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Dr. M.

Senthilil Kumar
Department of Automobile Engineering
Madras Institute of Technology, Chromepet
Anna University, Chennai – 44

Thermodynamic Analysis Phenomenological Processes

Intake 1.Cylinder and valve geometry

2. Thermodynamic properties
3. Flow Rates

Combustion 4. Heat Transfer

5.Transport Properties
6.Combustion rate

Exhaust 7.Emission mechanisms

Ultimate Aim of Modeling is……….

To Generate Instantaneous

1. Cylinder pressure “ P ”
2. Cylinder Volume “ V ”
3. Cycle Temperature “ T ”

CI Engine Combustion Usingg Double Wiebe’s Law

In diesel engines the rate
ate of combustion
combbustion exhibits
exhibit a two stage
behavior ide
identified as premixed combustion and diffusion
combustion regardless of the operating conditions. A more precise
description of the rate of combustion is given by two Wiebe's
The Rate of combustion (HRR) in diesel engine is written as

dQ J dV 1 dP dQh
( )u Pu ( ) uV u 
dT J 1 dT J 1 dT dT
Where, Heat Release Rate Rate
Heat Transfer Rate to wall
The Heat release rate equation can be also written in the form of
double Wiebe's function as

dQ Qp T Mp T
6 .9 u ( ) u ( M P  1) u ( ) u exp[6.9 u ( ) ( Mp 1) ] 
dT Tp Tp Tp
Qd T Md T
6 .9 u ( ) u ( M d  1) u ( ) u exp[6.9 u ( ) ( Md 1) ]
Td Td Td

e, p and
Where, d d are Premixed and Diffusion parts respectively and
Q p and Q d Energy Release in Premixed and Diffusion period
T p and Td Period of Premixed and Diffusion Combustion
M p and M d Shape factors for Premixed and Diffusion Period

Of the six parameters, the two shape factors, Mp and Md and the
premixed combustion duration Td are independent of operating
conditions and fuels for both DI and IDI engines

Experimental studies reveal that the shape factors for the premixed
and diffusion period are almost constant direct injection and
indirect injection engines. The values are found as

Mp = 3 for DI & IDI engines

Md = 0.5 for DI & 0.9 for IDI
Tp = 7°CA for DI and IDI Engines

The relationship between Qp and Qi for diesel engine was found as,
Q p = 0.5Q i for DI engine
Q p = 0.88 Q i for IDI engine
The empirical relation for the diffusion burning period is found as

T d = 0.93 Q d + 24.5 degrees (for DI engine)

T d = 0.93 Q d + 19 degrees (for IDI engine)

The above parameters can be fixed for individual engines with the
use of experimental data obtained from the heat release rate.

Preparation Rate :
Rate off h
att rel
l e d
depends on the
e qua
y of
unburned d fuel available and the
e partiall pressure
of oxygen in the cylinder.
The rate off preparation off fuel and air may
obtained from the following equation

Reaction Rate :
The actual
ual compone
components present in the prepared
fuel are unknown, n, and the
he only tempe
mpe er
available is average
e cylinderr temperature
The fuel is assumed as pure
e decane
Based on Arrhenius equation the reaction rate
is calculated as,
Heat Release Rate :

Heat Release Rate = Reaction rate * LHV

Po2 - Partial pressure off oxygen calculated

m Dalton law of partial pressure

x, y, a - Constants taken as 0.6667, 7㽢105, 1.1㽢104


Mi - Mass of fuel injected

Mu - Mass of unburned fuel (prepared)

Heat Release Rate


Premixed Diffusion Late Burning


Heat Release Rate (J/oCA)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Combustion Duration (o CA)
Sauter Mean Diameter

Notations used for SMD Calculation

Re = Reynolds number
Wb = Weber number
D1,2 = sauter mean diameter
Uinj = velocity at which fuel injected
= (Mfinj㽢6㽢N)/(ρl㽢dn)
ρl = density of fuel (845 Kg/m3)
μl = viscosity of fuel (0.0845845 NS/m2)
ɐ = surface tension of fuel (0.029 N/m)
One extensively used model for the single zone combustion model is by Watson. It is based on
the compression ignition combustion (i.e a rapid premixed burning phase followed by a slower
mixing controlled burning phase). The fraction of the fuel that burns in each of these phases is
empirically linked to the duration of the ignition delay. One algebraic function is used to
describe the premixed heat release phase and second function to describe the mixing
controlled heat release phase. These two functions are weighted with a phase proportionality
factor,B (Beta) which is largely a function of the ignition delay.

m f (t ' ) (t  tign )
E . f1  (1  E ) f 2 t'
m f ,o 'tcomb

Where, mf,b Mass of fuel burned

mf,o Total mass of fuel injected per cycle per cylinder
t’ Time for ignition
tign Start of Ignition

The premixed burning function is written as f1 1  (1  t ' K 1 ) K 2

The Mixing Controlled burning function is written as

f2 1  exp(1  K 3t ' K 4 )

Where, K1, K2, K3, K4 Empirical coefficients

The proportionality factor is given by

a.I b
E 1 c
W id

Where, I Equivalence Ratio

a,b,c Empirical constants
Typical values for the K1 to K4 for a turbocharged engine are,

W id Ignition Delay
K1 2  1.25 u 10 8 (W id .N ) 2.4
N Engine Speed rev/min
K2 5000
14.2 0.8  a  0.95
I 0.644 0.25  b  0.45
K4 0.79.K 30.25
0.25  c  0.5

The above single zone heat release model is useful because of its simplicity. It obviously
cannot relate engine design and operating variables explicitly to the details of the
combustion process.

Experience indicates that those models with only one function are not usually able to fit
experimentally determined heat release profiles with sufficient accuracy. All single zone
heat release models should be checked against experimentally derived heat release
profiles and re calibrated if necessary before being used for predictions.


Cylinder Pressure (bar)






0 0,000105 0,00021 0,000315 0,00042 0,000525 0,00063 0,000735
Cylinder Volume (m3)

Pressure Volume Diagram of the Engine

2000 102
1800 Gas Temperature 89
Cylinder Pressure

Cylinder Pressure (bar)

1600 76
Gas Temperature (°K)

1400 63
1200 50
1000 37
800 24
600 11
400 TDC -2
200 -15
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Crank Angle (deg)

Cylinder Gas Temperature with Crank Angle

Importance of Heat Release rate

 Thermal efficiency and combustion peak pressure are greatly

influenced by the heat release pattern.
 Combustion parameters such as ignition delay, combustion duration,
maximum rate of pressure rise etc. can be easily obtained from heat
Release data.
 Heat release diagram is also used for the consistency check on cylinder
pressure data.
 Heat release equations can be modified suitably by comparing them
with experimentally measured pressure time histories.
Engine Heat Release Rate for a Diesel Engine

50 1300
Cumulative Heat release
Heat Release Rate (J/deg.CA)

Diffusion Combustion

CUmulative HR (J)
30 Premixed
Combustion After Burning
Ignition Delay
10 Qgross

0 Qnet 100
Start of Combustion

-10 -100
330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
Crank Angle (deg)

Assumptions for the Heat Release Rate

 The cylinder charge to be homogeneous

 Properties of the mixture are uniform through out the combustion

 The fuel vapor and products are treated as a mixture of ideal
 Specific heat of air is assumed as a function of temperature.
 No dissociation of chemical species.
 Gas constant R does not change during the combustion process
By considering the above assumptions, the first law of thermodynamics can be written

dQc W  dU  d Qh .........(1)

dQc – Chemical energy released due to combustion
W – Work output
Qh – Heat transfer from the combustion chamber to wall
dU – Internal energy content of the cylinder

Since the contents are assumed to be ideal gases , equation (1) can be written as

dQc P. dV  m.Cv. dT  dQh

P.dV  m.Cv. d ( )  dQh
P.dV  ( ) .(P.dV  V.dP)  dQh
Cp  Cv

Cp Cv 1
By using R = Cp - Cv and J to define
Cv R J 1

The energy equation (2) after rearrangement can be written as,

ࢊࡽ ࢍ࢘࢕࢙࢙ ሺ ࢊࡽࢉሻ ൌ ࡼǤ ࢊࢂ ൅ ሺ૚Ȁሺࢽ െ ૚ሻሻ Ǥ ሺࡼǤ ࢊࢂ ൅ ࢂǤ ࢊࡼሻ ൅ ࢊࡽࢎ

γ 1
dQ gross ( ) P.dV  ( ).V.dP  dQh }.... 3
γ-1 γ-1


γ 1
dQ net ( ) P.dV  ( ).V.dP }.... 4
γ-1 γ-1

P – Cylinder pressure (bar)
V – Instantaneous volume of the cylinder (m3)
Ratio of specific heats
T – Mean gas temperature (K)
Q wall – Wall heat transfer (J/CA)

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