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Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to 11.2.0.

1 ) on HP-UNIX

1 Download Medias. /install/ORA_11G ….sapbl001 sapbl008

2 Extract software as per installation guide to /oracle/stage/112_64

su – ora<sid>
umask 022 –make sure you do this prior to running any upgrade activities
mkdir /oracle/stage/112_64
mkdir /oracle/SID/112_64
cd /oracle/stage/112_64
SAPCAR –xvf /install/ORA_11G/OR111264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf /install/ORA_11G/OR211264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf /install/ORA_11G/ OR311264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf /install/ORA_11G/ OR411264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf /install/ORA_11G/ OR511264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf /install/ORA_11G/ OR611264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf /install/ORA_11G/OR711264.SAR

3 Run brarchive and full OFFLINE backup

Run brarchive via brtools
Shutdown SAP/Oracle
Run brbackup OFFLINE via brtools

4 Follow the installation guide and this document. Install guide steps are in this document , but
please use both.

5 Make sure /oracle is r/w for ora<sid>

drwxr-xr-x 8 orage1 dba 8192 May 14 2010 oracle

6 Check /oracle/SID for freespace – ORA 11 needs at least 8gb of freespace in /oracle/SID

7 Check that /var/opt/oracle has right inventory_loc

sapbl001:orage1 5> cd /var/opt/oracle
sapbl001:orage1 6> pwd
sapbl001:orage1 7> ls -altr
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 96 Feb 9 2009 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 50 Feb 9 2009 oraInst.loc
dr-xr-xr-x 38 bin bin 8192 Jan 24 13:27 ..
sapbl001:orage1 9> cat oraInst.loc

8 As root user - increase/adjust all the kernel parameters as recommended

Set the following Unix parameters; from Guide
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
kctune maxssiz=134217728

kctune ncsize=35840

kctune ninode=34816

kctune nfile=126976

kctune maxfiles_lim=63488
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
** I also looked at all parms execute as root kcweb –F

Select – T - Tunables

Check values as per page 2-16 of Oracle Installation Guide

ksi_alloc_max = 33600 no change needed
executable_stack = 0 no change needed
max_thread_proc = 3000 no change needed
maxdsiz = 2147483648 no change needed
maxdsiz_64bit = 17179869184 no change needed
maxssiz = 134217728 – changed via kctune earlier
maxssiz_64bit = 1073741824 no change needed
maxuprc = 4096 no change needed
msgmni = 4096 no change needed
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
msgtql = 4096 no change needed
ncsize = 35840 – changed via kctune earlier
nfile = 126976 – changed via kctune earlier
nflocks = 8192 no change needed
ninode = 34816 – changed via kctune earlier
nkthread = 10000 no change needed
nproc = 4200 no change needed
semmni = 8192 no change needed
semmns = 16834 no change needed
semmnu = 4092 no change needed
semvmx = 32767 no change needed
shmmax = 25769803776 no change needed
shmmni = 4096 Change required m for modify
shmseg = 512 Change required m for modify
vps_ceiling = 64 Change required m for modify

9 Check the prerequisites as shown below using VNC session.

As orasid user
cd /oracle/stage/112_64/database
./runInstaller –executeSysPrereqs
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
As ora<sid> start VNC session , will need it next

./runInstaller –executePrereqs

OS patch 37042 will show FAILED

Check ignore box
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX


**** GE1 did NOT receive this error ****

Click OK and review the error.

In order to fix this error, you need to install HP-UX Patch PHCO_40381. Ask UNIX admin to install this

Once it is installed, it should look like the following.

**** GE1 did NOT receive this error ****

sapbl017:/>swlist | grep 40381

PHCO_40381 1.0 diskowner(1M) cumulative patch

As part of the patch bundle installation the server will be rebooted which will also activate the kernel
parameters amended above.

10 Re-execute the above ./runInstaller –executePrereqs

**** GE1 did NOT receive this error ****

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

11 Check old ENV parameters are not set and set new Oracle ENV parameters

12 Set the PATH

echo $PATH > path2.txt – I had to edit path2.txt and then put in back in via the commands
below….make sure it looks as below when you are done.
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
13 Backup the oraInventory - as root in another putty session…don’t exit out of current orasid
session or you will loose all the ENV variables you just set

cd /var/opt/oracle
cp oraInst.loc oraInst.loc.GE1

14 Start the OUI to install the Oracle 11G software – as orasid in you vnc session with the new
ENV variables.

cd /oracle/stage/112_64/database/SAP


cd /oracle/stage/112_64/database/sap
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Provide email address

Click Next

Enable the Check Box and click Continue

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Click Next

Click Next

Click Next
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Next

Click Next
Check space in /oracle/GE1/112_64 – need 8gb free
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Change Database operator role to ‘OPER’

Click Next

Ignore the OS 37042 error

Click Next
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Finish – install will start

Notice the progress – started at 0934

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

GE1 received this error – can’t do this ahead of time as rdbms is not there yet
I found there is no demo directory in /oracle/GE1/112_64/rdbms
As orasid create demo directory and chmod 755
cd /oracle/GE1/112_64/rdbms
mkdir demo
chmod 755 demo
Click on RETRY

And it keeps going……

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Open another putty terminal as root and run /oracle/GE1/112_64/

After ./ has run

Click OK
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Close – ended at 1000am….takes about 40 min

15 Install the Current Patch Set as per SAP Note 1431799

(Not required as no patch set exists as yet).

16 Install OPatch as shown below as orasid 102_64 env

Copy new OPatch from .zip file into /oracle/SID/102_64/OPatch – MOPatch needs the OPatch levels
delivered with the .zip.
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Move the existing OPatch directory to a different name
sapbl001:orage1 4> cd /oracle/GE1/102_64
sapbl001:orage1 6> mv OPatch OPatch_PRE_SAP_112012_201010

17 Install MOPatch as shown below as per note 1027012.

List the contents first, then extract.

unzip -l /install/ORA_11G/
mopatch is already unzipped in /install/ORA_11g

If you need to above

18 Execute the patch bundle install in test mode using mopatch;

I issued from /install/ORA_11G..same results.

./ -v -d -s /install/ORA_11G/PATCH/
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

19 Once you have reviewed the file, proceed to install the patches.

sapbl001:orage1 41> ./ -v -s /install/ORA_11G/PATCH/

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
20 Create the symbolic link

ll libnn*.so
ln -s
ll ll libnn*.so

Install upgrade scripts as per note 1431793. (Download it and extract it to /oracle/GS0 )

21 Upgrade scripts are automatically installed when patch SAP_112012_201010 is installed.

The scripts are installed into the $ORACLE_HOME/sap/ora_upgrade directory.

22 Copy the listener, tnsnames and sqlnet files from the network/admin directory
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
23 Adjust the listener for ORACLE HOME as shown below.
(Change the ORACLE_HOME path from 102_64 to 112_64)

24 Also add the following entry to the listener.ora;

ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /oracle/<DBSID>/saptrace

25 Running the Pre-Upgrade Scripts

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Logon as orasid
(Ensure that the environment parameters are in use !)
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Gather statistics as recommended in the log above;

Run the pre_upgrade_checks.sql script;

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Run the pre_upgrade_tasks.sql script;

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

27 Increase AWR time as per recommendation.

Above commands :
SQL> select retention from dba_hist_wr_control;
where occupant_name = ‘SM/AWR’;
SQL> select sum(bytes)/(1024 * 1024) “SYSAUX Mbytes free” from dba_free_space where
tablespace_name = ‘SYSAUX’;

Results from GE0 and GE1 from above commands…no action was needed on either
GE0 – SPACE_USAGE = 79.75 Mbytes free = 18.25
GE1 - SPACE_USAGE = 105.4375 Mbytes free = 11.625

Free space on SYSAUX looks low here compared to the check results earlier (3.8MB versus 217MB free
space required) so extended SYSAUX to meet the requirement.
I did not extend SYSAUX on GE0 nor GE1…ran OK
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Commands for above

SQL> select retention from dba_hist_wr_control;
SQL> begin dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings (retention => 60*24 &&NUM_DAYS);
2 end;

Commands from above to check if retention was changes successfully

SQL> select retention from dba_hist_wr_control; should return yout 42 days

28 Implement the Note 1417124. – not applicable if on SP8,,,note is in SP6

29 Arrange full backup including offline redo log files.

30 Shutdown the database and the Oracle listener

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
31 Update the environment parameters and PATH;

*** If you set all these before you launch vncserver , you will need to set again in *** vncserver
orasid session…the ENV variables DO NOT transfer to the vnc session ***

The PATH environment variable must contain the ‘ora_upgrade’ path;

32 Start the database upgrade utility

cd /oracle/SID/112_64/sap/ora_upgrade/post_upgrade
Compatible option gives error. So try without them.
I did not use –compatible on GE0 nor GE1 , no problem….Eric.
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Next
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click No

Run the following.

This was also run during for GE1 I skipped it and answered Yes to continue.
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Yes
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Next

Click Next
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Next

Click Next
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Finish
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click OK.

Click OK.
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click OK.
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

Click Close.

Post-Upgrade steps.

1. Update the environment files for ORACLE_HOME and PATH and SHLIB
(.dbenv_sapbl014.csh… .dbenv.csh
2. Check the DB version.

SQL> select comp_id, version, status from dba_registry;

3. Update new BR Tools 7.10 Ver 33.
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

4. Run

5. Run sapdba_role.sql

6. Update the SAPDBA role for both the ABAP and Java schema IDs;
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
7. Set the database compatibility as shown;

8. Update STATS as shown below. – system_stats oradict_stats ann collect all

Make sure you use 7.10/33 brtools…so install them now…install in both /sapmnt/SID/exe
ABAP and JAVA stack and run ./ SID for each.
*** I had an issue where brtools would call up Java SID brconnect 7.00.36 version
Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

And also ;

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
9. Backup the DB…GE1 = almost 5 hours

10. Start the listener

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX
11. Check that it is possible to remote connect to the database through the listener;
(format: sqlplus SAP<SCHEMA_ID>/pwd@SID)

12. Rename the old oracle bin.

13. Check the Read authorization of the gs0adm user for ORACLE_HOME.

14. BEFORE STARTSAP IS ATTEMPTED - Update the sidadm environment to reflect the new
Oracle home.
(.dbenv_sapbl014.csh… .dbenv.csh

15. Check R3trans –d to verify if this connects successfully.

16. Update and copy SQL*Net files to the TNS_ADMIN directory.

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

17. ORACLE 11.2.0 requires Oracle instantclient

Install the client and redo the link in /oracle/client/10x64

18. Start SAP and do the health check.

19. Check the SAP Profile parameters;

Check AL11 DIR_ORAHOME is substituted to the correct value

Set DIR_CLIENT_ORAHOME in the instance profile to the correct value
Check DIR_SERVER_HOME in the default profile is substituted to the correct value

20. System > Status – will be

21. Check SM21, SICK, ST22, ST11 (dev_w0)

22. Exec DB02 and click REFRESH button , a DBA refresh job will start
Wait for job to end before going to 23

23. Issue stopsap as sidadm – make sure sidadm can stop dbase and R3

24. Issue startsap as sidadm – make sure sidadm can start dbase and R3

25. Exec SGEN – make take quite a few hours

26. Turn archiving ON after SGEN completes

27. Create needed link for db13 jobs to run successfully and using brtools
As Root
umask 022
cd /usr/lib/hpux64
ln –s /oracle/client/10x64/instantclient/ /usr/lib/hpux64/

Document prepared By:-

Oracle 11g Upgrade – ( to ) on HP-UNIX

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