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Topic about: Piaget Cognitive Development Theory

Direction. Read the lectures, copy the questions and answer the following items in your

_________1.A Swiss psychologist who created and studied an account of how children and
youth gradually become able to think logically and scientifically and later the cognitive stage

_________2. Cognition developed through distinct stages from birth through the end of
adolescence. What does he meant by “stages”?

_________3. This stage is defined as the period when infants “think” by means of their senses
and motor actions.

_________4. The last of the Piagetian stages, where the child be able to reason not only about
tangible objects and events, but also about hypothetical or abstract ones.

_________5.The stage where children use their new ability to represent objects in a wide
variety of activities, but they do not yet do it in ways that are organized or fully logical.

6. What is object permanence?

7. Piaget's theory, "operations" refer to?

8.What is the meaning of the word cognitive?

9-10.How does Piaget's cognitive theory impact child development?

11-15.How is Piaget's theory of cognitive development used in the classroom?

16.True or False.Piaget divided cognitive growth and development into fixed stages.Explain
your answer if false.

17.True or False. The Sensorimotor Stage consists of approximately ages 2- 7 years old.
Explain your answer if false.

18.True or False.An example of the Preoperational Stage is putting a puzzle together.Explain

your answer if false.

19.Cindy understands her world primarily by grasping and sucking easily available objects.
Cindy is clearly in Piaget's ________ stage.

20. In which of the following stages will children learn the concept of conservation?

a. preoperational. b. concrete operational. c.sensorimotor. d.formal operational

Topic about: Erik Erikson Psychosocial Theory

Direction. Read the lectures, copy the questions and answer the following items in your

1. During which stage of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development do

individuals experience a conflict between intimacy and isolation?

a. Industry vs. Inferiority

b. Trust vs. Mistrust

c. Intimacy vs. Isolation

d. Identity vs. Role Confusion

2. Which of the following is a key aspect of Erik Erikson's stage of 'Generativity vs.

a. Navigating intimate relationships

b. Developing a sense of trust

c. Establishing a strong identity

d. Contributing to society and future generations

3. Which stage in Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs during early

a. Trust vs. Mistrust

b. Initiative vs. Guilt

c. Identity vs. Role Confusion

d. Intimacy vs. Isolation

4. Which stage in Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs during


a. Trust vs. Mistrust

b. Initiative vs. Guilt

c. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

d. Identity vs. Role Confusion

5. In Erik Erikson's stages of development, which stage occurs during infancy?

a. Identity vs. Role Confusion

b. Initiative vs. Guilt

c. Trust vs. Mistrust

d. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

6. Which of the following is NOT one of Erik Erikson's stages of development?

a. Industry vs. Inferiority

b. Immediacy vs. Integrity

c. Intimacy vs. Isolation

d. Generativity vs. Stagnation

7. What is the main outcome of successfully completing the first stage of psychosocial

a. Fidelity

b. Hope

c. Purpose

d. Confidence

8. What is the essential theme of the second stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial

a. Exploration

b. Feeding

c. Toilet Training

d. School

9. What is the main outcome of successfully completing the third stage of psychosocial

a. Competence b. Will c. Fidelity d. Love

10. During which stage of psychosocial development do children develop a sense of

a. Infancy

b. Early Childhood

c. Preschool

d. School Age

11. What is the main outcome of successfully completing the final stage of psychosocial

a. Love

b. Care

c. Wisdom

d. integrity

12. According to Erikson's theory, what is the main difference between his theory and
Freud's theory?

a. Erikson's theory focuses on psychosocial development while Freud's theory

focuses on psychosexual development.

b. Erikson's theory focuses on early childhood development while Freud's theory

focuses on adolescence.

c. Erikson's theory is based on social interaction while Freud's theory is based on

individual experiences.

d. none of the above

13. What is the epigenetic principle in Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

a. The principle that personality develops in a sequence that occurs over time and in
the context of a larger community.

b. The principle that personality is determined by individual experiences.

c. The principle that personality is determined by genetics.

d. both b and c

14. What is the main focus of each stage in Erikson's theory of psychosocial
a. Developing competence in an area of life.

b. Developing psychological qualities.

c. Developing a strong sense of self.

d. none of the above

15. According to Erikson's theory, what happens if a person fails to deal effectively with
the conflicts in a particular stage of development?

a. They will develop a strong sense of self.

b. They will develop a sense of mastery in that aspect of development.

c. They may not develop the essential skills needed for a strong sense of self.

d. a and c only

Provide the complete answer to the following questions below.

16. Who is Erik Erikson?

17. In Erikson theory, each stage we experienced conflict that serves as a turning point
in development. What are the conflict during each stage of psychosocial development?

18. In Erikson's theory, what is the potential outcome if a person successfully deals with
the conflict in a particular stage of development?

19.-20. How do Erik Erikson’s theory differ from Piaget?

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