1 - Noun Clause - Theory - A - WH - Clause

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Noun Clause = нэр үгийг орлогч өгүүлбэр

Subject clause = Өгүүлэгдэхүүн гишүүн өг

Object clause = Тусагдахуун гишүүн өг

Types of noun clauses: wh clause, that clause, It clause / if/whether clause

1. “wh + clause” …all question words + S + V /what, who, which, where, when, how much, how many…/

a. It is a secret.
subject = Юу?

Түүний хаана ажилладаг нь нууц.

S clause (нь)
Where he works is a secret. = complex sentence

b. Do you know it? Where does she work?

object = Юуг?

Do you know where she works? хүүрнэх өгүүлбэр

object clause (ийг, ыг, г)

Түүний хэдэн настайг чи мэдэх үү?

Do you know how old he is?

Common verbs used for object clauses: know, need to know, want to know, need to find out, would like to know,
must know, wonder, hear, listen to, ask say, etc.

What are going to buy?

Nothing. The book I want to buy is not in this store.
Nothing. What I want to buy is not in this store.

Let’s go where they are! adverbial clause

Let’s go to the room where they are! adjective clause
Where they are is a top secret. = subject clause
Do you know where they are? = object clause
The problem is that we do not have sufficient budget. = predicative clause
My mom is a doctor. verb complement
Миний ээж эмч.

I saw the man who stole your bike. = adjective clause

Who stole your bike is still uncertain. = subject clause
I know who stole your car. = object clause

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