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Nama: Sherly Fresilia Digta. A.

No : 28

Kelas : IX G


How to make fried rice

1. 1 plate of White rice

2. 2 eggs

3. Tea spoon of salt

4. 2 cloves of Onions

5. 1 cloves of Garlic

6. 1/2 stick of Leeks

7. Chili

8. Pepper

9. Cooking oil

10. Tomato sauce

11. complementary material


1.Fryin pan

2. Stove



How to Make Fried Rice:

1. Prepare a frying pan and pour the cooking oil according to your taste

2. Heat the frying pan by using a medium flame

3. After the cooking oil is hot, put the garlic, onion and chili

4. Stur all the materials untuk ripe and fragrant

5. Put the supplementary materials according to your taste

6. Use spatula to stur until evenly cooked

7. Put eggs and scramble until cooked

8. Put white rice and stir until mixed with all ingredients

9. Add tomato sauce, pepper, and salt until all materials are blended

10. Aster Evertying on thr frying pan was fregant, serve into the plate

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