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Section A

(60 marks)

Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1 Yesterday, Zamri visited the ___________ because he was not feeling


A. doctor C. fireman

B. dentist D. pilot

2 The pupils went to the ___________ to see the exhibition.

A. cinema C. stadium

B. museum D. workshop

3 I drank ____________ water because I was thirsty.

A. a lot of C. a few

B. a little D. some

4 Mrs Wong is ____________ the eggs on the stove for her children.

A. baking C. boiling

B. buying D. cracking

5 They bring their _____________ to the music room.

A. bag C. chair

B. flute D. sharpener

6 Ahmad’s hobby is collecting ____________. He keeps them in an album.

A. stamps C. clothes

B. gloves D. pants

7 We had ______________ for dessert after lunch.

A. chicken rice C. ice-cream

B. vegetables D. noodles

8 We use our ______________ to breathe.

A. liver C. eyes

B. heart D. lungs

9 When someone sad we can give a ______________

A. hug C. ice-cream

B. food D. slap

10 People would be happy when we _____________ towards them.

A. unkind C. shout

B. kind D. unhappy

11 From the headline above, what did the students of SMK Sri Kemboja do?

A. had a party C. cooked for flood victims

B. do a charity event D. organised a concert

12 The family home was destroyed by

A. flood C. tsunami

B. fire D. storm

13 To go to the celebration, students should arrive at school by

A. 9.00 a.m. C. 12.30 p.m.

B. 8.00 a.m. D. 7.45 a.m.

14 Saiful saved the old man from the burning house. He is a __________

A. careful C. friendly

B. honest D. brave

15 Father: Oh, dear! I can’t start the engine.

Mother: I guess you’ll have to call the _________ to come.

A. plumber C. mechanic

B. technician D. policeman

16 The cat is ___________ the basket.

A. in C. below

B. by D. above

17 My pencil is blunt. May I borrow your _______________?

A. sharpener C. scissors

B. eraser D. ruler

18 Kumar went to the ______________ to check his teeth.

A. nurse C. dentist

B. police D. fireman

19 We ________________ queue up to buy food in the canteen.

A. must C. could

B. have D. can

Questions 20 – 29

Look at the pictures and choose best sentences to describe to fit the situation
shown in the pictures.


A. Encik Harun is watering the plants

B. He is plucking the rose plant

C. The gardener is loose the soil with spade

D. Mr Ah Hock is planting a rose plant in his garden.


A. Puan Ainul is drying the clothes

B. Puan Hasnah is folding the clothes in her bedroom

C. Puan Asma is washing clothes in the bathroom

D. Puan Maira is rinsing the clothes outside her house.


A. Mr Siva and his son are

washing the car.

B. Mr Siva is changing the tyre of the car.

C. Mr Siva is wiping the windows of the car.

D. Mr Siva is polishing his new car


A. I’m sorry I do not see it.

B. That’s my eraser.

C. I don’t have the book

D. where is your eraser?


A. how is your holiday?

B. I’m happy to hear the news.

C. That’s a good idea.

D. when is the holiday?


A. Where is your house?

B. That’s very kind of you.

C. It is too heavy for you.

D. Thanks for the help, dear.


A. I want a burger, please.

B. Enjoy your burger.

C. Please add some sauce.

D. I want to go home.


A. you should find it yourself.

B. I have been there once.

C. It’s at the end of this road.

D. you can go there by car.


A. Why?

B. Thank You

C. Please hold on.

D. Hey don’t disturb me


A. Can we go to movies?

B. Thank You

C. Where is the movie showing?

D. What are you doing this evening?


A. Let me carry your basket.

B. Your basket is light.

C. would you like to buy it?

D. You must go to the market.

Section B
(40 marks)

1 Write True or False for the sentences below.

Description True or False

a) A hug can make people

b) We should always do a simple act of
c) People would be unhappy if we help them.

d) An act of kindness is not important and

waste of time.

e) We must not help people who are in trouble.

(10 marks)

2 Circle the adjective in below sentences.

a) The large tree was cut down.

b) She likes to eat sweet food.

c) My mother is a pretty lady.

d) Lisa likes rides in fast cars.

e) The bus is yellow.

(10 marks)

3 Choose the correct adverbs of manner for sentences below.

gladly cheerfully sleeply

sadly stylishly

a) Sally yawns _____________ because she has not slept last night.

b) Mei Fong smiles ____________ at her mother before she goes to


c) Kamal _______________ cries because he misses his brother.

d) Kiran dresses ________________ before going to the party.

e) Aniqah _____________ thanks her friends for helping her clean

the classroom.

(10 marks)

4 Rearrange the sentences below.

playing love tennis. He


drives He Work. to


reading book. is She a


the sleeping cat is


e) singing They on are stage. a


(10 marks)


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