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American Inside Out Evolution - Advanced

Unit 1 Test
Answer Key

a) lengthy
b) animated
c) in-depth
d) predictable
e) one-sided
f) hilarious

a) butted in on
b) droned on and on
c) aren’t on the same wavelength
d) get across
e) flowed

a) Achieving
b) satisfied
c) valuable
d) skillful
e) fulfilling
f) efficient
g) consideration
h) competently

a) Josie seems particularly cheerful these days.
b) Brian slammed down the phone angrily and stormed out into the backyard.
c) Could you ask him politely if he’ll feed the cat while we’re gone?
d) We had a lot of in-depth talks late at night when we were on vacation last year.
e) Frankly, I don’t usually like to work in my office in the evenings.

a) have eaten
b) have been working
c) was walking
d) have written
e) already left
f) had been waiting

1) Fancy meeting you here.
2) How are things going?
3) You look great!
4) I’ve heard so much about you!
5) Pleased to meet you.

American Inside Out Evolution Advanced Unit 1 Test Answer Key

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
a) F
b) T
c) T
d) F
e) T

a) normal
b) angry
c) angry
d) normal
e) angry

1) c
2) a
3) b
4) a
5) c


Track 01:

a) I don’t care if we go or not. You decide.

b) If this is so important to you, why didn’t you say something?
c) I suppose you’d rather watch football than go out tonight.
d) Have I said something to offend you?
e) If there’s something wrong, you can just tell me.

Track 02:

Liam: My Spanish is pretty good, but I do sometimes find it hard to follow a conversation if it’s very fast,
or maybe if the speakers have a strong accent, you know. It just – it takes a lot of concentration to keep up.
And when I’m the one doing the talking, I find I have to talk really slowly and then really focus on what
the other person is saying back to me. Sometimes it’s just too much! I mean really listening, and
responding. It’s actually pretty stressful.

Wendy: I think I am pretty talkative. Actually, that’s kind of an understatement – my mom calls me a
chatterbox. I mean, when I was little, my mom didn’t use to let me talk until she’d had at least two cups of
strong coffee in the morning. Only kidding. No, but really, I can spend the whole afternoon with my
friends, talking nonstop, and then I’ll come home and spend, like, hours and hours on the phone with
them. My dad gets so mad at me for hogging the line. And my friends are just like me! There’s not a
single quiet one of us. My boyfriend went out with us one night, and he hardly said a word. Everyone was
like, “I can’t believe he’s so quiet. You’re so different.” But maybe that’s why, you know – opposites
attract. Anyway, he’s not that quiet. It’s just that he can’t get a word in edgewise!

Vicky: I think I’m a pretty quiet person. I don’t really like to draw attention to myself, so if someone is
talking and talking in a conversation, just, like, dominating everyone else, I just won’t try and – you know
– I won’t try and butt in, or anything. I just let them finish. I think that’s why people say I’m a good
listener, but it’s not that so much as some people are just unaware of how much they’re going on and on,
droning on about something no one else is interested in. I mean, how often do we really listen to what the
other person is saying?
American Inside Out Evolution Advanced Unit 1 Test Answer Key
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
American Inside Out Evolution Advanced Unit 1 Test Answer Key
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018

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