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Conceptualized by: Raymond D.

Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Support for Learner Participation

Worktext in Prof. Ed. 21

Field Study 1
(Learning Episode 1.4)
Assistant Professor I


Field Study 1 58
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Support for Learner Participation
Episode 1.4: Support for Learner Participation
Encouraging students to partake in class discussions and class activities is one of the
challenges encouraged by teachers. This lesson shares strategies for increasing student participation
in class.

1. Observe strategies implemented by teachers to encourage students to participate in class.
2. Discover how the learning environment in class can increase student participation.

Education Theory
There are various ways to improve student participation in class discussions and activities.

First, the teacher needs the students to understand that participation is a collective
undertaking of the class and their contribution can help in the learning process (Hollander, 2002). If
the students are given the opportunity to share what they know and show what they can do, and if
they are recognized for their efforts, they will realize that their contributions matter.

Likewise, teachers should also make sure that the learning environment is conducive to
participation. The physical set up should make it easy for students to communicate with the teacher
and their classmates. Various ways of arranging the classroom lay out should be explored to make
sure that the students are facing not only the teacher but also their classmates. The teacher should
also make it a point to move around the room. This will not only give the students more
opportunities to interact with the teacher, but it will also encourage students to interact with one
another. The tendency of students when the teacher is in front of the room is to direct their questions
and answers to the teacher. It is important that the teacher gives the students the opportunity to ask or
even converse with each other (Hollander, 2002).

Lastly, the teacher should explore various teaching strategies to ensure that all the students
can participate actively. The teacher should make sure that the students can answer or discuss the
lesson after a concept is introduced. By anticipating this, the students are more likely to be attentive.
The teacher can also engage the students in other non – threatening activities involving small groups,
pairs, or triads. These will allow students who are not confident talking in front of the whole class to
participate (Hollander, 2002).

Field Study 1 59
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Support for Learner Participation
Support for Learner Participation

Name: Rezia Rose Pagdilao Date:

Course/Year/Section: BSEd-4 Social Studies Score:
Direction: Use the school you observed in Learning Activity Task 1.1A. Check the box that
corresponds to what you have observed in the class. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. The teacher tells the students of his or her expectations after every
activity. 

2. The teacher recognizes the effort made by the students who

participate. 

3. The classroom is arranged in a way that the students can see and
communicate with each other. 

4. The teacher moves around the room as he/she discusses the lesson.

5. The teacher makes use of various teaching strategies to elicit the

students’ participation 

6. The students are given the opportunity to discuss their thoughts, ideas,
and opinions with the whole class or some classmates. 

Field Study 1 60
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Support for Learner Participation
Support for Learner Participation

Name: Rezia Rose Pagdilao Date:

Course/Year/Section: BSEd-4 Social Studies Score:
Direction: Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have observed in
the class. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively in class?

The teacher encourages the students to participate actively in class by reminding the
students that all who are reciting in the class have additional grades. Another is by setting
a motivational situation that can encourage their confidence to give answer to the class.

2. What do you think is the best classroom set up to encourage the students to engage in the

The best classroom set up to encourage the students to engage in the activity is having a room
for students and also a teacher that they can move freely around, with organize seat-up plan,
and most especially is having a clean learning environment.

3. What strategies should the teacher use to make the students participate in class?

The strategies which should the teacher use to make the students participate in class is by
using a differentiated instruction. This strategy will help the teacher to know the strength
and weaknesses of the students. A teacher should know what are the interest of the student
and allow them to have freedom to choose what activities that can encourage them to
participate in the class.

Field Study 1 61
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Episode 1: The Learning Environment Support for Learner Participation
Support for Learner Participation

Name: Rezia Rose Pagdilao Date:

Course/Year/Section: BSEd-4 Social Studies Score:
Direction: Write your reflection of what you have learned in this lesson by completing the
statements below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. I realized that it is important for a teacher to develop the students to be active in the class in order
to enhance the self-esteem. A teacher should give an opportunity to share what they know and show
what they can do, and if they are recognized for their efforts, they will realize that their
contributions matter.

2. I believe that a student has the ability to perform well in the class. A student needs the right
strategies and techniques for teacher to foster the necessities of every students.

3. I feel that I need to be more considerate to the needs of the students. I will also strive to mold my
students holistically and adjust what strategies that would work for the betterment of the students.

4. When I become a teacher, I will dedicate my time in prioritizing the growth and the development of
the students.

Field Study 1 62

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