Baybay Tanza LTIA Assessment Form 1

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Lupong Tagapamayapa :

General Instruction: Please read the Technical Notes at the back before accomplishing this form.

A. Observance of Settlement Procedure and Settlement

Proper recording of every dispute/complaint

To have score breakdown
1. a) Proper recording of every dispute 2.5 2.5 - submitted/presented the record book or
logbook reflecting all the required details
1.0 - submitted/presented the record book or
logbook reflecting some of the necessary details
O - no presented record book or logbook
To have score breakdown
2.5 - submitted/presented 100% of summons
issued within the prescribed period
1.5 - submitted/presented 75-99% of summons
b) Sending of Notices/Summons to parties within the prescribed 2.5 issued within the prescribed period
period (within the next working day upon receipt of complaint) 1.0 - submitted/presented 50-74% of summons
issued within the prescribed period
O - submitted/presented 0-49% of summons
issued within the prescribed period
To adhere to the procedural requirement of one
(1) working day pursuant to Section 410 of RKPL.

2. Settlement and Award Period

a.) Mediation (within 15 days from initial confrontation with the 10 From Lupon Chairperson to Punong Baarangay
Lupon Chairman)
b.) Conciliation (15 days from initial confrontation with the 8

c.) Conciliation (with extended period not to exceed another 15 6 Conciliation with extendible period of another 15
days) days at the discretion of the Pangkat

d.) Arbitration (within 10 days from the date of the agreement to

arbitrate) 4
10 - 100% cases were resolve using any mode of
e.) Conciliation beyond 46 days but not more than 60 days (clearly ADR within the prescribed period
meritorious cases) 2
6 - 75-99% cases were resolve using any mode of
ADR within the prescribed period
To compute: cases settled x assigned point score = Score 3 -50-74% cases were resolve using any mode of
ADR within the prescribed period
0 -0-49 % cases were resolve using any mode of
ADR within the prescribed period
3 -50-74% cases were resolve using any mode of
ADR within the prescribed period
0 -0-49 % cases were resolve using any mode of
ADR within the prescribed period
total number of cases filed - outside of KP jurisdiction

Actual Illustration:

Total Number of cases : 25

Mediated cases : 18
Conciliated cases : 3
Arbitrated Cases : 2

Mediated cases : 18 x 10 = 7.2

Conciliated cases : 3 x 8 = 0.96
Arbitrated cases : 2 x 4 = 0.32

Total Score = 7.2 + 0.96 + 0.32 = 8.48 pts.

B. Systematic Maintenance of Records

● Records of Cases
⧫ Manually 1

⧫ Computerized 1

1 - submitted/presented the necessary docs

0-necessary docs where not presented

● Copies of minutes of Lupon meetings with attendance sheets and 1


● Copies of reports submitted to the Court and to the 1

DILG on file

● All records are kept on file in a secured filing cabinet(s) 1

C. Timely Submission of Reports to Concerned Agencies

Proposed changes in the existing Assessment
1. To the Court: 4 Form

● complete and on time = 4

● complete but not on time = 2

● incomplete and not on time = 1 4 - submitted 100% of reports to the Court within
5 calendar days from the date of the
settlement/arbitration award or from the lapse
of the 10-day period repudiating the settlement
2 - submitted/presented 75-99% reports to the
Court within 5 calendar days from the date of the
settlement/arbitration award or from the lapse
of the 10-day period repudiating the settlement
1 - submitted/presented 50-74% reports to the
Court within 5 calendar days from the date of the
settlement/arbitration award or from the lapse
of the 10-day period repudiating the settlement

● no submission = 0 0- submitted/presented 0-49% reports to the

Court within 5 calendar days from the date of the
settlement/arbitration award or from the lapse
of the 10-day period repudiating the settlement

2. To the DILG (Monthly) 1 Proposed changes in the existing Assessment

1 - Submitted/presented of the required report to
the DILG witin the prescribed period
0- the required report to the DILG was not
submitted or submitted beyond the prescribed

D. Conduct of Monthly Meetings Exclusively on KP Matters

2- submitted/presented 100% of the notices

which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon
1.5 - submitted/presented 75-99% of the notices
which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon
● Notice of Meeting 2
1 - submitted/presented 50-74% of the notices
which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon
0- submitted/presented 0-49% of the notices
which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon

To compute:
number of Notice of Meeting X 2
8- submitted/presented 100% of the notices
which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon
4 - submitted/presented 75-99% of the notices
which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon
● Minutes of the Meeting 8 members
2 - submitted/presented 50-74% of the notices
which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon
0 - submitted/presented 0-49% of the notices
which are duly acknowledged by the Lupon
To compute:
number of reported KP meetings X 8



A. Quantity of settled cases against filed

90-100% 10 Proposed
80-89% 8 10 - 95-100% settled cases
70-79% 6 8- 90-94% settled cases
60-69% 4 6 - 85-89% settled cases
59% below 2 4 - 80-84% settled cases
2 - 75-79% settled cases
To Compute:
Total number of settled cases x 100
Total no. of cases filed - cases outside the jurisdiction 0 - 74% and below settled cases
of KP

B. Quality of Settlement of Cases

•Zero case repudiated 5
5 - for non-recurrence an zero cases repudiated
(out of the total number of settled cases)
5 - for non-recurrence an zero cases repudiated
•Non-recurrence of cases settled 5 (out of the total number of settled cases)
0 - at least one (1) (out of the total number of
settled cases)

C. At least 80% compliance with the terms of settlement or

award after the cases have been settled
80-100% (with supporting documents) 10
70-79% (with supporting documents) 8 10 - 80-100% compliance with the terms of
settlement or award with the terms of
8 -70-79% compliance
60-69% (with supporting documents) 6
6 - 60-69% or award with the terms of
50-51% (with supporting documents) 4
settlement or award
49 and below (with supporting documents) 2 4 - 50-59% compliance with the terms of
settlement or award

To Compute : 2 - 40-49% compliance with the terms of

Total Number of Complied Settlement or Award X 100 settlement or award
Total no. of cases filed-
cases outside KP jurisdiction 0 - below 40% compliance with the terms if
settlement or award


A. Settlement Technique
Settlement technique utilized by Lupon
● Reported more than one settlement technique 5 Replaced the work Reported with Utilized for
consistency of term used
● Reported one settlement technique 3

● No report 0 No settlement technique used instead of no

5 - with proof of coordination relative to the filed
B. Coordination with Concerned Agencies relating to disputes disputes
filed (PNP, DSWD, DILG, DAR, DENR, Office of the Prosecutor, Court, 5
DOJ, CHR, etc.) 0 - without proof of coordination relative to the filed
C. Sustained information drive to promote Katarungang
Pambarangay Provide quantitative and/or qualitative metrics

5 - presented more that 5 information drive

● IEC materials produced 2
4 - presented 4 information drive
3 - presented 3 information drive
2 - presented 2 information drive
1 - presented 1 information drive
0 - no information drive presented
● IEC activities conducted 2
● Innovative Campaign Strategy 1

D. KP Training or seminar within the assessment period

2 - general/basis orientation or review of the KP
system under the LGC and pertinent guidelines
2 - specialized skills training on conduct of KP
Proceedings e.g. ADR, apprciation of evidence,
conflict management
1. Conducted by the Barangay 6 2 - advanced training on laws, policies, and
standards relating to the KP system e.g. Gender
Sensitivity/Responsiveness, Human Rights,
Criminal Justice/Legal Framework
0 - no KP Training or Seminar conducted within
the assessment period

2. Training conducted by government or non-government 4

organizations participated by Lupon members

1 - general/basis orientation or review of the KP

system under the LGC and pertinent guidelines
1.5 - specialized skills training on conduct of KP
Proceedings e.g. ADR, apprciation of evidence,
conflict management
1.5 - advanced training on laws, policies, and
standards relating to the KP system e.g. Gender
Sensitivity/Responsiveness, Human Rights,
Criminal Justice/Legal Framework
0 - no KP Training or Seminar conducted within
the assessment period


Building structure or space 5
1 - room for exclusive use during KP proceedings
with tables and chairs

addtl 1 - with dedicate record book for KP cases

and proceedings
addtl - 1 point with dedicated filing cabinets/s for
KP cases/records
addtl 1 point - with computer (in the KP room)
used for KP cases/records
Addtl 1 point - with other room amenities
improving the administration of KP
0 - No area or facility for KP activities


1. City, Municipal, Provincial, or NGAs 3

3 - received support from the both National &

Local Government
1.5 - received support from the either National &
Local Government
0 - no support
3 - received support from the both National &
Local Government
1.5 - received support from the either National &
Local Government
0 - no support

2. People's Organizations, NGOs or Private Sector 2


National Board of Judges

Date: ________________ (Signature over printed Name)

Proper Recording means to keep and maintain a record book of all complaints filed with the Punong
consecutively in the order in which they were received and enter therein the names of the parties, dat
disposition. [Rule III, Section 2 (a) of Katarungang Pambarangay Implementing Rules and Regulations]
Means of Verifications (MOVs): Record Book which must contain the following: names of the partie
and disposition.

Mediation means upon receipt of the complaint, the Lupon Chairman shall within the next working d
notice to the complainant(s) for them and their witnesses to appear before him for a mediation of the
mediation effort within fifteen (15) days from the first meeting of the parties before him, he shall forth
the Pangkat. [Section 410 (b), Chapter 7, RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991]

Means of Verification

2 photos of the record book and sample entries in the

record book with caption

Note: Record books entries should contain docket

number, names of the parties, date and time filed,
nature of the case and disposition

Proper recording of every dispute means to keep and Conciliation stipulates that no complaint, petition, action, or proceeding involving any matter within
maintain a record book of all complaints filed with the or instituted directly in court or any other government office for adjudication, unless there has been a
PB numbered consecutively in the order in which they before the lupon chairman or the pangkat, and that no conciliation or settlement has been reached as
were received and enter therein the names of the pangkat secretary as attested to by the lupon or pangkat chairman or unless the settlement has been r
[Section 412 (a), Chapter 7, RA 7160]
parties, date and time filed, nature of the case and
disposition. The Pangkat shall arrive at a settlement or resolution of the dispute within fifteen (15) days from the
Chapter 7, RA 7160]
Conciliation with extendible period - This period shall, at the discretion of the pangkat, be extendib
exceed fifteen (15) days, except in clearly meritorious cases. [Section 410 (e), Chapter 7, RA 7160]
Chapter 7, RA 7160]
Conciliation with extendible period - This period shall, at the discretion of the pangkat, be extendib
exceed fifteen (15) days, except in clearly meritorious cases. [Section 410 (e), Chapter 7, RA 7160]
Sec. 410 of the RKPL "Mediation by the Lupon
Chairman - Upon receipt of the complaint, the LC shall
within the next working day, summon the respondents,
with notice to the complainants within the next
working day, and their witnesses to appear before him
for a mediation of their conflicting interest.

Recommendation: Scores will be provided only when

file copy of the summons issued within the next
working day indication the date of the

Arbitration means the parties may, at any stage of the proceedings, agree in writing that they shall ab
lupon chairman or the pangkat. Such agreement to arbitrate may be repudiated within five (5) days fr
grounds. The arbitration award shall be made after the lapse of the period for repudiation and within
(a), Chapter 7, RA 7160]

Systematic Maintenance of Records means systematic records keeping of all complaints brought an
including minutes of meetings and transmittal of reports to the court and the DILG. (DILG Memorandu
Operations no. 4, page 2)

The Lupong Tagapamayapa must explain briefly how KP records are maintained.

Attach 4 photos with caption of the ongoing settlement MOVs: Photos of Record Book in reference to the assessment year, computerized records of cases and
of dispute

Briefly describe the actual experience of the LT in Timely Submission to the Court means the secretary of the lupon shall transmit the settlement or th
handling the cases filed in the Brgy. (Note. Please do city or municipal court within five (5) days from the date of the award or from the lapse of the ten-day
not state the provision of the RKPL re: settlement and shall furnish copies thereof to each of the parties to the settlement and the lupon chairman. [Section 4
award period)

Accomplished LTIA Form 07: Settlement and Award

period verified by the CMLGOO and the RFP
handling the cases filed in the Brgy. (Note. Please do city or municipal court within five (5) days from the date of the award or from the lapse of the ten-day
not state the provision of the RKPL re: settlement and shall furnish copies thereof to each of the parties to the settlement and the lupon chairman. [Section 4
award period)

Accomplished LTIA Form 07: Settlement and Award

period verified by the CMLGOO and the RFP

Katarungang Pambarangay Matters – The Lupon shall meet regularly once a month on a date set by
forum for the exchange of ideas on matters relevant to the amicable settlement of disputes, and to ena
to share with one another their observations and experiences in effecting speedy resolution of dispute
relating to the amicable settlement of disputes, and device solution thereto by harnessing the resourc
Barangay and other local resources of the Barangay. [Section 7 (b), Rule IV, KP IRR]
Minutes of Meetings must contain status and agreement/resolution of cases and sharing of settlement
MOVs: Notices of Meetings, Minutes of Lupon Meetings, Attendance Sheets

Quantity of Settled Cases against Filed is the number of settled cases over the number of cases filed

Chronological order of the files of docketed cases. Quality of Settlement of Cases

Two (2) photos each with captions Zero case repudiated means no case has been repudiated. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Effectiveness in Secu
Manually means example of this recordbook which
contain docket number, name of parties, date and time
the case is filed, nature of the case and disposition. Non-Recurrence of cases settled means there is no repetition of the commission of similar or the sam
cases already settled by the Lupon. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Effectiveness in Securing KP Objectives par. 3
Reco: During the table assessment, the said MOV
should suffice. However, the team should inspect the
physical records during onsite validation.

Computerized - computerized file that contain docket

number, name of parties, date and time the case is
filed, nature of the case and disposition.

Reco: During the table assessment, the said MOV

should suffice. However, the team should inspect the
computerized records during onsite validation.

Settlement Technique refers to the strategies applied by Lupons to expedite the types of interventio
diminishing or altering the concept of KP.
Reco: During the table assessment, the said MOV
should suffice. However, the team should inspect the
complete physical records during onsite validation.

Coordination with concerned agencies means coordination efforts exerted by the Lupon in securing
agencies and non-government organizations for the purpose of effecting speedy resolution of disputes
Reco: During the table assessment, the said MOV Resourcefulness of Mediators no. 2, page 2)
should suffice. However, the team should inspect the
complete physical records during onsite validation.

Reco: During the table assessment, the said MOV

should suffice. However, the team should inspect the
filing cabinet during onsite validation.

MOVs: Any form of communication such as letters, e-mails or any written or verifiable means of comm
Visitor's Log Book which shall indicate the date.
1. The list of cases (LTIA Form 7-A) and certififed
true copies of transmittal etters of reports to the
court should be the references in determining the
timeliness of submission.
2. Define the prescribed period as calendar days
since Sec. 419 of RKPL did not state "working" days
3. Delayed transmittal should be supported by a
certification from the LC with justification.
Otherwise, the concerned reports will not be
considered as timely.
Sustained information drive to promote Katarungang Pambarangay are the initiatives of the Lup
among the various sectors in the community on KP. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Creativity and Resourcefuln

Note: Innovative Campaign Strategy Example: use of social media such as FB.

Copies of transmittal letters must be stamped as KP Training or Seminar within the Assessment Period refers to seminars, exchange visits and sim
received by the DILG. No score will be given in the KP objectives. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Creativity and Resourcefulness of Mediators no. 4, page 3]
absence of the said DILG stamped document.

1. Certified true copies of Notices of Meetings must be
signed/stamped as acknowledged by the Lupon
members. No score will be given in the absence of the
said acknowledged document.
2. In case a meeting for a particular month was not
conducted, a certification from the DILG on the reason
thereof must have been submitted.

Note: KP Trainings or seminars conducted should be supported by the following documents: Activity
with date and venue and Certificate of Participation or Certificate of Completion. While KP Trainings o
the following supporting documents: Certificate of Appearance, Certificate of Participation or Certifica
and photos with date and venue of training or seminar.
Reco: In case a meeting in a particular month was not
conducted, a certification from the DILG on the reason
thereof must have been submitted prior to the table Area or Facilities for KP activities refers to a separate structure or a space within the Barangay Hall
assessment. Any justification submitted during the settlement proceedings and other KP related activities such as filing of complaints, meetings and othe
validation should no longer be considered. accommodate the parties and the Lupons filing cabinet/s, record book/s or a computer set and office
MOVs: photos

Financial or non-financial support are grants whether it be monetary or in kind, given to the Lupon
implementation of Katarungang Pambarangay.
Proposal: The Lupon should have at least 10 settled MOVs: Deed of Donation, MOA, Resolution, Appropriation Ordinance of higher Sanggunian, Acknowle
cases (minimum no. of cases)

Reco: Provide brief explanation and computation

based on the formula provided
Reco : Less that five samples of proof of compliance
submitted prior to table assessment will warrant no
score for the criteria

Pre-mediation - total no. of cases premediated by the

Lupons is added in the total number of cases.
Policy briefing with the RPFs before the conduct of
local assessment.
Submit three (3) photos with caption of the building
structure or space provided by the Barangay
exclusively for KP and Lupon concerns.
Note: Are or Facility should have table and chairs to
accommodate the parties and the Lupon, and record
book or computer for documentation purposes. It
should also have a filing cabinet/s where KP
documents are maintained. (LTIA Forms 7, p 23)

Submitted certfied tru copies of proof granting a

support such as the ff:
Deed of Donation, MOA, Resolution, Appropriation
Ordinance of higher Sanggunian, Acknowledgment
receipts, Vouchers, among others

Financial or non-financial support are grants

whether it be monetary or in-kind, given to the
Lupon for the purpose of the implementation of KP.
(DILG MC No. 2016-58, p. 6)
1. Excluding the regular appropriations for the
barangay and incentives from the DILG programs
2. Acknowledgment receipt should be signed by
both the donor and recepient.

1. This indicator shall consider donations from
individuals in their personal capacity

2. Acknowledgment receipt should be signed by both

the donor and recepient.
p and maintain a record book of all complaints filed with the Punong Barangay/Lupon Chairman numbered
ch they were received and enter therein the names of the parties, date and time filed, nature of the case, and
of Katarungang Pambarangay Implementing Rules and Regulations]
Record Book which must contain the following: names of the parties, date and time filed, nature of the case,

f the complaint, the Lupon Chairman shall within the next working day summon the respondent(s), with
hem and their witnesses to appear before him for a mediation of their conflicting interests. If he fails in his
5) days from the first meeting of the parties before him, he shall forthwith set a date for the constitution of
pter 7, RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991]

omplaint, petition, action, or proceeding involving any matter within the authority of the lupon shall be filed
ny other government office for adjudication, unless there has been a confrontation between the parties
pangkat, and that no conciliation or settlement has been reached as certified by the lupon secretary or
by the lupon or pangkat chairman or unless the settlement has been repudiated by the parties thereto.
ement or resolution of the dispute within fifteen (15) days from the day it convenes. [Section 410 (e),

riod - This period shall, at the discretion of the pangkat, be extendible for another period which shall not
n clearly meritorious cases. [Section 410 (e), Chapter 7, RA 7160]
riod - This period shall, at the discretion of the pangkat, be extendible for another period which shall not
n clearly meritorious cases. [Section 410 (e), Chapter 7, RA 7160]

ay, at any stage of the proceedings, agree in writing that they shall abide by the arbitration award of the
uch agreement to arbitrate may be repudiated within five (5) days from the date thereof for the same
hall be made after the lapse of the period for repudiation and within ten (10) days thereafter. [Section 413

ords means systematic records keeping of all complaints brought and filed, settled or resolved by the Lupon
d transmittal of reports to the court and the DILG. (DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2004-43, Efficiency of

explain briefly how KP records are maintained.

reference to the assessment year, computerized records of cases and the filing cabinet.

t means the secretary of the lupon shall transmit the settlement or the arbitration award to the appropriate
e (5) days from the date of the award or from the lapse of the ten-day period repudiating the settlement and
ch of the parties to the settlement and the lupon chairman. [Section 419, Chapter 7, RA 7160]
e (5) days from the date of the award or from the lapse of the ten-day period repudiating the settlement and
ch of the parties to the settlement and the lupon chairman. [Section 419, Chapter 7, RA 7160]

tters – The Lupon shall meet regularly once a month on a date set by the Lupon Chairman, to provide for a
n matters relevant to the amicable settlement of disputes, and to enable various conciliation panel members
bservations and experiences in effecting speedy resolution of disputes, as well as to discuss problems
nt of disputes, and device solution thereto by harnessing the resources provided by the Sangguniang
es of the Barangay. [Section 7 (b), Rule IV, KP IRR]
n status and agreement/resolution of cases and sharing of settlement procedure and technique.
tes of Lupon Meetings, Attendance Sheets

st Filed is the number of settled cases over the number of cases filed minus those outside KP jurisdiction.

case has been repudiated. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Effectiveness in Securing KP Objectives par. 3, page 2]
d means there is no repetition of the commission of similar or the same offense by the party or parties to
n. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Effectiveness in Securing KP Objectives par. 3, page 2]

the strategies applied by Lupons to expedite the types of intervention as stated in the KP Law, without
pt of KP.

gencies means coordination efforts exerted by the Lupon in securing participation from other government
ganizations for the purpose of effecting speedy resolution of disputes. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Creativity and
2, page 2)

on such as letters, e-mails or any written or verifiable means of communication. For meetings, photos or
dicate the date.
promote Katarungang Pambarangay are the initiatives of the Lupon to generate greater awareness
community on KP. [DILG MC No. 2004-43, Creativity and Resourcefulness of Mediators no. 2, page 2]

egy Example: use of social media such as FB.

the Assessment Period refers to seminars, exchange visits and similar fora undertaken in furtherance of
-43, Creativity and Resourcefulness of Mediators no. 4, page 3]

onducted should be supported by the following documents: Activity Design, Post Activity Report, Photos
te of Participation or Certificate of Completion. While KP Trainings or seminars participated should include
nts: Certificate of Appearance, Certificate of Participation or Certificate of Completion, Post Activity Report
of training or seminar.
ies refers to a separate structure or a space within the Barangay Hall compound exclusively used for
r KP related activities such as filing of complaints, meetings and others. It should have tables and chairs to
Lupons filing cabinet/s, record book/s or a computer set and office supplies for documentation purposes.

ort are grants whether it be monetary or in kind, given to the Lupong Tagapamayapa for the purpose of the
esolution, Appropriation Ordinance of higher Sanggunian, Acknowledgment Receipts, Vouchers
Lupong Tagapamayapa : BAYBAY TANZA Region :
City: ILOILO CITY Award Category :
Province: ILOILO

General Instruction: Please do not forget to include your observations in the remarks column.


A. Observance of Settlement Procedure and Settlement


1. a) Proper recording of every dispute/complaint

5 points - submitted/presented the record book or logbook

reflecting all the required details

2.5 points - submitted/presented the record book or logbook

reflecting some of the necessary details 5

O point - no presented record book or logbook

Note: Check if the record contains docket number, names of the

parties, date and time filed, nature of the case and disposition
b) Sending of Notices/Summons to parties within the
prescribed period (within the next working day upon receipt
of complaint)

5 points - submitted/presented 80-100% of summons with

complete and accurate information issued within the prescribed

3 points - submitted/presented 50-79% of summons with

complete and accurate information issued within the prescribed
period 5

2 points - submitted/presented 1-49% of summons with complete

and accurate information issued within the prescribed period

0 point – have not submitted/presented any summons/notices

Note: Scores will be given only when file copy of the summons
issued within the next working day is with date and time stamped
of the receipt.

2. Settlement and Award Period

(with at least 10 settled cases within the assessment period)
a.) Mediation (within 15 days from initial confrontation with the
Lupon Chairman)
b.) Conciliation (15 days from initial confrontation with the

c.) Conciliation (with extended period not to exceed another 15

days) 10

d.) Arbitration (within 15 days from the date of the agreement to


e.) Conciliation beyond 46 days but not more than 60 days

(clearly meritorious cases)

10 points – 80-100% cases were resolved using any mode of

ADR (supported by minutes of proceedings) within the prescribed

8 points - 60-79% cases were resolved using any mode of ADR

(supported by minutes of proceedings) within the prescribed

6 points - 40-59% cases were resolved using any mode of ADR

(supported by minutes of proceedings) within the prescribed

4 points - 20-39% cases were resolved using any mode of ADR

(supported by minutes of proceedings) within the prescribed

2 points - 1-19 % cases were resolved using any mode of ADR

(supported by minutes of proceedings) within the prescribed

0 point - 0 cases were resolved using any mode of ADR

(supported by minutes of proceedings) within the prescribed

B. Systematic Maintenance of Records 5

1. Records of Cases
For Cities - computer database with searchable case information
- 2 points
For Municipalities: 2
a. Manual Records - 1
b. Digital Record Filing - 1

2. Copies of Minutes of Lupon meetings with attendance sheets

and notices

3. Copies of reports submitted to the Court and to the DILG

on file

4. All records are kept on file in a secured filing cabinet(s) 1

C. C. Timely Submissions to the Court and the DILG 7

1. To the Court:
Submitted/ presented copies of settlement agreement to the
Court from the lapse of the ten-day period repudiating the 5
mediation/ conciliation settlement agreement, or within five (5)
calendar days from the

5.0 points = 80%-100% submitted on time

4.0 points = 60%-79% submitted on time
3.0 points = 40%-59% submitted on time
2.0 points = 20%-39% submitted on time
1.0 point = 1%-19% submitted on time
0 point = 0% of reports submitted on tim
2. To the DILG (Quarterly) 2

2 points - Submitted/presented of the required report to the DILG

within the prescribed period

1 point – submitted/presented partial report of the DILG within

the prescribed period.

0 point - the required report to the DILG was not submitted or

submitted beyond the prescribed period

D. Conduct of Monthly Meetings Exclusively on KP Matters 6

● Notice of Meeting 2

2.0 points – minimum of 12 meetings with KP-related matters,

complete details, each Lupon member must sign (indicating their
name, date and time of receipt) when receiving notices of

1.0 point – anything beyond the compliance document, with

incomplete details

0 point = no data presented

Number of months with KP-related meetings with minutes and
attendance sheets conducted:

● Minutes=of
8.0 points 12the Meeting
months 4
6.0 points = 9-11 months
4.0 points = 6-8 months
2.0 points = 3-5 months
1.0 point = 1-2 months
0 point = no meeting

A. Quantity of settled cases against filed 10 10

With a minimum of 10 cases settled, the percentage of cases
received by the Lupon resulting to settlement:

10.0 points = 100%

8.0 points = 80%-99%
6.0 points = 60%-79%
4.0 points = 40%-59%
2.0 points = 1%-39%
0 point = 0%

To Compute:
Total number of settled cases x 100
Total no. of cases filed - cases outside the jurisdiction
of KP

B. Quality of Settlement of Cases 2 2

•Zero case repudiated 1

•Non-recurrence of cases settled 1

1 point - for non-recurrence and zero cases repudiated (out of

the total number of settled cases)

0 point - at least one (1) (out of the total number of settled cases)

C. At least 80% compliance with the terms of settlement or

8 8
award after the cases have been settled
8 points = 80% -100% compliance with the terms of settlement or
6 points = 70% -79% compliance with the terms of settlement or
4 points = 60% -69% compliance with the terms of settlement or
2 points = 50% -51% compliance with the terms of settlement or
1 point = 49% and below compliance with the terms of settlement
III. award
30 0
A. A. Settlement Technique utilized by the Lupon 10
10 points – five or more settlement techniquecutilized
8 points – at least four settlement technique utilized
6 points - at least 3 settlement technique utilized
4 points - at least 2 settlement technique utilized
2 points - at least 1 settlement technique utilized 10
0 points – no report

Note: Settlement technique to be considered are those that are

within the KP process and procedures.

B. Coordination with Concerned Agencies relating to

5 points -filed
disputes with (PNP,
proof of coordination
DSWD, relative
DILG, DAR, to the Office
DENR, filed disputes
of the 5 5
Prosecutor, Court, DOJ, CHR, etc.)
0 point - without proof of coordination relative to the filed disputes
C. Sustained information drive to promote Katarungang
1. For Cities
• IEC materials developed 2
• IEC activities conducted 1
• Innovative Campaign Strategy 2

2. For Municipalities
• IEC materials developed
• IEC activities conducted
• Innovative Campaign Strategy
D. D. KP Training or seminar participated within the
assessment period
Organized skills training participated by the Lupong
Trainings or seminars should cover the following, and the Lupon
should be able to articulate during validation their learnings

1) General/basic orientation or review of the KP system

2) Skills training on conduct of KP proceedings e.g. relevant ADR
systems, KP case management
3) Advanced knowledge on laws, policies, and standards in
relation to the KP system e.g. gender and human rights,
criminal/civil justice

10 points = at least 6 qualified training/seminar

8 points = at least 5 qualified training/seminar
6 points = at least 4 qualified training/seminar
4.0 points = at least 3 qualified training/seminar
2.0 points = at least 2 qualified training/seminar
0 point = No qualified information training/seminar


• Building structure or space

For cities – the office or space should be exclusive for KP

matters 3

For municipalities – KP office or space may be shared or used

for other Barangay matters.


1. City, Municipal, Provincial, or NGAs 1

2. People's Organizations, NGOs or Private Sector

National Board of Judge
Date: May 30, 2023 (Signature over printed Na

Award Category :

ations in the remarks column.

National Board of Judges
(Signature over printed Name)

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