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Conceptualized by: Raymond D.

Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Preliminaries: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Classroom Communication Strategies

Worktext in Prof. Ed. 21

Field Study 1
(Learning Episode 0.7)
Assistant Professor I


Field Study 1 37
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Preliminaries: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Classroom Communication Strategies
Learning Episode 0.7: Classroom Communication Strategies

Communication plays a fundamental role in our daily lives, most especially in teaching and
learning. This lesson distinguishes numerous verbal and non – verbal classroom communication
strategies that support learner understanding, participation, engagement, and achievements.


1. Differentiate verbal from non – verbal communication.

2. Observe how communication strategies are used in the classroom.
3. Determine how communication strategies support the learners’ understanding of the
4. Discover how communication strategies improve the learners’ academic performance.

Education Theory
Communication skill is one of the 21st century competencies that every student needs. It is
essential in exchanging information between people. Communication makes teaching and learning

Communication may occur between individuals, groups, organizations, and social classes
regardless of their complexities, distance, space, and time (Rosengren, 2000). In a classroom setting
where the teacher usually plays the role as conveyor of message or information, his or her ability to
communicate with the learners is very essential in order to engage them in class discussion.

According to Rocci and de Saussure (2016), verbal communication is arguably the most
pervasive form of communication especially in the huge gamut of communication phenomena where
spoken and written language combines with other modalities such as gestures and pictures. There are
two known forms of verbal communication:
1. Oral Communication – a communication through spoken words done face – to – face, in
video chat, or on a telephone call.

2. Written Communication – a communication through the use of written or printed documents,

emails, fax messages, SMS/text messages, or online messaging/chat.

Non – verbal communication, on the other hand, is the process of communication that does
not use any oral or written words. Communication in this form takes place with the use of signals,
behaviors, expressions, or movements. Hall and Knapp (2013) identify the modalities of non – verbal
communications in the following forms:
1. Facial behaviour

2. Vocal behaviour

3. Gesture and body movement

4. Eye behaviour

5. Face and body physiognomy (nonverbal cues for trait impressions)

6. Proxemics and haptic interaction (the closeness continuum)

Field Study 1 38
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Preliminaries: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Classroom Communication Strategies
Classroom Communication Strategies

Name: Rezia Rose Pagdilao Date:

Course/Year/Section: BSED-4 Social Studies Score:
Direction: Use any of the online class you observed in the previous Episodes (Indicate which class
you use) to answer this activity. Identify the verbal and nonverbal forms of communication used by
teachers and students in the classroom. Summarize your answer in the table below. Compile your
answer in a portfolio.

Verbal Nonverbal Remarks

Students Recitation (oral Raising hand (hand gesture) Good


Discussion Listening or hearing

n and eye
n and eye
Gestures, facial
expression and eye

Field Study 1 39
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Preliminaries: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Classroom Communication Strategies
Oral communication Hand gestures and facial Excellent
Sir Nemar

Speaking and discussion Eye contact, hand and body


Interpersonal, small group and Facial expressions, gestures,

public communication paralinguistic and body
language, and posture.

Field Study 1 40
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Preliminaries: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Classroom Communication Strategies
Medium of Instruction in the K to 12 Curriculum

Name: Rezia Rose Pagdilao Date:

Course/Year/Section: BSED-4 Social Studies Score:
Direction: Check the box that corresponds to what you have observed in the class. Summarize your
answer by filling in the table below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

Communication Strategies for Teachers Observed Not

Communicates with a friendly tone  Very Satisfactory

Thinks before speaking to avoid utterance of 

irrelevant words Excellent

Speaks clearly and articulately delivers the 

message he or she is trying to convey Excellent
Speaks with confidence 
Need more improvement
Demonstrates ability to produce intelligent 
and fluent discourse Very Satisfactory
Demonstrates skills in written 
communications Need more improvement
Demonstrates proficiency in oral 
communication Need more improvement

Manifests positive attitude towards students 

Other comments and observations:

Field Study 1 41
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Preliminaries: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Classroom Communication Strategies
Classroom Communication Strategies

Name: Rezia Rose Pagdilao Date:

Course/Year/Section: BSED-4 Social Studies Score:
Direction: Answer the following questions based on what you have observed in the class. Compile
your answer in a portfolio.

1. How important are the verbal and non – verbal forms of communication to the teachers?
The teachers must communicate both verbally and non-verbally since it greatly influences
student’s ability to fully understand the subject matter and apply communication into the
learning process. The teachers should place special emphasis on verbal and non-verbal
communication because they are the ones who provides the students with materials verbally
through words.
2. How do verbal and non – verbal forms of communication affect the students’ learning?

Knowledge transmission requires communication both verbal and non-verbal to the students
learning. Verbal communication is more effective and economical, while non-verbal
communication which include body language is important for conveying emotions and
influencing students. Verbal and non-verbal forms of communication affect the students
learning through helping students in a disciplinary action especially to the unruly students.

3. What forms of communication do the teachers and the students need to improve on?

Improving both verbal and non-verbal communication and creating a supportive environment
are very essential for classroom success. Focusing on small and large achievements build the
students confidence and encourage them to try it also. Having a visual stimulation nurtures
creativity making students an active participant in the classroom setting.

Field Study 1 42
Conceptualized by: Raymond D. Garcia, MA Math
Assistant Professor 1 – Apayao State College
Preliminaries: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Classroom Communication Strategies
Classroom Communication Strategies

Name: Rezia Rose Pagdilao Date:

Course/Year/Section: BSED-4 Social Studies Score:
Direction: Write your reflection of what you have learned in this lesson by completing the
statements below. Compile your answer in a portfolio.

1. I realized that teaching involves creativity, variety, and also adaptability with teachers playing an
important role in fostering students learning outcomes and success in real-life communication.

2. I believe that the framework on communication strategies and strategic competence influences
language teachers’ beliefs on incorporating theses strategies into classroom training to enhance
their teaching methods.

3. I feel that the responsibility of the teachers is to assist students in achieving the desired level of
linguistic and pragmatic understanding in response to their needs, interest and also a real-life

4. When I become a teacher, I will integrate effective communication, and prepare myself thoroughly,
repeat points, anticipate confusion, and address it upfront. Being good in both verbal and nonverbal
communication is essential while applying for teaching positions, as many interviews and demos
need it. Furthermore, in order to properly teach your content to your students, if you are currently a
teacher, you will need to be able to communicate both verbally and nonverbally. If you don't have
excellent verbal and writing communication skills, it will be hard to interact with both the people
you encounter when completing your teacher application and the students you teach.

Field Study 1 43

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