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1. Who is Mary? What was Mary's mistake? Why was she called Bloody Mary?

Mary was the first daughter of King Henry, who became queen after the death of her father. She was a
Catholic, so during her reign she made Christianity the main religion of England. She also persecuted
Protestants for heresy. As a result, people called Mary 'Bloody Mary' for her atrocities against
Protestants during her reign. She also oppressed and burned Protestants.

2. Who is Elizabeth? What do you think about her after watching the movies?

Elizabeth is The Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Actually, she is
famous for other titles such as The Virgin Queen. As I know, she is the second daughter of King Henry
VIII with his second wife Anne Boleyn. Contradictory to her sister Mary, Elizabeth believes in
Protestantism. It is due to the fact that she was convicted of treason against the queen with Thomas
Wyatt and a few others. But she still can become the queen of England because her sister Mary can't
bear an heir. At first, she becomes a Queen without preparing anything to rule a country. Because of this
reason, she made many mistakes, such as sending an unprepared army to Ireland to attack Mary of
Guise and receive defeat. This action has made England, a country already broke become even worse.
But as time pass, she becomes stronger and she also kills people such as Norfox who prevent and betray
her dynasty. The only thing she thinks of is England. She quickly adapts and creates The golden age of
England. In my opinion, at first, she is a dreamy person. She doesn't think much about the country's
condition or pride, all she wants is her happiness and love. It made other people in the council don't
have any faith in her and keep telling her to marry a royal member in a stronger dynasty like France or
Spain and bear an heir. During that time, I was impressed whenever she said: "I'm my father's daughter
and I will rule England as my father did". Then she changes, becomes tough, and decisive, then takes all
power into her own hands.

3. What did she do to find a peaceful answer to the problems of the English Reformation?

First of all, she tries to make religious unification. She said " I do this for my people", this encouraged all
priests to vote and agree to the new policy. Secondly, Elizabeth decided not to marry the Duke of France
(Anjou) and the king of Spain because the citizen did not accept the foreign king. Then she becomes a
virgin and mary to England. This decision helps her to win the hearts of the people. Last but not least,
She kills all people who have strong power but prevents her dynasty. This act made the England dynasty

4. Do you think her policy and decisions are effective to solve the problem or if you were Elizabeth, what
would you do to solve the problem?

In my point of view, her policy was really tough at that time.In addition, her last policy is very risky
when she execution all the people against her. This is the act of despot and may create many side
effects. But luckily, the belief of people in their queen made it work.

5. My thought about Elizabeth's talent as a ruler?

Elizabeth takes over a country exhausted on many sides. Lack of army, separation in religion, no
treasury. Surrounded by an enemy such as the French and Spain. But she with her adviser sir
Washingham had solved all the problem step by step, creating policy, uniting people, and creating a
mighty kingdom. I like her progressive thought when she always hates wars and always tries to solve
problems in peace, but she knows when to use violence and uses it very definitively, only one time, and
got all power in her hand.

6. What makes a strong British queen like Elizabeth?

One of the main reasons is the pressure from the council when she made some mistakes. They forced
her to be stronger or she must abdicate for another person. Moreover, The big pressure made her
stressed because she just was a woman. She just has two options which were becoming a ruler or giving
up anything. Finally, she choose to become the strong Queen of England and help England to reach the
golden age and improve strongly until now. On the other hand, The second reason is the threat from
powerful people such as Norfox. Kill or be killed, and she has no option except to become a ruthless
ruler and kill them to enhance her dynasty. As a result, she wins and gains everything from the belief of
the citizens to the power of the ruler. The final reason is her determination to marry England and devote
her life to the citizens and the country.

7.Why didn't Elizabeth I marry?

When I watched the movie about Elizabeth I, I was very surprised and confused at the end of the movie
when queen Elizabeth decided not to marry a man but she said: "I am married to England". But then I
realized the real meaning behind her decision. The disastrous union of her sister Mary I to Philip II of
Spain had imposed an unwelcome foreign influence upon English politics. If there is someone that has
the highest chance to marry Elizabeth it would be Robert Dudley but unfortunately, he has married
another woman. Elizabeth sacrificed her personal happiness for the good of the state. But Elizabeth
didn't need anyone to rule the country with her. England from a country always rely on other country
like France or Spain but now by the time Elizabeth I died, England has becomed the richest and most
powerful country in Europe and her reign has been called The Golden Age.

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