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Dakota State University


**Be sure to reference the Lesson Plan Rubric for prompts and guidance for each section!**

Name: Rebecca Hazlett

Grade Level: Second Grade
School: Lost Creek Elementary School
Date: 11/5/2023
Time: 12:00 pm

Reflection from prior lesson: (Even if you did not teach the previous lesson, what did you observe that will
help you prepare and teach this lesson? Were prior objectives met? Were students engaged? How will you
remediate any problems? This should be one paragraph or longer.)

● I know that all these students understand the basic color and number concepts regardless of their
current knowledge of the English language. This class participates very well in almost all activities. I
need to make sure that the goals of the game are clear for the whole class in order to have the best
possible outcome for emotions. If I start to notice that my student with anger management issues is
getting frustrated with himself or others, I will pull him out of the activity for a couple of minutes to walk
around the edge of the gym or run around the edge. He has the choice he just must still be moving.
Students tend to be engaged in group games like these as long as they understand the goals of the
● This lesson will build on the previous lessons by assessing how well the students perform the action of
jumping rope to improve their ability levels, locomotor, non-locomotor movements, fitness concepts,
and teamwork

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: (Eg. How many boys vs. girls, students on IEPs, ELLs [English
Language Learners], students on behavior plans, characteristics of the class such as talkative, high-poverty,
etc.).(what will I do because of any problems that might arise because of these differences)

● There are about the same number of boys as there are girls in this class. To be more specific there are
10 girls and 10 boys.
● There are 5 children that are English Language Learners. All of them are native Spanish speakers. Two
of them are doing very well in their English progress while the other three are still struggling quite a bit.
● We don’t have any students on an IEP yet. However, there is a student that has extreme anger
management issues. Both of these issues can lead to disruptions for the whole class from time to time.
● The class as a whole is talkative and excited to get moving. There are a couple individuals that do not
enjoy Physical Education because of the running and movement involved.
● This group as a whole fits in the middle class with a couple students falling in the lower middle class. All
the children seem to come to class fed and well dressed in clothes that fit.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards: MAIN FOCUS OF THIS LESSON

● The students will work on their jumping and mathematical skills. They will work in teams throughout the
lesson to accomplish goals. Their jump roping abilities should increase as well as their rhythmic abilities
to swing the rope consistently with a partner.
Lesson Objective(s): (The objective(s) should be measurable). (what is the WHOLE standard)

SWBAT, do what, and how will know that they are successful.

● Psychomotor
○ develop their rhythmic abilities by swinging the rope for their partners at a consistent beat.
■ S1.E5 - Locomotor Rhythmic Activity: performs a student or teacher designed activity
with correct responses to rhythms.
○ Improve basic locomotive movements by both jumping rope and swinging rope for peers
■ S1.E3 - Jumping: demonstrates four of the five critical elements for jumping and landing
in a horizontal an vertical plane using a variety of one- and two-feet take offs and
● Cognitive
○ Understand basic math equations and demonstrate proficiency performing said equations
○ Develop basic level of understanding of why mathematics is an important part of everyday life
outside the classroom
● Affective
○ Exhibit sportsmanship and teamwork by participating in activities and encouraging their
teammates in a positive manner
■ S4.E5 - Rules and etiquette in teacher-designed physical activities
○ Provide and receive constructive feedback with their team members
■ S4.E3 - Accepting Feedback: accepts specific corrective feedback from the teacher.

Assessment: (The assessment should directly measure the objective).(must be specific about what I will use
to assess students. )

● I am performing a pretest assessment that analyzes…

○ How many hops my students can get over a moving jump rope without messing up.
○ The pretest will be compared to their results at the end of the unit.

Materials Needed: & DIAGRAM LAYOUT

● Jump ropes (shorter),

● Double dutch ropes (longer),
● Basic math concept flashcards,
● 5 cones of squad lines,
● Dice,
● Foam gym dice,
● Pedometers
Connection(s) to Research & Theory: (What learning theory or research-based method supports your
chosen methodology or assessment? Explain how this theory was used to help develop this lesson.)

● Kinesthetic learning is when movement is incorporated into learning so that students can perform better
in the classroom. It is based on the research that movement increases brain activation and can lead to
a better mind and body connection. These are necessary for learning and memory because it increases
the amount of BDFNs in the brain. These are what essentially help the brain take in information.
● Essentially this follows the humanistic approach to learning because the whole student will be focused
on instead of just their learning. These lessons focus on their physical health and their minds. I
recognize the importance of getting the students moving in my class so their brains are active for their
classes to follow. .

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (include time allotment) WARM UP (4 minutes)

○ Welcome students to gym with the dot system. (they must walk across the dot that represents their
feelings before class. Green is a smiley, yellow is a frown, red means angry, blue means sad.) This
allows me to gauge how my students are feeling.
○ I will say, “Good afternoon Second Grade!” They respond, “Good afternoon Ms. Hazlett!”
○ Begin the daily warm-up by lining up on the endline. Start with shoulder taps, Eagle-jacks (jumping
jacks), and tornadoes (russian twists).
○ Have the students run two laps around the gym and sit back on the line when they are done.

● Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies) BODY OF LESSON more
○ Snake in the Grass (4 minutes)
i. To warm up the students’ hopping abilities. Two children lay on the ground and wiggle the
rope around like a snake. Then a third person jumps across the “snake.” Students will switch
off every twenty seconds and go four times.
○ Jump Rope Relays (5 minutes)
i. Students will line up on the baseline. They will be split into five groups of four. Students must
run across the gym and draw a flashcard. Then, they must solve the math problem and
perform the correct number of jumps before they can go back to their teammate. While
students are in line they are to do as many sit ups as their teammate does of the jumps.
○ Jumping Dice (7 minutes)

i. Students will individually roll big foam dice in the center circle. The teacher will tell them
either to add, subtract, or multiply. Once they get the answer correct, they go find their group
and perform the correct number of hops similar to Jump Rope Math.

○ Jump the River (5 minutes)

i. Two ropes will be laid on the floor. The class will line up across the rope in squad lines.
These groups will jump across the river. If a student does not make it, they can move off to
the side and jump rope individually. Once all the students have attempted to cross the river,
the river gets wider and wider until there is one student left.

● Closure (include time allotment) (2 minutes)

○ Students will meet me on the line by the door and get a drink if needed. I will remind students about
how to handle jump ropers and if there is time I will supplement by having a demonstrator show how
many jumps they can do with multiplication problems. .

B. Differentiated Instruction
How can you change RULES, BOUNDARIES, EQUIPMENT to make the lesson more inclusive to ALL!
● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations
○ I will make sure that my student with anger management issues is respectful with his peers at all
times. He should be fine. .
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ If a student can already jump rope very well, we can spend less time on the snake game and
just have them.
○ If a student is really good at jumping I can try to make their amount of jumps higher than their
peers for the relays.
● Language Support (IF you have ELLs (English Language Learners))
○ I can have our more comfortable ELL students next to the ones that are not as strong in English
yet so they can translate and help if needed. I can also shout out the numbers in Spanish
occasionally so they have to help their peers that don’t know Spanish.

C. Resources (links/copies of all materials used; resources referenced for information/curriculum)

PE Metrics: Assessing National Standards 1-6 in Elementary School 2nd Edition

by SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators | 2nd Edition | 9780883149522

Enhancing Children's Cognition With Physical Activity Games

by Phillip Tomporowski | 1st Edition | 9781450441421

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