ARW2 Midterm Exam Virtual 202205 Avanzado 11-19-30!21!00 PDF

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16/5/22, 20:52 ARW2 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202205 Avanzado 11 19:30-21:00

ARW2 - Midterm Exam

Due May 16 at 9pm Points 100 Questions 4
Available May 16 at 8pm - May 16 at 9pm about 1 hour Time Limit 50 Minutes


Dear student,

Next, you will be assessed on the contents of the course.

This written exam focuses on Reading Comprehension and Writing.

You will only have one opportunity to take the test.

You will have 50 minutes to complete the test.

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Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 49 minutes 50 out of 100 *

* Some questions not yet graded

 Correct answers are hidden.

Submitted May 16 at 8:51pm

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16/5/22, 20:52 ARW2 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202205 Avanzado 11 19:30-21:00

Section I-A: Reading Comprehension

To read for main ideas, details, and inference

Question 1 25 / 25 pts

Read the following text and use the information to answer the
questions below.

Animal Intelligence

1. Are animals intelligent? If they are, which animals are the most
intelligent? These are not easy questions to answer. No one is
quite sure what intelligence is. We often say that intelligence
means being able to solve problems Some animals seem able to
do this. For example, dogs and cats often find their way home
from long distances. To do this they have to use their
intelligence. Remembering and thinking are processes they have
to do. But many birds find their way over long distances, too.
They travel thousands of kilometers every year when they move
from cool to warmer countries. We are not thoroughly sure how
they do this but we are certain that they don’t use their
intelligence. They do not remember places and direction and
then make decisions. Actually, young birds are able to make
these journeys without help as soon as they can fly. They are
born with this ability. Certainly, this can't be classified as
intelligence. A much more accurate name is instinct.

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16/5/22, 20:52 ARW2 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202205 Avanzado 11 19:30-21:00

2. Often, we cannot be sure whether an animal is acting

intelligently or instinctively. When a dog hears a strange noise, it
barks. This is instinct. It cannot stop itself doing this. But
supposing a house is on fire and the dog barks outside its
master's bedroom until he wakes up. Is the dog using
intelligence? Is it solving the problem by waking its master or is it
simply barking instinctively because it is afraid? Often, we
cannot be sure. Many animals, however, can be taught to solve
problems, especially when they are given rewards. Rats have
been taught to press a lever to get food. Pigeons have been
taught to peck a disc for the same reason.
3. Even an octopus has been trained to know the difference
between a square and a rectangle! Animals in circuses have
been taught to do all sorts of tricks to amuse an audience. In all
these cases we may say that animals are using intelligence. It is
saying,” If I do this, I will get a reward. Therefore, I will do it.”
This may be thought of as a low kind of intelligence. Some
animals however, show a much higher kind of intelligence: they
solve problems without any help. Chimpanzees, of the ape
family, are much more intelligent than other animals. A
chimpanzee will use a stick as a tool to reach a banana outside
its cage. A chimpanzee once did something more intelligent. He
didn’t have a stick. He had 2 short tubes. Neither of the tubes
was long enough to reach the banana but one was wider than
the other. He jammed the narrow tube inside the wider tube and
in the way made one tube long enough to reach the banana. In
other words, he didn’t simply use a tool, which itself is intelligent:
he made a tool.


1. According to the text when birds move long distances ... They don’t
use their intelligence.

2. According to the text these animals use their memory to do what they
do. Dogs

3. In paragraph 1, THEY TRAVEL….,” they” refers to…

[ Select ]

4. According to the text, which one is FALSE?

[ Select ]
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16/5/22, 20:52 ARW2 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202205 Avanzado 11 19:30-21:00

5. According to the author, when pigeons are taught to peck a disc

means… [ Select ]

Answer 1:

They don’t use their intelligence.

Answer 2:


Answer 3:


Answer 4:

Dogs show intelligence when they bark at their owner if there is a fire.

Answer 5:

They do it because of what they will obtain.

Section I-B: Reading Comprehension

To recognize hedging language

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16/5/22, 20:52 ARW2 - Midterm Exam: Virtual 202205 Avanzado 11 19:30-21:00

Question 2 10 / 10 pts

Read the following text and use the information to answer the
questions below.

A. Finding a single measure of intelligence for species as different

as fish and elephants is extremely difficult. But one place to start is
by looking at how flexibly animals can solve problems or, in other
words, if they can learn more general rules and use these to solve
new problems. For example, if an animal usually uses a stone to
crack open a nut, but there are no stones around, will the animal
choose another heavy, hard object to crack open the nut? This
would suggest a more abstract understanding about the type of
object needed.

B. This type of flexible tool use may allow individuals to innovate

new and creative solutions to difficult problems. But even so, tool-
using species aren’t necessarily better at solving problems than
species that don’t use tools. Humans are clearly not the only
animals to use tools for a wide variety of purposes. And while tool
use may not always reflect the spark of a bright mind, it still provides
a fascinating glimpse into how different species interact with their


1. What hedging language do the authors use in A?

[ Select ]

2. Do the authors use this hedging language in B?

[ Select ]

Answer 1:

This would suggest a more abstract understanding.

Answer 2:
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Tool use may not always reflect the spark of a bright mind.

Section II: Skills for Writing

Restating the author's idea

Question 3 15 / 15 pts

Read each quote and the paraphrases below. Choose the best
paraphrase for each quotation.

1. Mario said, “I need to begin a

project to investigate animals’ skills.” [ Select ]

2. Roger said, “The advantage of

reward-based training method is that [ Select ]
animals will do what we want them
to do.”

The employee wrote he

3. The employee wrote in his blog,
wouldn’t have opportunities to
“Even if I got 100 on my exam, I
be promoted even if he
would not have chances to get
obtained 100 on the final

Answer 1:
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Mario explained that he needed to start an activity to research on

animals’ abilities.

Answer 2:

Roger said that a positive aspect of the reward-based training method is

that it makes animals perform actions we intent to try with them.

Answer 3:

The employee wrote he wouldn’t have opportunities to be promoted

even if he obtained 100 on the final evaluation.

Section III: Written Expression

Identifying and extracting main ideas from a text to write

a summary

Question 4 Not yet graded / 50 pts

Now, write a summary paragraph about the article in Section I.

Remember your summary must have a thesis or main idea. Do not
include many details or examples.

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Your Answer:

Animal Intelligence:

The author who wrote this text discusses cases which animals show
actions that can be determined as intelligence. To support this, we can
defined animal intelligence as the combination of skills and abilities that
allows they to live in adapt to their specific environments using
something with they born.

First, we have dogs and birds that have something in common, in the
case of dogs, they often find their way home from long distances, like
birds, many of them also find their way over great distances traveling
thousands of kilometers each year, when they need to move from cold
to warmer places. That shows that they have different abilities in
different things, it means that they do it by their own. Certainly this
cannot be classified as intelligence , this is named instinct.

However, many animals can be taught to solve problems, especially

when they received rewards, there is another similarity in what rats and
birds have learned. Rats have been peck a disk for the same reason.
But the amazing thing is the octopus, who has been trained to tell the
difference between figures. But it all this cases we cannot say that they
are using their intelligence.

In conclusion, animals posses abilities and other important thing that is

perception but that can't be called intelligence, they are only keeping
their instincts. They the sum of this abilities is what allows them tho
achieve this.

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