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Project P4’b
Name HCL SStr 9unt
Documen& i’th- SC jg -ag- vol


J Date Reiiett’?.
Orientation correct )‘ts ‘No! NA
Levelling of equipment Pfs ‘No! NA
Vertical alignment of equipment No! NA
Equipment properly rested and supported 4e ! No! NA
All nuts and bolts checked tar tightness frtes ! No! NA
MOC of nub and bolt, Yes! No! NA
MOC of the gasket correct Yes! No! NA
Size of nuts and bolts l proper ! Hal NA
Gaskets In place at required place, I No! NA
Type!MOC or valve used Is correct ! No! NA
Valves placed in all desired position I4! No! NA
Proper MDC & type of NRV provided Yes! No! NA
Pressure tapings at required locations Yes! No! NA
Temperature tapings at required locations Yes! No I NA
Pressure switch tapings given Yes! No! NA
Temperature switch tapings given Yes! No! NA
LT!Ieval switch tapings given Yes! No / NA
Suppiy!Return connections to limpet/jacket Yes! No! NA
Seal pot fitted with cooling arrangement n! No! NA
Air/Nitrogen supply line to seal pat df! No! NA
Seal cooling!flushing arrangement )%s! No! NA
Sight glass provided ,Ws ! No! NA
Motor Alignment wIth equIpment proper p6s ! No! NA
Coupling guard provided ! No! NA
Motor Guard provided 7s ! No! NA
insulstionffracing complotad Yes/No! NA
Proper insulation material & thickness used Yes / Na! NA
Cladding MDC correct & done properly Yes! No! NA
Flanges S valves insulated property Yes! No! NA
Flange Guards given Yes! No! NA
Any Other

Foundeilon ioc:Uon as desired I i I NA n
Size or the foundatIon correct ( Yea) No! NA &J
Foundation holes no of holes PCD proper (ti) No! NA fT
Foundation bolts of correct size S tightened /V) No! NA —
Grouting proper N) No I NA %t
Anti.corrosivo coating!tillng completed (vS_es) Nol NA

Foundation finishing completed No! NA
Any Other

Electrical cable routed properly pY! No! NA
Cablo trays are fixed property CxC7 No! NA
Eartiting to motor provided No! NA
Earthing to equIpment provIded Yes! N3LNC
Ozi/Off push button location proper xeTN0! NA
Push button Guard providad Yes! Noapinr—
Sight Glass Lamp provide -. Yos!Notfl%
Any Other —— — — — ——

NPT/SOP/PER/012/FOi Roy No.00 EfI2ciivo dub (WI 1/20(7 Page I 0(2

I N 55 R U M E N T AT 10 N

Correct type & range PG installed Ypdl&! NA I ltDtSt4t_ 1 W.

Correct type & range TO Installed Ye,) No)p4”j
Pressure switch Installed Yes! No I
Temperature switch Installed Yes! Not NA— -

Level transmitter/switch installed Yes! No / Nt..—’

Safety valves/Rupture discs lnstaiied Yes! No! NA_ —

Fire arrester Installed at required location Yes! No! NA . —-

Any other


Equipment cleaned internally & externally ‘) No! NA

inlet line cieanod is5fNo)
Outiet lIne cleaned #No! NA j
Other associated pipeline, cleaned No / NA
Surrounding areas cieaned e?No! NA
Required Grade & quantity of oil in Gearbox Ye,) Not NA
Rare Grade & qnty of oil In Timing gearbox Yost No / NA
Oil level visibie in sight glass Yea! No / NA
Required grade greasing applied to bearin9 Yes / No) NA
Seal pot filied with desired liquid Yes / No! NA
Any Other


# Desc,!pt/on offob Tarat Remarks

The eqIsipmLnt Is instailed to satisfaction and I cltarod for running trIal Yes! No

Name Data i3IG I Zcn signa1ur

A A45j0P
IeckrF’ (jtfC/aat3
KAL/ttJ Gb%

NPT/SOPA-ER/012/FO1 Rev Ni 00 ElfcctiO dale iS/i i’2017 Pace 2 of 2

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