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Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I am excited to share with you a fascinating discovery in the world of science –
the remarkable ability of Ideonella sakaiensis to decompose plastic. In a time when the
global plastic crisis is reaching unprecedented levels, this bacterium offers a glimmer
of hope for a more sustainable future.

Ideonella sakaiensis, a recently discovered bacterium, has captivated scientists with its
unique talent for breaking down polyethylene terephthalate, or PET plastic. PET is
commonly used in the production of plastic bottles, packaging materials, and textiles.
The resilience of PET has made it a major contributor to the mounting plastic pollution
crisis, but Ideonella sakaiensis has emerged as a potential solution to this
environmental challenge.

This bacterium possesses enzymes, specifically PETase and MHETase, that work in
tandem to efficiently break down PET plastic into its basic building blocks. PETase
initiates the process by hydrolyzing PET into intermediate products, and MHETase
then further breaks down these intermediates into ethylene glycol and terephthalic
acid. These byproducts can then be used to create new PET or repurposed for other

What makes Ideonella sakaiensis so remarkable is its natural adaptation to feed on

plastic as a carbon source. This unique ability opens up new possibilities for waste
management and recycling strategies. Imagine a world where plastic waste, instead of
accumulating in landfills and oceans, could be harnessed as a resource by harnessing the
power of these microscopic decomposers.

As we grapple with the urgency of mitigating plastic pollution, the discovery of

Ideonella sakaiensis reminds us of the untapped potential within the microbial world.
While this bacterium alone may not solve the entire plastic crisis, it serves as an
inspiration for innovative solutions and a reminder that nature itself can offer answers
to some of our most pressing environmental challenges.

In conclusion, Ideonella sakaiensis offers a glimpse into the incredible complexity of

the natural world and the potential it holds for addressing the environmental issues we
face. By harnessing the power of this bacterium and further exploring the possibilities
within microbial ecosystems, we may find sustainable solutions to the plastic problem
that currently plagues our planet. As we continue to explore and understand the
intricacies of Ideonella sakaiensis, let us embrace the hope it brings for a future where
plastic waste is no longer a burden but a valuable resource in the cycle of life. Thank
Leonell Cassio - Chapter Two

Materials Breakdown: The bacterium, Ideonella sakaiensis, breaks down the plastic by
using two enzymes to hydrolyze PET and a primary reaction intermediate, eventually
yielding basic building blocks for growth. The species fully breaks down one of the most
common kinds of plastic called Polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This type of plastic is
often used to package bottled drinks. Link to Science Article.

1. Production of PETase: Ideonella sakaiensis produces an enzyme known as PETase. This

enzyme is crucial for initiating the breakdown of PET plastic. PET is a polymer composed of
repeating units of ethylene terephthalate, and PETase acts as a catalyst in breaking the
chemical bonds between these units.
2. Hydrolysis of PET: PETase catalyzes the hydrolysis of PET, converting it into intermediate
products. During hydrolysis, water molecules are added to the PET polymer, causing it to
break apart. This process results in the formation of smaller molecules.
3. MHETase: Another enzyme in Ideonella sakaiensis, called MHETase (mono(2-
hydroxyethyl) terephthalate hydrolase), plays a crucial role in further breaking down the
intermediate products. MHETase targets a specific intermediate, mono(2-hydroxyethyl)
terephthalate (MHET), and cleaves it into ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid.
4. Final Byproducts: The final products of Ideonella sakaiensis' plastic decomposition process
are ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. These byproducts are much simpler chemical
compounds compared to the original PET polymer.
5. Utilization of Byproducts: Ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid are valuable chemical
building blocks that can be utilized in various industrial processes. They can be used to create
new PET plastic through polymerization or repurposed for the synthesis of other materials.
This potential for recycling or repurposing the byproducts makes Ideonella sakaiensis'
plastic-degrading ability environmentally promising.
Using the recently reported IsPETase from Ideonella sakaiensis that decomposes PET under
ambient temperatures as a starting point, we adopted the GRAPE strategy to come up with a
DuraPETase (TM = 77 °C, raised by 31 °C) which showed 300-fold enhanced degradation
performance on semicrystalline PET films at 37 °C.

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