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ENGL 1301 Rhetorical Analysis Notes Assignment

Instructions: Following the example of Dr. Nelson in the Rhetorical Analysis Demo videos, analyze the
rhetorical situation and rhetorical strategies and appeals of your peer reviewed journal article. Complete each
chart with information and evidence gathered from your peer reviewed journal article in order to document your
analysis of that text.

I. Reference
Reference Pattern for Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, year, pp. ##-##. Database Name, doi
number or stable url.

Reference for Your Article:

Onginjo, Joseph Ochieng, and Zhou Dong Mei. “A Study on the Social and Economic Sustainability of
Rewards- Based Crowdfunding in Africa.” Environment, Development and Sustainability,vol. 25, 2022, PP: 9619-
9646. Academic Search Complete DOI:

Citations: Onginjo and Mei argue….(9619)

In the “Methods ” section, the rhetorical strategy …….(Onginj….).

II. Rhetorical Situation

Rhetorical Situation Quoted Evidence Explanation
 Scholarly, peer  “A Study on the Social  Title that describes the topic of the paper
reviewed journal and Economic
article; reward- Sustainability of
based Rewards- Based
crowdfunding. Crowdfunding in
 From the abstract: “This  Abstract that summarize the paper.
paper explores the
crowdfunding macro-
environment factors that
motivate and demotivate
backer contribution
towards crowdfunding
with a focus on
Infrastructure, Social
Capital, and Backer
Identity fostered by the
Geographical Location”
(J. O. Onginjo, Z. D. Mei
Situation, or Context

Joseph Ochieng Onginjo, Zhou Named under the title of the paper.
Author Dong Mei.
Mentioned below the name of author.
Date of Publication 07/06/2022

Location of Publication N/A

Culture School of Management and

Economics, University of
Electronic Science and
Technology of China, Qingshihe

Audience Keywords: “Africa- Rewards Scholars of Environment, Development and

based crowdfunding- ICT Sustainability focused on crowdfunding, ICT
infrastructure- Social trust- infrastructure, Social trust, Socio-economic
Hybrid crowdfunding- Socio- sustainability.
economic sustainability” (9619)
Purpose “The purpose of this study is to Purpose of paper overall: to find empirical insight
provide deeper insight into the into Africa’s crowdfunding – draw the attention
reward-based crowdfunding of crowdfunding actors – improve social trust—
macro-environment in Africa in influence socio-economic development and
response to the call to provide sustainability.
better understanding on the
impact of the external factors
on reward-based crowdfunding
campaign outcome on the
continent.” (9620)
Argument “Hypothesis 1: The probability According to the study, Onginjo and Mei means
of project success increases that if a project has fewer offline backers, it is
with a lower offline backer more likely to be successful and a higher online
count. backer count could indicate that the project has
Assumption: A higher online already gained traction and support, which could
backer count also refers to a lead to more offline backers in the future.
lower offline backer count in
the case of project success.”
“Hypothesis 2: A high degree This implies that if the project time threshold is
of social trust based on extended and there is a high level of social trust
relational social capital can also in the project based on relational social capital,
lead to project failure. the project may collapse. According to the
Assumption: A high degree of authors, this might be because backers of projects
social trust based on relational with high social trust levels are more likely to be
social capital only leads to those who are more interested in supporting their
project failure when the project friends or family members who are active in the

time threshold is longer project than they are in the initiative's success.
(Li&Wang,2019). ” (9634) This might result in backers being less committed
and accountable, which would ultimately lead to
the downfall of the project.

III. Rhetorical Appeals & Strategies

Rhetorical Appeal Quoted Evidence Rhetorical Strategy Explanation
Logos “The underdevelopment of According to the author, the crowdfunding
the crowdfunding market, platform for creative projects in Africa is
Lack of legal crowdfunding relatively minimal due to the
regulations in a majority of underdevelopment and proper regulations.
African countries that allows
more crowdfunding actors”

Ethos “Flanigan (2017) contends The author aims to establish the creditability
that modern crowdfunding and trustworthiness of rewards-based
functions efficiently in crowdfunding as a viable model for
supplying funding for African supporting social and economic development
entrepreneurs as it represents in Africa.
a technological solution for
the “culturally rooted,
centuries-old, sub-Saharan
tradition of Harambee, where
help each other through
communal reciprocity.””

IV. Evaluation of Rhetorical Strategies and Appeals


Do the appeals to logos in your text

1. fit the genre expectations? Explain.

Sort of since the study is based on sustainability it indirectly relates to it .

2. fit the audience? Explain.

Yes it does fit the audience.

3. fit the purpose? Explain.


Yes it definitely fits the purpose like how the purpose is to have deeper understanding of the crowdfunding it
helps to know about it.

4. fit the context? Explain.


5. support the argument effectively? Explain.

No it doesn’t support the argument effectively as it has not talked deeper about more backer counts.


Do the appeals to ethos in your text

1. fit the genre expectations? Explain.

Yes it establishes creditability and trustworthiness, the study aligns with the expectations of academic research
in this field.

2. fit the audience? Explain.

Yes they definitely cater to the intended audience since the study speaks directly to the interests and concerns of
people in the field of crowdfunding in Africa.

3. fit the purpose? Explain.

Absolutely, the appeals align with its purpose as it aims to provide reliable and valuable insights into the impact
of crowdfunding on social and economic development in Africa.

4. fit the context? Explain.

Yes it does as it is relevant and reliable within the specific context of crowdfunding in Africa.

5. support the argument effectively? Explain.

Yes it does bas the paper strengthens the validity and reliability of the argument being made.

Do the appeals to pathos in your text

1. fit the genre expectations? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

2. fit the audience? Explain.


Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

3. fit the purpose? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

4. fit the context? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

5. support the argument effectively? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

V. Formulation of Thesis Statement

Use one of the following formulas to craft your assertion about your peer reviewed journal article and the
reason that supports it:

Formula 1
[Author’s Last Name]’s article is in/effective in supporting its argument because it [summarize what it
does rhetorically in support of your assertion].

Formula 2
The argument of [Author’s Last Name]’s article is un/persuasive because it [summarize what it does
rhetorically in support of your assertion].

Your Thesis Statement:

Onginjo & Mei’s article is effective in supporting its argument because it examines the impact of reward
based crowdfunding on social and economic development in Africa: A Comprehensive Analysis of its
potential for empowering entrepreneurs, fostering community engagement, and driving economic growth.

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