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Conceptualized by: Luningning B.

Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 4: Curriculum Planning Enriching Teaching Practices Through Prof. Collaboration

Worktext in Prof. Ed. 21

Field Study 1
(Learning Episode 4.4)
Associate Professor I


Field Study 1 126

Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 4: Curriculum Planning Enriching Teaching Practices Through Prof. Collaboration
Episode 4.4: Enriching Teaching Practices through Professional Collaboration
Professional collaboration is important to empower teachers in shaping society’s young
minds. It will also enrich their teaching practices and skills set. This lesson will guide you in
understanding how teachers can collaborate with other educators to augment their teaching practices.

1. Discuss how teachers can collaborate with other educators to improve teaching practices.
2. Observe how teachers participate in collegial discussions to gather learning feedback to
enrich teaching practices.
3. Observe professional collaboration among teachers.

Education Theory
Teachers need to reflect on their teaching practices (Danielson, 2017). They need to commit
themselves to continuous improvement that requires professional collaboration with colleagues.
Implementing a curriculum is a collaborative task of the whole school. It is never an individual task.
Teachers need to share their experiences and expertise to improve the implementation of the

In ensuring the proper implementation of the K to 12 basic education curriculum, based on

RA 10533, the following instructional approaches need to be applied by the teachers:

 Learner – centered, inclusive, and developmentally appropriate

 Relevant, responsive, and researched – based

 Culture – sensitive

 Contextualized and global

 Constructivist, inquiry – based, reflective, collaborative, and integrative pedagogical


These approaches demand greater collaboration and cooperation among teachers and
stakeholders. There are so many things that a teacher needs to learn for the K to 12 curriculum.

Field Study 1 127

Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 4: Curriculum Planning Enriching Teaching Practices Through Prof. Collaboration
Enriching Teaching Practices Through Professional Collaboration

Name: Date:
Course/Year/Section: Score:
Direction: Request for a virtual interview with a Principal of any school (provide enough
documentation to be attached) and gather the data needed in the table below. Then answer the
succeeding questions. Compile your answer in a portfolio.
Total Enrolment
Enrolment per Grade Level
Number of Sections per Grade Level
Average Class Size
Total Number of Teachers
Number of Teachers with MA Units
Number of Teachers with MA
Number of Teachers with Doctorate Degree
Number of Master Teachers
Average Years of Service for Teachers

1. Does the school implement a mentoring program for its teachers? How?

2. Does the school conduct professional meetings to discuss learning issues and problems?

3. Does the school support the continuing education and development of its teachers?

4. How do expert teachers help other teachers in improving their teaching practices?

5. What are the different collaboration activities available or done by the teachers to improve
their teaching practices?

6. Is there an existing academic collaboration between the school/teachers and higher
education institutions? If yes, what forms of collaboration are done?

Field Study 1 128

Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 4: Curriculum Planning Enriching Teaching Practices Through Prof. Collaboration
Enriching Teaching Practices Through Professional Collaboration

Name: Date:
Course/Year/Section: Score:
Direction: Download a video of the conduct of faculty meeting or any professional meeting in the
school then answer the questions below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.
1. Is sharing of good teaching practices a part of the meeting? What types of good teaching
practices are shared?

2. How do teachers discuss issues and problems related to teaching and learning?

3. How do teachers observe professionalism during the meeting?

4. Do the teachers include in their agenda how the result of learning assessment should be
utilized to improve instruction?

Field Study 1 129

Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 4: Curriculum Planning Enriching Teaching Practices Through Prof. Collaboration
Enriching Teaching Practices Through Professional Collaboration

Name: Date:
Course/Year/Section: Score:
Direction: Read carefully and answer the following questions. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. What are the implications of the data gathered during the preliminary activity?

2. How can the school utilize the data to develop better professional collaboration
among teachers to improve their teaching practices?

3. How can the school promote stronger collaboration among its teachers?

4. How does the school support and sustain a culture of excellence among teachers and
other staff?

Field Study 1 130

Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 4: Curriculum Planning Enriching Teaching Practices Through Prof. Collaboration
Enriching Teaching Practices Through Professional Collaboration

Name: Date:
Course/Year/Section: Score:
Direction: Write your reflection of what you have learned in this lesson by completing the
statements below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. I realized that

2. I believe that

3. I believe that

4. When I become a teacher, I will

Field Study 1 131

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