Listening Morning A - Gifa

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Name: Gifa Bunga Mahery

Class: Morning A
Pre-Advanced Listening

1. A: Can you take a shoot of this? 8. A: Do you know when you're going
B: Yes, I can. There’s still a little to be ready to leave?
film left in the camera. B: I hope we can go a bit later in the
evening. I'd like to get a little rest
2. A: would you like to stop in here for before we go out.
a few minutes? For a snack or a
B: That sounds like a good idea. I 9. A: That musical production was truly
certainly am thirsty. magnificent.
B: I'll say.

3. A: I'm going to stop in at the shop

and get a couple of magazines to 10. A: the results have been confirmed
read but the plane is taking off soon. by several independent researchers.
What does the woman mean? B: Then they must be accurate.

4. A: Do you get too many of the 11. A: How did Anna react to the
University's football games? situation?
B: Only rarely B: She couldn't have been more
How did Anna feel about the
5. A: Have you met the new neighbors situation?
B: No, I haven't. Why don't we go
call on them? 12. A: Has the lawyer received the letter
6. A: Do you think of this accounting B: The letter was delivered to the
report? lawyer's office by Courier just this
B: It doesn't seem to have been done morning.
very carefully.
What does the man imply about the
report? 13. A: Do you think you'll be able to
find someone else to head this
7. A: Will dr. Burton be the speaker at committee?
tonights? B: No problem. You're off the hook.
B: conference as far as I know.
What can be inferred about the man?
Name: Gifa Bunga Mahery
Class: Morning A
Pre-Advanced Listening

14. A: Doesn't Kathy have to work What does the woman suggest?
B: Luckily, she was able to persuade 21. A: The fee for this course is $100.
her roommate to take her shift. What How can a fee be $100?
does the man say about Kathy? B: It wasn't that much last semester.

15. A: Can I have an ashtray? Please. 22. A: Tom's not at home. Now he's at
B: Oh smoking isn't permitted here? work at the architectural firm,
You'll have to extinguish your B: Then he did get the job.
What does the woman ask the man to 23. A: How serious was the accident? B:
do with the cigarette? Well, the motorcycle rider was taken
to the hospital in an ambulance.
16. A: I'm going to work really hard this
year and see if I can graduate in 24. A: Do you prefer to work on this
June. assignment alone or together?
B: It doesn't sound easy but I don't B: In this case, I think that two heads
think it's an unreachable goal. are better than one. What does the
man mean?

17. A: Were you able to get a new 25. A: Can you finish this project within
computer? the next two hours?
B: The computers hadn't gone on B: What you're asking for is not
sale that I just couldn't afford to buy impossible.
one. What does the woman imply?
26. A: What did you think of the new art
18. A: Can you tell me about any gallery?
previous office experience you have? B: I couldn't have been more
B: I've worked as a receptionist in a impressed.
doctor's office for a year and a half.
27. A: Did you spend very much time on
19. A: Did you enjoy the theater this assignment?
performance last night? B: Only rarely have I put so much
B: It wasn't all I had hoped for. time into an assignment.

20. A: It's an awfully long, walk home 28. A: I can't believe it actually snowed
and I'm more than a little tired. Let's here. We rarely get snow this far
take the bus instead of walking, then south. I wish it had been a little
you'll be able to get home quickly colder.
and get some sleep.
Name: Gifa Bunga Mahery
Class: Morning A
Pre-Advanced Listening

B: Then the snow might have stuck

around longer.

29. A: I've got to get over to the

chemistry lab. There are only a
couple more hours until the lab
closes and I still got a lot more to do.
B: So you haven't finished the lab
assignment yet.

30. A: I didn't realize before how tall this

building is, there can't be too many
more flights of stairs to go. If only
the elevator hadn't been broken.
B: then we wouldn't have had to
climb all of those stairs. What does
the woman imply?

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