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Exploiting BERT for End-to-End Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis∗

Xin Li1 , Lidong Bing2 , Wenxuan Zhang1 and Wai Lam1

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
R&D Center Singapore, Machine Intelligence Technology, Alibaba DAMO Academy

Abstract et al., 2019) and End-to-End Aspect-based Sen-

timent Analysis (E2E-ABSA) (Ma et al., 2018a;
In this paper, we investigate the modeling
power of contextualized embeddings from pre-
Schmitt et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019a; Li and Lu,
2017, 2019), are related to a sequence tagging
arXiv:1910.00883v2 [cs.CL] 4 Oct 2019

trained language models, e.g. BERT, on the

E2E-ABSA task. Specifically, we build a problem. Precisely, the goal of AOWE is to ex-
series of simple yet insightful neural base- tract the aspect-specific opinion words from the
lines to deal with E2E-ABSA. The experimen- sentence given the aspect. The goal of E2E-ABSA
tal results show that even with a simple lin- is to jointly detect aspect terms/categories and the
ear classification layer, our BERT-based archi- corresponding aspect sentiments.
tecture can outperform state-of-the-art works.
Many neural models composed of a task-
Besides, we also standardize the comparative
study by consistently utilizing a hold-out de- agnostic pre-trained word embedding layer and
velopment dataset for model selection, which task-specific neural architecture have been pro-
is largely ignored by previous works. There- posed for the original ABSA task (i.e. the aspect-
fore, our work can serve as a BERT-based level sentiment classification) (Tang et al., 2016;
benchmark for E2E-ABSA.1 Wang et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2017; Liu and
Zhang, 2017; Ma et al., 2017, 2018b; Majumder
1 Introduction
et al., 2018; Li et al., 2018; He et al., 2018; Xue
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is to dis- and Li, 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Fan et al., 2018;
cover the users’ sentiment or opinion towards an Huang and Carley, 2018; Lei et al., 2019; Li et al.,
aspect, usually in the form of explicitly men- 2019b; Zhang et al., 2019)2 , but the improvement
tioned aspect terms (Mitchell et al., 2013; Zhang of these models measured by the accuracy or F1
et al., 2015) or implicit aspect categories (Wang score has reached a bottleneck. One reason is that
et al., 2016), from user-generated natural language the task-agnostic embedding layer, usually a linear
texts (Liu, 2012). The most popular ABSA bench- layer initialized with Word2Vec (Mikolov et al.,
mark datasets are from SemEval ABSA chal- 2013) or GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014), only
lenges (Pontiki et al., 2014, 2015, 2016) where a provides context-independent word-level features,
few thousand review sentences with gold standard which is insufficient for capturing the complex se-
aspect sentiment annotations are provided. mantic dependencies in the sentence. Meanwhile,
Table 1 summarizes three existing research the size of existing datasets is too small to train
problems related to ABSA. The first one is the sophisticated task-specific architectures. Thus,
original ABSA, aiming at predicting the senti- introducing a context-aware word embedding3
ment polarity of the sentence towards the given layer pre-trained on large-scale datasets with deep
aspect. Compared to this classification problem, LSTM (McCann et al., 2017; Peters et al., 2018;
the second one and the third one, namely, Aspect- Howard and Ruder, 2018) or Transformer (Rad-
oriented Opinion Words Extraction (AOWE) (Fan ford et al., 2018, 2019; Devlin et al., 2019; Lample
∗ 2
The work described in this paper is substantially sup- Due to the limited space, we can not list all of the existing
ported by a grant from the Research Grant Council of the works here, please refer to the survey (Zhou et al., 2019) for
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project more related papers.
Code: 14204418). 3
In this paper, we generalize the concept of “word em-
Our code is open-source and available at: https:// bedding” as a mapping between the word and the low-
github.com/lixin4ever/BERT-E2E-ABSA dimensional word representations.
<Great> [food]P but the y O B-POS I-POS E-POS O O O O O S-NEG
:::::: N
is <:::::::::::
Settings Input Output E2E-ABSA Layer

1. ABSA sentence, aspect aspect sentiment

h h h h h h h h h h
2. AOWE sentence, aspect opinion words 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. E2E-ABSA sentence aspect, aspect sentiment

L-th Transformer Layer BERT

Table 1: Different problem settings in ABSA. Gold ⋯

standard aspects and opinions are wrapped in [] and

<> respectively. The subscripts N and P refer to aspect 1-st Transformer Layer

sentiment. Underline :* or * indicates the association Segment

between the aspect and the opinion.
Embedding E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10

Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex
Embedding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

and Conneau, 2019; Yang et al., 2019; Dong et al.,

2019) for fine-tuning a lightweight task-specific X The AMD Turin Processor seems to perform better than Intel

network using the labeled data has good potential

for further enhancing the performance. Figure 1: Overview of the designed model.
Xu et al. (2019); Sun et al. (2019); Song et al.
(2019); Yu and Jiang (2019); Rietzler et al. (2019); selection, which is ignored in most of the existing
Huang and Carley (2019); Hu et al. (2019a) have ABSA works (Tay et al., 2018).
conducted some initial attempts to couple the deep
contextualized word embedding layer with down- 2 Model
stream neural models for the original ABSA task
and establish the new state-of-the-art results. It en- In this paper, we focus on the aspect term-
courages us to explore the potential of using such level End-to-End Aspect-Based Sentiment Analy-
contextualized embeddings to the more difficult sis (E2E-ABSA) problem setting. This task can
but practical task, i.e. E2E-ABSA (the third set- be formulated as a sequence labeling problem.
ting in Table 1).4 Note that we are not aiming The overall architecture of our model is depicted
at developing a task-specific architecture, instead, in Figure 1. Given the input token sequence
our focus is to examine the potential of contex- x = {x1 , · · · , xT } of length T , we firstly em-
tualized embedding for E2E-ABSA, coupled with ploy BERT component with L transformer lay-
various simple layers for prediction of E2E-ABSA ers to calculate the corresponding contextualized
representations H L = {hL L T ×dimh
labels.5 1 , · · · , hT } ∈ R
In this paper, we investigate the modeling power for the input tokens where dimh denotes the di-
of BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), one of the most mension of the representation vector. Then, the
popular pre-trained language model armed with contextualized representations are fed to the task-
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), on the task specific layers to predict the tag sequence y =
of E2E-ABSA. Concretely, inspired by the inves- {y1 , · · · , yT }. The possible values of the tag yt
tigation of E2E-ABSA in Li et al. (2019a), which are B-{POS,NEG,NEU}, I-{POS,NEG,NEU},
predicts aspect boundaries as well as aspect sen- E-{POS,NEG,NEU}, S-{POS,NEG,NEU} or O,
timents using a single sequence tagger, we build denoting the beginning of aspect, inside of aspect,
a series of simple yet insightful neural baselines end of aspect, single-word aspect, with positive,
for the sequence labeling problem and fine-tune negative or neutral sentiment respectively, as well
the task-specific components with BERT or deem as outside of aspect.
BERT as feature extractor. Besides, we standard-
ize the comparative study by consistently utiliz- 2.1 BERT as Embedding Layer
ing the hold-out development dataset for model Compared to the traditional Word2Vec- or GloVe-
based embedding layer which only provides a sin-
Both of ABSA and AOWE assume that the aspects in a
sentence are given. Such setting makes them less practical gle context-independent representation for each
in real-world scenarios since manual annotation of the fine- token, the BERT embedding layer takes the sen-
grained aspect mentions/categories is quite expensive. tence as input and calculates the token-level rep-
Hu et al. (2019b) introduce BERT to handle the E2E-
ABSA problem but their focus is to design a task-specific resentations using the information from the entire
architecture rather than exploring the potential of BERT. sentence. First of all, we pack the input features
as H 0 = {e1 , · · · , eT }, where et (t ∈ [1, T ]) is Wxn , Whn ∈ Rdimh ×dimh are the parameters of
the combination of the token embedding, position GRU. Since directly applying RNN on the out-
embedding and segment embedding correspond- put of transformer, namely, the BERT represen-
ing to the input token xt . Then L transformer tation hLt , may lead to unstable training (Chen
layers are introduced to refine the token-level fea- et al., 2018; Liu, 2019), we add additional layer-
tures layer by layer. Specifically, the representa- normalization (Ba et al., 2016), denoted as L N,
tions H l = {hl1 , · · · , hlT } at the l-th (l ∈ [1, L]) when calculating the gates. Then, the predictions
layer are calculated below: are obtained by introducing a softmax layer:

H l = Transformerl (H l−1 ) (1) p(yt |xt ) = softmax(Wo hTt + bo ) (4)

We regard H L as the contextualized representa- Self-Attention Networks With the help of self
tions of the input tokens and use them to perform attention (Cheng et al., 2016; Lin et al., 2017),
the predictions for the downstream task. Self-Attention Network (Vaswani et al., 2017;
Shen et al., 2018) is another effective feature ex-
2.2 Design of Downstream Model tractor apart from RNN and CNN. In this pa-
After obtaining the BERT representations, we de- per, we introduce two SAN variants to build
sign a neural layer, called E2E-ABSA layer in the task-specific token representations H T =
Figure 1, on top of BERT embedding layer for {hT1 , · · · , hTT }. One variant is composed of a
solving the task of E2E-ABSA. We investigate simple self-attention layer and residual connec-
several different design for the E2E-ABSA layer, tion (He et al., 2016), dubbed as “SAN”. The com-
namely, linear layer, recurrent neural networks, putational process of SAN is below:
self-attention networks, and conditional random
fields layer. H T = L N(H L + S LF -ATT(Q, K, V ))
Q, K, V = H L W Q , H L W K , H L W V
Linear Layer The obtained token representa-
tions can be directly fed to linear layer with soft- where S LF -ATT is identical to the self-attentive
max activation function to calculate the token- scaled dot-product attention (Vaswani et al.,
level predictions: 2017). Another variant is a transformer layer
(dubbed as “TFM”), which has the same archi-
P (yt |xt ) = softmax(Wo hL
t + bo ) (2)
tecture with the transformer encoder layer in the
where Wo ∈ Rdimh ×|Y| is the learnable parame- BERT. The computational process of TFM is as
ters of the linear layer. follows:

Recurrent Neural Networks Considering its Ĥ L = L N(H L + S LF -ATT(Q, K, V ))

sequence labeling formulation, Recurrent Neural H T = L N(Ĥ L + F FN(Ĥ L ))
Networks (RNN) (Elman, 1990) is a natural so-
lution for the task of E2E-ABSA. In this paper, where F FN refers to the point-wise feed-forward
we adopt GRU (Cho et al., 2014), whose superior- networks (Vaswani et al., 2017). Again, a linear
ity compared to LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmid- layer with softmax activation is stacked on the de-
huber, 1997) and basic RNN has been verified signed SAN/TFM layer to output the predictions
in Jozefowicz et al. (2015). The computational (same with that in Eq(4)).
formula of the task-specific hidden representation
Conditional Random Fields Conditional Ran-
hTt ∈ Rdimh at the t-th time step is shown below:
dom Fields (CRF) (Lafferty et al., 2001) is effec-
rt T
tive in sequence modeling and has been widely
= σ(L N(Wx hL
t ) + L N (Wh ht−1 ))
zt adopted for solving the sequence labeling tasks
T (3) together with neural models (Huang et al., 2015;
nt = tanh(L N(Wxn hL
t ) + rt ∗ L N (Whn ht−1 ))

hTt = (1 − zt ) ∗ nt + zt ∗ hTt−1 Lample et al., 2016; Ma and Hovy, 2016). In

this paper, we introduce a linear-chain CRF layer
where σ is the sigmoid activation function and on top of the BERT embedding layer. Different
rt , zt , nt respectively denote the reset gate, up- from the above mentioned neural models max-
date gate and new gate. Wx , Wh ∈ R2dimh ×dimh , imizing the token-level likelihood p(yt |xt ), the
P R F1 P R F1
(Li et al., 2019a)\ 61.27 54.89 57.90 68.64 71.01 69.80
Existing Models (Luo et al., 2019)\ - - 60.35 - - 72.78
(He et al., 2019)\ - - 58.37 - - -
(Lample et al., 2016)] 58.61 50.47 54.24 66.10 66.30 66.20
LSTM-CRF (Ma and Hovy, 2016)] 58.66 51.26 54.71 61.56 67.26 64.29
(Liu et al., 2018)] 53.31 59.40 56.19 68.46 64.43 66.38
BERT+Linear 62.16 58.90 60.43 71.42 75.25 73.22
BERT+GRU 61.88 60.47 61.12 70.61 76.20 73.24
BERT Models BERT+SAN 62.42 58.71 60.49 72.92 76.72 74.72
BERT+TFM 63.23 58.64 60.80 72.39 76.64 74.41
BERT+CRF 62.22 59.49 60.78 71.88 76.48 74.06

\ ]
Table 2: Main results. The symbol denotes the numbers are officially reported ones. The results with are
retrieved from Li et al. (2019a).

Dataset Train Dev Test Total

# sent 2741 304 800 4245 0.70
# aspect 2041 256 634 2931
# sent 3490 387 2158 6035 0.65
# aspect 3893 413 2287 6593 0.60
F1 score
Table 3: Statistics of datasets. 0.55


CRF-based model aims to find the globally most 0.45 BERT-GRU

probable tag sequence. Specifically, the sequence- BERT-CRF
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
level scores s(x, y) and likelihood p(y|x) of y = Steps
{y1 , · · · , yT } are calculated as follows:
Figure 2: Performances on the Dev set of REST.
s(x, y) = MyAt ,yt+1 + P
t=0 t=1
use the pre-trained “bert-base-uncased” model6 ,
p(y|x) = softmax(s(x, y)) where the number of transformer layers L = 12
and the hidden size dimh is 768. For the down-
where M A ∈ R|Y|×|Y| is the randomly initialized stream E2E-ABSA component, we consistently
transition matrix for modeling the dependency be- use the single-layer architecture and set the dimen-
tween the adjacent predictions and M P ∈ RT ×|Y| sion of task-specific representation as dimh . The
denote the emission matrix linearly transformed learning rate is 2e-5. The batch size is set as 25 for
from the BERT representations H L . The softmax LAPTOP and 16 for REST. We train the model up
here is conducted over all of the possible tag se- to 1500 steps. After training 1000 steps, we con-
quences. As for the decoding, we regard the tag duct model selection on the development set for
sequence with the highest scores as output: very 100 steps according to the micro-averaged F1
score. Following these settings, we train 5 models
y∗ = arg max s(x, y) (8)
y with different random seeds and report the average
where the solution is obtained via Viterbi search.
We compare with Existing Models, including
3 Experiment tailor-made E2E-ABSA models (Li et al., 2019a;
Luo et al., 2019; He et al., 2019), and competitive
3.1 Dataset and Settings LSTM-CRF sequence labeling models (Lample
We conduct experiments on two review datasets et al., 2016; Ma and Hovy, 2016; Liu et al., 2018).
originating from SemEval (Pontiki et al., 2014,
2015, 2016) but re-prepared in Li et al. (2019a).
The statistics are summarized in Table 3. We https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
3.2 Main Results w/o fine-tuning
w/ fine-tuning
From Table 2, we surprisingly find that only in- 80 74.41
73.24 74.06
troducing a simple token-level classifier, namely,
BERT-Linear, already outperforms the existing 60

F1 score
46.58 47.64
works without using BERT, suggesting that BERT
representations encoding the associations between
arbitrary two tokens largely alleviate the issue of
context independence in the linear E2E-ABSA
layer. It is also observed that slightly more pow- 0
erful E2E-ABSA layers lead to much better per-
formance, verifying the postulation that incorpo- Figure 3: Effect of fine-tuning BERT.
rating context helps to sequence modeling.

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