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11주 Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses (restrictive)
Relative Clauses (restrictive) -1: Clauses with who/that/which

<A> 선행사가 사람이고, 그 대명사가 주격일 때; who/that

Relative Clauses (restrictive) -1: Clauses with who/that/which

<B> 선행사가 사물이고, 그 대명사가 주격일 때; which/that

Where is the cheese? – it was in the refrigerator

-> Where is the cheese which/that was in the refrigerator?
(That is more common than which.)

<C> What = the thing(s) that

What happened was my fault. (= the thing that happened)

The machine that broke down is now working again.
Relative Clauses (restrictive) -2: Clauses with and without who/that/which

<B> 선행사가 사람이고, 그 대명사가 목적격일 때; who(m)/that/Φ

The woman who(m)/that/ Φ I wanted to see was away on vacation.

I wanted to see the woman

Have you found the keys which/that/Φ you lost?

you lost the key
Relative Clauses (restrictive) -2: Clauses with and without who/that/which

<C> Note the position of preposition (to/in/for, etc.) in relative clause:

Tom is talking to a woman - do you know her?

-> Do you know the woman who(m)/that/Φ Tom is talking to?

I slept in a bed last night – it wasn’t very comfortable

-> The bed which/that/Φ I slept in last night wasn’t very comfortable.

cf. The woman who(m)/that/Φ he fell in love with left him after a month.

The man who(m)/that/Φ I was sitting next to on the plane talked the whole time.

<D> What = the thing(s) that

Everything (that) they said was true.

What they said was true. (=the things that they said)
Relative Clauses (restrictive) -3: whose/whom/where

<A> Whose (mostly for people)

<B> Whom
Relative Clauses (restrictive) -3: whose/whom/where

<C> Where
the restaurant – we had lunch there – it was near the airport
-> The restaurant where we had lunch was near the airport.

* When Φ something happens or

the day/the year/the time, etc. that something happens or
when something happens
* Why
the reason Φ /that /why something happens
Exercises [교재 p. 181]

1. Make one sentence from two. Use who/that/which.

a. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.

The building that/which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.

b. Some people were arrested. They have now been released.

The __________________________________________________________________

2. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

a. We live in a world what is changing all the time. ____________________

b. Dan said some things about me that were not true. ____________________

c. What was the name of the horse it won the race? _____________________
Exercises [교재 p. 183]

1. In some of these sentences you need who or that. Correct the sentences
where necessary.

a. The people ______ work in the office are very nice. who/that
b. I like the people ______I work with. __________________
c. What happened to the money ______ was on the table? ______________________

2. What do you say in these situations?

Complete each sentence with a relative clause.

a. You invited some people to your party. Some of them couldn’t come.
You tell someone:
Some of the people _________________________________ couldn’t come.

b. Your friend had to do some work. You want to know if she has finished.
You say:
Have you finished the work _______________________________________________?
Exercises [교재 p. 185]

2. Complete each sentence using who/whom/whose/where.

a. A cemetery is a place ___________ people are buried.
b. A pacifist is a person _____________ believes that all wars are wrong.
c. An orphan is a child ____________ parents are dead.
d. What is the name of the hotel ____________ your parents are staying?

선행사가 사람이고, 그 대명사가 주격일 때; who/that
선행사가 사물이고, 그 대명사가 주격일 때; which/that
What = the thing(s) that

선행사가 사람이고, 그 대명사가 목적격일 때; who(m)/that/Φ
선행사가 사물이고, 그 대명사가 목적격일 때; which/that/Φ
The people with whom I work are very nice. (I work with them)

3 We saw some people whose car had broken down.

The restaurant where we had dinner was near the airport.
the day/the year/the time, etc.Φ /that/when something happens
the reason Φ /that /why something happens


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