and caudal fins absent. Lateral line beginning at the upper margin of the
gill cover, running oblique to behind the tip of the pectoral fins, then straight
close to the ventral contour. Fresh specimens steely blue with silvery
reflections, becoming uniformly silvery gray sometime after death.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

Adipose fin - a small fleshy fin without rays or spines usually located
between the dorsal and caudal fins of some fishes.

Anterior - refers to the front part or position of the body.

Asymmetrical - uneven, of different shape or size.

Bar - an elongated vertical marking of the body.

Barbel - an elongated fleshy tentacle-like sensory projection,

usually located about the mouth.

Benthic - fishes inhabiting the waters near the sea bottom, or

in habitats associated with the bottom such as sea-
grass beds, coral reefs, and sandy or muddy flats.

Benthopelagic - fishes inhabiting waters above but near the bottom,

or spending part of the time on the bottom and part of
the time further up in the pelagic zone.

Blotch - an enlarged area or patch of the skin or body surface

that is different in color from adjacent areas.

Canine - a slender conical tooth, often enlarged and elongated.

Caudal peduncle - the posterior part of the body located between the rear
parts of the dorsal and anal fins, and the caudal fin.

Cleithral spine - the spine located at the dorsal end of the cleithrum
(major bone providing basal support for the pectoral
girdle and fin) usually prominent when present and
directed backwards.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 165


Compressed - flattened laterally; a body shape much deeper than


Concave - curved inwards (opposite of convex).

Convex - arched or curved outwards (opposite of concave).

Corselet - a band of specialized scales encircling the pectoral

region of the body.

Ctenoid scale - a scale with a spiny outer margin.

Cycloid scale - scale with a smooth outer margin, without spines.

Demersal - synonymous with benthic; fishes inhabiting the

waters near the sea bottom, or in habitats associated
with the bottom such as seagrass beds, coral reefs,
and sandy or muddy flats.

Depressed - flattened from top to bottom; a body shape much

wider than deep.

Depth - height of the body or head from top to bottom; also

the distance from the sea surface to the bottom or sea

Dorsal - the back portion or upper body surface.

Emarginate - pertains to a caudal fin shape wherein the posterior

margin is slightly concave.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

Endemic - fish species that are native and whose distribution is

restricted to a certain area.

Epipelagic - fishes inhabiting waters of the upper part of the

oceanic zone from the surface to a depth of about
200 m.

Estuarine - fishes living mainly in partly enclosed bodies of sea

water that are measurably diluted with fresh water

Family - a group term for identifying organisms, containing

one or more related genera.

Finlets - small separate dorsal and anal fins usually located

posteriorly near or before the caudal fin.

Fork length - length of a fish with forked tail, measured from the tip
of the snout to the end of the caudal fin base where
the upper and lower lobes of the caudal fin meet.

Genus - a group term for identifying organisms, containing

one or more related species.

Gill arch - a bony angular skeleton that supports the gill filaments
and gill rakers.

Gill rakers - bony projections along the front edge of the gill arch
that help prevent food from escaping through the
gill opening.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 167


Habitat - the locality, with its own particular environment, in

which an organism lives.

Interorbital - the space on top of the head between the eyes.

Jaws - the part of the mouth supporting the teeth.

Juvenile - young fish, similar in form or appearance to adults

but not yet sexually mature.

Keel - a fleshy ridge located in the caudal peduncle

usually consisting of sharp blade- or knife-like

Lateral - the side, or towards the side.

Lateral line - a vibration sensory canal along the side of the body
with a series of pores that communicate to the outside
of the body, often through specialized pored lateral
line scales.

Lip - the fleshy outer portion of the jaws.

Lunate - crescent-shaped; a caudal fin shape that is deeply

emarginate with narrow or filamentous lobes.

Margin - edge or rim.

Maxillary teeth - upper jaw teeth; the inner row is closest to the inside
of mouth; the outer row is closest to the lips.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

Mesopelagic - fishes living in open ocean at depths between 200 and

1000 m.

Molar - a low, blunt, rounded tooth for crushing and grinding.

Mouth - the opening through which food enters the alimentary


Nape - the region of the head above and behind the eyes.

Nostril - the external opening of the nasal organ.

Oblique - angled or slanting.

Oceanic - living in the open ocean at depths between the surface

and 200 m.

Ocellus - round eye-like spot or marking with a marginal ring.

Opercle - the large posterior upper bone of the gill cover.

Operculum - the gill cover, composed of the preopercle, opercle,

interopercle and subopercle.

Palatine - paired bones on each side of the roof of the mouth,

behind and lateral to the vomer, often bearing teeth.

Pelagic - fishes that are free-swimming in the seas, oceans

or open waters and not associated with the sea

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 169


Polygonal - having many sides (more than four).

Posterior - referring to the rear portion.

Preopercle - the upper anterior bone of the gill cover.

Ray - the supporting element of fins; ray is sometimes used

as a collective term to designate both soft rays
and spines; but in this guide, it is used exclusively
to designate soft rays.

Rostrum - a projecting snout.

Saddle - a blotch extending across the dorsal surface from one

side to the other.

Scute - a modified scale that may be enlarged, hardened,

ridged, keeled or spiny.

Serrate - with saw-like teeth along a margin.

Snout - the part of the head in front of the eyes.

Soft anal rays - the portion of the anal fin supported by soft rays,
usually found posterior to the anal spines, anal fin
or spinous anal fin.

Soft dorsal rays - the portion of the dorsal fins supported by soft rays,
usually located posterior to the spinous dorsal fin.

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V

Soft ray - a fin support element that is composed of two halves

(paired laterally), segmented and ususally flexible and
branched; rarely, soft rays can be pointed and stiff and
look like spines.

Species - actually or potentially interbreeding populations that

are reproductively isolated from other populations.

Spine - a fin support element that is unpaired laterally,

unsegmented, unbranched, and usually stiff and
pointed; also refers to slender, sharply pointed
bony processes not associated with fins.

Spinous anal fin - the part of the anal fin that is supported by spines.

Spinous dorsal - the anterior portion of the dorsal fin that is supported
fin by spines.

Spot - a regularly shaped or rounded area of a color different

from adjacent areas.

Standard Length - length of a fish from the tip of the snout to the end of
the posterior edge of the hypurals (at caudal fin base).

Stripe - a contrasting longitudinal pattern in the form of a

straight line.

Teeth - hard outgrowths on jaws, used for biting and

masticating food

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 171


Terminal - located at or forming the end of something.

Total Length - longest length of a fish, from snout tip to upper

caudal tip or tail tip.

Truncate - terminating abruptly in a square end; a caudal fin

shape with a vertically straight posterior margin or
terminal border.

Uniserial teeth - teeth in a single row.

Ventral - the bottom, lowest surface or abdominal part of the


Vomerine teeth - teeth located on the vomer bone along the midline
of the upper jaw.


iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V
NSAP V Technical Staff
Project Leader FiSAT Specialist
Dr. Noemi SB. Lanzuela Carlos R. Gonzales, Jr.
Technical Staff to the Map Illustrator
Project Leader Joevin P. Durante
Ezer L. Quizon
Jethro Emmanuel P. Baltar Analyst/Regional Team
Joselyn B. Balila
Joey L. Casimiro
Analysts/Coordinator Scanning In-charge
Enumerator Rosalyn C. Araneta
Analysts/Coordinator and Encoders
Lovelle B. Villar
Albay Gulf Katrina G. Enciso
Cybel L. Dialogo Hernan C. Dela Torre
Joevin P. Durante Jenea B. Balila
Juradel C. Bien
Asid Gulf Rommel P. Mayor
Carlos R. Gonzales Jr. Yancy M. Umbao
Weengene T. Serrano
Lagonoy Gulf Asid Gulf
Kristine SM. Paredes Emar R. Marabillo
Eden H. Castillo
Lamon Bay
Elgie B. Carrascal
Erick N. Ballaran
Meriam D. Gepaya

Ragay Gulf Ragay Gulf

Lara Jean L. Mago Ryan G. Cediño
Errol M. Gallego Jay-ar S. Diaz
Maria Karla Anjiella A. Borromeo
San Miguel Bay Glenn Benedict M. Yabut
Alexandra A. Tenajeros John Edgar Y. Cadag
Rodante G. Trajano
Sorsogon Bay Joey E. Camay

Joselyn B. Balila
Jenelyn B. Canlas
Jansen C. Cuadro
National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 173
NSAP V Technical Staff
Albay Gulf Sorsogon Bay
Elsa B. Bermas Conrado G. Grencio, Jr.
Efeligenia C. Conception Nathaniel B. Bien
Aireen J. Azurin Roselle B. Manzanido
Cristine E. Esquejo Joan C. Clavecillas
Kim C. Francisco Vicente C. Oray

Lamon Bay San Miguel Bay

Arcil B. Abarca Norman B. Solomon
Joel M. Convencido Delmar R. Morcon
Richard V. Bondocoy Raena Ruth S. Octa
Elyrose B. Caballero
Lagonoy Gulf Edena A. Mortega
Consorcia L. Pescador Myra C. Boqueo
Dahlia B. Batalla Edgar F. Sta. Rosa, Jr.
Cecilio A. Bajas, Jr. Maritoni C. Borromeo
Archie R. Ballaran Jessabel D. Barrozo
John Philip B. Bernales Elmer A. Caballero II
Jenelyn B. Boholst Raul A. Meacruz
John Paul C. Ibayan Ronel P. Dacuya
John Rex C. Balino Maria Elena M. Gadin
Julius U. Bermundo Anthony T. Mendoza

NSAP Administrative Assistant

Joselyn B. Balila

Layout Artist
Jay-R B. Esmalde

Editorial Staff
Jethro Emmanuel P. Baltar
Ezer L. Quizon
Weengene T. Serrano

Dr Noemi SB. Lanzuela

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V
About NSAP

The National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) is being undertaken

nationwide by the BFAR to implement the provision of the Philippine
Fisheries Code of 1998 (RA 8550) as amended by RA 10654 which calls for
the determination of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and the Total
Allowable Catch (TAC) in every fishing ground in the country (Declaration
of Policy, Sec. 2d.). The determination and establishment of Harvest
Control Rules (HCRs) and Reference Points (RPs) in all fishing grounds
and/or fishery management areas is specifically mandated by Sec. 8 of
RA 10654. These parameters will serve as one of the bases in determining
fisheries management interventions in Philippine waters for the effective
management, conservation, development and regulation of the sustainable
utilization of the country’s fisheries resources.

The Bicol Region, situated in the Southern Luzon peninsula, is comprised of

6 provinces, namely, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Albay and Sorsogon
in the mainland, and the island provinces of Catanduanes and Masbate. It
is characterized by mountainous terrain, vast agricultural areas and diverse
marine ecosystems. In addition, it has extensive coastlines and sea coasts
which are dotted with numerous bays and gulfs that give life to the fishing
industry. There are 13 major fishing grounds in the region, 7 of which are
among the richest in the country. These are Lagonoy Gulf, Sorsogon Bay,
Albay Gulf, San Miguel Bay, Lamon Bay, Ragay Gulf, and Asid Gulf (part of
the Visayan Sea).

With the presence of such important fishing grounds, the NSAP was tasked
to monitor and assess the condition of the fisheries and to generate data
that will be useful for the management and conservation of such resources.

At the onset of NSAP implementation, only 2 of the 7 major fishing grounds

in Bicol were originally covered with landing centers established in July
1997 and April 1998. These were Lagonoy Gulf and Sorsogon Bay. In
March 2007, Albay Gulf and Asid Gulf were added as NSAP V expansion
areas, while the rest (Lamon Bay, San Miguel Bay and Ragay Gulf) were
added only in June 2014. Ticao Pass, situated in between the provinces of
Sorsogon and Masbate (Ticao Island), is the newest expansion area with
2 landing centers located in Bulan, Sorsogon established in October 2017.

At present, NSAP V has a total of 43 Field Enumerators/Research

Assistants who are deployed to monitor a total of 88 Landing Centers (LCs)
in the 8 fishing grounds of Bicol. It also employs 11 Data Analysts and Area
Coordinators/Asst. Coordinators, with an additional 5 Data Encoders.

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 175



Regional Director


NSAP Project Leader


I.T. / Layout Artist Assistant Project Leader Administrative Assistant




Coordinator of Albay Gulf Coordinator of Ragay Gulf

Co-Coordinator of Ragay Gulf /
Co-Coordinator of Albay Gulf
Reproductive Biologist


Coordinator of Asid Gulf Coordinator of San Miguel Bay

WEENGENE T. SERRANO Co-Coordinator of
Co-Coordinator of Asid Gulf San Miguel Bay


Coordinator of Lagonoy Gulf Coordinator of Sorsogon Bay

JURADEL C. BIEN Co-Coordinator of
Co-Coordinator of Lagonoy Gulf Sorsogon Bay

Coordinator of Lamon Bay

iv National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V


Regional Director




Administrative and Finance Division

PFO Camarines Norte


Chief, Regional Fisheries Training and
Fisherfolk Coordination Division CONSUELO A. SEMPUEGO
PFO Camarines Sur


Chief, Fisheries Management Regulatory PFO Catanduanes
and Enforcement Division

PFO Masbate

Chief, Fisheries Production Division


PFO Sorsogon

National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) V 177


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