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Question 1

0.8 / 0.8 pts

Individuals in a protected population include:



Those who are mentally or physically challenged.

All the above.


Question 2
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Which of the following are considered evidence-based practice in the field of ABA?

Sensory integration therapy.

Facilitated communication.

Punishment procedure, such as lemon juice.

None of the above.

Question 3
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Behavior analysts take reasonable _____________ to protect the confidentiality of those with
whom they work or consult.




None of the above.


Question 4
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Code 2.01 (BACB, 2020), Providing Effective Treatment, specifies that clients have the right to
effective treatment based on _________________ and adapted to the individual client.

SLP standards.

Anecdotal experience.

Research literature.

All of the above.


Question 5
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Behavior analysts must not misrepresent their ______ to clients.




All of the above.


Question 6
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Behavior analysts conduct current ________ prior to making recommendations or developing

behavior-change programs.

Abolishing operations.

Aptitude tests.

All of the above.


Question 7
0.8 / 0.8 pts

What steps must be completed prior to conducting an assessment?

Obtain the client's written approval.

Explain who will participate.

Explain procedures to the client.

All of the above.


Question 8
0.8 / 0.8 pts

When would asking for a medical consultation be appropriate?

When the behavior may be a result of medical or biological variables.

In all cases.
When a school system is involved.

None of the above.


Question 9
0.8 / 0.8 pts

It is necessary to take a _______ before any treatment is contemplated.


Functional analysis.


None of the above.


Question 10
0.8 / 0.8 pts

By the late 1980s, the Association for Behavior Analysis convened to discuss right of treatment
and reached a consensus on client rights. Which of the following is not one of the noted client

A therapeutic environment.
Choice of any treatment.

Competent behavior analyst.

The most effective treatments available.


Question 11
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Generally speaking, who is considered the client to whom the behavior analyst is responsible?

Typically, the most vulnerable in the situation.

Whomever is paying for services.

The entire family of the individual receiving services.

All of the above.


Question 12
0.8 / 0.8 pts

A new BCBA experienced in working with children with autism is asked to work with adults
with developmental disabilities in a residential setting. What should be considered in deciding
whether or not to accept the case?
Level of competence of the new BCBA.

Availability of supervising BCBA to assist the new BCBA if the case is accepted.

Nothing needs to be considered. The new BCBA can generalize skills from working with
children with autism to adults with developmental disabilities.

All of the above.

Both the first and second answer are correct.


Question 13
0.8 / 0.8 pts

A BCBA is working for a school system, with the school administrator wanting a token economy
system for each child in the special needs classroom. Not all children need the token economy,
but the administrator states that they want consistent intervention to show they are using ABA in
the classroom. What should the BCBA do?

Continue with the school's wishes and implement a token economy for each student.

Go straight to the parents to ask them if they want the token economy for their child.

Discuss the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the token economy for each student with the
school administrator, while also discussing the need for informed consent.

Ask the classroom teacher if they agree with the school administrator's plan.

Question 14
0.8 / 0.8 pts

What important paradigm shift emerged from the Wyatt v. Stickney (1971) legal case?

Client rights.

BCBA ethics codes.

Mandatory CEUs for BCBAs.

BCBA testing for certification.


Question 15
0.8 / 0.8 pts

What information should be shared prior to starting behavior analytic services?

The nature of the behavior of concern.

The experience level of the BCBA.

Expectations from both parties.

All of the above.


Question 16
0.8 / 0.8 pts

What is the first step to respecting the cultural differences of colleagues?

Agree to disagree.

Delegate cases that are most in line with each individual’s cultural practices.

Learn about the differences of your colleagues.

Ask other coworkers how they have handled working with the colleague.


Question 17
0.8 / 0.8 pts

When writing a new behavior plan, consent must be obtained. After initial consent is received,
the BCBA may then implement the behavior plan. If the plan is not working, the BCBA can
update the plan as long as they do the following:

Receive verbal consent from the client.

Nothing is needed, as consent has already been gathered for intervention on this behavior.
Receive written consent from the client.

Train the staff on the new procedures.


Question 18
0.8 / 0.8 pts

In order to implement an intervention with clients, what must a behavior analyst ensure?

a) Any published intervention can be implemented.

b) The intervention is researched and considered evidence-based in the field of ABA.

c) The intervention meets the requirements of the original Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968) paper,
Some Current Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis.

All of the above.

Both the second and third answer are correct.

Both the first and third answer are correct.


Question 19
0.8 / 0.8 pts
A child receiving behavior analytic services in the school is needing OT as well. The OT is
recommending a sensory diet be administered every 30 minutes and whenever the student is
showing signs of stress or aggitation. The BCBA does not agree, as this may reinforce
challenging behaviors. What should the BCBA do?

Remove themself from the case, as the OT wants to do something that is not in line with
behavior analytic evidence-based practices.

Discuss their concerns with the OT and work together to come up with a plan that would best
serve the student.

Report the OT to the BACB, as sensory integration is not considered an evidence-based practice
in ABA.

Tell the family of the student the OT is inappropriate in their recommendations.


Question 20
0.8 / 0.8 pts

A trusted RBT reports a new challenging behavior of spitting with a client and requests a
behavior intervention plan. What should be the BCBA's course of action?

The BCBA should write a behavior plan as quickly as possible so the spitting behavior does not
get out of hand.

Ask the RBT to write a behavior plan and then review it to make sure it is appropriate. This is a
great teaching opportunity.

Gather enough baseline data to see if there are concerning levels and trends in the data to warrant
a behavior plan.
Ask the RBT for some ABC data to write the behavior plan.


Question 21
0.8 / 0.8 pts

A new behavior analyst is working with a family who has received ABA services for the last five
years. A functional analysis has been conducted and the BCBA identifies that the child's
screaming behavior is attention maintained. A plan is written for the screaming behavior and
presented for consent prior to implementing. Has the BCBA missed anything?

The BCBA is being very responsible, remembering to get informed consent for the behavior
plan, no matter how long the child has received ABA services.

The BCBA first should have received informed consent for the functional analysis.

Conducting the functional analysis was part of the process of the behavior plan, but the BCBA
should have explained the results of the functional analysis.

Due to the length of services, consent is implied so nothing has been missed.


Question 22
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Who should a behavior analyst always involve in treatment planning and goal selecting?



All of the above.


Question 23
0.8 / 0.8 ptsBehavior analysts are often called upon to provide consultation on behaviors that
may not be entirely ___________ in nature.



Question 24
0.8 / 0.8 pts

In the field of ABA, taking baseline data means many things, except for the following:

A referral has been made for a behavior that is problematic to a significant person.

The behavior is observable and has been operationally defined.

A report of an occurrence of the behavior occurring at least three times.

None of the above.


Question 25
0.8 / 0.8 pts

Behavior analysts do not work on _____. They want to observe the problem for themselves and
identify if intervention is needed.

Rumor, hearsay.



None of these.

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