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Plants- are one of the most essential living organisms on earth, they are
immensely beneficial to both animals and human beings.
they provide the following;
 Oxygen
 Shelter
 Medicinal Capabilities
 Source of food
 Ecological Balance

- Plants have (2) different systems that has different functions/ roles.
 Shoot system- parts of plants that are above the ground (leaves, stem, flower, fruit).
 Root system- parts of plants that are below the ground (roots).

Stem- they are found above the ground and provides the plant framework, vegetative
propagation and it protects the plant. It forms the basis for the shoot system.
The main parts of the stem of a plant;
 Node- it is where leaves will rise from, a bump that protrudes from the stem.
 Internodes- it is the region between nodes in a stem
 Plumule- it is where the stem will arise from vertically and will eventually be the
toughest part of the plant

 Functions of a Stem
- It supports/ holds up the buds, flowers, leaves, and fruits.
- It transports water, minerals, and other prepared foods from leaves and roots to other
parts of a plant.
- It serves as a storage room for starch.
- It also helps in reproduction through asexual propagation (marcotting, grafting, cutting
- It guards the plant by making stem tendrils, turning axillary buds to thorns, and protects
the xylem and the phloem.

 Xylem- transports food of the plant from roots to other parts of plants (upward).
 Phloem- transports food of the plant from leaves to roots (downward).

Leaves- the most important part of a plant and one of its decorative parts. It also contains the
chlorophyll which gives the color of the plant.
 Chlorophyll- the green pigment of the plants, which helps prepare food by aiding in
The main parts of the leaves of a plant;

 Petiole- it is the blade of a leaf exposed to the wind and helps cool the leaf.
 Leaf base- protruding part of the leaf.
 Lamina- it contains the veins and helps transport minerals and nutrients in the leaf.

 Functions of the Leaves

 Photosynthesis- the process how plants prepare their food in the leaves. It has (3)
components which are sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water.
 Transpiration- the removal of excess water through the stomata which are the tiny
pores in the leaves.
 Reproduction- some leaves of plants conduct reproduction in their leaves (kataka-taka
Flowers- a.k.a bloom or blossom, is the most beautiful, decorative, and colorful part of a plant.
It is also where the sexual reproduction of a plant takes place.

The main parts of the Flower of a plant;

 Petals- the colorful part of a flower that attracts insects, birds, and human beings.
 Sepals- the green- leafy part of a flower that is present under the petals. It protects the
petals or flower rather from damage.
 Stamen- the male reproductive part of a plant.
- Anther- the part of a flower that contains and produces the pollen.
- Filament- the part of a flower that holds the anther up.
 Pistil- the female reproductive part of a plant.
- Stigma- the sticky knob or basin-like structure at the top of the pistil.
- Style- the tube-like structure under the stigma that serves as a passageway for
the pollen to pass through.
- Ovary- the part of a flower that contains the ovule.
- Ovule- the female egg cells of a plant.
Fruit- this are the mature and ripened ovaries of flowers. They are also the edible part of a plant
that attracts insects and other animals.

 Steps Of Fruit Growth

(1) Fertilization of the carpel/pistil (female part of a flower).

(2) The fruit arises from a series of transformation.

(3) The ovary of the flower maturing and ripening.

 (3) Common Parts Of A Fruit

 Epicarp/ Exocarp (skin)- outermost layer, forms the peel.

 Mesocarp (fleshy and edible part) - middle layer, fleshy, edible portion of the fruits.
 Endocarp (seed) – innermost layer, the inner rough portion where seed
is accommodated.

Root- are the important underground part of all vascular plant.

 Function of Roots
 Primary Function – are performed by the normal roots of almost all the plants.
1. Anchorage of the plant to the substratum
2. Absorbing of water and mineral
3. Conduction of the absorbed water and minerals to the stem

 Secondary Function – are performed by certain roots.

1. Storage food
2. Provision of additional support
3. Assimilation/Photosynthesis
4. Reproduction
5. Respiration
6. Siphoning food from host
7. Better gaseous exchange
8. Mechanical function like floating and balancing

 (2) Types of Roots

1. Tap Root System – has a main root that grows down vertically, and from which many
smaller lateral roots arise.
Example: Dandelion, Carrots, Parsnips and Beets

2. Fibrous Root System – is located closer to the soil surface and forms a dense network of
roots that also help prevent soil erosion.
Example: Wheat, Rice, Corn, Banana, Rice, Ginger, Onions, Grass

 Root Growth and Anatomy

-Roots growth begins with seed germination.
 Root Hair – are extension of root epidermal cells, increase the surface area of the root,
greatly contributing to the absorption of water and minerals,
 Root Cap – a structure exclusive to roots and unlike any other plant structure. It is
continuously replaced because it gets damaged easily as the root pushes through soil.

 (3) Zone Of Roots

A. Zone of Cell Division – is the closest to the root tip; it is made up of actively dividing
cells of the root meristem.
B. Zone of Elongation – is where the newly formed cells increase in length. Thereby
lengthening the root.
C. Zone of Cell Maturation – beginning at the first root hair, where the root cells begin to
differentiate into special cell types.

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