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Dear Lord and Father of all,

Thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what
we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about
the world around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Directions: Write “T” is the statement is correct and “F” if

1. The best time to get your resting heart rate is when you wake up
in the morning.
2. Our pointing and middle finger are used to get our pulse rate.
3. To determine your MHR (max heart rate) add your age from 220.
4. Max heart rate is not directly affected by age.
5. Health-related physical fitness includes strength and endurance.
Resting Heart Rate
Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
Target Heart Rate zone
Physical fitness is a general concept and is defined in many ways by
different scientists. Physical fitness has discussed two major categories: health-
related physical fitness and motor-performance physical fitness.
Health-related physical fitness is defined as fitness related to some aspects
of health. This type of physical fitness is primarily influenced by an individual’s
exercise habits; thus, it is a dynamic state and may change. Physical characteristics
that constitute health-related physical fitness include strength and endurance of
skeletal muscles, joint flexibility, body composition, and cardiorespiratory
endurance. All these attributes change in response to appropriate physical
conditioning programs, and all are
related to health.
Listen to Your Heart!
Most of the physical activities and exercises involve the heart and
the lungs. It is necessary to monitor how your heart is doing especially during
a vigorous workout.
In today’s activity, we will learn to determine your Resting Heart
Rate and your Maximum Heart Rate.

Procedure: 1. To get your Resting Heart Rate

Purpose: To set the base or standard for evaluation purposes
Directions: The best time to get it is when you wake up in the morning.
Locate your radial, temporal, femoral (groin), or carotid artery with your
index and middle finger. Take the rate within 15 seconds and multiply this by
4 to complete the 1 minute requirement. Record this.
Indicate your Heart Rate; _____________
2. To get your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)

Purpose: To determine the highest rate your heart is

capable of attaining
Directions: Subtract your age from 220. Example: If you are
16 years old, your maximum heart rate is (220-16) = 204
bpm *(220 is constant) Indicate your Hear Rate;
3. To get your Target Heart Rate zone

Purpose: To determine your aerobic intensity according to a straight percentage of your

maximum heart rate, usually within 60 to 90%
Directions: Get the maximum heart rate. Multiply it by 60% (0.60) to get the lower limit.
Multiply by 90% (0.90) to get the upper limit. Record your target heart rate zone.
Indicate your Hear Rate; _____________

• If you are 16 years old, your MHR (Maximum Heart Rate) is 204 bpm.
• Determine the lower limit. (204 x 0.6) = 122.4 beat per minute
• Determine the upper limit. (204 x 0.9) = 183.6 beat per minute
• Thus your target heart rate for training is between 122.4 to 183.6 beats per minute.
Directions: Determine the maximal heart rate
(MHR) or target heart rate for training (THR) of
the following ages: Write your answer in your
activity notebook.

1 13 years old: MHR _________bpm

2 14 years old: THR__________bpm
3 16 years old: MHR _________bpm
4. 17 years old: THR__________bpm
5.18 years old: MHR _________bpm

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