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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Learn the five senses.
Students will be able to describe the difference between the 5 senses.
Students will be able to explain to the class what they learned about the different senses.
State Standards:
2-PS1-2. Analyze data obtained from tests to determine which materials have the best properties for an
intended purpose.

Context: I am teaching this particular lesson because the five senses are an important part
of everyday life. Students use the five senses to determined different aspects of life.
Whether it is smell, taste, hearing, seeing, or touch students use it every day. Students work
up to this lesson by learning about each section of the five senses separately. They first
learn about touch, then hearing, then seeing, then taste and smell. Students will learn all
the different parts of each sense working up to their group work describing each sense.
Students will be asked at the beginning of each lesson including group activities what they
previously know about each sense. After this unit, students will be tested on the content
that they learned. They will be given a multiple-choice quiz of the information that they
learned prior to the group activity and the content they gathered during the group activity.
I am teaching students the basic details of life. During students everyday lives they use at
least one of the five senses at all times of the day
Data: Students will be grouped by level in this lesson. I will use information bases off their
prior quizzes to group students together based off their knowledge. Students who need less
help during this lesson will be grouped as one knowing that the will need less help during
the group. The grouping of these students tends to stay the same from lesson to lesion.
There are students who are able to grasp the lessons and understand them and there are
some students that need extra help to understand them. The students that need more help
understanding the lesson are the students that will have more guided instruction while in
larger groups

Materials: Materials that are used are students journals, white boards, dry erase markers,
choleate chips, orange slices, potato chips, cotton balls, popsicle sticks, pennies, fabric,
seashells, and a YouTube video.
Detailed paragraphs from here on down.
Introduction (10 minutes):
At the beginning of this lesson students will be asked what each of the 5 senses are used for. I
will ask them, “what do you use your nose for? What do you use your eyes for? What do you use your
ears for? What do you use your tounge for? What do you use your hands for?” I will have students
respond by using a personal dry erase board.

Teacher Directed (10 minutes):

One group of students would meet with me at the back table. They will be given three
different foods. They will bed asked to first smell the food then eat it. They will then write down what
they smelled and tasted while eating the food. They will be encouraged to use words that don’t give the
food up y their name.

Collaborative (10minutes):
Students will meet at a table set up with 5 different objects. The students will take turns
touching the objects and writing down what they felt like.

Independent Digital (10-minutes):

Students will be asked to go back to their respective desks and take out their computers. They
will them watch a video and explain what they heard and saw.

Closure (10minutes):
Students will be asked to go back to their respective desks and take out their computers. They
will them watch a video and explain what they heard and saw. Short Kahoot will be played on the
whiteboard as a fun way for me to see what students learned during their group activity.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
The first piece of multimedia that is used in this lesson is the YouTube video that is
used in the independent digital content section of this lesson. During this video,
students will hear different sounds that animals make. They will be instructed to
determine the animal bases off the sound they make. This video supports the
student learning objectives because it teaches them to learn how to determine an
object by using their senses. This is able to be used for all learners because students
will be able to work at their own pace to get their work done.

The second multimedia source that will be used during this lesson is Kahoot. This
Kahoot game will be fun for the students to play while it shows me what the
students learned during their group activity. This supports the students objectives
because they will have to recall past lessons about the five senses. I know this is high
quality because it is a Kahoot that I created. This is created for all students because
even if a student doesn’t place in the top three they are able to quiz themselves and
learn from their mistakes.

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