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The purpose of narrative text: - To entertain the reader.

To amuse the reader

1. A caliph is the same as the …

a. knight c. king
b. prince d. jester
2. Who is described as smart in the story ?
a. The Caliph c. The guard
b. The court jester d. The master
3. “For sure the jester did not do it with the intention of offending me”.
What does the word it refer to?
a. beating him c. leaving him alone
b. sitting on the throne d. weeping and wailing
4. Why did the clown continue crying out/?
Because …
a. he was in distress
b. the guards was beating him
c. he was sitting on the Caliph’s throne.
d. he felt very sad for the Caliph.
5.The word to weep means the same as …
a. to cry. c. to suffer.
b. to scream. d. to exclaim.
6. Which paragraph makes the reader laugh reading the story?
a. first c. eight
b. third d. Last

Maura, whowho liked
liked to
to be
be thought
thought of of as
as the
the most
most beautiful
beautiful and
and powerful
powerful queen queen ofof Arabia,
Arabia, had
had many
many suitors.
suitors. One
One byby one
one she
had discarded
discarded them,
them, until
until her
her list
list was
was reduced
reduced to to just
just three
three sheiks,
sheiks, all
all equally
equally young
young and
and handsome,
handsome, rich rich and
and strong.
strong. ItIt was
was very
hard to
to decide
decide whowho would
would be be the
the best
best ofof them.
One evening,
evening, Maura
Maura disguised
disguised herself
herself andand went
went toto the
the camp
camp ofof three
three sheiks,
sheiks, as
as they
they were
were about
about toto have
have dinner,
dinner, andand asked
them for
for something
something to to eat.
The first
first gave
gave her
her some
some leftover
leftover food;
food; the
the second
second gave
gave her
her some
some unappetizing
unappetizing camel’s
camel’s tails;
tails; the
the third
third sheik,
sheik, whowho was
was called
Hakim, offered
offered her
her some
some ofof the
the most
most tender
tender andand tasty
tasty meat.
meat. After
After dinner,
dinner, the the disguised
disguised queen
queen left
left the
the sheiks’
sheiks’ camp.
The following
following dayday the
the queen
queen invited
invited thethe three
three sheiks
sheiks toto dinner
dinner at at her
her palace.
palace. She
She ordered
ordered her her servants
servants to to give
give each
each one
exactly what
what they
they had
had given
given her
her the
the evening
evening before.
Hakim, who who received
received aa plate
plate ofof delicious
delicious meat,
meat, refused
refused toto eat
eat itit ifif the
the other
other two
two could
could not
not share
share itit with
with him,
him, and
and this
this act
finally convinced
convinced Queen
Queen Maura
Maura thatthat he
he was
was thethe man
man for
for her.
“Without question,
question, Hakim
Hakim is is the
the most
most generous
generous of of you,”
you,” she
she announced
announced her her choice
choice to
to the
the sheiks.
sheiks. “So is Hakim
“So itit is Hakim II willwill
7. The queen ordered her servants to give the sheiks the same kind of food as that she got from them because she wanted ….
A. to entertain her guest
B. to test the sheik’s food
C. to see the sheik’s reactions
D. to repay the sheik’s kindness
8. What’s the moral value that you can learn from the story?
A. Don’t look at someone from the appearance.
B. We should make a party to decide something
C. Don’t trust easily to someone who has given a valuable thing.
D. We have to be careful in choosing the person to chase our life with.
9.“One by one she had discarded them,…” The word ‘them’ refers to … .
A. three sheiks
B. servants
C. Arabians
D. suitors

Long time ago, in the kingdom of King Aaron, Abu Nawas was invited to the king’s dinner. He went to the palace in
his best clothes. A servant welcomed him and showed Abu Nawas to his seat. Then, all ministers came and sat on their chairs.
The last person entering the room was the King. He sat on his special big seat.
On each plate, there was delicious roast chicken. Its smell made people hungry. After praying, the King invited all
people to eat. Abu Nawas took his fork and knife. He wanted to cut his chicken. Suddenly the King stopped him, ‘Wait Abu!
Whatever you do to your chicken, I will do that to you too,” said the king. “For example, if you cut the chicken’s wing, I will
also cut your arm.” The King said.
Abu Nawas looked sad and disappointed. But it was not long. Soon his face looked very bright. Suddenly, he pinched
the chicken’s wing. The King was surprised. He didn’t think Abu would do that. But he could not deny what he had said. So he
pinched Abu arm. Next, Abu patted the chicken’s back. The King also patted Abu’s back. All ministers wanted to laugh, but
they didn’t dare. They just looked down their plates. After some time, he patted Abu’s shoulders.
“All right Abu, you eat your chicken now”’ said the King while grinning. “Thank you Your Majesty,”’ said Abu
happily.”You are able to escape from my punishment,” said King Aaron with his mouth full of food.
At that time, the King looked amused. He felt satisfied with Abu. Some ministers smiled and laughed a little. Abu
didn’t really care about it. He was enjoying the roasted chicken very much. There were more food and laughter during the rest
of the party. All were very much happy….

10. What is the story about?

A. Having dinner in a palace.
B. The King and the minister.
C. Having dinner with the minister.
D. Abu Nawas and the King Aaron.
11.How was Abu able to escape from the punishment?
A. He didn’t eat all of the chickens.
B. He did whatever the King asked.
C. He pinched and patted the chicken.
D. He cut the chicken with knife and fork.
12.From the story we can say that ....
A. Abu was very smart.
B. Abu was a greedy man.
C. The King was very cruel.
D. The King was a wise man.
13.” But he could not deny what he...”
The underlined word means ....
A. remind C. permit
B. refuse D. agree

In ancient times, there was a famous general. He shot arrows with such accuracy that at the time no one
was able to better him. He himself believed that he was fabulous. One day he was at the archery field
during a demonstration. When he shot the gallery would from time to time erupt into applause, but
looking around he discovered that two old people selling oil to the people next to the fields were not
Only with a slight nod of their heads the people admitted his shots. Unhappily he walked up to the old
couple and asked, "It seems you understand archery, what do you think about my archer?" The old
people answered, "We don't understand archery, we only watch." Angrily the general asked, "If you don't
understand archery, why don't you applaud?" The old man slowly answered, "It's because of the oil that I
He produced a bottle and placed it on the ground. Then he placed a copper coin on the mouth of the bottle. After that he used a
spoon to pour the oil into the bottle through the tiny hole in the coin. He spilled not a drop and all the people around couldn't
help but applaud, and the old man humbly said, "Actually it is only practice."

14.What does the text tell you about?

A. The poor oil seller.
B. The arrogant general.
C. The trick of the old man.
D. The arrow shooting contest.
15.The general was angry because the old couple did not give ….on his performance.
A. suggestion C. comment
B. reminder D. applause
16.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The old man made a bottle of oil and put it on the ground.
B. The oil seller intended to distribute his oil to the villagers.
C. The people were surprised to see the old man’s action.
D. The old man started showing his disobedience.
17.What can we learn from the story above?
A. Any skills are possible to master if we practice diligently.
B. The poor people should work hard to support their life.
C. Powerful people usually underestimate other people.
D. There is always a competition among the community

Once upon a time there was a young couple in china lived harmoniously.
One day as usual the husband went out for living. He worked hard and got much money. He returned
home in a hurry to meet his wife.
On the way home suddenly he saw a very strange thing. It could shine in the sunlight. He thought that it
was the thing from the sky as a reward from the god. He was very happy.
He got home when the sun set in the west. His wife welcomed him cheerfully. The young man told her
that he got much money because of his working hard. He forgot about the thing he found. His wife took the bag
from her husband and then he had a bath.
His wife opened the bag to get the money from her husband. But how surprised of her when she saw a
strange thing. She took it out and looked at it carefully. Suddenly she got angry and sad after looking at the
strange thing. She saw a picture of a beautiful woman on the thing. She thought that her husband had another
woman instead. Her husband was wondered why she was angry. She showed the thing to her husband and
said:”Look! You have another woman instead of me, don’t you?”.
Her husband looked at the thing thoroughly, he said, “It is not a woman but a man, you yourself have
another man. Look at that!”. Then they looked at the thing together. There were two persons, a man and a
womanon the thing. That was the picture of them. To know that they laughed together.

18.. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

A. The woman welcomed her husband happily.
B. The woman opened her husband’s bag to take the money.
C. The woman wondered why her husband was angry.
D. The woman found the picture of her husband.
19.The woman got angry after looking at the strange thing because she saw …
A. a lot of pictures on the thing.
B. a lot of money on the thing.
C. a handsome man on the thing.
D. a beautiful woman on the thing.
20. Which one did the husband find?
A. A diamond.
B. A picture
C. A mirror.
D. A glass.
21. “She took it out and .. . . “ (paragraph 5)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The bag.
B. The money.
C. The picture.
D. The strange thing.
22. What can we learn from the text?
A. Don’t underestimate someone.
B. Don’t look a thing only from its cover.
C. Don’t be greedy or you may lose everything.
D. Don’t look into one’s bag without permission.
TIKI TIKI TEMBO (The Boy with The Long Name)

Long time ago in China, it was the custom to

give first sons long names. Second sons were given
only short names.
In a small village there lived a mother with
two sons. The second son was called Chang, meaning
"little or nothing". But the first son was called Tikki
tikki tembo nosa rembo chari bari ruchi pip pen pembo,
meaning "the most wonderful boy in the whole world".

The boys liked to play near the well next to the river. The mother prohibited them to do so, but they did not care.
One day, while playing around the well and even walking on it, Chang fell in! His big brother ran to his mother to tell her
what happened.
The mother asked him to meet the Old Man With the Ladder to get some help. He saved Chang right away. The brothers
then promised not to play near the well again. But several months later, after the Festival of the Eighth Moon, they did it again.
Tikki tikki tembo nosa rembo chari bari ruchi pip peri pembo slipped and fell in.
Chang ran to his mother and said that his big brother had falled into the well.
The mother then asked Chang to meet the old Man With the Ladder.
Chang needed to repeat his brother’s long name before the man finally understood. The man helped him right away.
However, it had been so long for Tikki tikki tembo nosa rembo chari bari ruchi pip peri pembo to be under water. Thus, he took
much longer time to recover.
And nowadays you will find that people in China give all their children short names instead of the long ones.

23. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. There was a woman living with two sons in a village.
B. There were two sons with different names.
C. The woman named her sons differently.
D. The sons got meaningful names.
24. What did the two brothers promise after the Old Man With The Ladder helped Chang?
A. To find another place around the well to play
B. To stay away from the river bank forever
C. Not to play near the well anymore
D. Not to play at the river bank
25. According to the text, we can infer that the Old Man With the Ladder is ....
A. wise
B. tough
C. helpful
D. generous
26. “...after the Festival of the Eighth Moon, they did it again.” (paragraph 6)
The underlined word refers to ....
A. Saving the brother.
B. Joining the festival.
C. Uttering the promise.
D. Playing near the well.
27. What can we learn from the story above?
A. It is good for children to obey their parents.
B. Parents always know what is best for their children.
C. It is great to give children long names.
D. Children nowadays should be disobedient.

Long ago, in a peaceful side of a country, there lived a boy, named Sio Yung , and a girl, named Ai Ping. Sio Yung
and Ai Ping had been good friends since their childhood. However, there was something that led them to be apart. Ai Ping and her
parents had to move to another town. But they believed some day they would meet again. Ai Ping said that she would be waiting
for that moment. Then, there was Sio Yung, left alone.What a poor boy ! Since that moment Sio Yung and Ai Ping lost contact.
Many years passed. Like what Ai Ping said, finally they met again after a few years apart. But, they had changed.
Ai Ping had grown to be a pretty young woman, while Sio Yung a handsome young man. Soon, they fell in love with each other.
Sio Yung always came to Ai Ping’s house. Ai Ping’s parents welcomed him well because he was a good young man.
But, the happy moment didn’t last long. One day, Ai Ping’s parents heard a bad news about Sio Yung. Somebody
had said to them that Sio Yung’s father was a bad person.
Since that moment, Ai Ping’s parents disliked him. They were worried that Sio Yung would be just like his father.
They warned Sio Yung to stop seeing Ai Ping. Ai Ping had to break up with Sio Yung. The young lovers felt that it was unfair. Ai
Ping’s parents could not judge Sio Yung that he was a bad guy just because of his father. Sio Yung said that he was not his father.
But, they never gave up. They kept on trying to see each other, and of course, to ensure Ai Ping’s parents that Sio Yung wasn’t
like what they thought.
One day, something terribly bad almost happened to Ai Ping.The day was already dark. Ai Ping walked alone on
her way home. On the way, three men stopped her and tried to do bad things to her. Ai Ping screamed, but nobody heard her cry
for help. Fortunately, Sio Yung came to help her. He straightly fought those men. He won and Ai Ping was safe.
After that, Sio Yung took Ai Ping to her house. In front of her parents, Ai Ping told what just happened to her and
how bravely Sio Yung had saved her. Ai Ping’s parents felt grateful and felt sorry for what they had done to Sio Yung.
At the end of the story, Ai Ping’s parents approved of their relationship.
28. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us about ?
a. The meeting of Sio Yung and Ai Ping again after a few years apart.
b. Ai Ping had grown to be beautiful young girl.
c. The coming of Sio Yung to the Ai Ping’s house.
d. Ai Ping’ parents believed that Sio Yung was a good young man.

29. What bad things did the three men try to do to Ai Ping ?
a. To rob her luxurious things
b. To kidnap her
c. To steal her valuable property
d. To force her to do something she

30. Why did Ai Ping have to break up with Sio Yung?

a. Sio Yung’s father was a bad person.
b. Ai Ping thought that Sio Yung’s father was a bad person.
c. Ai Ping thought that Sio Yung’s parents weren’t rich.
d. Ai Ping’s parents thought that Sio Yung was a bad person.

31. “ Like what Ai Ping said, finally they … apart.” (paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word mean ?
a. met each other again.
b. didn’t meet each other
c. cutting the love
d. had been longing.

32. What is the moral value of the text above ?

a. Sacrifice brings happiness
b. Faith will take to eternal love
c. Never judge something bad because of the parents’ behavior
d. Never underestimate others you haven’t understood well


Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, was known throughout the ancient world for her beauty and intelligence. Every man would fall
in love with her. Antony, who with two others ruled Rome after the death of Julius Caesar, went to the East to meet Cleopatra and
discover she was plotting against Rome.
When Antony reached Egypt and saw Cleopatra for the first time, he was fascinated with her beauty and fell in love with
her; he completely forgot his purpose there.
Antony stayed in Egypt enjoying the lazy and luxurious life with Cleopatra. Moreover, she wanted him to live in Egypt
Meanwhile, Antony’s fellow ruler in Rome, Octavius was angry to hear that Antony spent his time in merry-making in
Egypt while Rome was threatened by its enemy, Pompey. So he arranged a marriage between her sister, Octavia and Antony for
political reasons and restored the friendship.
Although Antony treated his wife with great kindness and respect, he longed for Cleopatra in Egypt. In fact, he knew that
Octavius was ambitious and wanted to be a single ruler in Rome. At last Antony went back to Egypt and joined with Cleopatra
against Rome. This time Octavius could not tolerate with Antony so he sent his army to Actium to fight Antony’s and Cleopatra’s
army. The battle was so fierce that Antony and Cleopatra lost their armies.
Feeling ashamed of being dishonoured, Antony took his own life using his own sword. Cleopatra was speechless with grief.
She could not go on living without Antony. She told her servants to bring her two poisonous snakes. And so, dressed in a queen,
she prepared for death. On her throat and her arm she placed two snakes which bit her and killed her instantly.

33.What is the social function of the text above?

a. to amuse the readers with the story
b. to retell the past events
c. to describe a certain person
d. to persuade the readers to recognize Cleopatra
e. to explain how Cleopatra conquered Egypt
34.What made Antony forget his main assignment?
a. the beauty and magnificence of Egypt
b. the beauty and intelligence of Cleopatra
c. the great respect and kindness of Egyptians
d. the power and throne of Egyptian Kingdom
e. the marriage with Cleopatra
35.What was the intention of Antony marriage with Octavia?
a. to make Antony leave Egypt
b. to honour Antony fro his victory over Egypt
c. to make Antony forget Cleopatra
d. to set free Antony from the Egyptian prison
e. to unite the Rome into one power
36.Why did Antony suicide? Because ….
a. he was left by Cleopatra
b. he was sent back to Rome
c. his army was defeated by Octavius
d. his kingdom was taken over by Octavius
e. his love was declined by Cleopatra
37.l… he was fascinated with her beauty and fell in love with her; …
The underlined words mean ….
a. impressed d. attracted
b. trapped e. seized
c. contented

Once there were two brothers. Although Nolbu, the older one, was rich and greedy, Hyungbu, the younger brother, was poor
and generous.
One day when Hyungbu’s seven children were starving, he went to his brother to ask for rice to feed them. However, when
Hyungbu’s sister in law saw him, she did not want to give him any rice. So, she hit him on the cheek with the rice scoop. Hyungbu
was hungry that he ate the little bit of rice on his face. Then he turned the other cheek and told her to hit him again. In stead of she
hit him with a clean scoop.
On his way home, Hyungbu found a swallow whose leg was broken. He took care of it until it was well and then he let it fly
When spring came, the swallow brought Hyungbu a gourd seed to plant. In the fall, after he harvested the gourds, Hyungbu
opened one of them. Gold coins poured out! Suddenly he became a rich man.
Nolbu was jealous because his younger brother now had a big house with a beautiful garden. He wanted to know how
Hyungbu became so rich. But Hyungbu told him exactly what had happened.
On the way home from Hyungbu’s house, Nolbu found a swallow. He broke its leg and then cared for it. After it got better,
he let it fly away. The following year, the swallow brought him a gourd seed. Nolbu did just what Hyungbu had done.
But in the autumn, when Nolbu opened his gourd, there was no gold. Instead, dirty water poured out of it. The water flooded
his house and farm. This time, he was poor man with no food and no roof over his head.
Nolbu didn’t know what to do. He begged Hyungbu for help, and of course his kind brother said yes.
Then Nolbu understood his own faults. He made up his mind to be a better person. He, his brother, and their families lived
together happily for the rest of their lives.

38.What did Nolbu do when he knew her brother became rich immediately?
a. He did as her brother had done.
b. He looked for an injured swallow.
c. He planted and harvested the gourds.
d. He opened the gourds.
e. He brought and took care of the injured swallow.
39.What can we learn from the story?
a. Happiness cannot be measured by the richness.
b. Jealousness makes us suffer.
c. A good person will always reach what he wants.
d. Goodness and evil will always come side by side.
e. Greed and miser will never give us happiness.
40.Which is NOT TRUE according to the te4xt?
a. Nolbu was wealthy and greedy.
b. Hyungbu was poor but kind.
c. Nolbu finally realized his fault.
d. Richness made Hyungbu forgot his brother.
e. Nolbu lived with his brother happily in the end.
41.He begged Hyungbu for help.
The underlined word most nearly means ….
a. requested d. ordered
b. commanded e. declared
c. expected


SHEP O’NEAL: Many years ago, Paul Bunyan was born in the northeastern American state of Maine. His mother and father were
shocked when they first saw the boy. Paul was so large at birth that five large birds had to carry him to his parents. When the boy
was only a few weeks old, he weighed more than forty-five kilograms.

As a child, Paul was always hungry. His parents needed tens cows to supply milk for his meals. Before long, he ate fifty eggs and
ten containers of potatoes every day.

Young Paul grew so big that his parents did not know what to do with him. Once, Paul rolled over so much in his sleep that he
caused an earthquake. This angered people in the town where his parents lived. So, the government told his mother and father they
would have to move him somewhere else.

Paul’s father built a wooden cradle -- a traditional bed for a baby. His parents put the cradle in waters along the coast of Maine.
However, every time Paul rolled over, huge waves covered all the coastal towns. So his parents brought their son back on land.
They took him into the woods. This is where he grew up.
As a boy, Paul helped his father cut down trees. Paul had the strength of many men. He also was extremely fast. He could turn
off a light and then jump into his bed before the room got dark.


Maine is very cold for much of the year. One day, it started to snow. The snow covered Paul’s home and a nearby forest.
However, this snow was very unusual. It was blue. The blue snow kept falling until the forest was covered.

Paul put on his snowshoes and went out to see the unusual sight. As he walked, Paul discovered an animal stuck in the snow. It
was a baby ox. Paul decided to take the ox home with him. He put the animal near the fireplace. After the ox got warmer, his hair
remained blue.

Paul decided to keep the blue ox and named him Babe. Babe grew very quickly. One night, Paul left him in a small building with
the other animals. The next morning, the barn was gone and so was Babe. Paul searched everywhere for the animal. He found
Babe calmly eating grass in a valley, with the barn still on top of his back. Babe followed Paul and grew larger every day. Every
time Paul looked, Babe seemed to grow taller.

In those days, much of North America was filled with thick, green forests. Paul Bunyan could clear large wooded areas with a
single stroke of his large, sharp axe.

Paul taught Babe to help with his work. Babe was very useful. For example, Paul had trouble removing trees along a road that
was not straight. He decided to tie one end of the road to what remained of a tree in the ground. Paul tied the other end to Babe.
Babe dug his feet in the ground and pulled with all his strength until the road became straight.


In time, Paul and Babe the Blue Ox left Maine, and moved west to look for work in other forests. Along the way, Paul dug out the
Great Lakes to provide drinking water for Babe. They settled in a camp near the Onion River in the state of Minnesota.

Paul’s camp was the largest in the country. The camp was so large that a man had to have one week’s supply of food when walking
from one side of the camp to the other.

Paul decided to get other lumberjacks to help with the work. His work crew became known as the Seven Axemen. Each man was
more than two meters tall and weighed more than one-hundred-sixty kilograms. All of the Axemen were named Elmer. That way,
they all came running whenever Paul called them.

The man who cooked for the group was named Sourdough Sam. He made everything -- except coffee -- from sourdough, a
substance used in making sourdough bread.

Every Sunday, Paul and his crew ate hot cakes. Each hot cake was so large that it took five men to eat one. Paul usually had ten or
more hot cakes, depending on how hungry he was. The table where the men ate was so long that a server usually drove to one end
of the table and stayed the night. The server drove back in the morning, with a fresh load of food.

Paul needed someone to help with the camp’s finances. He gave the job to a man named Johnny Inkslinger. Johnny kept records
of everything, including wages and the cost of feeding Babe. He sometimes used nine containers of writing fluid a day to keep
such detailed records.

The camp also was home to Sport, the Reversible Dog. One of the workers accidentally cut Sport in two. The man hurried to put
the dog back together, but made a mistake. He bent the animal’s back the wrong way. However, that was not a problem for Sport.
He learned to run on his front legs until he was tired. Then, he turned the other way and ran on his back legs.


Big mosquitoes were a problem at the camp. The men attacked the insects with their axes and long sticks. Before long, the men
put barriers around their living space. Then, Paul ordered them to get big bees to destroy the mosquitoes. But the bees married the
mosquitoes, and the problem got worse. They began to produce young insects. One day, the insects’ love of sweets caused them
to attack a ship that was bringing sugar to the camp. At last, the mosquitoes and bees were defeated. They ate so much sugar they
could not move.

Paul always gave Babe the Blue Ox a thirty-five kilogram piece of sugar when he was good. But sometimes Babe liked to play
tricks. At night, Babe would make noises and hit the ground with his feet. The men at the camp would run out of the buildings
where they slept, thinking it was an earthquake.

When winter came, Babe had trouble finding enough food to eat. Snow covered everything. Ole the Blacksmith solved the
problem. He made huge green sunglasses for Babe. When Babe wore the sunglasses, he thought the snow was grass. Before long,
Babe was strong and healthy again.

One year, Paul’s camp was especially cold. It was so cold that the men let their facial hair grow very long. When the men spoke,
their words froze in the air. Everything they said remained frozen all winter long, and did not melt until spring.
Paul Bunyan and Babe left their mark on many areas. Some people say they were responsible for creating Puget Sound in the
western state of Washington. Others say Paul Bunyan and Babe cleared the trees from the states of North Dakota and South
Dakota. They prepared this area for farming.

Babe the Blue Ox died in South Dakota. One story says he ate too many hot cakes. Paul buried his old friend there. Today, the
burial place is known as the Black Hills.

Whatever happened to Paul Bunyan? There are lots of stories. Some people say he was last seen in Alaska, or even the Arctic
Circle. Another tradition says he still returns to Minnesota every summer. It says Paul moves in and out of the woods, so few
people ever know that he is there.


FAITH LAPIDUS: You have just heard the story of Paul Bunyan. It was adapted for Special English by George Grow. Your
narrator was Shep O’Neal. Join us again next week for another American story, in Special English, on the Voice of America. This
is Faith Lapidus.



A poor woodcutter accidentally dropped his axe into the river. He was very upset, as he had no money to buy another axe.

Just then a fairy appeared in the river holding out a golden axe to him. "I found this axe in the river. Is this yours?"

"That's not mine", replied the woodcutter.

The fairy then brought out a silver axe. The woodcutter disowned this one too. Finally, the fairy held out a wooden axe.

Smiling with happiness, the woodcutter said, "That's mine. Thank you very much."

The fairy felt very happy seeing his honesty and said, "Such honesty deserves a reward." She gave the poor man all the
three axes and disappeared.

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