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Factors Influencing Grade 11 and 12 Learners in using Smartphones during Class Hours

Background of the study

The widespread adoption of smartphones presents both opportunities and challenges within
educational settings. While these devices offer valuable resources for learning and research, their
misuse during class hours may lead to distractions, reduced attentiveness, and a potential decline in
academic performance. One the reasons why grade 11 and 12 students use smartphones during class is
because of Personal Preferences and Habits. Individual preferences and habits play a role in students'
decisions to use smartphones during class. This can include personal attitudes toward technology,
communication preferences, and habits developed outside the classroom.

The missing links in the study is the specific types of educational apps or resources that students
find most beneficial, the role of peer influence in shaping smartphone use patterns, and the impact of
varying teaching styles on students' technology engagement remain underexplored. The rapidly evolving
landscape of technology introduces new dimensions that require attention, including the influence of
social media and the psychological implications of constant connectivity. To comprehensively address
the factors influencing students' smartphone use during class hours, future research should delve into
these missing gaps, providing a more holistic understanding of the complex dynamics at play in
educational settings.

Addressing the gaps in the study on factors influencing students to use smartphones during class
hours is of paramount significance for several reasons. Firstly, a comprehensive understanding of the
intricate dynamics surrounding smartphone usage in classrooms is crucial for educators and
policymakers seeking to formulate effective strategies. By filling these gaps, researchers can provide
nuanced insights into the specific educational apps, resources, or content that positively impact
students' learning experiences, allowing for the development of targeted interventions. Moreover,
exploring the influence of peer dynamics, teaching styles, and the relevance of class content can
contribute to the creation of tailored educational environments that foster engagement and

As educational institutions continue to adapt to the digital age, understanding the study is
crucial. This behavior has the potential to influence not only the individual academic performance of
students but also the overall dynamics of the classroom environment. Recognizing the need for a
comprehensive exploration of this issue, this study seeks to identify and analyze the various factors that
contribute to the use of smartphones by students within the formal classroom setting.

At the end of this study, the researchers likely hypothesize that factors such as the ubiquity of
smartphones, social influences, technological habits, and the perceived utility of these devices in the
educational context may significantly impact students' decision to use smartphones during class hours.

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