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ASME section VIII, div 1)


Outside diameter (OD) in.

Length (T/T) in.
DesignPressure psig
Design Temperature o

Corrosion Allowance in.

Shell joint efficiency
Head joint efficiency
Q = Load on one saddle bus
R = radius of shell
H L R S = stress pound /
ts = wall thickness of shell
th = wall thickness of head
(excluding corrosion allow)
q K = constant
ts q = contact angle of saddle

A b please fill it
Q calculation result
final result

Q= 300000 lb. Shell material SA 515-70 plate

A= 48 in. Allowable stress value 20000 psi ref. ASME, section 2, part D, sub 1
L= 960 in. yield point 38000 psi
R= 60 in. Joint efficiency 0.85 ref. ASME, section 8, part UW 12
H= 21 in.
ts = 1 in. Pressure design 250 psi
th = 1 in.
b= 24 in.

K1 = 0.335 K5 = 0.401
K2 = 1.171 K6 = 0.035 If wear plate is used (if isn't used, fill it 0)
K3 = 0.319 K7 = 0.76 tplate = 0 in
K4 = 0.88 K8 = 0.603 ttotal = 1 in
* ref. page 90

Longitudinal Bending
Tension Stress
Stress at saddle

S= 520.80186114 psi Stress due to internal pressure = 7500 psi

Limit of stress value of the girth seam = 17000 psi
Stress at midspan

S= 4957.4592563 psi The sum of tensional stresses = 12457.4593 psi

Is it OK? OK ^^
Compression Stress
Stress at saddle
The sum of Compression stresses = N/A psi
S = No Need psi Is it OK? hmm... it's OK

Stress at midspan

S = No Need psi

Tangential Shear Stress

Is there any ring on the saddle (Y/N)? N

If A>R/2 S = 5120.162 psi In Shell <-please use this
S= 4400 psi In Shell
If A<R/2 S= 4400 psi In Head <-don't use this
S= 2005 psi Additional stress in Head

Tangential Shear Stress

Limit of stress = 16000 psi

In Shell 5120.162 psi In Head N/A psi
Is it OK? OK ^^ Is it OK? hmm… it's OK

Stress due due to internal pressure 7500 psi

Limit of stress = 25000 psi
The sum of Add.Stress in Head N/A psi
Is it OK? hmm… it's OK
Circumferential Stress

Is it stiffened?(Y/N) N

S= -17828.5004 psi <-Just

S = 17828.5003558 psi calculation
S = 6318.64108163 psi stripe

Stress at horn of saddle Stress at bottom of saddle

limit of stress = 30000 psi limit of stress = 19000 psi
S= -17828.5004 psi S = -6318.6411 psi
Is it OK? OK ^^ Is it OK? OK ^^

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