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Seat No: ________________ Enrollment No: _________________

BHMS, March – 2020 Examination
Year: 4 Date: 03/03/2020
Subject Code: 04101402 Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm
Subject Name: Practice of Medicine - Paper II Total Marks: 100
1. Attempt all questions from each section.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Write section-A, section-B on separate answer sheets.
5. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

Q – 1 Define Epilepsy. Write in detail about etiology, sign & symptoms, investigations and management of Epilepsy.
(15 Marks)
Define & classify Anaemia. Discuss in detail causes, clinical features, investigations & treatment of Iron
deficiency anaemia.

Q – 2 Define Mitral stenosis. Discuss in detail about its causes, clinical features, management, investigations &
treatment. (15 Marks)
Q – 2 A) Write in brief about Hypertension. (08 Marks)
B) Discuss in brief about Mumps (07 Marks)

Q – 3 Write Short notes (3 out of Five) (15 Marks)

1) Goitre
2) Hematuria
3) Schizophrenia
4) Infantile diarrhea
5) Urticaria

Q – 4 Write Answer (05 Marks)

1) Name the causative organism of Diptheria
2) Define Hypoglycemia
3) Define neonatal jaundice
4) Myaesthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disease – True or False
5) Define Myocardial infarction.

Q – 1 Discuss and Evaluate clinically a patient with Cerebral palsy. Explain the homoeopathic management with
proper indications of two remedies. (15 Marks)
Define and classify Leukemias. Write homoeopathic approach towards a case of acute myeloid leukemia.

Q – 2 Define Angina pectoris. Explain homoeopathic management of Angina pectoris with indication of two
remedies. (15 Marks)
Q – 2 A) Discuss in brief about the homoeopathic therapeutic approach in case of Cor pulmonale. (08 Marks)
B) Write in brief indications of two remedies for Swine flu with its pathogenesis. (07 Marks)
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Q – 3 Write Short notes (3 out of Five). (15 Marks)
1) Phosphoric acid & Abroma Augusta in Diabetes Mellitus
2) Terebinth & Sarsaparilla in Urinary tract infections
3) Aurum metallicum & Ignatia in Depression
4) Aethusa & Abrotanum in Marasmus
5) Graphitis & Antimonium crudum in Eczema

Q – 4 Write Answer. (05 Marks)

1) Write characteristic guiding symptom of Cina in worm infestation.
2) Robinia is a well indicated remedy for hyperchlorhydria – True or False
3) Write name of 2 indicated homoeopathic remedies for Meningitis.
4) Bryonia alba has action on all mucous & serous membranes – True or False.
5) Gnaphallium is a well indicated specific remedy for which condition?

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