Conjuctions and Preprositions

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14주 Conjunctions and Prepositions

접속사 – (Conjunctions) + S + V
전치사 – (Prepositions) + N(P) / ~ ING

Conjunctions: Although / though / even though
Prepositions: in spite of / despite

<A> Last year Josh and Sarah spent their vacation at the beach.
It rained a lot, but they had a good time.

You can say:

Although it rained a lot, they had a good time.
(=It rained a lot, but they …) or
In spite of/Despite the rain, they had a good time.
<B~D> Compare!
(1) between although and because
We went out although it was raining heavily.
We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily.

(2) between in spite of and because of

We went out in spite of (=despite) the rain.
We didn’t go out because of the rain.

(3) between although and in spite of / despite

Although the traffic was bad, we arrived on time.
In spite of the traffic, we arrived on time.

I couldn’t sleep although I was very tired.

I couldn’t sleep despite being very tired.
In case vs In case of
• Your car should have a spare tire in case you have a flat tire.
• In case something happens = because it is possible it will happen.

<Some more examples>

Should I draw a map for you in case you have a problem finding our house?
I’ll remind them about the meeting in case they’ve forgotten.

<Just in case> - for a smaller possibility

I don’t think it will rain, but I’ll take an umbrella just in case.
(= just in case it rains)

In case ≠ if
In case (만일의 경우를 대비하여)
We’ll buy some more food in case Tom comes.
(=Maybe Tom will come; we’ll buy some more food now,
whether he comes or not. Then we’ll already have the food if he comes.)

If (~한다면)
We’ll buy some more food if Tom comes.
(=Maybe Tom will come; if he comes, we’ll buy some more food.
If he doesn’t come, we won’t buy any more food.)
Unless / As long as / Provided (= providing)

<A> Unless
The club is for members only.
You can’t go in unless you are a member. You can go in only if you are a member.
= except if
Some more examples:
I’ll see you tomorrow unless I have to work late. (=except if)
“Should I tell Jessica what happened?” “Not unless she asks you.” (=only if she asks
cf. Unless we leave now, we’ll be late. or If we don’t leave now, we’ll …
<B> As long as, etc.
As long as or so long as = if / on condition that
Provided (that)

You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast.
(=You can borrow my car, but you must promise not to drive too fast – this is a condition)
• Provided (that) the room is clean, I don’t care which hotel we stay at.
(=The room must be clean, but otherwise I don’t care.)

<C> For the future, do not use will after unless / as long as / so long as / provided.
Use a present tense.
Provided the weather is good, we’re going to have a picnic tomorrow.
As(=at the same time) and as(==because)

<A> As = at the same time as

1. We all waved good-bye to Liz as she drove away.
As I walked along the street, I looked in the store windows.

2. Kate slipped as she was getting off the bus.

We met Paul as we were leaving the hotel. (in the middle of doing sth else)

3. Just as (= exactly at that moment):

Just as I sat down, the doorbell rang.

4. As the day went on, the weather got worse. (when two things happen together
I began to enjoy the job more as I got used to it. in a longer period of time)

<B> As = because
As it was a national holiday last Thursday, all the banks were closed.(= Since it was ~ /Because it was~)
As I was hungry, I decided to find somewhere to eat. (=Because I was hungry)

* Compare as with when:

• David wasn’t in the office as he was on a business trip.
(= because~)
• David lost his passport when he was on a business trip. (=during the time he was away)
Like and as

<A> 전치사 Like = “similar to,” “the same as.” (X As)

What a beautiful house! It’s like a palace.
It’s raining again. I hate weather like this.

“Like sb/sth doing sth”:

“What’s that noise?” “It sounds like a baby crying.”

Like = for example:

I enjoy water sports, like surfing, scuba diving, and water-skiing.
(=such as)

<B> As=in the same way as, or in the same condition as (+ S + V)

Like – possible in informal spoken English

I didn’t move anything. I left everything as it was.

= like (informal)
You should have done it as I showed you.(=the way I showed you)
cf. You should have done it like this. (not as this)

* As usual / as always:
You’re late as usual. As always, Nick was the first to complain.
Like and as

<C> AS + S + V (mostly after do):

You can do as you like. (=do what you like)

As you know / as I said / as she expected / as I thought etc.

Like – not usual except with say (like I said):

As I said yesterday, I’m sure we can solve the problem. or Like I said yesterday…

<D> 전치사 AS [~로(서)] (의미가 like [~처럼] 와 다름)

• Brenda Casey is the manager of a company. As the manager, she has to make many
important decisions. (= in her position as the manager)

• Mary Stone is the assistant manager. Like the manager (Brenda Casey), she also has to make
important decisions. (=similar to the manager)

• Many years ago I worked as a photographer.

• New York is fine as a place to visit, but I wouldn’t like to live there.
Like / as if / as though

<A> Like to say how sb or sth looks / sounds / feels – more common
look like / sound like / feel like
As if / as though 도 비슷한 의미

That house looks as if it’s going to fall down.

I don’t feel as though I just had a vacation.

• Compare:
You look tired. (look + adjective)
You look like /as if you didn’t sleep last night. (look like / as if + S + V)

<B~C> It looks like… / It sounds like…

It looks as if /as though…

* 다른 동사와도 사용 가능: run like.. / go on talking as if…/ look at me as though…

<D> As if + 과거동사 (현재 의미로) – not real 가상의 의미

I don’t like him. He talks as if he knew everything.
=He does not know everything. 가정법 과거 (현재 반대의미)와 비슷

* 가정법 과거완료처럼 had p.p. (과거 사실에 반대)가 오기도 함

For / during / while

<A> For & During

For + a period of time: for two hours for a week for ages
Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for ages.

During + noun: during the movie during our vacation during the night
We met some really nice people during our vacation.

* With “time words” (ex. The morning / the afternoon / the summer), you can usually say in or during:
In the night / during the night
In the afternoon / during the afternoon

* Compare during and for:

I fell asleep during the movie. I was asleep for half an hour.

<B> During & While

During + Noun: Robert suddenly began to feel sick during the exam.
While + S + V: Robert suddenly began to feel sick while he was taking the exam.

• while + 현재동사 (미래 의미의 경우)

I’ll be in Toronto next week. I hope to see Tom while I’m there.
(not while I will be there)
By and until / By the time…

<A> By (+ a time ) = no later than (~까지, 완료의 의미):

I sent the letter to them today, so they should receive it by Monday.
(=on or before Monday, no later than Monday)

We’d better hurry. We have to be home by 5:00. (=at or before 5:00, no later than 5:00)
<B> until (or till) – how long a situation continues (~까지, 계속의 의미):
“Shall we go now?” “No, let’s wait until (or till) it stops raining.”

• Compare until and by:

1. Sth continues until a time in the future:
Fred will be away until Monday.(so he’ll be back on Monday)

2. Sth happens by a time in the future:

Fred will be back by Monday.(=he’ll be back no later than Monday)

<C> By the time sth happens: It’s too late to go to the bank now.
By the time we get there, it will be closed.
By the time sth happened: Karen’s car broke down on the way to the party last night.
By the time she arrived, most of the other guests had left.
By then / by the time: Karen finally arrived at the party at midnight,
but by then, most of the guests had left.
Exercises [교재 p. 221, p. 223]
I. Complete the sentences with although / in spite of / because / because of.
1. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.
2. a) ___________ all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
b) ___________ we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
3. a) Chris only accepted the job _____________ the salary, which was very high.
b) Sam accepted the job ____________ the salary, which was fairly low.

II. What do you say in these situations? Use in case.

1. It’s possible that Jane will need to contact you, so you give her your phone number.
You say: I’ll give you my phone number _in case you need to contact me._
2. A friend of yours is going away for a long time. Maybe you won’t see her again before she goes, so you
decide to say good-bye now.
You say: I’ll say good-bye now _____________________________

III. Put in in case or if.

1. I’ll draw a map for you _in case_ you have a problem finding our house.
2. You should tell the police _____ you have any information about the crime.
3. Write your name and address on your bag _________ you lose it.
Exercises [교재 p.225, p.227]
I. Write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use unless in your sentence.
1. You must try a little harder, or you won’t pass the exam. -> You won’t pass the exam unless you try a little harder.
2. Listen carefully, or you won’t know what to do. -> You won’t know what to do __________________________.

II. Choose the correct word or expression for each sentence.

1. You can borrow my car unless / as long as you promise not to drive too fast.
2. I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless / providing it rains.
3. I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless / providing it doesn’t rain.
4. I don’t mind if you come home late unless / as long as you come in quietly.

III. What does as mean in these sentences? because at the same time as
1. As they live near me, I see them fairly often. _____√_____ __________________
2. Kate slipped as she was getting off the bus. ___________ _________________
3. As I was tired, I went to bed early. __________ _________________
4. Unfortunately, as I was parking the car, I hit the car behind me. ___________ _________________

IV. In some of these sentences, you need when (not as). Correct the sentences where necessary.
1. Julia got married as she was 22. when she was 22.
2. He dropped the glass as he was taking it out of the cabinet. _________________
3. As I finished high school, I went into the army. __________________
Exercises [교재 p.229, p.231]
I. Put in like or as. Sometimes either word is possible.
1. We heard a noise like a baby crying.
2. Don’t take my advice if you don’t want to. You can do _____ you like.
3. I wish I had a car ______ you.
4. The news that they were getting married came _____ a complete surprise to me.
5. _____ her father, Catherine has a very good voice.

II. Complete the sentences with as if. Choose from the box, putting the verbs in the correct form.

he / need / a good rest not / eat / for a week

he / mean / what he / say she / hurt / her leg

1. Josh looks very tired. He looks as if he needs a good rest.

2. I don’t think Paul was joking. He looked ______________________________.
3. Dan was extremely hungry and ate his dinner very quickly. He ate _______________________________.

III. Complete each sentence using as if.

1. Andy is a terrible driver. He drives as if he were the only driver on the road.
2. I’m 20 years old, so please don’t talk to me _____ I ______ a child.
Exercises [교재 p. 233, p.235]
I. Put in for or during.
1. It rained for three days without stopping.
2. I fell asleep _________ the movie.
3. Matt hasn’t lived in the United States all his life. He lived in Brazil ______ four years.
4. Production at the factory was seriously affected _______ the strike.

II. Put in during or while.

1. We met a lot of interesting people while we were on vacation.
2. We met a lot of interesting people ______ our vacation.
3. _______ I was on vacation, I didn’t use my phone at all.
4. _______ our stay in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries.

III. Put in by or until.

1. Steve has gone away. He’ll be away until Monday.
2. Sorry, but I have to go. I have to be home ______ 5:00.
3. I’ve been offered a job. I haven’t decided yet whether to accept it or not. I have to decide ____ Friday.
4. It’s too late to go shopping. The stores are open only ______ 5:30 today.
5. A: Have you finished redecorating your house?
B: Not yet. We hope to finish _____ the end of the week.

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