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Pinnacle Day 43 Confusing Words

6. adverse ( ितकूल ) /averse (अिन ु क) 12. all together/altogether (कुल

Confusing Words िमलाकर )
Adverse means "unfavorable, hostile": All together is applied to people or things
•A• ● Those driving in adverse winter that are being treated as a whole:
conditions may be putting ● We always had fun when we
1. a lot (ब त) /allot (आवंिटत) themselves at risk. were all together.
A lot is two words meaning "much": Averse means "unwilling or repelled": Altogether is an adverb that means
● A lot of food was left after the ● She was averse to the idea of "completely or totally":
party. getting married at 18. ● You are altogether wrong.
Allot means to give something to
someone. 7. advice (सलाह ) /advise ( सलाह दे ना ) 13. all ways( सभी कार से ) /always (
● He was allotted a house in हमेशा )
Sector 13 by the government. Advice is a noun meaning "an opinion All ways mean "by every means or
given to help": method":
2. a while (कुछ समय) /awhile ● My mother still gives me advice ● He tried all ways to trick the
A while is two words meaning "a short even though I'm 30 years old. police but failed.
period ": Advise is a verb meaning "to give counsel Always means "forever":
● I will meet you in a while. or advice": ● My father, being a mature man,
A while means for a short time. ● The meteorologist advised always responds calmly during
● Stand here for a while. listeners to stay indoors emergencies.
because of the extremely cold
3. accede ( मान लेना) / exceed (से अिधक) temperatures. 14. allude ( अ प से सुझाव दे ना )
Accede means "to agree or allow": /elude ( भाग जाना )
● The principal finally acceded to 8. auger( छे द करने वाला उपकरण ) /augur Allude means "to suggest indirectly":
accept the demands of its staff. ( भिव वाणी करना ) ● For the dedicated searchers,
An auger is a tool used for digging holes: there are clues hidden in the
Exceed means "to go beyond, to ● It contains a very powerful forest which allude to the
surpass": auger to crush snow. treasure’s location.
● The amount of alcohol in his Augur means "to predict, forecast": Elude means "to dodge or escape":
blood exceeded the level ● These signs augur bad news. ● He tried to elude the police but
allowed. finally, he was caught.
9. aid ( सहायता ) /aide ( सहायता करने
4. accept ( ीकार करना ) /except ( के वाला ) 15. allusion ( संकेत ) /illusion ( म)
अलावा ) /expect ( उ ीद करना ) Aid is help or assistance given:
Accept means "to take willingly": ● Every Christmas the community An allusion is a subtle reference or hint:
● He accepted the proposal. gives aid to those less ● The author’s new book contains
Except is a preposition meaning fortunate. an allusion to mythological
"excluding": An aide is a person who helps: gods.
● Everyone was disappointed with ● The nurse worked for five years An illusion is a deception, mirage, or a
the party except Rajiv. as a doctor’s aide. wild idea:
Expect means to “look forward to ● If you think you can get a job by
something”: 10. airs ( कृि म वहार ) /heirs ( वंशज ) studying for two hours daily you
● We expect the chief guest to be Airs refer to snobbish and artificial are under an illusion.
here any moment. behavior.
● She has developed airs from the 16. almost ( लगभग ) /most ( अिधकतर )
5. adapt ( अनुकूिलत होना ) /adept time she has gone to Delhi. Almost means "nearly all"( करीब करीब):
(कुशल) /adopt ( गोद लेना/ ीकार करना ) Heirs are people who, because they are ● Almost all my friends have
family, will inherit an estate or title. graduated from college by now.
Adapt means "to adjust": ● As she had no heirs she Most is superlative of more, meaning
● The hostellers quickly adapted donated all her property. "the greatest or to the highest degree":
themselves to the new ● My son is the most brilliant boy I
atmosphere away from their 11. all right/alright ( ठीक है ) know.
homes. All right is a phrase meaning "everything
Adept means "skilled": is right": 17. aloud ( ऊँची आवाज़ ) /Allowed (
● The guide is adept at speaking ● My answers were all right? अनुमित दी ) Aloud means
many languages fluently. Alright is a single word meaning "OK": "speaking so that someone else can hear
Adopt means to "accept as your own": ● Is everything alright here? you":
● The actress wanted to adopt a ● The teacher told him to read the
child after the earthquake. paragraph aloud.

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