Cultural Event

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[Last Name] 1

Gabi Vasquez

Teressa Jackson



Cultural Event

The event I went to was a bin store. I had never been to one before. This place was

located in Baxley and there was lots of people! It was very packed and there wasn’t a lot of

walking space. It was very hot and there was no air conditioner in that place or no fans! So I bet

you could imagine how hot it was! Everyone was sweating. This place was very tiny.

Everythingin the bins were $1. There were very expensive things in the bins, for only $1. It was

very crowed in the place.

I saw lots of different types of people. There was Hispanic, African American, White,

and Asian. But I couln’t help but notice that there was less Asian people than any other race. And

I realized that everywhere I go , there aren’t lots of Asians. There are mostly only white, african,

and hispanic people. Lots of people were giving the asian people weird looks. Which isn’t right.

Lots of people were just being rude to them as well. Like whenever someone would need to get

by they would say excuse me but they would speak louder and say it more slowly. They knew

good english and that’s for sure, because in the checkout line they were infront of us and they

spoke english fluently.

I also realized that when we were there that the owners were playing music, and theres

nothing wrong with that. There was some people who were upset with this because it was

country music. Its their store so their rules right? Not according to some of the people that were

there. People were yelling at the owners telling them to turn off their music because theyre kids
[Last Name] 2

weren’t allowed to listen to that type of music. So the owners told them that they weren’t going

to turn off their music but they would change it and the people got mad at them. They proceeded

to tell them that if they didn’t turn off their music that they would never come back to the store.

So they ened up telling the customer to leave because the way they were acting was immature

and unnecessary. So me and my mom ended up leaving because of the drama.

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