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In addition, one way to curb this problem is for parents must talk with their children about the

disrespectful behavior. Sometimes, youngsters don't know their kind of behavior is immoral and
become rude to others. Youngster maybe sees their kind of behavior as normal and expected during
what elders have been accepting for a long time. For instance, parents can focus on the relationship
with your child demonstratimg rude behaviors is extremely important to avoid for you and them.
Spend time with them make them can practice more some good manners to the elders cause there
people to teach them to do so.

In addition, one way to curb this problem is for parents must talk with their children about the
disrespectful behavior. Sometimes, youngsters don't know their kind of behavior is immoral and
become rude to others. Youngster maybe sees their kind of behavior as normal and expected during
what elders have been accepting for a long time. For instance, parents can focus on the relationship
with their child demonstrating rude behaviors is extremely important to avoid for you and them.
Spending time with them makes them can practice some good manners with the elders because
their people teach them to do so.

In addition, one way to curb this problem is for parents to talk with their children about disrespectful
behavior. Sometimes, youngsters don't know their kind of behavior is immoral and become rude to
others. Youngsters maybe see their kind of behavior as normal and expected during what elders
have been accepting for a long time. For instance, parents can focus on the relationship with their
child proving rude behaviors is extremely important to avoid for you and them. Spending time with
them makes them practice some good manners with the elders because their people teach them to
do so.
One of the solutions is acknowledging a child's feelings as parents. It helps our children to feel
deeply understood for their will. It also gives words to their feelings so they can help them sort
through all the confusing feelings and problems that they have, especially when they are young.
There is so much going on and it's much easier for them if we can say, "You seem real," I mean we
don't like to jump to the conclusion of what they feel, so that's why to say something like "you
seem" rather than "you're angry" or "you're afraid." "You seem worried about the dog. Are you
worried about the dog?" instead of saying like, "Oh, that's just a dog. What's the matter with you?
You don't have to be afraid of the dog." Or, "You're afraid of the dog, you're afraid of the dog."
Instead of, it might be something else, you might be startled, something else. So, it helps the child to
understand their feelings, it helps you to understand their feelings and their point of view because at
once it makes you empathize when you have said those words. It reminds you “Oh yeah, there is
another person with a whole different point of view. Also, it's very good for the child to just be able
to feel acknowledged enough to move on and know that, okay, you understand what I wanted. I'm
still not getting it, perhaps if it's wanting the ice cream cone and it's not time for that now; I'm not
getting what I want but you know that I want it and it's okay that I want it and therefore I'm okay.
For all of these reasons, acknowledgment is one of the most powerful tools we have as parents. So, I
believe that it is one of the keys to our child’s heart and attitude to respect the elders because we
understand them fully.

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