Reflection Essay 3 1

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Gonzalez 1

Delilah Gonzalez

Mr. Powers

English 1302

20 November 2023

Reflection essay 3

What I have learned about academic research in this third writing assignment is that there

is multiple argument structure when writing. One example other than the classical argument

structure is the Rogerian argument, where we first have the introduction, context, where you

describe the different contexts in which each opinion would be valid and acknowledge one

another, and lastly, the Writer's position, where you state your opinion and benefits to the

opposition and explain why your opinion makes the opponent better off accepting. The Rogerian

argument is that it's all about hearing out other people's perspectives and then, in the end, making

other people acknowledge your opinion. Another example, other than the Rogerian argument, is

the Toulon argument, where first, be direct about your claim. Qualifiers come in second, which is

the evidence and reasons; Third comes the warrant, which is why people should listen; and

fourth comes the backing, where you're backing your warrant. In the Toulon argument, you are

more direct in your claim.

The research position paper will help me apply to my other courses, like political courses,

where we have to argue our point, and it can not be a counterargument. For example, some

strategies for supporting an argument that can't be a counterargument are cause/effect,

classification, definition, examples, analogy, description, and many more.

I learned while writing the research analysis essay that I used to write the researched

position essay that because I wrote most of the information I needed in the research analysis
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essay, I just needed to transfer some of the information to the researched position essay. Still, this

time, make it better. For example, there was information that I kept and some I didn't in the

paragraph called "Conflicts in Alaska State" in the position research essay. In the research

analysis essay about the conflict in Alaska State, I only talked about how the other Alaskan

Native groups were concerned with the pipelines because of their health; however, not only were

they concerned with their health, but also the environment. I remembered that I needed to add a

specific example regarding the environment they were concerned about. In the research position

essay, I was clear about why they were concerned with their health and added another specific

example of why they were concerned about the environment. Creating a researched position

essay will help me through my research, writing, and future and future writing tasks. The study

helped me look for more things that can be discussed or important for more context through the

audience. For example, like the willow project background, I added more context about the

project's past, which is ultimately important because the reader always needs more context when

it's something new to them. Through the writing, I have learned multiple things, like how to

make a more exciting introduction where I added more detail about why the people support the

Willow project in the first place. I would say that the researched position essay will help me in

my writing skills in the future because not only will I know how to convince people of what I

believe, but citations, which will make people believe me more because the citations are what

help people make it easy for other people to believe them.

Receiving feedback from my instructor on my research analysis paper was helpful

because I got to not make the same mistake again in my research position paper through

grammar and writing. One of the examples in grammar that I changed based on my instructor's

feedback is making sure that the in-text citation should go before the punctuation at the end of a
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sentence or subordinate clause. Another example of grammar is run-on sentences. For the writing

part, according to my instructor, some corrections need to be edited for clarity, and all citations

need to include page numbers in MLA guidelines.

The feedback from my peers was helpful because it helped me catch the mistakes that I

needed to see. One example that I changed in my research position essay, according to Alan

Canale, is that when it comes to in-text citations, I don't have to write the author's last name

again when it was already mentioned before. Another example that I changed in my research

position essay was, according to Lvonne Lomeli, that I should add sub-topic titles in each of my

paragraphs, which was neat so that it can give a clue of what will be about to the audience.

The most challenging aspect of this writing assignment is in-text citation; the least

challenging part is knowing what to discuss next.

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