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Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.

57 - 73, 2010
© 2010 WIOMSA

Effects of Seismic Exploration on Mangrove

Habitat in Tanzania

Isobel Pring1 and Nicholas V. C. Polunin2

eco2 Diving, Marine Research and Education Centre, PO Box 784,

Mtwara, Tanzania; 2 School of Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle

University, NE1 7RU, UK.

Keywords: Mangrove, recovery, oil exploration, seismic survey,

Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park, Tanzania, East Africa.

Abstract—Global demand for oil and gas has resulted in increased

seismic exploration for new resources in environmentally sensitive
areas. Reports of damage to ecosystem function have been reported,
but the environmental effects of seismic exploration are largely
undocumented. Key impacts in mangroves include tree removal and
trampling. This paper reports on their effects in southeast Tanzania,
through assessments of tree density and species distribution, incidence
of local harvesting and changes in environmental conditions that might
influence the biota. Seismic survey-related gaps in the canopy have not
resulted in increases in mangrove recruitment, or affected microhabitat
temperatures or salinity. However, seismic lines may have become
access routes, leading to increased mangrove harvesting. There were
few signs of recovery in the immediate vicinity of seismic lines, which
appeared to be related to trampling effects on soil stability and changes
in hydrology attributable to the loss of trees. Future research should
target seedling and sapling abundance and growth rates, and soil
structure, composition and nutrient levels. Recommended mitigation
measures would involve the promotion of mangrove regeneration and
the prevention of secondary impacts such as the use of lines as access
routes, with monitoring of forest recovery.

Corresponding author: IP

INTRODUCTION turbidity, reducing photosynthetic

activity (Zabbey, 2004), but very little
Increasing global demand and rising
scientific evidence has been presented
prices for oil and gas have made it
illustrating ecosystem change. Two
economically viable to prospect for
studies examined the impacts of 4D
new resources in areas that might
seismic exploration in the Niger
previously have been thought politically
Delta (Osuji et al., 2006; Osuji et
or environmentally sensitive. Where
al., 2007); both focused on chemical
coastal regions become the focus for
pollution and acknowledged that the
such exploration, prospecting may
results were affected by ongoing oil
take place in environments such as
extraction, historical oil spills and the
wetlands (Browning et al., 1996), salt
presence of base camps.
marshes and mangroves (Osuji et al.,
This paper reports on the effects
2006; Osuji et al., 2007).
of seismic exploration on mangroves
Seismic surveying is one of the
in the Mtwara region of southeast
first stages in oil and gas exploration
and is used to investigate an area’s
Field research took place in the
geological potential for resource
Mnazi Bay - Ruvuma Estuary Marine
discovery. The procedure involves the
Park (MBREMP) (Fig. 1), where
generation of low frequency sound
gas reserves were first discovered in
waves and measuring their reflection
the 1980s. In 2005, a programme of
from subsurface geological structures.
2D seismic exploration began and
These reflections are captured by
seismic surveys were undertaken in
geophone receivers and analysed to
March 2005 and July 2007. In this
assess potential oil or gas resources. In
study, the effects of seismic surveying
mangroves, this involves the creation
on the mangroves were examined by
of seismic survey lines in which the
comparing plots on seismic survey
vegetation is cleared from strips 1.5-
lines with adjacent plots located 20
2 m wide and holes are drilled for
m away, assessing: (1) the density
dynamite charges at ~50 m intervals.
and species distribution of trees in
Documented impacts of seismic
all age-classes, (2) the incidence of
surveys in mangroves include land
local mangrove harvesting, and (3)
clearance, drilling, explosions, noise,
changes in environmental conditions
an influx of people, the creation of
that might have influenced the biota.
camps, and increased traffic (IUCN,
In addition, the comparison of plots
1993), but the environmental effects
on the 2005 and 2007 seismic survey
are largely undocumented. It has been
lines enabled an assessment of
suggested that surveys destabilise
mangrove recovery rates.
sedimentary material and increase

BACKGROUND AND Field research was undertaken in

METHODS two survey regions, one including a
seismic line cleared in March 2005
The study area (three years and two months earlier),
A survey of coastal mangroves in and the other a line cleared in July
Tanzania completed in 2000 identified 2007 (nine months earlier). The
94.58 km2 of forest in the Mtwara seismic lines studied run parallel to
region, describing it as relatively each other ~500 m apart and are ~1.5
unexploited and in better condition km (2005) and ~2 km (2007) from the
than other areas along the Tanzanian village of Chui (Fig. 2). Both regions
coast (Wang et al., 2003). The present support mixed stands of Rhizophora
study area fell in this region and is mucronata and Ceriops tagal and are
located in the south of the MBREMP inundated at high tides for between
near the village of Chui. It lies ~7 km 15-30 days a month. Avicennia
inland, in the upper inter-tidal area, and marina and Sonneratia alba occur
includes an extensive channel and creek seaward in the area, but were not
system but no major freshwater inputs. recorded in the survey transects. The
It forms part of the northern extension 2005 survey region was accessed
of the mangrove system in the Ruvuma on foot, while the 2007 region was
delta 10 km to the south on the border reached in dugout canoes.
with Mozambique (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Map of the study region with mangrove areas indicated by dark shading.

Fig. 2. Map of survey region showing the first (S) and last (F) plots on the 2005
and 2007 seismic survey lines.
Seismic survey procedures firing, removal crews (10) cleared
Seismic survey procedures vary the area of equipment (Gwyther, A.,
depending on the location and the Artumas Geophysical Operations
scale of the operation. In sensitive Manager, pers. comm.).
environments such as mangroves, We can thus assume that the seismic
work is generally carried out on foot lines were ‘walked’ a minimum of 84
using a minimum of equipment. In times (out and back) and, where lines
the study area, each seismic line was were long and otherwise inaccessible, as
traversed by at least six separate work is probable in larger areas of mangrove,
crews (minimum crew numbers are crews may have again traversed ground
given in brackets): surveyors and line they had already worked on in order to
cutters (8) defined the line and cleared progress. This would have resulted in
vegetation; drilling crews (6-7) took sections of line being walked 168 or
a compressed air hose down the line 252 times if two or three passes were
and drilled holes for seismic charges; made. In addition, at 50 m intervals,
loading crews (4) laid charges; drilling crews drilled shot holes, which
recording crews (10) laid geophones; then became the focus of subsequent
shooting crews (4-5) laid detonators, work crews (Gwyther, A., Artumas
possibly travelling the lines more than Geophysical Operations Manager, pers.
once to resolve problems; and, after comm.), resulting in further trampling.

Field sampling and analysis General procedures

Site selection Surveying began at the start of each
Two 300 m transects were surveyed in transect, progressing to a new plot
each survey region, one with the seismic each day to ensure that plots were
line running down the centre, and an not disturbed by the team prior to
adjacent transect 20 m away. Twelve surveying. Quadrats and replicates
10 m x 10 m plots were located on were laid using coloured rope,
each seismic line transect, six over shot sediment and water samples were
holes and six between shot holes. From collected, mud temperatures taken and
these, three plots of each type were mangrove surveys completed.
selected for surveying using a random Mangrove surveys
number generator. Plots on the adjacent
transects mirrored the position of the Mangrove surveys focused on species
seismic line plots. These 12 plots (six on diversity, density of seedlings, saplings
each seismic line transect with their six and mature trees, and an assessment
adjoining plots) formed the basis of the of their status and damage. Trees were
mangrove and sediment surveys. counted within each plot, identified
Within each plot, three 1 m x 1 m and categorised in the following age
replicate quadrats were selected by classes: seedlings, <1 m tall; saplings,
dividing the plot into nine equal sections >1 m tall but lower than the main
and randomly selecting one on each canopy and without fully formed bark;
side of the seismic line (quadrats 1 and and mature trees with fully formed
3), and one on the seismic line (quadrat bark near or within the main canopy.
2). A similar pattern of replicates was Trees were also categorised as living,
sampled in the adjacent plots. The damaged or dead, and the cause of any
replicates were used as loci for the impacts was noted: seismic cutting, for
measurement of mud temperature and cut trees within 0.5 m of the seismic
pore water salinity and pH. line; other cutting, for cut trees >0.5 m
from the seismic line; and unknown,
Survey times for fallen, damaged or dead trees with
Surveys were conducted over three no evidence of cutting.
four-day periods in 2008: 11-14 and Environmental variables
27-30 May, and 8-11 June. Seismic
line transects were surveyed between Environmental conditions were
10:00 and 12:00 and adjacent transects assessed by sampling sediment in
between 12:00 and 14:00. All surveys replicate 2 in the mangrove plots.
were conducted shortly before or up to Mud temperatures were measured
five hours after high tide. at the surface and at 10 cm in all the
replicates, as were the salinity and pH
of the pore water.

Sediment samples were collected were LOG10(x+1)-transformed and

to a depth of 10 cm using a corer sediment data were arcsine transformed.
10.2 cm in diameter, bagged on site In a small number of instances, data
and sieved through 1 mm mesh under were used that passed Levene’s Test
running water later the same day. but, in some data combinations, did not
Material retained in the sieve was pass the Anderson-Darling Test. This
placed in a 175 mm diameter dish route was taken as statistical analysis
and the percentage coverage of the of variance is robust when dealing with
total amount and the proportions of non-normal distributions (Underwood,
medium-coarse sand (>1 mm grain 1997). In such cases, Anderson-Darling
size), living root material, small results are given in the text.
living/dead root fragments, and plant
debris was recorded. Parametric tests
Mud temperatures were measured Analysis of variance was determined
with a non-mercury thermometer using Minitab Statistical Software
to an accuracy of 0.5°C. Pore water (Minitab, 2007) for One-way and
samples were collected by digging a GLM-nested ANOVAs, the latter
shallow hole and allowing sufficient involving comparisons using
water to collect to fill sample bottles. Bonferroni’s Pairwise Comparisons.
Salinity was measured with a hand Mangrove data were analysed
held refractometer to an accuracy according to tree density, species, age,
of 0.5. Indicator solution and octet damage status and damage impact,
comparators were used to assess pH to and retained sediment materials were
an accuracy of 0.5, adjusted for salinity analysed for quantity and relative
according to tables provided with the composition.
pH measurement kits (LaMotte Inc, GLM-nested ANOVAs employed
MD, USA). the following nesting designs: [1]
All samples were analysed in the Region, Transect (Region); [2] Region,
evening on the day of collection, Transect (Region), Plot (Region,
except samples from plot 5 of the
2007 survey, which were analysed the Transect); and [3] Region, Transect
following day. (Region), Plot (Region, Transect),
Replicate (Region, Transect, Plot).
Statistical analysis
Regional differences
Data preparation
To ensure that differences determined
All data were tested using the between data sets were not a result
Anderson-Darling Normality Test of underlying differences between
and Levene’s Test for equal variance. the two survey regions, additional
Mangrove and environmental data analyses that excluded the effects of
that were not normally distributed seismic clearance were conducted.

Tree populations were analysed Due to the missing data, line and
by region with One-way ANOVA, adjacent plots 5 were omitted from
and seismic clearance effects were both survey regions in the parametric
excluded by combining living and analyses but incorporated in the
dead trees in the analysis. The multivariate analyses. Data from the
remaining data were also analysed by mangrove surveys, sediment samples
region with One-way ANOVA, but and environmental variables are
data gathered on seismic line transects summarised in Tables 1-3.
were excluded.
Differences between the two survey
Non-parametric tests regions
Data that manifested non-normal Total tree densities (including living
distributions and did not pass tests and dead trees) differed between
for equal variance were analysed the two survey regions (p = 0.018);
using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis Ceriops tagal was more abundant
tests in Minitab statistical software in the 2005 region (p = 0.048), but
(Minitab, 2007). Rhizophora mucronata showed no
significant difference. Within age
Multivariate analysis classes, only mature trees manifested
Parametric correlation analysis was not a difference between regions (p =
possible due to lack of homogeneity 0.004), but a breakdown by species
and non-normal distributions in the showed all age classes of C. tagal were
environmental data. Instead, principal more abundant in the 2005 region
component analysis (PCA) was (mature trees p = 0.045, saplings p =
carried out using PRIMER software 0.008, and seedlings p = 0.030).
(Clarke and Gorley, 2006). Sediment Sediment analysis revealed that the
data were square root-transformed but total amount of material retained by
temperature, salinity and pH variables the 1 mm sieve did not differ between
were not manipulated. All variables the two regions but the 2005 transects
were then normalised. A PRIMER had significantly more coarse sand
Draftsman plot (Clarke and Gorley, than the 2007 transects (p <0.001).
2006) suggested that none of the Mud surface temperatures were
variables were significantly correlated, indistinguishable between the regions.
so all data were used for the PCA. However, mud temperatures at 10 cm
differed (p <0.001), with the 2007
RESULTS region having higher temperatures.
Kruskal-Wallis tests revealed
While the survey plan included salinity differences between the two
twenty-four plots, tidal flooding survey regions (p <0.001), with the
prevented surveying of plot 5 on the 2005 transects exhibiting higher
adjacent transect in the 2007 region.

Table 1. Condition and number of mangrove trees in the survey transects.

Tree condition Living Damaged Dead Total
Impact None Seismic Local Unknown Seismic Local Unknown
2005 seismic line 653 91 7 7 77 26 13 874
2005 adjacent plots 737 0 8 5 0 11 12 773
2007 seismic line 406 27 1 7 34 11 6 492
2007 adjacent plots 426 0 0 0 0 0 5 431

Table 2. Environmental variables recorded in replicate 2 in the survey plots.

2005 Seismic transect Mud surface temp. (°C) Mud temp. at 10 cm (°C) Salinity pH
Plot 1 27.0 26.0 35.0 6.73
Plot 2 26.5 25.0 30.0 6.74
Plot 3 28.0 24.5 29.5 7.24
Plot 4 25.0 25.0 33.0 6.73
Plot 5 23.5 24.0 33.0 6.73
Plot 6 23.0 23.0 33.0 6.73
2005 Adjacent plots
Plot 1 26.5 25.0 32.0 7.23
Plot 2 27.0 25.0 31.0 6.24
Plot 3 25.0 24.0 31.5 6.73
Plot 4 28.0 24.0 34.0 6.73
Plot 5 25.0 24.0 33.5 6.73
Plot 6 22.0 22.0 35.0 6.73
2007 Seismic transect
Plot 1 30.0 26.5 28.0 7.24
Plot 2 30.0 27.0 30.0 7.24
Plot 3 27.0 26.5 30.0 7.24
Plot 4 27.0 26.0 28.5 6.74
Plot 5 26.5 25.0 31.0 6.74
Plot 6 25.5 24.5 32.5 6.73
2007 Adjacent plots
Plot 1 30.0 29.0 29.0 6.74
Plot 2 28.0 27.0 29.0 6.74
Plot 3 27.5 26.5 29.0 7.24
Plot 4 26.0 26.0 30.5 7.24
Plot 5 - - - -
Plot 6 24.0 24.0 33.0 6.73

Table 3. Sediment composition recorded in replicate 2 in the survey plots.

2005 Seismic transect Coarse sand Living/dead Living root Plant debris
root fragments material

Plot 1 0.33 0.22 0.11 0.33

Plot 2 0.43 0.14 0.43 0.00
Plot 3 0.43 0.29 0.14 0.14
Plot 4 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.11
Plot 5 0.29 0.14 0.29 0.29
Plot 6 0.20 0.40 0.00 0.40
2005 Adjacent plots
Plot 1 0.33 0.17 0.50 0.00
Plot 2 0.43 0.14 0.29 0.14
Plot 3 0.29 0.43 0.14 0.14
Plot 4 0.17 0.50 0.17 0.17
Plot 5 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.22
Plot 6 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.20
2007 Seismic transect
Plot 1 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80
Plot 2 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50
Plot 3 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.40
Plot 4 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.50
Plot 5 0.14 0.43 0.14 0.29
Plot 6 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.60
2007 Adjacent plots
Plot 1 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.25
Plot 2 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50
Plot 3 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33
Plot 4 0.00 0.40 0.20 0.40
Plot 5 - - - -
Plot 6 0.11 0.33 0.33 0.22

salinity levels, having a median of 33

compared to 30 in the 2007 region. Tree density and distribution
The pH also differed between regions The number of living trees in the
(Kruskal-Wallis p = 0.012), with the
seismic line transects was not
2007 region having a higher median
pH. significantly different from the
associated adjacent transects but there
Differences between seismic lines were more dead trees in the seismic
and adjacent areas line transects in both survey regions

(nested ANOVA [1], 2005 p = 0.030, Underlying environmental conditions

2007 p = 0.008). In the 2005 region, Sediment analysis yielded no
13% of the trees in the seismic line significant difference in the amount
plots were dead compared with only of material retained by a 1 mm
3% in the adjacent transect. Figures sieve between seismic line plots and
for the 2007 region were 10% and 1% adjacent plots. The composition of
respectively. retained material was also similar; a
As expected, the number of trees regional difference in the amount of
manifesting damage from seismic plant debris (nested ANOVA [1]; p =
clearing was greater in line transects 0.045) was explained by a difference
than in the adjacent controls for both between the 2007 line transect the
regions (Kruskal-Wallis p = 0.005 in 2005 adjacent transect, these having
each case). Seismic surveying resulted the most and least of this material,
in a loss of 8.8% of trees in the 2005 respectively (nested ANOVA [1]; p =
line plots and 6.9% in the 2007 line 0.006).
plots. In addition, 17% of the living Mud temperatures at the surface
trees in the 2005 plots, and 10% in the and at 10 cm did not differ significantly
2007 plots had been damaged through between the corresponding seismic
the removal of branches or prop-roots and adjacent transects. However,
during seismic surveying. some data failed the Anderson-
Living trees manifested no Darling test (mud surface temperature
differences in density in terms of in the 2005 adjacent transect, p =
species, age class and combined 0.010; temperature at 10cm in the
species and age class variables in the 2005 adjacent transect and 2007 line
corresponding seismic and adjacent transect, p = 0.032 and p = 0.042).
transects. Corresponding plots manifested no
Effects of local mangrove harvesting significant differences in mud surface
temperature, but the mud temperature
Local cutting accounted for 3% of the at 10 cm for plot 1 in the 2007 region
dead trees along the 2005 line transect, was lower in the seismic plot than in the
2.2% along the 2007 line transect, and adjacent plot (nested ANOVA [1]; p <
1.4% in the 2005 adjacent transect. No 0.001). Analysis of the seismic survey
other cutting was evident in the 2007 transects comparing the different
adjacent plots. There were significantly positions on the line (nested ANOVA
more dead trees from other cutting in [3]) yielded no significant differences
the 2005 line transect than in the 2007 in either temperature (but replicate 3
adjacent transect (nested ANOVA [1], in the 2005 adjacent transect failed the
p = 0.0353). Anderson-Darling test, p = 0.039).

Table 4. PCA results for the first three components of environmental variables.
Variable PC1 PC2 PC3

Mud surface temperature 0.391 -0.368 0.134

Mud temperature at 10cm 0.404 -0.257 0.183
Salinity -0.381 0.265 0.327
pH 0.343 -0.227 -0.266
Coarse sand in sediment -0.407 -0.152 0.201
Root fragments in sediment 0.318 0.178 0.696
Living roots in sediment -0.293 -0.523 -0.223
Plant debris in sediment 0.261 0.591 -0.442
% variation explained 57.7 17.9 9.4
Cumulative % variation 57.7 75.5 85.0

Kruskal-Wallis tests on salinity and in the sediment were the drivers of

pH yielded no significant differences variation in the 2005 region, and mud
between the seismic and adjacent temperature, pH, and plant debris
transects. in the sediment were the drivers of
PCAordination of the environmental variation in the 2007 region.
variables revealed relatively clear
regional clustering, although the Differences in mangrove post-
seismic and adjacent transects seismic survey recovery
overlapped (Fig. 3b). The first three Apart from differences already
components listed in accounted for presented in terms of regional
85% of the environmental variation. variation, there were no significant
The PCA ordination plot indicated differences between the seismic
that the sites are split by region at a survey line transects in the two survey
Euclidian distance of 4, with all the regions suggestive of differences in
2005 sites grouping together (Fig. 3b). mangrove recovery.
The association between the seismic
line plots and adjacent plots was
less clear. However, the majority of Were there seismic-related
seismic plots fell in the area associated differences in tree density and
with plant debris in the sediment, and distribution?
the majority of adjacent plots in the Given the nature of seismic
area associated with living roots in the exploration in mangroves with its
sediment (Fig. 3a). The eigenvectors associated removal of all trees in lines
(Fig 3a) indicated that salinity, ~2m wide, the greater number of dead
coarse sand and living root material trees in the seismic line transects was

a) b)

Fig. 3. PCA of environmental variables from the 23 mangrove plots. The depicted
components account for 75.5% of the variation in environmental factors between
plots. a) Eigenvectors indicate the direction and level that variables contribute to
variation. b) Ordination plot clustered at various Euclidian distance similarity
levels. (▲) 2005 seismic survey line, (∆) 2005 adjacent plots, (■) 2007 seismic survey
line, (□) 2007 adjacent plots.

expected. However, during surveying abundance and growth rates (Clarke

it was apparent that both areas had & Kerrigan 2000, Sherman et al.,
also been subjected to small-scale 2000). However, despite the fact that
harvesting, and trees in this category vegetation clearance along the seismic
were recorded separately. Although survey lines had the effect of creating
differences in the number of dead small canopy gaps, there were no
trees in the line transects were not significant differences in the number
significant, the higher percentage of of seedlings and saplings in seismic
trees affected by seismic impacts in line and adjacent plots in either region.
the 2005 region may be an indication What was the effect of local
that environmental guidelines were mangrove harvesting?
less stringent at the time this line was
created. Seismic survey clearance was not the
It has been suggested that canopy only cause of mangrove damage. Cut
gaps in mangroves might play an stumps were recorded in line plots
important part in recovery from well outside the area of seismic survey
disturbance by improving survival clearance and in the surrounding
rates and promoting increased areas of both survey regions. Cutting

was focused particularly on the 2005 dugout canoe, yet had been subjected
line transect, which was significantly to more cutting than the 2005 adjacent
different from the 2007 adjacent line, suggesting that these factors
transect, indicating that the combined were not the only influence. Instead,
impact of seismic surveying and local the lines appear to be targeted as
cutting had resulted in a significant they provide greater ease of timber
reduction in tree densities on the 2005 removal afforded by the clearance. It
line. is also possible that more remote areas
The main target of cutting was are targeted when harvesting is illegal.
Ceriops tagal, with Rhizophora With no data on harvesting in the
mucronata being subjected to minimal region prior to seismic surveying,
damage. Both R. mucronata and C. it is not possible to establish if the
tagal are target species for building creation of the seismic lines has
materials, charcoal, boatbuilding, fish resulted in increased harvesting or
traps and firewood, and C. tagal is simply facilitated access to areas that
particularly favoured due to its termite- could not be reached before. However,
resistant properties (Muhando et al., local community members confirmed
1999). Within the Mtwara district, that clearance lines were perceived
90% of the houses are built with as paths, and evidence of firewood
mangrove poles and, in 1999, it was collection was observed on the 2005
estimated that ~1600 mangrove trees line transect during surveying.
were harvested annually, most without
the proper authorisation (Muhando Was there a change in the underlying
et al., 1999); mangroves in Tanzania environmental conditions?
are protected under the National The PCA ordination (Fig. 3a) indicated
Mangrove Management Plan (1994), that, apart from mud temperature,
which allows licensed harvesting by sediment content was the next most
local residents for personal use, but important variable between regions
not for resale. and transects (Table 4), the main
The pattern of cutting suggests that driver being the amount of plant
seismic survey lines may have become debris in the sediment. This suggests
access routes to the mangroves, that the seismic surveying may have
facilitating harvesting from previously resulted in compositional changes in
inaccessible areas. Cutting was highest the sediment.
in the 2005 region and the passage of Although mud temperatures did
time since its creation and its closer not differ between transects or within
proximity to the village of Chui may replicates, mean temperatures for
have facilitated the greater damage. replicate 2 of the line transects (the
However, the 2007 line, created more replicate on the cleared line) were
recently, can only be reached by consistently slightly higher, both

at the surface and at 10 cm. Raised increased levels of (toxic) sulphide,

temperatures in mangrove mud have which inhibits seedling and mangrove
been shown to cause increases in growth (Hogarth, 2007).
salinity and nutrient concentrations In the PCA analysis, the position
due to increased evaporation (Kaly of individual plots relative to their
et al., 1997; Alongi & de Carvalho, sediment content showed that the
2008). However, salinity data did not 2007 seismic line plots were typified
reflect such a change. The gaps in the by dead, organic material that might
canopy created by the seismic lines have been generated during clearing,
may have been too small to cause a while the control plot sediments
temperature rise, although this may contained living root material. Many
vary with season; surveying took 2005 seismic line plots had neither.
place at the end of the Tanzanian This suggests that, while some level
rainy season when temperatures were of recovery may have occurred in the
falling. three years since seismic surveying,
the surface root layer of the mangroves
Was there evidence of recovery remained affected. Ongoing trampling
over time? and cutting would further hamper
During surveying, it was noticeable recovery by preventing seedling
that there were few seedlings and establishment.
saplings in the immediate area of Trampling also disrupts the surface
the seismic lines, despite the time topography and soil stability of
difference in their clearance. Reasons mangrove mud and, combined with
for this are probably the trampling the loss of trees, can lead to increased
effects when the lines were originally tidal flushing, which slows down
cleared, ongoing trampling, and mangrove recruitment; seedlings are
changes in the soil hydrology due to washed away before they become
the loss of trees. established if the soil lacks stability
Trampling has been shown to break (Kaly et al., 1997; Kairo et al., 2001).
down the mangrove surface root layer Flushing can also result in reduced
and alter the structure of the mangrove levels of nutrients (Kaly et al., 1997;
sediments, and recovery from such Alongi & de Carvalho, 2008), and
impacts probably takes several research on the effects of nutrients on
years due to the slow growth rate of Rhizophora mangle seedlings shows
mangrove root systems (Dye, 2006). that phosphorous is a limiting factor in
This loss of root material can also lead seedling development and, even when
to a reduction in anaerobic conditions, present, water-logged and anoxic
resulting in reduced microbial activity, soils render it ineffective (Koch &
especially that of sulphate reducers Snedaker, 1997). This suggests it may
(Alongi & de Carvalho, 2008), and be necessary to artificially maintain

that the more dispersed nature of local

harvesting meant that the whole area
was benefiting from increased light,
but a lack of seedlings and saplings
on the cleared lines suggested that this
was not the case.
The present study was short in
duration and based on a relatively
small number of samples. Although
some results were inconclusive, the
seismic lines surveyed did not show
signs of recovery (Fig. 4). Future
research should target seedling and
sapling abundance and growth in
the lines, and soil structure, organic
content and nutrient levels. This
should elucidate any persistent effects
of mangrove clearing and provide
the information needed to develop
appropriate mitigation measures to
Fig. 4. The 2005 seismic survey line at facilitate recovery. An assessment of
plot 2 showing the path cleared between local use of the mangroves might also
the mangroves.
establish the degree to which seismic
lines are being used as access routes
after their creation.
soil profiles and increase nitrogen and
Future seismic surveys in
phosphorus levels in damaged systems
mangroves need to incorporate
to aid their recovery (Kaly et al., 1997;
monitoring of forest recovery,
Alongi & de Carvalho, 2008).
activities to promote regeneration, and
CONCLUSIONS the prevention of secondary impacts.
Current guidelines specify that the
Areas cleared along the seismic area to be cleared should be minimal,
survey lines in the study region had mature trees should not be cut (the
been subjected to additional local path should go around them) and
mangrove cutting. The combined branches should not be trimmed above
effect of seismic clearing and local the line of sight in an effort to retain
cutting was significant, but it was not the canopy (Artumas, 2008). They
possible to establish a link between also specify the ‘blocking’ of access
canopy gaps and changes in seedling routes, but this appears to be directed
and sapling densities. It is possible at preventing vehicle access.

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Acknowledgements: This research was v6: User Manual/Tutorial. PRIMER-E,
funded by Artumas Group Inc. I thank Plymouth, UK. http://www.primer-e.
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